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Home Intro Windowing +Paging Smooth Scrolling Split-Screen +Back +
Hardware Level VGA and SVGA Video Programming Information +Page
+ +
Special Effects Hardware  +
+ + +Introduction +
        This section describes the +capabilities of the VGA hardware that can be used to implement special +effects such as windowing, paging, smooth panning and scrolling, and split +screen operation.. These functions are probably the least utilized of all +of the VGA's capabilities, possibly because most texts devoted to video +hardware provide only brief documentation. Also, the video BIOS provides +no support for these capabilities so the VGA card must be programmed at +the hardware level in order to utilize these capabilities. Windowing allows +a program to view a portion of an image in display memory larger than the +current display resolution, providing rough panning and scrolling. Paging +allows multiple display screens to be stored in the display memory allowing +rapid switching between them. Smooth panning and scrolling works in conjunction +with windowing to provide more precise control of window position. Split-screen +operation allows the creation of a horizontal division on the screen that +creates a window below that remains fixed in place independent of the panning +and scrolling of the window above. These features can be combined to provide +powerful control of the display with minimal demand on the host CPU. + +

Windowing +
        The VGA hardware has the +ability treat the display as a window which can pan and/or scroll across +an image larger than the screen, which is used by some windowing systems +to provide a virtual scrolling desktop, and by some games and assembly +demos to provide scrolling. Some image viewers use this to allow viewing +of images larger than the screen. This capability is not limited to graphics +mode; some terminal programs use this capability to provide a scroll-back +buffer, and some editors use this to provide an editing screen wider than +80 columns. +
        This feature can be implemented +by brute force by simply copying the portion of the image to be displayed +to the screen. Doing this, however takes significant processor horsepower. +For example, scrolling a 256 color 320x200 display at 30 frames per second +by brute force requires a data transfer rate of 1.92 megabytes/second. +However, using the hardware capability of the VGA the same operation would +require a data transfer rate of only 120 bytes/second. Obviously there +is an advantage to using the VGA hardware. However, there are some limitations--one +being that the entire screen must scroll (or the top portion of the screen +if split-screen mode is used.) and the other being that the maximum size +of the virtual image is limited to the amount of video memory accessible, +although it is possible to redraw portions of the display memory to display +larger virtual images. +
        In text mode, windowing +allows panning at the character resolution. In graphics mode, windowing +allows panning at 8-bit resolution and scrolling at scan-line resolution. +For more precise control, see Smooth Panning and Scrolling +below. Because the VGA BIOS and most programming environment's graphics +libraries do not support windowing, you must modify or write your own routines +to write to the display for functions such as writing text or graphics. +This section assumes that you have the ability to work with the custom +resolutions possible when windowing is used. +
        In order to understand virtual +resolutions it is necessary to understand how the VGA's Start +Address High Register, Start Address Low Register, +and Offset field work. Because display memory +in the VGA is accessed by a 32-bit bus, a 16-bit address is sufficient +to uniquely identify any location in the VGA's 256K address space. The +Start Address High Register and Start +Address Low Register provide such an address. This address is used +to specify either the location of the first character in text mode or the +position of the first byte of pixels in graphics mode. At the end of the +vertical retrace, the current line start address is loaded with this value. +This causes one scan line of pixels or characters to be output starting +at this address. At the beginning of the next scan-line (or character row +in text mode) the value of the Offset Register +multiplied by the current memory address size * 2 is added to the current +line start address. The Double-Word Addressing +field and the Word/Byte field specify the +current memory address size. If the value of the Double-Word +Addressing field is 1, then the current memory address size is four +(double-word). Otherwise, the Word/Byte field +specifies the current memory address size. If the value of the Word/Byte +field is 0 then the current memory address size is 2 (word) otherwise, +the current memory address size is 1 (byte). +
        Normally in graphics modes, +the offset register is programmed to represent (after multiplication) the +number of bytes in a scan line. This means that (unless a CGA/MDA emulation +mode is in effect) scan lines will be arranged sequentially in memory with +no space in between, allowing for the most compact representation in display +memory. However, this does not have to be the case--in fact, by increasing +the value of the offset register we can leave "extra space" between lines. +This is what provides for virtual widths. By programming the offset register +to the value of the equation: + +

