"n<5" 00 77 i1 00 00 00 03
"n<5" 58 00 00 00 00
"n<5" 00
+The primary format specifier for substitution 1 is ^1.
+Substitutions with multiple values take the form [:^1:]1. The : are mandatory even though not apparently useful.
+Substitutions with two forms for multiple values are written as [%1:, ^1:]1.
+Substitutions can take two values at a time, like: [:^1 = ^2:]1
+but more often there would be two forms: [%1 = %2:, ^1 = ^2:]1.
+WM is constant when Age = 19.00. It will be included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
+ <template format="^1 is constant when [%1 = %2:, ^1 = ^2:]2. It will be included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.">
+ <substitution index="1">
+ <variable name="meaning14" label="level of enjoyment"/>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution index="2">
+ <variable name="meaning13" label="none of these"/>
+ <numeric-datum value="1" format="F40.2" variable="meaning13"/>
+ </substitution>
+ </template>
+<template format="[:^1\n:]1">
+ <substitution index="1">
+ <string c="FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=can_trt0 can_trt1 can_trt2 can_trt3 can_trt4 can_trt5 can_trt6"/>
+ <string c=" /HISTOGRAM"/>
+ <string c=" /ORDER=ANALYSIS."/>
+ </substitution>
+Design: Intercept
+Within Subjects Design: Looks+Charisma+Looks*Charisma
+ <string c="Mauchly's Test of Sphericity"/>
+ <template format="Design\: [:^1:]1 \n Within Subjects Design\: [:^1:]2">
+ <substitution index="1">
+ <string c="Intercept"/>
+ <string c=" + "/>
+ <variable name="Lakes"/>
+ <string c=" + "/>
+ <variable name="Treatments"/>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution index="2">
+ <string c="Time"/>
+ </substitution>
+ </template>
+Dependent Variable: Num_Diagnostic
+Model: (Intercept), functdent, Sex, nursebeds, BaseAge, offset = log_period_yr
+ <string c="Omnibus Test"/>
+ <template format="Dependent Variable\: ^1\nModel\: [%1:, ^1:]2">
+ <substitution index="1">
+ <variable name="Condom_Casual" label="4. How often have you used condoms when you had sex with casual partners?"/>
+ </substitution>
+ <substitution index="2">
+ <string c="(Intercept)"/>
+ <string c="Greek"/>
+ <string c="Winning"/>
+ <string c="Emotion"/>
+ <string c="Violence"/>
+ <string c="Risk"/>
+ <string c="Power"/>
+ <string c="Playboy"/>
+ <string c="Reliance"/>
+ <string c="Primacy"/>
+ <string c="heterosexual_presentation"/>
+ <string c="sensation_seeking"/>
+ <string c="Impulsivity"/>
+ <string c="Quantity_alc"/>
+ </substitution>
+ </template>
+ <string c="Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts"/>
+ <template format="Error([%1:*^1:]1)">
+ <substitution index="1">
+ <string c="Time"/>
+ </substitution>
+ </template>