struct rank_spec
enum rank_func rfunc;
- struct variable **destvars;
const char **dest_names;
+ const char **dest_labels;
/* If NEW_NAME exists in DICT or NEW_NAMES, returns NULL without changing
static void
rank_sorted_file (struct casereader *input,
struct casewriter *output,
- const struct dictionary *dict,
- int dest_idx,
- const struct rank *cmd
- )
+ int weight_idx,
+ const struct rank *cmd)
- struct variable *weight_var = dict_get_weight (dict);
- int weight_idx = weight_var ? var_get_case_index (weight_var) : -1;
struct casegrouper *tie_grouper;
struct casereader *tied_cases;
+ struct subcase input_var;
+ int tie_group = 1;
struct ccase *c;
double cc = 0.0;
double w;
- int tie_group = 1;
- input = casereader_create_filter_missing (input, &cmd->vars[dest_idx], 1,
- cmd->exclude, NULL, output);
- input = casereader_create_filter_weight (input, dict, NULL, output);
/* Get total group weight. */
w = sum_weights (input, weight_idx);
/* Do ranking. */
- tie_grouper = casegrouper_create_vars (input, &cmd->vars[dest_idx], 1);
+ subcase_init (&input_var, 0, 0, SC_ASCEND);
+ tie_grouper = casegrouper_create_subcase (input, &input_var);
+ subcase_destroy (&input_var);
for (; casegrouper_get_next_group (tie_grouper, &tied_cases);
casereader_destroy (tied_cases))
casewriter_get_taint (output));
/* Rank tied cases. */
- while ((c = casereader_read (tied_cases)) != NULL)
+ for (; (c = casereader_read (tied_cases)) != NULL; case_unref (c))
+ struct ccase *out_case;
size_t i;
- c = case_unshare (c);
+ out_case = case_create (casewriter_get_proto (output));
+ case_data_rw_idx (out_case, 0)->f = case_num_idx (c, 1);
for (i = 0; i < cmd->n_rs; ++i)
- const struct variable *dst_var = cmd->rs[i].destvars[dest_idx];
- double *dst_value = &case_data_rw (c, dst_var)->f;
- *dst_value = rank_func[cmd->rs[i].rfunc] (cmd, tw, cc, cc_1, tie_group, w);
+ rank_function_t func = rank_func[cmd->rs[i].rfunc];
+ double rank = func (cmd, tw, cc, cc_1, tie_group, w);
+ case_data_rw_idx (out_case, i + 1)->f = rank;
- casewriter_write (output, c);
- }
+ casewriter_write (output, out_case);
+ }
casegrouper_destroy (tie_grouper);
struct string_set new_names;
struct rank rank;
- struct variable *order;
struct rank_spec *rs;
- bool result = true;
int i;
subcase_init_empty (&;
rs = pool_calloc (rank.pool, 1, sizeof *rs);
rs->rfunc = RANK;
rs->dest_names = pool_calloc (rank.pool, 1, sizeof *rs->dest_names);
+ rs->dest_labels = pool_calloc (rank.pool, 1, sizeof *rs->dest_labels); = rs;
rank.n_rs = 1;
int v;
+ rs->dest_labels = pool_calloc (rank.pool, rank.n_vars,
+ sizeof *rs->dest_labels);
for ( v = 0 ; v < rank.n_vars ; v ++ )
const char **dst_name = &rs->dest_names[v];
if (*dst_name == NULL)
goto error;
- }
- }
- /* Create variables. */
- for (rs =; rs < &[rank.n_rs]; rs++)
- rs->destvars = pool_nmalloc (rank.pool, rank.n_vars, sizeof *rs->destvars);
- for ( i = 0 ; i < rank.n_vars ; i ++ )
- {
- struct variable *var;
- for (rs =; rs < &[rank.n_rs]; rs++)
- {
- var = dict_create_var_assert (dataset_dict (ds),
- rs->dest_names[i], 0);
- var_set_both_formats (var, &dest_format[rs->rfunc]);
- var_set_label (var, create_var_label (&rank, rank.vars[i],
- rs->rfunc),
- false);
- rs->destvars[i] = var;
+ rs->dest_labels[v] = create_var_label (&rank, rank.vars[v],
+ rs->rfunc);
- /* Add a variable which we can sort by to get back the original
- order */
- order = dict_create_var_assert (dataset_dict (ds), "$ORDER_", 0);
- add_transformation (ds, create_resort_key, 0, order);
/* Do the ranking */
- result = rank_cmd (ds, &rank);
- /* Put the active dataset back in its original order. Delete
- our sort key, which we don't need anymore. */
- {
- struct casereader *sorted;
- /* FIXME: loses error conditions. */
- proc_discard_output (ds);
- sorted = sort_execute_1var (proc_open (ds), order);
- result = proc_commit (ds) && result;
- dict_delete_var (dataset_dict (ds), order);
