won't display the information that you want. You want to use
"ovs-ofctl dump-flows" instead.
+Q: It looks like each of the interfaces in my bonded port shows up
+ as an individual OpenFlow port. Is that right?
+A: Yes, Open vSwitch makes individual bond interfaces visible as
+ OpenFlow ports, rather than the bond as a whole. The interfaces
+ are treated together as a bond for only a few purposes:
+ - Sending a packet to the OFPP_NORMAL port. (When an OpenFlow
+ controller is not configured, this happens implicitly to
+ every packet.)
+ - The "autopath" Nicira extension action. However, "autopath"
+ is deprecated and scheduled for removal in February 2013.
+ - Mirrors configured for output to a bonded port.
+ It would make a lot of sense for Open vSwitch to present a bond as
+ a single OpenFlow port. If you want to contribute an
+ implementation of such a feature, please bring it up on the Open
+ vSwitch development mailing list at dev@openvswitch.org.