It has to come at the beginning of the command since it expands to
@ and only "make" (not the shell) understands that.
| $(AWK) '/<para>.*<table.*>.*<\/para>/{x=sub("</para>",""); print; s=1;next}/<\/table>/{print; if (s==1) print "</para>"; s=0; next}1' \
> $@,tmp
$(AM_V_at)$(XMLLINT) --output /dev/null $@,tmp
- cat doc/help-pages-list | while read node ; do \
- $(AM_V_at)$(XMLLINT) --xpath "$$node" $@,tmp > /dev/null; \
+ $(AM_V_at)cat doc/help-pages-list | while read node ; do \
+ $(XMLLINT) --xpath "$$node" $@,tmp > /dev/null; \
if test $$? -ne 0 ; then echo "$$node does not appear in $@" ; exit 1; fi ; \
mv $@,tmp $@