# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
# It is not intended for manual editing.
-version = 3
+version = 4
name = "addr2line"
+name = "enum-iterator"
+version = "2.1.0"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "c280b9e6b3ae19e152d8e31cf47f18389781e119d4013a2a2bb0180e5facc635"
+dependencies = [
+ "enum-iterator-derive",
+name = "enum-iterator-derive"
+version = "1.4.0"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "a1ab991c1362ac86c61ab6f556cff143daa22e5a15e4e189df818b2fd19fe65b"
+dependencies = [
+ "proc-macro2",
+ "quote",
+ "syn",
name = "enum-map"
version = "2.7.3"
+ "enum-iterator",
+ "smallvec",
flagset = "0.4.6"
pspp-derive = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../pspp-derive" }
either = "1.13.0"
+enum-iterator = "2.1.0"
+smallvec = "1.13.2"
windows-sys = { version = "0.48.0", features = ["Win32_Globalization"] }
struct Decoder {
- //pub raw: raw::Decoder,
pub encoding: &'static Encoding,
- //pub variables: HashMap<DictIndex, Variable>,
- //pub var_names: HashMap<Identifier, DictIndex>,
- //pub dictionary: Dictionary,
- //n_dict_indexes: usize,
n_generated_names: usize,
-impl Decoder {
- fn generate_name(&mut self) -> Identifier {
- loop {
- self.n_generated_names += 1;
- let name = Identifier::new(&format!("VAR{:03}", self.n_generated_names), self.encoding)
- .unwrap();
- if !self.var_names.contains_key(&name) {
- return name;
- }
- assert!(self.n_generated_names < usize::MAX);
- }
- }
- fn decode_string_cow<'a>(&self, input: &'a [u8], warn: &impl Fn(Error)) -> Cow<'a, str> {
- let (output, malformed) = self.encoding.decode_without_bom_handling(input);
- if malformed {
- warn(Error::MalformedString {
- encoding: self.encoding.name().into(),
- text: output.clone().into(),
- });
- }
- output
- }
- fn decode_string(&self, input: &[u8], warn: &impl Fn(Error)) -> String {
- self.decode_string_cow(input, warn).into()
- }
- pub fn decode_identifier(
- &self,
- input: &[u8],
- warn: &impl Fn(Error),
- ) -> Result<Identifier, IdError> {
- let s = self.decode_string_cow(input, warn);
- Identifier::new(&s, self.encoding)
- }
- fn get_var_by_index(&self, dict_index: usize) -> Result<&Variable, Error> {
- let max_index = self.n_dict_indexes;
- if dict_index == 0 || dict_index > max_index {
- return Err(Error::InvalidDictIndex {
- dict_index,
- max_index,
- });
- }
- let Some(variable) = self.variables.get(&(dict_index - 1)) else {
- return Err(Error::DictIndexIsContinuation(dict_index));
- };
- Ok(variable)
- }
- /// Returns `input` decoded from `self.encoding` into UTF-8 such that
- /// re-encoding the result back into `self.encoding` will have exactly the
- /// same length in bytes.
- ///
- /// XXX warn about errors?
- fn decode_exact_length<'a>(&self, input: &'a [u8]) -> Cow<'a, str> {
- if let (s, false) = self.encoding.decode_without_bom_handling(input) {
- // This is the common case. Usually there will be no errors.
- s
- } else {
- // Unusual case. Don't bother to optimize it much.
- let mut decoder = self.encoding.new_decoder_without_bom_handling();
- let mut output = String::with_capacity(
- decoder
- .max_utf8_buffer_length_without_replacement(input.len())
- .unwrap(),
- );
- let mut rest = input;
- while !rest.is_empty() {
- match decoder.decode_to_string_without_replacement(rest, &mut output, true) {
- (DecoderResult::InputEmpty, _) => break,
- (DecoderResult::OutputFull, _) => unreachable!(),
- (DecoderResult::Malformed(a, b), consumed) => {
- let skipped = a as usize + b as usize;
- output.extend(repeat('?').take(skipped));
- rest = &rest[consumed..];
- }
- }
- }
- assert_eq!(self.encoding.encode(&output).0.len(), input.len());
- output.into()
- }
- }
-pub trait TryDecode: Sized {
- type Input<'a>;
- fn try_decode(
- decoder: &mut Decoder,
- input: &Self::Input<'_>,
- warn: impl Fn(Error),
- ) -> Result<Option<Self>, Error>;
-pub trait Decode<Input>: Sized {
- fn decode(decoder: &Decoder, input: &Input, warn: impl Fn(Error)) -> Self;
-impl<const N: usize> Decode<RawStr<N>> for String {
- fn decode(decoder: &Decoder, input: &RawStr<N>, warn: impl Fn(Error)) -> Self {
- decoder.decode_string(&input.0, &warn)
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct HeaderRecord {
- pub eye_catcher: String,
- pub weight_index: Option<usize>,
- pub n_cases: Option<u64>,
- pub creation: NaiveDateTime,
- pub file_label: String,
-fn trim_end_spaces(mut s: String) -> String {
- s.truncate(s.trim_end_matches(' ').len());
- s
-/// Data file info that doesn't fit in [Dictionary].