        Offset = VirtualWidth +/ ( PixelsPerAddress * MemoryAddressSize * 2 ) + +

VirtualWidth is the width of the virtual resolution in pixels, and PixelsPerAddress +is the number of pixels per display memory address (1, 2, 4 or 8) depending +on the current video mode. For virtual text modes, the offset register +is programmed with the value of the equation: + +

        Offset = VirtualWidth +/ ( MemoryAddressSize * 2 ) + +

In text mode, there is always one character per display memory address. +In standard CGA compatible text modes, MemoryAddressSize is 2 (word). +
        After you have programmed +the new offset, the screen will now display only a portion of a virtual +display. The screen will display the number of scan-lines as specified +by the current mode. If the screen reaches the last byte of memory, the +next byte of memory will wrap around to the first byte of memory. Remember +that the Start Address specifies the display memory address of the upper-left +hand character or pixel. Thus the maximum height of a virtual screen depends +on the width of the virtual screen. By increasing this by the number of +bytes in a scan-line (or character row), the display will scroll one scan-line +or character row vertically downwards. By increasing the Start Address +by less than the number of bytes in a scan line, you can move the virtual +window horizontally to the right. If the virtual width is the same as the +actual width, one can create a vertical scrolling mode. This is used sometimes +as an "elevator" mode or to provide rapid scrollback capability in text +mode. If the virtual height is the same as the actual height, then only +horizontal panning is possible, sometimes called "panoramic" mode. In any +case, the equation for calculating the Start Address is: + +

        Start Address = StartingOffset ++ Y * BytesPerVirtualRow + X + +

Y is the vertical position, from 0 to the value of the VitrualHeight +- ActualHeight. X is the horizontal position, from 0 to the value of BytesPerVirtualRow +- BytesPerActualRow . These ranges prevent wrapping around to the left +side of the screen, although you may find it useful to use the wrap-around +for whatever your purpose. Note that the wrap-around simply starts displaying +the next row/scan-line rather than the current one, so is not that useful +(except when using programming techniques that take this factor into account.) +Normally StartingOffset is 0, but if paging or split-screen mode is being +used, or even if you simply want to relocate the screen, you must change +the starting offset to the address of the upper-left hand pixel of the +virtual screen. +
        For example, a 512x300 virtual +screen in a 320x200 16-color 1 bit/pixel planar display would require 512 +pixels / 8 pixels/byte = 64 bytes per row and 64 bytes/row * 300 lines += 19200 bytes per screen. Assuming the VGA is in byte addressing mode, +this means that we need to program the offset register Offset +field with 512 pixels / (8 pixels/byte * 1 * 2) = 32 (20h). Adding one +to the start address will move the display screen to the right eight pixels. +More precise control is provided by the smooth scrolling mechanism. Adding +64 to the start address will move the virtual screen down one scan line. +See the following chart which shows the virtual screen when the start address +is calculated with an X and Y of 0: +

Click for Textified Virtual Screen Mode Example
+ + +

Paging +
        The video display memory +may be able to hold more than one screen of data (or virtual screen if +virtual resolutions are used.) These multiple screens, called pages, allows +rapid switching between them. As long as they both have the same actual +(and virtual if applicable) resolution, simply changing the Start Address +as given by the Start Address High Register +and Start Address Low Register pair to point +to the memory address of the first byte of the page (or set the StartingOffset +term in the equation for virtual resolutions to the first memory address +of the page.) If they have different virtual widths, then the Offset +field must be reprogrammed. It is possible to store both graphics and text +pages simultaneously in memory, in addition to different graphics mode +pages. In this case, the video mode must be changed when changing pages. +In addition, in text mode the Cursor Location must be reprogrammed for +each page if it is to be displayed. Also paging allows for double buffering +of the display -- the CPU can write to one page while the VGA hardware +is displaying another. By switching between pages during the vertical retrace +period, flicker free screen updates can be implemented. +
        An example of paging is +that used by the VGA BIOS in the 80x25 text mode. Each page of text takes +up 2000 memory address locations, and the VGA uses a 32K memory aperture, +with the Odd/Even addressing enabled. Because Odd/Even addressing is enabled, +each page of text takes up 4000 bytes in host memory, thus 32768 / 4000 += 8 (rounded down) pages can be provided and can be accessed at one time +by the CPU. Each page starts at a multiple of 4096 (1000h). Because the +display controller circuitry works independent of the host memory access +mode, this means that each page starts at a display address that is a multiple +of 2048 (800h), thus the Starting Address is programmed to the value obtained +by multiplying the page to be displayed by 2048 (800h). See the following +chart which shows the arrangement of these pages in display memory: +

