+AT_SETUP([ONEWAY multiple variables])
+dnl check that everything works ok when several different dependent variables are specified.
+dnl This of course does not mean that we're doing a multivariate analysis. It's just like
+dnl running several tests at once.
+[DATA LIST notable LIST /x * y * z * g *.
+begin data.
+1 1 0 10
+1 1 9 10
+9 1 2 10
+1 1 3 20
+1 1 8 20
+1 1 1 20
+1 1 2 20
+0 1 3 20
+1 1 4 30
+0 1 5 30
+1 1 6 30
+0 1 7 30
+1 2 8 30
+2 2 9 30
+1 2 1 30
+1 2 0 30
+1 2 2 40
+8 2 3 40
+1 2 4 40
+1 2 9 40
+9 2 8 40
+7 3 7 40
+2 3 6 40
+3 3 5 40
+end data.
+ONEWAY x y z by g
+ /CONTRAST 3 2 0 -5
+ /CONTRAST 2 -9 7 0
+ .
+AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv multivar.sps], [0],
+[Table: Descriptives
+,,,,,,95% Confidence Interval for Mean,,,
+,,N,Mean,Std. Deviation,Std. Error,Lower Bound,Upper Bound,Minimum,Maximum
+Table: Test of Homogeneity of Variances
+,Levene Statistic,df1,df2,Significance
+Table: ANOVA
+,,Sum of Squares,df,Mean Square,F,Significance
+x,Between Groups,56.16,3,18.72,2.92,.06
+,Within Groups,128.34,20,6.42,,
+y,Between Groups,7.75,3,2.58,13.33,.00
+,Within Groups,3.88,20,.19,,
+z,Between Groups,17.47,3,5.82,.62,.61
+,Within Groups,187.87,20,9.39,,
+Table: Contrast Coefficients
+Table: Contrast Tests
+,,Contrast,Value of Contrast,Std. Error,t,df,Sig. (2-tailed)
+x,Assume equal variances,1,-7.40,6.67,1.11,20,.28
+,Does not assume equal,1,-7.40,10.04,-.74,4.53,1.50
+y,Assume equal variances,1,-6.88,1.16,5.94,20,.00
+,Does not assume equal,1,-6.88,.91,-7.51,7.00,2.00
+z,Assume equal variances,1,-9.70,8.07,1.20,20,.24
+,Does not assume equal,1,-9.70,9.57,-1.01,3.64,1.63