-pub struct Metadata {
- creation: NaiveDateTime,
- endian: Endian,
- compression: Option<Compression>,
- n_cases: Option<u64>,
- product: String,
- product_ext: Option<String>,
- version: Option<(i32, i32, i32)>,
-impl Metadata {
- fn decode(
- header: &crate::raw::HeaderRecord<Cow<str>>,
- integer_info: Option<&IntegerInfoRecord>,
- product_ext: Option<&ProductInfoRecord>,
- warn: impl Fn(Error),
- ) -> Self {
- let creation_date = NaiveDate::parse_from_str(&header.creation_date, "%e %b %Y")
- .unwrap_or_else(|_| {
- warn(Error::InvalidCreationDate {
- creation_date: header.creation_date.to_string(),
- });
- Default::default()
- });
- let creation_time = NaiveTime::parse_from_str(&header.creation_time, "%H:%M:%S")
- .unwrap_or_else(|_| {
- warn(Error::InvalidCreationTime {
- creation_time: header.creation_time.to_string(),
- });
- Default::default()
- });
- let creation = NaiveDateTime::new(creation_date, creation_time);
- let product = header
- .eye_catcher
- .trim_start_matches("@(#) SPSS DATA FILE")
- .trim_end()
- .to_string();
- Self {
- creation,
- endian: header.endian,
- compression: header.compression,
- n_cases: header.n_cases.map(|n| n as u64),
- product,
- product_ext: product_ext.map(|pe| pe.0.clone()),
- version: integer_info.map(|ii| ii.version),
- }
- }
-impl TryDecode for HeaderRecord {
- type Input<'a> = crate::raw::HeaderRecord<Cow<'a, str>>;
- fn try_decode(
- _decoder: &mut Decoder,
- input: &Self::Input<'_>,
- warn: impl Fn(Error),
- ) -> Result<Option<Self>, Error> {
- let eye_catcher = trim_end_spaces(input.eye_catcher.to_string());
- let file_label = trim_end_spaces(input.file_label.to_string());
- let creation_date = NaiveDate::parse_from_str(&input.creation_date, "%e %b %Y")
- .unwrap_or_else(|_| {
- warn(Error::InvalidCreationDate {
- creation_date: input.creation_date.to_string(),
- });
- Default::default()
- });
- let creation_time = NaiveTime::parse_from_str(&input.creation_time, "%H:%M:%S")
- .unwrap_or_else(|_| {
- warn(Error::InvalidCreationTime {
- creation_time: input.creation_time.to_string(),
- });
- Default::default()
- });
- Ok(Some(HeaderRecord {
- eye_catcher,
- weight_index: input.weight_index.map(|n| n as usize),
- n_cases: input.n_cases.map(|n| n as u64),
- creation: NaiveDateTime::new(creation_date, creation_time),
- file_label,
- }))
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct VariableRecord {
- pub width: VarWidth,
- pub name: Identifier,
- pub print_format: Spec,
- pub write_format: Spec,
- pub missing_values: MissingValues<String>,
- pub label: Option<String>,
-fn parse_variable_record(
- decoder: &mut Decoder,
- input: &raw::VariableRecord<Cow<str>, String>,
- warn: impl Fn(Error),
-) -> Result<(), Error> {
- let width = match input.width {
- 0 => VarWidth::Numeric,
- w @ 1..=255 => VarWidth::String(w as u16),
- -1 => return Ok(()),
- _ => {
- return Err(Error::InvalidVariableWidth {
- offsets: input.offsets.clone(),
- width: input.width,
- })
- }
- };
- let name = trim_end_spaces(input.name.to_string());
- let name = match Identifier::new(&name, decoder.encoding) {
- Ok(name) => {
- if !decoder.var_names.contains_key(&name) {
- name
- } else {
- let new_name = decoder.generate_name();
- warn(Error::DuplicateVariableName {
- duplicate_name: name.clone(),
- new_name: new_name.clone(),
- });
- new_name
- }
- }
- Err(id_error) => {
- let new_name = decoder.generate_name();
- warn(Error::InvalidVariableName {
- id_error,
- new_name: new_name.clone(),
- });
- new_name
- }
- };
- let variable = Variable {
- dict_index: decoder.n_dict_indexes,
- short_name: name.clone(),
- long_name: None,
- width,
- };
- decoder.n_dict_indexes += width.n_dict_indexes();
- assert!(decoder
- .var_names
- .insert(name.clone(), variable.dict_index)
- .is_none());
- assert!(decoder
- .variables
- .insert(variable.dict_index, variable)
- .is_none());
- let print_format = decode_format(input.print_format, width, |new_spec, format_error| {
- warn(Error::InvalidPrintFormat {
- new_spec,
- variable: name.clone(),
- format_error,
- })
- });
- let write_format = decode_format(input.write_format, width, |new_spec, format_error| {
- warn(Error::InvalidWriteFormat {
- new_spec,
- variable: name.clone(),
- format_error,
- })
- });
- let mut variable = dictionary::Variable::new(name, width);
- variable.print_format = print_format;
- variable.write_format = write_format;
- variable.missing_values = input.missing_values.clone();
- if let Some(ref label) = input.label {
- variable.label = Some(label.to_string());
- }
- decoder.dictionary.add_var(variable).unwrap();
- Ok(())
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct DocumentRecord(Vec<String>);
-impl TryDecode for DocumentRecord {
- type Input<'a> = crate::raw::DocumentRecord<RawDocumentLine>;
- fn try_decode(
- decoder: &mut Decoder,
- input: &Self::Input<'_>,
- warn: impl Fn(Error),
- ) -> Result<Option<Self>, Error> {
- Ok(Some(DocumentRecord(
- input
- .lines
- .iter()
- .map(|s| trim_end_spaces(decoder.decode_string(&s.0, &warn)))
- .collect(),
- )))
- }
-trait TextRecord
- Self: Sized,
- const NAME: &'static str;
- fn parse(input: &str, warn: impl Fn(Error)) -> Result<Self, Error>;
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct VariableSet {
- pub name: String,
- pub vars: Vec<String>,
-impl VariableSet {
- fn parse(input: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- let (name, input) = input.split_once('=').ok_or(Error::TBD)?;
- let vars = input.split_ascii_whitespace().map(String::from).collect();
- Ok(VariableSet {
- name: name.into(),
- vars,
- })
- }
-trait WarnOnError<T> {
- fn warn_on_error<F: Fn(Error)>(self, warn: &F) -> Option<T>;
-impl<T> WarnOnError<T> for Result<T, Error> {
- fn warn_on_error<F: Fn(Error)>(self, warn: &F) -> Option<T> {
- match self {
- Ok(result) => Some(result),
- Err(error) => {
- warn(error);
- None
- }
- }
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct ValueLabel {
- pub value: Value,
- pub label: String,
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct ValueLabelRecord {
- pub var_type: VarType,
- pub labels: Vec<ValueLabel>,
- pub variables: Vec<Identifier>,
-impl TryDecode for ValueLabelRecord {
- type Input<'a> = crate::raw::ValueLabelRecord<RawStr<8>, RawString>;
- fn try_decode(
- decoder: &mut Decoder,
- input: &Self::Input<'_>,
- warn: impl Fn(Error),
- ) -> Result<Option<ValueLabelRecord>, Error> {
- let variables: Vec<&Variable> = input
- .dict_indexes
- .iter()
- .filter_map(|&dict_index| {
- decoder
- .get_var_by_index(dict_index as usize)
- .warn_on_error(&warn)
- })
- .filter(|&variable| match variable.width {
- VarWidth::String(width) if width > 8 => {
- warn(Error::InvalidLongStringValueLabel(
- variable.short_name.clone(),
- ));
- false
- }
- _ => true,
- })
- .collect();
- let mut i = variables.iter();
- let Some(&first_var) = i.next() else {
- return Ok(None);
- };
- let var_type: VarType = first_var.width.into();
- for &variable in i {
- let this_type: VarType = variable.width.into();
- if var_type != this_type {
- let (numeric_var, string_var) = match var_type {
- VarType::Numeric => (first_var, variable),