Click here to display a textified Paging Memory Utilization Example
+ + +

Smooth Panning and Scrolling +
        Because the Start Address +field only provides for scrolling and panning at the memory address level, +more precise panning and scrolling capability is needed to scroll at the +pixel level as multiple pixels may reside at the same memory address especially +in text mode where the Start Address field only allows panning and scrolling +at the character level. +
        Pixel level panning is controlled +by the Pixel Shift Count and Byte +Panning fields. The Pixel Shift Count +field specifies the number of pixels to shift left. In all graphics modes +and text modes except 9 dot text modes and 256 color graphics modes, the +Pixel Shift Count is defined for values 0-7. +This provides the pixel level control not provided by the Start +Address Register or the Byte Panning fields. +In 9 dot text modes the Pixel Shift Count +is field defined for values 8, and 0-7, with 8 being the minimum shift +amount and 7 being the maximum. In 256 color graphics modes, due to the +way the hardware makes a 256 color value by combining 2 16-bit values, +the Pixel Shift Count field is only defined +for values 0, 2, 4, and 6. Values 1, 3, 5, and 7 cause the screen to be +distorted due to the hardware combining 4 bits from each of 2 adjacent +pixels. The Byte Panning field is added to +the Start Address Register when determining +the address of the top-left hand corner of the screen, and has the value +from 0-3. Combined, both panning fields allow a shift of 15, 31, or 35 +pixels, dependent upon the video mode. Note that programming the Pixel +Shift Count field to an undefined value may cause undesired effects +and these effects are not guaranteed to be identical on all chipsets, so +it is best to be avoided. +
        Pixel level scrolling is +controlled by the Preset Row Scan field. This +field may take any value from 0 up to the value of the Maximum +Scan Line field; anything greater causes interesting artifacts (there +is no guarantee that the result will be the same for all VGA chipsets.) +Incrementing this value will shift the screen upwards by one scan line, +allowing for smooth scrolling in modes where the Offset field does not +provide precise control. + +

Split-screen Operation +
        The VGA hardware provides +the ability to specify a horizontal division which divides the screen into +two windows which can start at separate display memory addresses. In addition, +it provides the facility for panning the top window independent of the +bottom window. The hardware does not provide for split-screen modes where +multiple video modes are possible in one display screen as provided by +some non-VGA graphics controllers. In addition, there are some limitations, +the first being that the bottom window's starting display memory address +is fixed at 0. This means that (unless you are using split screen mode +to duplicate memory on purpose) the bottom screen must be located first +in memory and followed by the top. The second limitation is that either +both windows are panned by the same amount, or only the top window pans, +in which case, the bottom window's panning values are fixed at 0. Another +limitation is that the Preset Row Scan field +only applies to the top window -- the bottom window has an effective Preset +Row Scan value of 0. +
        The Line Compare field in +the VGA, of which bit 9 is in the Maximum Scan +Line Register, bit 8 is in the Overflow Register, +and bits 7-0 are in the Line Compare Register, +specifies the scan line address of the horizontal division. When the line +counter reaches the value in the Line Compare Register, the current scan +line start address is reset to 0. If the Pixel +Panning Mode field is set to 1 then the Pixel +Shift Count and Byte Panning fields are +reset to 0 for the remainder of the display cycle allowing the top window +to pan while the bottom window remains fixed. Otherwise, both windows pan +by the same amount. +
  + +

Notice: All trademarks used or referred to on this page are the property +of their respective owners. +
All pages are Copyright © 1997, 1998, J. D. Neal, except where +noted. Permission for utilization and distribution is subject to the terms +of the FreeVGA Project Copyright License. + +