$(AM_V_at)echo "#include \"version.h\"" >> $@,tmp
$(AM_V_at)echo "const char bare_version[] = \"$(VERSION)\";" >> $@,tmp
$(AM_V_at)echo "const char version[] = \"GNU $(PACKAGE) $(VERSION)\";" >> $@,tmp
- $(AM_V_at)echo "const char stat_version[] = \"GNU $(PACKAGE) $(VERSION) \
-$(AM_V_at)(`LC_ALL=C TZ=UTC date`).\";" >> $@,tmp
$(AM_V_at)echo "const char host_system[] = \"$(host_triplet)\";" >> $@,tmp
$(AM_V_at)echo "const char build_system[] = \"$(build_triplet)\";" >> $@,tmp
$(AM_V_at)echo "const char locale_dir[] = \"$(datadir)/locale\";" >> $@,tmp
fprintf (stderr, "include the syntax file that triggered it and a sample\n");
fprintf (stderr, "of any data file used for input.\n");
fprintf (stderr, "proximate cause: %s\n", msg);
- fprintf (stderr, "version: %s\n", stat_version);
+ fprintf (stderr, "version: %s\n", version);
fprintf (stderr, "host_system: %s\n", host_system);
fprintf (stderr, "build_system: %s\n", build_system);
fprintf (stderr, "locale_dir: %s\n", locale_dir);
/* "GNU PSPP A.B.C" */
extern const char version[];
-/* "GNU PSPP version A.B (date), Copyright (C) XXXX Free Software
- Foundation, Inc." */
-extern const char stat_version[];
/* Canonical name of host system type. */
extern const char host_system[];
xmlTextWriterStartElement (w, _xml ("office:meta"));
xmlTextWriterStartElement (w, _xml ("meta:generator"));
- xmlTextWriterWriteString (w, _xml (stat_version));
+ xmlTextWriterWriteString (w, _xml (version));
xmlTextWriterEndElement (w);
"it\nunder certain conditions; type \"show copying.\" to see the "
"conditions.\nThere is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY for PSPP; type \"show "
"warranty.\" for details.\n", stdout);
- puts (stat_version);
+ puts (version);
journal_init ();