- VarType::String => (variable, first_var),
- };
- warn(Error::ValueLabelsDifferentTypes {
- numeric_var: numeric_var.short_name.clone(),
- string_var: string_var.short_name.clone(),
- });
- return Ok(None);
- }
- }
- let labels = input
- .labels
- .iter()
- .map(|raw::ValueLabel { value, label }| {
- let label = decoder.decode_string(&label.0, &warn);
- let value = Value::decode(value, decoder);
- ValueLabel { value, label }
- })
- .collect();
- let variables = variables
- .iter()
- .map(|&variable| variable.short_name.clone())
- .collect();
- Ok(Some(ValueLabelRecord {
- var_type,
- labels,
- variables,
- }))
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct VariableSetRecord(Vec<VariableSet>);
-impl TextRecord for VariableSetRecord {
- const NAME: &'static str = "variable set";
- fn parse(input: &str, warn: impl Fn(Error)) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- let mut sets = Vec::new();
- for line in input.lines() {
- if let Some(set) = VariableSet::parse(line).warn_on_error(&warn) {
- sets.push(set)
- }
- }
- Ok(VariableSetRecord(sets))
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct LongName {
- pub short_name: Identifier,
- pub long_name: Identifier,
-impl LongName {
- fn new(decoder: &mut Decoder, short_name: &str, long_name: &str) -> Result<LongName, Error> {
- let short_name =
- Identifier::new(short_name, decoder.encoding).map_err(Error::InvalidShortName)?;
- let long_name =
- Identifier::new(long_name, decoder.encoding).map_err(Error::InvalidLongName)?;
- Ok(LongName {
- short_name,
- long_name,
- })
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct LongNameRecord(Vec<LongName>);
-impl LongNameRecord {
- pub fn parse(decoder: &mut Decoder, input: &str, warn: impl Fn(Error)) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- let mut names = Vec::new();
- for pair in input.split('\t').filter(|s| !s.is_empty()) {
- if let Some((short_name, long_name)) = pair.split_once('=') {
- if let Some(long_name) =
- LongName::new(decoder, short_name, long_name).warn_on_error(&warn)
- {
- names.push(long_name);
- }
- } else {
- warn(Error::TBD)
- }
- }
- Ok(LongNameRecord(names))
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct VeryLongString {
- pub short_name: Identifier,
- pub length: u16,
-impl VeryLongString {
- fn parse(decoder: &Decoder, input: &str) -> Result<VeryLongString, Error> {
- let Some((short_name, length)) = input.split_once('=') else {
- return Err(Error::TBD);
- };
- let short_name =
- Identifier::new(short_name, decoder.encoding).map_err(Error::InvalidLongStringName)?;
- let length: u16 = length.parse().map_err(|_| Error::TBD)?;
- if length > VarWidth::MAX_STRING {
- return Err(Error::TBD);
- }
- Ok(VeryLongString { short_name, length })
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct VeryLongStringRecord(Vec<VeryLongString>);
-impl VeryLongStringRecord {
- pub fn parse(decoder: &Decoder, input: &str, warn: impl Fn(Error)) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- let mut very_long_strings = Vec::new();
- for tuple in input
- .split('\0')
- .map(|s| s.trim_end_matches('\t'))
- .filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
- {
- if let Some(vls) = VeryLongString::parse(decoder, tuple).warn_on_error(&warn) {
- very_long_strings.push(vls)
- }
- }
- Ok(VeryLongStringRecord(very_long_strings))
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct Attribute {
- pub name: Identifier,
- pub values: Vec<String>,
-impl Attribute {
- fn parse<'a>(
- decoder: &Decoder,
- input: &'a str,
- warn: &impl Fn(Error),
- ) -> Result<(Option<Attribute>, &'a str), Error> {
- let Some((name, mut input)) = input.split_once('(') else {
- return Err(Error::TBD);
- };
- let mut values = Vec::new();
- loop {
- let Some((value, rest)) = input.split_once('\n') else {
- return Err(Error::TBD);
- };
- if let Some(stripped) = value
- .strip_prefix('\'')
- .and_then(|value| value.strip_suffix('\''))
- {
- values.push(stripped.into());
- } else {
- warn(Error::TBD);
- values.push(value.into());
- }
- if let Some(rest) = rest.strip_prefix(')') {
- let attribute = Identifier::new(name, decoder.encoding)
- .map_err(Error::InvalidAttributeName)
- .warn_on_error(warn)
- .map(|name| Attribute { name, values });
- return Ok((attribute, rest));
- };
- input = rest;
- }
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct AttributeSet(pub Vec<Attribute>);
-impl AttributeSet {
- fn parse<'a>(
- decoder: &Decoder,
- mut input: &'a str,
- sentinel: Option<char>,
- warn: &impl Fn(Error),
- ) -> Result<(AttributeSet, &'a str), Error> {
- let mut attributes = Vec::new();
- let rest = loop {
- match input.chars().next() {
- None => break input,
- c if c == sentinel => break &input[1..],
- _ => {
- let (attribute, rest) = Attribute::parse(decoder, input, &warn)?;
- if let Some(attribute) = attribute {
- attributes.push(attribute);
- }
- input = rest;
- }
- }
- };
- Ok((AttributeSet(attributes), rest))
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct FileAttributeRecord(AttributeSet);
-impl FileAttributeRecord {
- pub fn parse(decoder: &Decoder, input: &str, warn: impl Fn(Error)) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- let (set, rest) = AttributeSet::parse(decoder, input, None, &warn)?;
- if !rest.is_empty() {
- warn(Error::TBD);
- }
- Ok(FileAttributeRecord(set))
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct VarAttributeSet {
- pub long_var_name: Identifier,
- pub attributes: AttributeSet,
-impl VarAttributeSet {
- fn parse<'a>(
- decoder: &Decoder,
- input: &'a str,
- warn: &impl Fn(Error),
- ) -> Result<(Option<VarAttributeSet>, &'a str), Error> {
- let Some((long_var_name, rest)) = input.split_once(':') else {
- return Err(Error::TBD);
- };
- let (attributes, rest) = AttributeSet::parse(decoder, rest, Some('/'), warn)?;
- let var_attribute = Identifier::new(long_var_name, decoder.encoding)
- .map_err(Error::InvalidAttributeVariableName)
- .warn_on_error(warn)
- .map(|name| VarAttributeSet {
- long_var_name: name,
- attributes,
- });
- Ok((var_attribute, rest))
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct VariableAttributeRecord(Vec<VarAttributeSet>);
-impl VariableAttributeRecord {
- pub fn parse(decoder: &Decoder, mut input: &str, warn: impl Fn(Error)) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- let mut var_attribute_sets = Vec::new();
- while !input.is_empty() {
- let Some((var_attribute, rest)) =
- VarAttributeSet::parse(decoder, input, &warn).warn_on_error(&warn)
- else {
- break;
- };
- if let Some(var_attribute) = var_attribute {
- var_attribute_sets.push(var_attribute);
- }
- input = rest;
- }
- Ok(VariableAttributeRecord(var_attribute_sets))
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub enum MultipleResponseType {
- MultipleDichotomy {
- value: Value,
- labels: CategoryLabels,
- },
- MultipleCategory,
-impl MultipleResponseType {
- fn decode(
- decoder: &Decoder,
- mr_set: &Identifier,
- input: &raw::MultipleResponseType,
- min_width: VarWidth,
- warn: &impl Fn(Error),
- ) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- let mr_type = match input {