- result = dataset_set_source (ds, sorted) && result;
- if ( result != true)
- goto error;
- }
+ rank_cmd (ds, &rank);
destroy_rank (&rank);
string_set_destroy (&new_names);
+/* RANK transformation. */
+struct rank_trns
+ {
+ int order_case_idx;
+ struct rank_trns_input_var *input_vars;
+ size_t n_input_vars;
+ size_t n_funcs;
+ };
+struct rank_trns_input_var
+ {
+ struct casereader *input;
+ struct ccase *current;
+ struct variable **output_vars;
+ };
+static void
+advance_ranking (struct rank_trns_input_var *iv)
+ case_unref (iv->current);
+ iv->current = casereader_read (iv->input);
+static int
+rank_trns_proc (void *trns_, struct ccase **c, casenumber case_idx UNUSED)
+ struct rank_trns *trns = trns_;
+ double order = case_num_idx (*c, trns->order_case_idx);
+ struct rank_trns_input_var *iv;
+ *c = case_unshare (*c);
+ for (iv = trns->input_vars; iv < &trns->input_vars[trns->n_input_vars]; iv++)
+ while (iv->current != NULL)
+ {
+ double iv_order = case_num_idx (iv->current, 0);
+ if (iv_order == order)
+ {
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < trns->n_funcs; i++)
+ case_data_rw (*c, iv->output_vars[i])->f
+ = case_num_idx (iv->current, i + 1);
+ advance_ranking (iv);
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (iv_order > order)
+ break;
+ else
+ advance_ranking (iv);
+ }
+static bool
+rank_trns_free (void *trns_)
+ struct rank_trns *trns = trns_;
+ struct rank_trns_input_var *iv;
+ for (iv = trns->input_vars; iv < &trns->input_vars[trns->n_input_vars]; iv++)
+ {
+ casereader_destroy (iv->input);
+ case_unref (iv->current);
+ free (iv->output_vars);
+ }
+ free (trns->input_vars);
+ free (trns);
+ return true;
static bool
rank_cmd (struct dataset *ds, const struct rank *cmd)
struct dictionary *d = dataset_dict (ds);
+ struct variable *weight_var = dict_get_weight (d);
+ struct casewriter **outputs;
+ struct variable *order_var;
+ struct casereader *input;
+ struct rank_trns *trns;
bool ok = true;
int i;
- for (i = 0 ; i < subcase_get_n_fields (&cmd->sc) ; ++i )
+ /* Add a variable which we can sort by to get back the original
+ order */
+ order_var = dict_create_var_assert (dataset_dict (ds), "$ORDER", 0);
+ add_transformation (ds, create_resort_key, 0, order_var);
+ /* Create output files. */
+ {
+ struct caseproto *output_proto;
+ struct subcase by_order;
+ output_proto = caseproto_create ();
+ for (i = 0; i < cmd->n_rs + 1; i++)
+ output_proto = caseproto_add_width (output_proto, 0);
+ subcase_init (&by_order, 0, 0, SC_ASCEND);
+ outputs = xnmalloc (cmd->n_vars, sizeof *outputs);
+ for (i = 0; i < cmd->n_vars; i++)
+ outputs[i] = sort_create_writer (&by_order, output_proto);
+ subcase_destroy (&by_order);
+ caseproto_unref (output_proto);
+ }
+ /* Open the active file and make one pass per input variable. */
+ input = proc_open (ds);
+ input = casereader_create_filter_weight (input, d, NULL, NULL);
+ for (i = 0 ; i < cmd->n_vars ; ++i )
- /* Rank variable at index I in SC. */
+ const struct variable *input_var = cmd->vars[i];
+ struct casereader *input_pass;
struct casegrouper *split_grouper;
struct casereader *split_group;
- struct casewriter *output;
- proc_discard_output (ds);
- split_grouper = casegrouper_create_splits (proc_open (ds), d);
- output = autopaging_writer_create (dict_get_proto (d));
+ struct subcase rank_ordering;
+ struct subcase projection;
+ struct subcase split_vars;
+ struct subcase group_vars;
+ int weight_idx;
+ int j;
+ /* Discard cases that have missing values of input variable. */
+ input_pass = i == cmd->n_vars - 1 ? input : casereader_clone (input);
+ input_pass = casereader_create_filter_missing (input_pass, &input_var, 1,
+ cmd->exclude, NULL, NULL);
+ /* Keep only the columns we really need, to save time and space when we
+ sort them just below.
+ After this projection, the input_pass case indexes look like:
+ - 0: input_var.
+ - 1: order_var.
