none of the special features of bonded ports described in this section
-There are many forms of bonding, but ovs-vswitchd currently implements
-only a single kind, called "source load balancing" or SLB bonding.
-SLB bonding divides traffic among the slaves based on the Ethernet
-source address. This is useful only if the traffic over the bond has
-multiple Ethernet source addresses, for example if network traffic
-from multiple VMs are multiplexed over the bond.
+There are many forms of bonding of which ovs-vswitchd implements only
+a few. The most complex bond ovs-vswitchd implements is called
+"source load balancing" or SLB bonding. SLB bonding divides traffic
+among the slaves based on the Ethernet source address. This is useful
+only if the traffic over the bond has multiple Ethernet source
+addresses, for example if network traffic from multiple VMs are
+multiplexed over the bond.
Enabling and Disabling Slaves
otherwise very simple in that, after LACP negotiation is complete,
there is no need for special handling of received packets.
+Active Backup Bonding
+Active Backup bonds send all traffic out one "active" slave until that
+slave becomes unavailable. Since they are significantly less
+complicated than SLB bonds, they are preferred when LACP is not an
+option. Additionally, they are the only bond mode which supports
+attaching each slave to a different upstream switch.
SLB Bonding