- raw::MultipleResponseType::MultipleDichotomy { value, labels } => {
- let value = decoder.decode_string_cow(&value.0, warn);
- let value = match min_width {
- VarWidth::Numeric => {
- let number: f64 = value.trim().parse().map_err(|_| {
- Error::InvalidMDGroupCountedValue {
- mr_set: mr_set.clone(),
- number: value.into(),
- }
- })?;
- Value::Number(Some(number.into()))
- }
- VarWidth::String(max_width) => {
- let value = value.trim_end_matches(' ');
- let width = value.len();
- if width > max_width as usize {
- return Err(Error::TooWideMDGroupCountedValue {
- mr_set: mr_set.clone(),
- value: value.into(),
- width,
- max_width,
- });
- };
- Value::String(value.into())
- }
- };
- MultipleResponseType::MultipleDichotomy {
- value,
- labels: *labels,
- }
- }
- raw::MultipleResponseType::MultipleCategory => MultipleResponseType::MultipleCategory,
- };
- Ok(mr_type)
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct MultipleResponseSet {
- pub name: Identifier,
- pub min_width: VarWidth,
- pub max_width: VarWidth,
- pub label: String,
- pub mr_type: MultipleResponseType,
- pub dict_indexes: Vec<DictIndex>,
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct MultipleResponseRecord(pub Vec<MultipleResponseSet>);
-impl TryDecode for MultipleResponseRecord {
- type Input<'a> = raw::MultipleResponseRecord<Identifier, Cow<'a, str>>;
- fn try_decode(
- decoder: &mut Decoder,
- input: &Self::Input<'_>,
- warn: impl Fn(Error),
- ) -> Result<Option<Self>, Error> {
- let mut sets = Vec::with_capacity(input.0.len());
- for set in &input.0 {
- match MultipleResponseSet::decode(decoder, set, &warn) {
- Ok(set) => sets.push(set),
- Err(error) => warn(error),
- }
- }
- Ok(Some(MultipleResponseRecord(sets)))
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct LongStringValueLabels {
- pub var_name: Identifier,
- pub width: VarWidth,
- pub labels: Vec<ValueLabel>,
-impl LongStringValueLabels {
- fn decode(
- decoder: &Decoder,
- input: &raw::LongStringValueLabels<RawString>,
- warn: &impl Fn(Error),
- ) -> Result<Self, Error> {
- let var_name = decoder.decode_string(&input.var_name.0, warn);
- let var_name = Identifier::new(var_name.trim_end(), decoder.encoding)
- .map_err(Error::InvalidLongStringValueLabelName)?;
- let min_width = 9;
- let max_width = VarWidth::MAX_STRING;
- if input.width < 9 || input.width > max_width as u32 {
- return Err(Error::InvalidLongValueLabelWidth {
- name: var_name,
- width: input.width,
- min_width,
- max_width,
- });
- }
- let width = input.width as u16;
- let mut labels = Vec::with_capacity(input.labels.len());
- for (value, label) in input.labels.iter() {
- let value = Value::String(decoder.decode_exact_length(&value.0).into());
- let label = decoder.decode_string(&label.0, warn);
- labels.push(ValueLabel { value, label });
- }
- Ok(LongStringValueLabels {
- var_name,
- width: VarWidth::String(width),
- labels,
- })
- }
-#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-pub struct LongStringValueLabelRecord(pub Vec<LongStringValueLabels>);
-impl TryDecode for LongStringValueLabelRecord {
- type Input<'a> = raw::LongStringValueLabelRecord<RawString>;
- fn try_decode(
- decoder: &mut Decoder,
- input: &Self::Input<'_>,
- warn: impl Fn(Error),
- ) -> Result<Option<Self>, Error> {
- let mut labels = Vec::with_capacity(input.0.len());
- for label in &input.0 {
- match LongStringValueLabels::decode(decoder, label, &warn) {
- Ok(set) => labels.push(set),
- Err(error) => warn(error),
- }
- }
- Ok(Some(LongStringValueLabelRecord(labels)))
- }
-mod test {
- use encoding_rs::WINDOWS_1252;
- #[test]
- fn test() {
- let mut s = String::new();
- let encoded = WINDOWS_1252.encode(&s).0;
- let decoded = WINDOWS_1252.decode(&encoded[..]).0;
- println!("{:?}", decoded);
- }
- #[test]
- fn test2() {
- let charset: Vec<u8> = (0..=255).collect();
- println!("{}", charset.len());
- let decoded = WINDOWS_1252.decode(&charset[..]).0;
- println!("{}", decoded.len());
- let encoded = WINDOWS_1252.encode(&decoded[..]).0;
- println!("{}", encoded.len());
- assert_eq!(&charset[..], &encoded[..]);
- }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Settings {
pub epoch: Option<i32>,
/// A numeric output style. This can express numeric formats in
/// [Category::Basic] and [Category::Custom].
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct NumberStyle {
pub neg_prefix: Affix,
pub prefix: Affix,
pub extra_bytes: usize,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Affix {
/// String contents of affix.
pub s: String,
use self::pivot::Value;
pub mod pivot;
+pub mod table;
/// A single output item.
pub struct Item {
use std::{
- ops::Range,
- sync::{Arc, OnceLock},
+ ops::{Index, Range},
+ sync::{Arc, OnceLock, Weak},
use chrono::NaiveDateTime;
+use enum_iterator::Sequence;
use enum_map::{enum_map, Enum, EnumMap};
+use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
use crate::format::{Format, Settings as FormatSettings};
+pub mod output;
/// Areas of a pivot table for styling purposes.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Enum, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Area {
+impl Area {
+ fn default_cell_style(self) -> CellStyle {
+ use HorzAlign::*;
+ use VertAlign::*;
+ let (halign, valign, hmargins, vmargins) = match self {
+ Area::Title => (Center, Middle, [8, 11], [1, 8]),
+ Area::Caption => (Left, Top, [8, 11], [1, 1]),
+ Area::Footer => (Left, Top, [11, 8], [2, 3]),
+ Area::Corner => (Left, Bottom, [8, 11], [1, 1]),
+ Area::ColumnLabels => (Left, Top, [8, 11], [1, 3]),
+ Area::RowLabels => (Left, Top, [8, 11], [1, 3]),
+ Area::Data => (Mixed, Top, [8, 11], [1, 1]),
+ Area::Layers => (Left, Bottom, [8, 11], [1, 3]),
+ };
+ CellStyle {
+ horz_align: halign,
+ vert_align: valign,
+ margins: enum_map! { Axis2::X => hmargins, Axis2::Y => vmargins },
+ }
+ }
+ fn default_font_style(self) -> FontStyle {
+ FontStyle {
+ bold: self == Area::Title,
+ italic: false,
+ underline: false,
+ markup: false,
+ font: String::from("Sans Serif"),
+ fg: [Color::BLACK; 2],
+ bg: [Color::WHITE; 2],
+ size: 9,
+ }
+ }
+ fn default_area_style(self) -> AreaStyle {
+ AreaStyle {
+ cell_style: self.default_cell_style(),
+ font_style: self.default_font_style(),
+ }
+ }
/// Table borders for styling purposes.
-#[derive(Debug, Enum)]
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Enum)]
pub enum Border {
+impl Border {
+ fn default_stroke(self) -> Stroke {
+ match self {
+ Self::InnerFrame(_) | Self::DataLeft | Self::DataTop => Stroke::Thick,
+ Self::Dimensions(side) if side != RowColBorder::RowVert => Stroke::Solid,
+ Self::Categories(RowColBorder::ColHorz | RowColBorder::ColVert) => Stroke::Solid,
+ _ => Stroke::None,
+ }
+ }
+ fn default_border_style(self) -> BorderStyle {
+ BorderStyle {
+ stroke: self.default_stroke(),
+ color: Color::BLACK,
+ }
+ }
+ fn fallback(self) -> Self {
+ match self {
+ Self::Title
+ | Self::OuterFrame(_)
+ | Self::InnerFrame(_)
+ | Self::DataLeft
+ | Self::DataTop
+ | Self::Categories(_) => self,
+ Self::Dimensions(row_col_border) => Self::Categories(row_col_border),
+ }
+ }
/// The borders on a box.