+ - 2 and up: cmd->n_group_vars group variables
+ - 2 + cmd->n_group_vars and up: split variables
+ - 2 + cmd->n_group_vars + n_split_vars: weight var
+ */
+ subcase_init_empty (&projection);
+ subcase_add_var_always (&projection, input_var, SC_ASCEND);
+ subcase_add_var_always (&projection, order_var, SC_ASCEND);
+ subcase_add_vars_always (&projection,
+ cmd->group_vars, cmd->n_group_vars);
+ subcase_add_vars_always (&projection, dict_get_split_vars (d),
+ dict_get_split_cnt (d));
+ if (weight_var != NULL)
+ {
+ subcase_add_var_always (&projection, weight_var, SC_ASCEND);
+ weight_idx = 2 + cmd->n_group_vars + dict_get_split_cnt (d);
+ }
+ else
+ weight_idx = -1;
+ input_pass = casereader_project (input_pass, &projection);
+ subcase_destroy (&projection);
+ /* Prepare 'group_vars' as the set of grouping variables. */
+ subcase_init_empty (&group_vars);
+ for (j = 0; j < cmd->n_group_vars; j++)
+ subcase_add_always (&group_vars,
+ j + 2, var_get_width (cmd->group_vars[j]),
+ /* Prepare 'rank_ordering' for sorting with the group variables as
+ primary key and the input variable as secondary key. */
+ subcase_clone (&rank_ordering, &group_vars);
+ subcase_add (&rank_ordering, 0, 0, subcase_get_direction (&cmd->sc, i));
+ /* Group by split variables */
+ subcase_init_empty (&split_vars);
+ for (j = 0; j < dict_get_split_cnt (d); j++)
+ subcase_add_always (&split_vars, 2 + j + cmd->n_group_vars,
+ var_get_width (dict_get_split_vars (d)[j]),
+ split_grouper = casegrouper_create_subcase (input_pass, &split_vars);
+ subcase_destroy (&split_vars);
while (casegrouper_get_next_group (split_grouper, &split_group))
- struct subcase ordering;
struct casereader *ordered;
struct casegrouper *by_grouper;
struct casereader *by_group;
- /* Sort this split group by the BY variables as primary
- keys and the rank variable as secondary key. */
- subcase_init_vars (&ordering, cmd->group_vars, cmd->n_group_vars);
- subcase_add_var (&ordering, cmd->vars[i],
- subcase_get_direction (&cmd->sc, i));
- ordered = sort_execute (split_group, &ordering);
- subcase_destroy (&ordering);
- /* Rank the rank variable within this split group. */
- by_grouper = casegrouper_create_vars (ordered,
- cmd->group_vars, cmd->n_group_vars);
+ ordered = sort_execute (split_group, &rank_ordering);
+ by_grouper = casegrouper_create_subcase (ordered, &group_vars);
while (casegrouper_get_next_group (by_grouper, &by_group))
- {
- /* Rank the rank variable within this BY group
- within the split group. */
+ rank_sorted_file (by_group, outputs[i], weight_idx, cmd);
+ ok = casegrouper_destroy (by_grouper) && ok;
+ }
+ subcase_destroy (&group_vars);
+ subcase_destroy (&rank_ordering);
- rank_sorted_file (by_group, output, d, i, cmd);
+ ok = casegrouper_destroy (split_grouper) && ok;
+ }
+ ok = proc_commit (ds) && ok;
+ /* Re-fetch the dictionary and order variable, because if TEMPORARY was in
+ effect then there's a new dictionary. */
+ d = dataset_dict (ds);
+ order_var = dict_lookup_var_assert (d, "$ORDER");
+ /* Merge the original data set with the ranks (which we already sorted on
+ $ORDER). */
+ trns = xmalloc (sizeof *trns);
+ trns->order_case_idx = var_get_case_index (order_var);
+ trns->input_vars = xnmalloc (cmd->n_vars, sizeof *trns->input_vars);
+ trns->n_input_vars = cmd->n_vars;
+ trns->n_funcs = cmd->n_rs;
+ for (i = 0; i < trns->n_input_vars; i++)
+ {
+ struct rank_trns_input_var *iv = &trns->input_vars[i];
+ int j;
- }
- ok = casegrouper_destroy (by_grouper) && ok;
+ iv->input = casewriter_make_reader (outputs[i]);
+ iv->current = casereader_read (iv->input);
+ iv->output_vars = xnmalloc (trns->n_funcs, sizeof *iv->output_vars);
+ for (j = 0; j < trns->n_funcs; j++)
+ {
+ struct rank_spec *rs = &cmd->rs[j];
+ struct variable *var;
+ var = dict_create_var_assert (d, rs->dest_names[i], 0);
+ var_set_both_formats (var, &dest_format[rs->rfunc]);
+ var_set_label (var, rs->dest_labels[i], false);
+ iv->output_vars[j] = var;
- ok = casegrouper_destroy (split_grouper);
- ok = proc_commit (ds) && ok;
- ok = (dataset_set_source (ds, casewriter_make_reader (output))
- && ok);
- if (!ok)
- break;
+ free (outputs);
+ add_transformation (ds, rank_trns_proc, rank_trns_free, trns);
+ /* Delete our sort key, which we don't need anymore. */
+ dict_delete_var (d, order_var);
return ok;