X-Git-Url: https://pintos-os.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?a=blobdiff_plain;f=examples%2Fnhtsa-drinking-2008.sps;h=db2b1c235b057f4789bf1c56f916f76d8907c430;hb=2f3f4d9b20e0cde593fad4137cdc48922a38c3da;hp=84cbc6a4403de9886ced6c1912808274470aafb5;hpb=cbf273bfb07d7db5353eb691b903a321b7e5bd59;p=pspp diff --git a/examples/nhtsa-drinking-2008.sps b/examples/nhtsa-drinking-2008.sps index 84cbc6a440..db2b1c235b 100644 --- a/examples/nhtsa-drinking-2008.sps +++ b/examples/nhtsa-drinking-2008.sps @@ -99,4 +99,117 @@ VALUE LABELS 5 '46 to 55' 6 '56 to 65' 7 '66 or older'. +RENAME VARIABLES + (QNSA1 = sampleSource) + (QNS1 = membersOver16) + (QNS3A = gender) + (QN1 = freqOfDriving) + (QN15 = freqOfDrinking) + (QN17 = mostFreqBeverage) + (QN18 = portionsPerSitting) + (QN19A = startAgeOfDrinking) + (qn20 = monthDaysMin1drink) + (qn23 = monthDaysMin5drinks) + (QN26 = hasConsideredReduction) + (QN27 = hasBeenCriticized) + (QN28 = hasFeltBadOrGuilty) + (QN29 = hasDrunkInMorning) + (qn31 = portionsConsideredSafe2Hrs) + (QN33 = hasDrivenAfterDrinking) + (qn35 = timesDrivenAfterDrinking30Days) + (qn36 = monthsSinceLastDriveAfterDrink) + (QN37 = placeOfLastDrinkBeforeDrive) + (qn38 = portionsOfLastDrinkBeforeDrive) + (QN39H = lengthOfLastDrinkBeforeDriveHrs) + (QN39M = lengthOfLastDrinkBeforeDriveMins) + (qn39 = lengthOfLastDrinkBeforeDrive) + (qn41 = timeBetweenLastDrinkAndDrive) + (QN43A = woreSeatbeltLastDriveAfterDrink) + (qn44 = nPassengersLastDriveAfterDrink) + (qn44a = nPassengersUnder15LastDriveAfterDrink) + (QN49 = positionVsLegalLimitLastDriveAfterDrink) + (qn52 = timesOverLegalLimit12Months) + (QN54 = hasAvoidedDrivingAfterDrink) + (QN56 = alternativeUsedLastTimeAvoided) + (QN57 = hasBeenPassengerOfDrunkDriver) + (QN61 = hasBeenPassengerOfDesignatedDriver) + (QN64B = hasBeenDesignatedDriver) + (qn65 = nPortionsLastTimeAsDesignatedDriver) + (QN65A = momentOfDesignation) + (qn66 = nPortionsMaxDesignatedDriver) + (QN86 = hasHostedEventWithAlcohol) + (QN87 = levelOfConcernAboutDrivingAtLastEvent) + (QN88_1 = measuresAgainstDrivingAfterDrinkAtLastEvent_1) + (QN88_2 = measuresAgainstDrivingAfterDrinkAtLastEvent_2) + (QN88_3 = measuresAgainstDrivingAfterDrinkAtLastEvent_3) + (QN89 = hasHostedEventForYouthUnder21) + (QN90 = hasMonitoredAlcoholConsumptionAtLastEventUnder21) + (QN90A = youthUnder21HasDrunkAlcoholAtLastEvent) + (QN91_1 = measuresAgainstDrivingAfterDrinkAtLastEventUnder21_1) + (QN91_2 = measuresAgainstDrivingAfterDrinkAtLastEventUnder21_2) + (QN91_3 = measuresAgainstDrivingAfterDrinkAtLastEventUnder21_3) + (QN96A = hasWitnessedDrunkPersonPlanningToDrive) + (QN100 = hasTriedToStopDrunkPersonFromDriving) + (QN101 = measuresToStopDrunkPersonFromDriving) + (QN102 = drunkPersonDroveAnyhow) + (QN102B = hasBeenEncouragedToDrinkMoreThanPlanned) + (QN102C = hasFeltCompelledToDrink) + (QN103 = levelOfThreatDrinkingAndDrivingByOtherPeople) + (QN105BA = likelihoodOfBeingStoppedByPolice) + (QN105BB = likelihoodOfHavingAnAccident) + (QN105BC = likelihoodOfBeingConvicted) + (QN105BD = likelihoodOfBeingArrested) + (QN113 = hasBeenArrestedForDrinkingAndDriving) + (qn114 = numberOfArrestsLast2Years) + (QN116 = opinionAboutSeverityOfPenalties) + (QN120 = hasSeenSobrietyCheckpoint) + (qn121 = numberOfSobrietyCheckpointsCrossed12Months) + (QN122C = desiredFrequencyOfSobrietyCheckpoints) + (QN123 = awarenessOfBAClevels) + (qn126 = portionsCorrespondingToBAC.08) + (QN131A = hasBeenInvolvedInCrash) + (QN132A = alcoholInvolvedInLastCrash) + (QN133 = injuriesInLastCrash) + (QN139A = effectivenessPoliceEfforts) + (QN139E = effectivenessAlternativeTransport) + (QN139G = effectivenessTreatment) + (QN139H = effectivenessPenaltiesLicensedEstablishments) + (QN139K = effectivenessPenaltiesPartyHosts) + (QN139L = effectivenessSuspensionOfLicense) + (QN139M = effectivenessConfiscationOfVehicle) + (QN139N = effectivenessBreathLock) + (QN139_A = awarenessNationalMinimumDrinkingAge) + (QN139_B = minimumNationalDrinkingAge) + (QN139CA = effectivenessUnder21PoliceEfforts) + (QN139CE = effectivenessUnder21AlternativeTransport) + (QN139CF = effectivenessUnder21LimitingAmount) + (QN139CG = effectivenessUnder21Treatment) + (QN139CH = effectivenessUnder21PenaltiesLicensedEstablishments) + (QN139CK = effectivenessUnder21PenaltiesPartyHosts) + (QN139CL = effectivenessUnder21SuspensionOfLicense) + (QN139CN = effectivenessUnder21BreathLock) + (QN140AA = support1stTimeSuspensionOfLicense) + (QN140AB = support1stTimeJail) + (QN140AC = support1stTimeConfiscationOfVehicle) + (QN140AD = support1stTimeBreathLock) + (QN140AE = supportConfiscationOfLicensePlates) + (QN140AF = supportCompulsaryTreatment) + (qnd1 = age) + (QND1B = numberOfChildrenUnder16) + (QND2_1 = employmentStatus_1) + (QND2_2 = employmentStatus_2) + (QND2_3 = employmentStatus_3) + (QND3 = education) + (QND5 = hispanicOrLatino) + (QND5A = ethnicBackground) + (QND6_1 = race_1) + (QND6_2 = race_2) + (QND6_3 = race_3) + (QND6_4 = race_4) + (QND6_5 = race_5) + (QND7A = isLicensedDriver) + (QND8 = income) + (qnd9 = weightOfRespondent) + (QND11A = singleLandLinePhoneNumber) + (QND11 = nLandLinePhoneNumbers). SAVE OUTFILE='nhtsa.sav'.