-#[derive(Debug, Enum)]
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Enum)]
pub enum BoxBorder {
/// Borders between rows and columns.
-#[derive(Debug, Enum, PartialEq, Eq)]
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Enum, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum RowColBorder {
/// The comments below talk about columns and their widths but they apply
/// equally to rows and their heights.
+#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Sizing {
/// Specific column widths, in 1/96" units.
widths: Vec<i32>,
keeps: Vec<Range<usize>>,
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Enum, Sequence)]
pub enum Axis3 {
+impl Axis3 {
+ fn transpose(&self) -> Option<Self> {
+ match self {
+ Axis3::X => Some(Axis3::Y),
+ Axis3::Y => Some(Axis3::X),
+ Axis3::Z => None,
+ }
+ }
/// An axis within a pivot table.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Axis {
/// `dimensions[0]` is the innermost dimension.
dimensions: Vec<Dimension>,
label_depth: usize,
-pub struct AxisCursor<'a> {
+pub struct AxisIterator<'a> {
axis: &'a Axis,
- indexes: Vec<usize>,
+ indexes: SmallVec<[usize; 4]>,
-impl<'a> AxisCursor<'a> {
- fn next(&'a mut self) -> Option<&'a Vec<usize>> {
+impl<'a> Iterator for AxisIterator<'a> {
+ type Item = SmallVec<[usize; 4]>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.indexes.is_empty() {
if self
return None;
- self.indexes = vec![0; self.axis.dimensions.len()];
- Some(&self.indexes)
+ self.indexes = smallvec![0; self.axis.dimensions.len()];
+ Some(self.indexes.clone())
} else {
for (index, dimension) in self.indexes.iter_mut().zip(self.axis.dimensions.iter()) {
*index += 1;
if *index < dimension.len() {
- return Some(&self.indexes);
+ return Some(self.indexes.clone());
*index = 0
impl Axis {
- fn cursor(&self) -> AxisCursor {
- AxisCursor {
+ fn iter(&self) -> AxisIterator {
+ AxisIterator {
axis: self,
- indexes: Vec::new(),
+ indexes: SmallVec::new(),
/// (A dimension or a group can contain zero categories, but this is unusual.
/// If a dimension contains no categories, then its table cannot contain any
/// data.)
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Dimension {
axis_type: Axis3,
level: usize,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Group {
+ parent: Option<Weak<Group>>,
name: Value,
label_depth: usize,
extra_depth: usize,
show_label_in_corner: bool,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Leaf {
+ parent: Weak<Group>,
name: Value,
label_depth: usize,
extra_depth: usize,
/// A pivot_category is a leaf (a category) or a group.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Category {
+impl Category {
+ fn is_leaf(&self) -> bool {
+ match self {
+ Category::Group(_) => false,
+ Category::Leaf(_) => true,
+ }
+ }
+ fn is_group(&self) -> bool {
+ match self {
+ Category::Group(_) => true,
+ Category::Leaf(_) => false,
+ }
+ }
+ fn show_label(&self) -> bool {
+ match self {
+ Category::Group(group) => group.show_label,
+ Category::Leaf(_) => true,
+ }
+ }
+ fn ptr_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+ match (self, other) {
+ (Category::Group(a), Category::Group(b)) => Arc::ptr_eq(a, b),
+ (Category::Leaf(a), Category::Leaf(b)) => Arc::ptr_eq(a, b),
+ _ => false,
+ }
+ }
trait CategoryTrait {
fn name(&self) -> &Value;
fn label_depth(&self) -> usize;
fn extra_depth(&self) -> usize;
+ fn parent(&self) -> Option<Arc<Group>>;
impl CategoryTrait for Group {
fn extra_depth(&self) -> usize {
+ fn parent(&self) -> Option<Arc<Group>> {
+ self.parent.as_ref().and_then(|parent| parent.upgrade())
+ }
impl CategoryTrait for Leaf {
fn extra_depth(&self) -> usize {
+ fn parent(&self) -> Option<Arc<Group>> {
+ self.parent.upgrade()
+ }
impl CategoryTrait for Category {
Category::Leaf(leaf) => leaf.extra_depth(),
+ fn parent(&self) -> Option<Arc<Group>> {
+ match self {
+ Category::Group(group) => group.parent(),
+ Category::Leaf(leaf) => leaf.parent(),
+ }
+ }
/// Styling for a pivot table.
/// The division between this and the style information in [Table] seems fairly
/// arbitrary. The ultimate reason for the division is simply because that's
/// how SPSS documentation and file formats do it.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Look {
name: Option<String>,
row_labels_in_corner: true,
row_heading_widths: 36..72,
col_heading_widths: 36..120,
- footnote_marker_type: FootnoteMarkerType::Alphabetic,
- footnote_marker_position: FootnoteMarkerPosition::Subscript,
- areas: EnumMap::from_fn(|area| {
- use HorzAlign::*;
- use VertAlign::*;
- let (halign, valign, hmargins, vmargins) = match area {
- Area::Title => (Center, Middle, [8, 11], [1, 8]),
- Area::Caption => (Left, Top, [8, 11], [1, 1]),
- Area::Footer => (Left, Top, [11, 8], [2, 3]),
- Area::Corner => (Left, Bottom, [8, 11], [1, 1]),
- Area::ColumnLabels => (Left, Top, [8, 11], [1, 3]),
- Area::RowLabels => (Left, Top, [8, 11], [1, 3]),
- Area::Data => (Mixed, Top, [8, 11], [1, 1]),
- Area::Layers => (Left, Bottom, [8, 11], [1, 3]),
- };
- AreaStyle {
- cell_style: CellStyle {
- horz_align: halign,
- vert_align: valign,
- margins: enum_map! { Axis2::X => hmargins, Axis2::Y => vmargins },
- },
- font_style: FontStyle {
- bold: area == Area::Title,
- italic: false,
- underline: false,
- markup: false,
- font: String::from("Sans Serif"),
- fg: [Color::BLACK; 2],
- bg: [Color::WHITE; 2],
- size: 9,
- },
- }
- }),
- borders: EnumMap::from_fn(|border| {
- let stroke = match border {
- Border::InnerFrame(_) | Border::DataLeft | Border::DataTop => Stroke::Thick,
- Border::Dimensions(side) if side != RowColBorder::RowVert => Stroke::Solid,
- Border::Categories(RowColBorder::ColHorz | RowColBorder::ColVert) => {
- Stroke::Solid
- }
- _ => Stroke::None,
- };
- BorderStyle {
- stroke,
- color: Color::BLACK,
- }
- }),
+ footnote_marker_type: FootnoteMarkerType::default(),
+ footnote_marker_position: FootnoteMarkerPosition::default(),
+ areas: EnumMap::from_fn(Area::default_area_style),
+ borders: EnumMap::from_fn(Border::default_border_style),
print_all_layers: false,
paginate_layers: false,
shrink_to_fit: EnumMap::from_fn(|_| false),
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct AreaStyle {
cell_style: CellStyle,
font_style: FontStyle,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct CellStyle {
horz_align: HorzAlign,
vert_align: VertAlign,
margins: EnumMap<Axis2, [i32; 2]>,
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum HorzAlign {
/// Right aligned.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum VertAlign {
/// Top alignment.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct FontStyle {
bold: bool,
italic: bool,
size: i32,
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Color {
alpha: u8,
r: u8,
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct BorderStyle {
stroke: Stroke,
color: Color,
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum Stroke {
-/// An axis of a flat table.
-#[derive(Debug, Enum)]
+impl Stroke {
+ /// Returns a stroke that "combines" the two arguments, that is, that gives
+ /// a reasonable stroke choice for a rule for different reasons should have
+ /// both styles.
+ fn combine(self, other: Stroke) -> Self {
+ self.max(other)
+ }
+/// An axis of a 2-dimensional table.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Enum)]
pub enum Axis2 {
+impl Axis2 {
+ pub fn opposite(self) -> Self {
+ match self {
+ Self::X => Self::Y,
+ Self::Y => Self::X,
+ }
+ }
+/// A 2-dimensional `(x,y)` pair.
+pub struct Coord2(pub EnumMap<Axis2, usize>);
+impl Coord2 {
+ pub fn new(x: usize, y: usize) -> Self {
+ use Axis2::*;
+ Self(enum_map! {
+ X => x,
+ Y => y
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn x(&self) -> usize {
+ self.0[Axis2::X]
+ }
+ pub fn y(&self) -> usize {
+ self.0[Axis2::Y]
+ }
+ pub fn get(&self, axis: Axis2) -> usize {
+ self.0[axis]
+ }
+impl From<EnumMap<Axis2, usize>> for Coord2 {
+ fn from(value: EnumMap<Axis2, usize>) -> Self {
+ Self(value)
+ }
+impl Index<Axis2> for Coord2 {
+ type Output = usize;
+ fn index(&self, index: Axis2) -> &Self::Output {
+ &self.0[index]
+ }
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub enum FootnoteMarkerType {
/// a, b, c, ...
+ #[default]
/// 1, 2, 3, ...
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub enum FootnoteMarkerPosition {
/// Subscripts.
+ #[default]
/// Superscripts.
-pub struct Table {
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct PivotTable {
look: Arc<Look>,
rotate_inner_column_labels: bool,
cells: HashMap<usize, Value>,
-impl Table {
+impl PivotTable {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
look: Look::shared_default(),
fn get(&self, data_indexes: &[usize]) -> Option<&Value> {
+ /// Converts per-axis presentation-order indexes in `presentation_indexes`,
+ /// into data indexes for each dimension.
+ fn convert_indexes_ptod(
+ &self,
+ presentation_indexes: EnumMap<Axis3, &[usize]>,
+ ) -> SmallVec<[usize; 4]> {
+ let mut data_indexes = SmallVec::with_capacity(self.dimensions.len());
+ for i in enum_iterator::all::<Axis3>() {
+ let axis = &self.axes[i];
+ for (j, dimension) in axis.dimensions.iter().enumerate() {
+ let pindex = presentation_indexes[i][j];
+ data_indexes[dimension.top_index] =
+ dimension.presentation_leaves[pindex].data_index;
+ }
+ }
+ data_indexes
+ }
/// Whether to show variable or value labels or the underlying value or variable name.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum ValueShow {
/// Value or variable name only.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Footnote {
content: Value,
marker: Value,
/// 5. A template. PSPP doesn't create these itself yet, but it can read and
/// interpret those created by SPSS.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Value {
styling: Option<Box<ValueStyle>>,
inner: ValueInner,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum ValueInner {
Number {
show: ValueShow,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ValueStyle {
font_style: FontStyle,
cell_style: CellStyle,
--- /dev/null
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use enum_map::{enum_map, EnumMap};
+use smallvec::{SmallVec, ToSmallVec};
+use crate::output::table::Table;
+use super::{
+ Axis, Axis2, Axis3, Border, BorderStyle, Category, CategoryTrait, Color, Coord2, Dimension,
+ PivotTable, Stroke,
+/// All of the combinations of dimensions along an axis.
+struct AxisEnumeration {
+ indexes: Vec<usize>,
+ stride: usize,
+ position: usize,
+impl AxisEnumeration {
+ fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.indexes.len() / self.stride
+ }
+ fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+ self.len() == 0
+ }
+ fn get(&self, index: usize) -> &[usize] {
+ let start = self.stride * index;
+ &self.indexes[start..start + self.stride]
+ }
+impl Iterator for AxisEnumeration {
+ type Item = SmallVec<[usize; 4]>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ if self.position < self.indexes.len() {
+ let item = (&self.indexes[self.position..self.position + self.stride]).to_smallvec();
+ self.position += self.stride;
+ Some(item)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+impl PivotTable {
+ fn is_row_empty(
+ &self,
+ layer_indexes: &[usize],
+ fixed_indexes: &[usize],
+ fixed_axis: Axis3,
+ ) -> bool {
+ let vary_axis = fixed_axis.transpose().unwrap();
+ let mut cursor2 = self.axes[vary_axis].iter();
+ while let Some(vary_indexes) = cursor2.next() {
+ let mut presentation_indexes = enum_map! {
+ Axis3::Z => layer_indexes,
+ _ => fixed_indexes,
+ };
+ presentation_indexes[vary_axis] = &vary_indexes;
+ let data_indexes = self.convert_indexes_ptod(presentation_indexes);
+ if self.get(&data_indexes).is_some() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ true
+ }
+ fn enumerate_axis(
+ &self,
+ enum_axis: Axis3,
+ layer_indexes: &[usize],
+ omit_empty: bool,
+ ) -> AxisEnumeration {
+ let axis = &self.axes[enum_axis];
+ let indexes = if axis.dimensions.is_empty() {
+ vec![0]
+ } else if axis.extent == 0 {
+ vec![]
+ } else {
+ let mut enumeration =
+ Vec::with_capacity(axis.extent.checked_mul(axis.dimensions.len()).unwrap());
+ if omit_empty {
+ for axis_indexes in axis.iter() {
+ if !self.is_row_empty(layer_indexes, &axis_indexes, enum_axis) {
+ enumeration.extend_from_slice(&axis_indexes);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if enumeration.is_empty() {
+ for axis_indexes in axis.iter() {
+ enumeration.extend_from_slice(&axis_indexes);
+ }
+ }
+ enumeration
+ };
+ AxisEnumeration {
+ indexes,
+ stride: axis.dimensions.len().max(1),
+ position: 0,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn output(&self, layer_indexes: &[usize], printing: bool) {
+ let column_enumeration = self.enumerate_axis(Axis3::X, layer_indexes, self.look.omit_empty);
+ let row_enumeration = self.enumerate_axis(Axis3::Y, layer_indexes, self.look.omit_empty);
+ let data = Coord2::new(column_enumeration.len(), row_enumeration.len());
+ let stub = Coord2::new(
+ self.axes[Axis3::Y].label_depth,
+ self.axes[Axis3::X].label_depth,
+ );
+ let borders = EnumMap::from_fn(|border| {
+ resolve_border_style(border, &self.look.borders, printing && self.show_grid_lines)
+ });
+ let n = EnumMap::from_fn(|axis| data[axis] + stub[axis]).into();
+ let table = Table::new(n, stub, self.look.areas.clone(), borders);
+ }
+fn find_category<'a>(
+ d: &'a Dimension,
+ dim_index: usize,
+ indexes: &[usize],
+ mut row_ofs: usize,
+) -> Option<Category> {
+ let index = indexes[dim_index];
+ let mut c = Category::Leaf(Arc::clone(&d.presentation_leaves[index]));
+ while row_ofs != c.extra_depth() {
+ row_ofs = row_ofs.checked_sub(1 + c.extra_depth())?;
+ c = Category::Group(Arc::clone(&c.parent()?));
+ }
+ Some(c)
+/// Fills row or column headings into T.
+/// This function uses terminology and variable names for column headings, but
+/// it also applies to row headings because it uses variables for the
+/// differences, e.g. when for column headings it would use the H axis, it
+/// instead uses 'h', which is set to H for column headings and V for row
+/// headings.
+fn compose_headings(
+ table: &mut Table,
+ h_axis: &Axis,
+ h: Axis2,
+ v_axis: &Axis,
+ column_enumeration: &AxisEnumeration,
+ dim_col_horz: Border,
+ dim_col_vert: Border,
+ cat_col_horz: Border,
+ cat_col_vert: Border,
+ rotate_inner_labels: bool,
+ rotate_outer_labels: bool,
+) {
+ let v = h.opposite();
+ let v_size = h_axis.label_depth;
+ let h_ofs = v_axis.label_depth;
+ let n_columns = column_enumeration.len();
+ if h_axis.dimensions.is_empty() || n_columns == 0 || v_size == 0 {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Below, we're going to iterate through the dimensions. Each dimension
+ // occupies one or more rows in the heading. `top_row` is the top row of
+ // these (and `top_row + d->label_depth - 1` is the bottom row).
+ let mut top_row = 0;
+ // We're going to iterate through dimensions and the rows that label them
+ // from top to bottom (from outer to inner dimensions). As we move
+ // downward, we start drawing vertical rules to separate categories and
+ // groups. After we start drawing a vertical rule in a particular
+ // horizontal position, it continues until the bottom of the heading.
+ // vrules[pos] indicates whether, in our current row, we have already
+ // started drawing a vertical rule in horizontal position `pos`. (There are
+ // n_columns + 1 horizontal positions. We allocate all of them for
+ // convenience below but only the inner `n_columns - 1` of them really
+ // matter.)
+ //
+ // Here's an example that shows how vertical rules continue all the way
+ // downward:
+ //
+ // ```text
+ // +-----------------------------------------------------+ __
+ // | bbbb | |
+ // +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ |dimension "bbbb"
+ // | bbbb1 | bbbb2 | bbbb3 | _|
+ // +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ __
+ // | aaaa | aaaa | aaaa | |
+ // +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |dimension "aaaa"
+ // |aaaa1|aaaa2|aaaa3|aaaa1|aaaa2|aaaa3|aaaa1|aaaa2|aaaa3| _|
+ // +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ //
+ // ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
+ // | | | | | | | | | |
+ // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+ // |___________________vrules[] indexes__________________|
+ // ```
+ //
+ // Our data structures are more naturally iterated from bottom to top (inner
+ // to outer dimensions). A previous version of this code actually worked
+ // like that, but it didn't draw all of the vertical lines correctly as
+ // shown above. It ended up rendering the above heading much like shown
+ // below, which isn't what users expect. The "aaaa" label really needs to
+ // be shown three times for clarity:
+ //
+ // ```text
+ // +-----------------------------------------------------+
+ // | bbbb |
+ // +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
+ // | bbbb1 | bbbb2 | bbbb3 |
+ // +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
+ // | | aaaa | |
+ // +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ // |aaaa1|aaaa2|aaaa3|aaaa1|aaaa2|aaaa3|aaaa1|aaaa2|aaaa3|
+ // +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ // ```
+ let mut vrules = vec![false; n_columns + 1];
+ vrules[0] = true;
+ vrules[n_columns] = true;
+ for dim_index in (0..h_axis.dimensions.len()).rev() {
+ let d = &h_axis.dimensions[dim_index];
+ if d.hide_all_labels {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for row_ofs in 0..d.label_depth {
+ let mut x1 = 0;
+ while x1 < n_columns {
+ let Some(c): Option<Category> = find_category(
+ d,
+ dim_index,
+ column_enumeration.get(x1),
+ d.label_depth - row_ofs - 1,
+ ) else {
+ x1 += 1;
+ continue;
+ };
+ let mut x2 = x1 + 1;
+ while x2 < n_columns && !vrules[x2] {
+ let c2 = find_category(
+ d,
+ dim_index,
+ column_enumeration.get(x2),
+ d.label_depth - row_ofs - 1,
+ );
+ if c2.as_ref().is_none_or(|c2| !c.ptr_eq(c2)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ x2 += 1;
+ }
+ let y1 = top_row + row_ofs;
+ let y2 = y1 + c.extra_depth() + 1;
+ let is_outer_row = y1 == 0;
+ let is_inner_row = y2 == v_size;
+ if c.show_label() {
+ let bb = enum_map! {
+ Axis2::X => x1 + h_ofs..x2 + h_ofs + 1,
+ Axis2::Y => y1..y2 - 1,
+ };
+ let rotate = (rotate_inner_labels && is_inner_row)
+ || (rotate_outer_labels && is_outer_row);
+ // fill_cell
+ // Draw all the vertical lines in our running example, other
+ // than the far left and far right ones. Only the ones that
+ // start in the last row of the heading are drawn with the
+ // "category" style, the rest with the "dimension" style,
+ // e.g. only the # below are category style:
+ //
+ // ```text
+ // +-----------------------------------------------------+
+ // | bbbb |
+ // +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
+ // | bbbb1 | bbbb2 | bbbb3 |
+ // +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
+ // | aaaa | aaaa | aaaa |
+ // +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ // |aaaa1#aaaa2#aaaa3|aaaa1#aaaa2#aaaa3|aaaa1#aaaa2#aaaa3|
+ // +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ // ```
+ let style = if y1 == v_size - 1 {
+ cat_col_vert
+ } else {
+ dim_col_vert
+ };
+ if !vrules[x2] {
+ // draw line
+ vrules[x2] = true;
+ }
+ if !vrules[x1] {
+ // draw line
+ vrules[x1] = true;
+ }
+ // Draws the horizontal lines within a dimension, that is,
+ // those that separate a category (or group) from its parent
+ // group or dimension's label. Our running example doesn't
+ // have groups but the `====` lines below show the
+ // separators between categories and their dimension label:
+ //
+ // ```text
+ // +-----------------------------------------------------+
+ // | bbbb |
+ // +=================+=================+=================+
+ // | bbbb1 | bbbb2 | bbbb3 |
+ // +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+
+ // | aaaa | aaaa | aaaa |
+ // +=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+
+ // |aaaa1|aaaa2|aaaa3|aaaa1|aaaa2|aaaa3|aaaa1|aaaa2|aaaa3|
+ // +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ // ```
+ if c.parent().is_some_and(|parent| parent.show_label) {
+ // draw line
+ }
+ x1 = x2;
+ }
+ }
+ if d.root.show_label_in_corner && h_ofs > 0 {
+ // fill cell
+ }
+ // Draw the horizontal line between dimensions, e.g. the `=====`
+ // line here:
+ //
+ // ```text
+ // +-----------------------------------------------------+ __
+ // | bbbb | |
+ // +-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ |dim "bbbb"
+ // | bbbb1 | bbbb2 | bbbb3 | _|
+ // +=================+=================+=================+ __
+ // | aaaa | aaaa | aaaa | |
+ // +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |dim "aaaa"
+ // |aaaa1|aaaa2|aaaa3|aaaa1|aaaa2|aaaa3|aaaa1|aaaa2|aaaa3| _|
+ // +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
+ // ```
+ if dim_index != h_axis.dimensions.len() - 1 {
+ // draw lines
+ }
+ top_row += d.label_depth;
+ }
+ }
+fn resolve_border_style(
+ border: Border,
+ borders: &EnumMap<Border, BorderStyle>,
+ show_grid_lines: bool,
+) -> BorderStyle {
+ let style = borders[border];
+ if style.stroke != Stroke::None {
+ style
+ } else {
+ let style = borders[border.fallback()];
+ if style.stroke != Stroke::None || !show_grid_lines {
+ style
+ } else {
+ BorderStyle {
+ stroke: Stroke::Dashed,
+ color: Color::BLACK,
+ }
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+//! Tables.
+//! A table is a rectangular grid of cells. Cells can be joined to form larger
+//! cells. Rows and columns can be separated by rules of various types. Rows
+//! at the top and bottom of a table and columns at the left and right edges of
+//! a table can be designated as headers, which means that if the table must be
+//! broken across more than one page, those rows or columns are repeated on each
+//! page.
+//! Some drivers use tables as an implementation detail of rendering pivot
+//! tables.
+use std::{ops::Range, sync::Arc};
+use enum_map::{enum_map, EnumMap};
+use crate::output::pivot::Coord2;
+use super::pivot::{Area, AreaStyle, Axis2, Border, BorderStyle, CellStyle, FontStyle, Value};
+pub enum Content {
+ Empty,
+ Value(Box<CellInner>),
+ Join(Arc<Cell>),
+pub struct Cell {
+ inner: CellInner,
+ /// Occupied table region.
+ region: EnumMap<Axis2, Range<usize>>,
+ font_style: Option<Box<FontStyle>>,
+ cell_style: Option<Box<CellStyle>>,
+impl Cell {
+ fn new(inner: CellInner, region: EnumMap<Axis2, Range<usize>>) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ inner,
+ region,
+ font_style: None,
+ cell_style: None,
+ }
+ }
+pub struct CellInner {
+ /// Rotate cell contents 90 degrees?
+ rotate: bool,
+ /// An index into `styles` in the `Table`.
+ style_idx: u8,
+ value: Value,
+/// A table.
+pub struct Table {
+ /// Number of rows and columns.
+ n: Coord2,
+ /// Table header rows and columns.
+ headers: Coord2,
+ contents: Vec<Content>,
+ /// Styles for areas of the table.
+ areas: EnumMap<Area, AreaStyle>,
+ /// Styles for borders in the table.
+ borders: EnumMap<Border, BorderStyle>,
+ /// Horizontal and vertical rules.
+ rules: EnumMap<Axis2, Vec<Border>>,
+impl Table {
+ pub fn new(
+ n: Coord2,
+ headers: Coord2,
+ areas: EnumMap<Area, AreaStyle>,
+ borders: EnumMap<Border, BorderStyle>,
+ ) -> Self {
+ let nr = n[Axis2::Y];
+ let nc = n[Axis2::X];
+ Self {
+ n,
+ headers,
+ contents: vec![Content::Empty; nr * nc],
+ areas,
+ borders,
+ rules: enum_map! {
+ Axis2::X => vec![Border::Title; (nr + 1) * nc],
+ Axis2::Y => vec![Border::Title; nr * (nc + 1)],
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn offset(&self, pos: Coord2) -> usize {
+ pos.x() + self.n.x() * pos.y()
+ }
+ pub fn put(&mut self, region: EnumMap<Axis2, Range<usize>>, inner: CellInner) {
+ use Axis2::*;
+ if region[X].len() == 1 && region[Y].len() == 1 {
+ let offset = self.offset(Coord2::new(region[X].start, region[Y].start));
+ self.contents[offset] = Content::Value(Box::new(inner));
+ } else {
+ let cell = Arc::new(Cell::new(inner, region.clone()));
+ for y in region[Y].clone() {
+ for x in region[X].clone() {
+ let offset = self.offset(Coord2::new(x, y));
+ self.contents[offset] = Content::Join(cell.clone())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
identifier::{Error as IdError, Identifier},
-use encoding_rs::{mem::decode_latin1, DecoderResult, Encoding};
+use encoding_rs::{mem::decode_latin1, Encoding};
use flate2::read::ZlibDecoder;
use num::Integer;
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, VecDeque},
fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter, Result as FmtResult},
io::{Error as IoError, Read, Seek, SeekFrom},
- iter::repeat,
- /// Returns `input` decoded from `self.encoding` into UTF-8 such that
- /// re-encoding the result back into `self.encoding` will have exactly the
- /// same length in bytes.
- ///
- /// XXX warn about errors?
- pub fn decode_exact_length<'a>(&self, input: &'a [u8]) -> Cow<'a, str> {
- if let (s, false) = self.encoding.decode_without_bom_handling(input) {
- // This is the common case. Usually there will be no errors.
- s
- } else {
- // Unusual case. Don't bother to optimize it much.
- let mut decoder = self.encoding.new_decoder_without_bom_handling();
- let mut output = String::with_capacity(
- decoder
- .max_utf8_buffer_length_without_replacement(input.len())
- .unwrap(),
- );
- let mut rest = input;
- while !rest.is_empty() {
- match decoder.decode_to_string_without_replacement(rest, &mut output, true) {
- (DecoderResult::InputEmpty, _) => break,
- (DecoderResult::OutputFull, _) => unreachable!(),
- (DecoderResult::Malformed(a, b), consumed) => {
- let skipped = a as usize + b as usize;
- output.extend(repeat('?').take(skipped));
- rest = &rest[consumed..];
- }
- }
- }
- assert_eq!(self.encoding.encode(&output).0.len(), input.len());
- output.into()
- }
- }
pub fn decode_identifier(&self, input: &RawString) -> Result<Identifier, IdError> {