X-Git-Url: https://pintos-os.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=inline;f=src%2Foutput%2Fcairo.c;h=f959e14c2d37f091694ea704a015cdca3c1c2f75;hb=f967d0e36a2193c1249799f463ea9109b753f7a8;hp=c96384ae0a6018ceb5b02283203f55f82413d719;hpb=dbe1d88697fe0b37bc1cc5b0bcbacc2d3f26c1f1;p=pspp diff --git a/src/output/cairo.c b/src/output/cairo.c index c96384ae0a..f959e14c2d 100644 --- a/src/output/cairo.c +++ b/src/output/cairo.c @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ #include "libpspp/assertion.h" #include "libpspp/cast.h" +#include "libpspp/hash-functions.h" #include "libpspp/message.h" #include "libpspp/pool.h" #include "libpspp/start-date.h" @@ -42,8 +43,8 @@ #include "output/group-item.h" #include "output/message-item.h" #include "output/options.h" +#include "output/page-setup-item.h" #include "output/render.h" -#include "output/tab.h" #include "output/table-item.h" #include "output/table.h" #include "output/text-item.h" @@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -150,9 +152,15 @@ struct xr_driver int line_width; /* Width of lines. */ int min_break[TABLE_N_AXES]; /* Min cell size to break across pages. */ + int object_spacing; /* Space between output objects. */ - struct xr_color bg; /* Background color */ - struct xr_color fg; /* Foreground color */ + struct cell_color bg; /* Background color */ + struct cell_color fg; /* Foreground color */ + + int initial_page_number; + + struct page_heading headings[2]; /* Top and bottom headings. */ + int headings_height[2]; /* Internal state. */ struct render_params *params; @@ -161,10 +169,12 @@ struct xr_driver char *title; char *subtitle; cairo_t *cairo; + cairo_surface_t *surface; int page_number; /* Current page number. */ int x, y; struct xr_render_fsm *fsm; int nest; + struct string_map heading_vars; }; static const struct output_driver_class cairo_driver_class; @@ -205,6 +215,256 @@ opt (struct output_driver *d, struct string_map *options, const char *key, return driver_option_get (d, options, key, default_value); } +static int +lookup_color_name (const char *s) +{ + struct color + { + struct hmap_node hmap_node; + const char *name; + int code; + }; + + static struct color colors[] = + { + { .name = "aliceblue", .code = 0xf0f8ff }, + { .name = "antiquewhite", .code = 0xfaebd7 }, + { .name = "aqua", .code = 0x00ffff }, + { .name = "aquamarine", .code = 0x7fffd4 }, + { .name = "azure", .code = 0xf0ffff }, + { .name = "beige", .code = 0xf5f5dc }, + { .name = "bisque", .code = 0xffe4c4 }, + { .name = "black", .code = 0x000000 }, + { .name = "blanchedalmond", .code = 0xffebcd }, + { .name = "blue", .code = 0x0000ff }, + { .name = "blueviolet", .code = 0x8a2be2 }, + { .name = "brown", .code = 0xa52a2a }, + { .name = "burlywood", .code = 0xdeb887 }, + { .name = "cadetblue", .code = 0x5f9ea0 }, + { .name = "chartreuse", .code = 0x7fff00 }, + { .name = "chocolate", .code = 0xd2691e }, + { .name = "coral", .code = 0xff7f50 }, + { .name = "cornflowerblue", .code = 0x6495ed }, + { .name = "cornsilk", .code = 0xfff8dc }, + { .name = "crimson", .code = 0xdc143c }, + { .name = "cyan", .code = 0x00ffff }, + { .name = "darkblue", .code = 0x00008b }, + { .name = "darkcyan", .code = 0x008b8b }, + { .name = "darkgoldenrod", .code = 0xb8860b }, + { .name = "darkgray", .code = 0xa9a9a9 }, + { .name = "darkgreen", .code = 0x006400 }, + { .name = "darkgrey", .code = 0xa9a9a9 }, + { .name = "darkkhaki", .code = 0xbdb76b }, + { .name = "darkmagenta", .code = 0x8b008b }, + { .name = "darkolivegreen", .code = 0x556b2f }, + { .name = "darkorange", .code = 0xff8c00 }, + { .name = "darkorchid", .code = 0x9932cc }, + { .name = "darkred", .code = 0x8b0000 }, + { .name = "darksalmon", .code = 0xe9967a }, + { .name = "darkseagreen", .code = 0x8fbc8f }, + { .name = "darkslateblue", .code = 0x483d8b }, + { .name = "darkslategray", .code = 0x2f4f4f }, + { .name = "darkslategrey", .code = 0x2f4f4f }, + { .name = "darkturquoise", .code = 0x00ced1 }, + { .name = "darkviolet", .code = 0x9400d3 }, + { .name = "deeppink", .code = 0xff1493 }, + { .name = "deepskyblue", .code = 0x00bfff }, + { .name = "dimgray", .code = 0x696969 }, + { .name = "dimgrey", .code = 0x696969 }, + { .name = "dodgerblue", .code = 0x1e90ff }, + { .name = "firebrick", .code = 0xb22222 }, + { .name = "floralwhite", .code = 0xfffaf0 }, + { .name = "forestgreen", .code = 0x228b22 }, + { .name = "fuchsia", .code = 0xff00ff }, + { .name = "gainsboro", .code = 0xdcdcdc }, + { .name = "ghostwhite", .code = 0xf8f8ff }, + { .name = "gold", .code = 0xffd700 }, + { .name = "goldenrod", .code = 0xdaa520 }, + { .name = "gray", .code = 0x808080 }, + { .name = "green", .code = 0x008000 }, + { .name = "greenyellow", .code = 0xadff2f }, + { .name = "grey", .code = 0x808080 }, + { .name = "honeydew", .code = 0xf0fff0 }, + { .name = "hotpink", .code = 0xff69b4 }, + { .name = "indianred", .code = 0xcd5c5c }, + { .name = "indigo", .code = 0x4b0082 }, + { .name = "ivory", .code = 0xfffff0 }, + { .name = "khaki", .code = 0xf0e68c }, + { .name = "lavender", .code = 0xe6e6fa }, + { .name = "lavenderblush", .code = 0xfff0f5 }, + { .name = "lawngreen", .code = 0x7cfc00 }, + { .name = "lemonchiffon", .code = 0xfffacd }, + { .name = "lightblue", .code = 0xadd8e6 }, + { .name = "lightcoral", .code = 0xf08080 }, + { .name = "lightcyan", .code = 0xe0ffff }, + { .name = "lightgoldenrodyellow", .code = 0xfafad2 }, + { .name = "lightgray", .code = 0xd3d3d3 }, + { .name = "lightgreen", .code = 0x90ee90 }, + { .name = "lightgrey", .code = 0xd3d3d3 }, + { .name = "lightpink", .code = 0xffb6c1 }, + { .name = "lightsalmon", .code = 0xffa07a }, + { .name = "lightseagreen", .code = 0x20b2aa }, + { .name = "lightskyblue", .code = 0x87cefa }, + { .name = "lightslategray", .code = 0x778899 }, + { .name = "lightslategrey", .code = 0x778899 }, + { .name = "lightsteelblue", .code = 0xb0c4de }, + { .name = "lightyellow", .code = 0xffffe0 }, + { .name = "lime", .code = 0x00ff00 }, + { .name = "limegreen", .code = 0x32cd32 }, + { .name = "linen", .code = 0xfaf0e6 }, + { .name = "magenta", .code = 0xff00ff }, + { .name = "maroon", .code = 0x800000 }, + { .name = "mediumaquamarine", .code = 0x66cdaa }, + { .name = "mediumblue", .code = 0x0000cd }, + { .name = "mediumorchid", .code = 0xba55d3 }, + { .name = "mediumpurple", .code = 0x9370db }, + { .name = "mediumseagreen", .code = 0x3cb371 }, + { .name = "mediumslateblue", .code = 0x7b68ee }, + { .name = "mediumspringgreen", .code = 0x00fa9a }, + { .name = "mediumturquoise", .code = 0x48d1cc }, + { .name = "mediumvioletred", .code = 0xc71585 }, + { .name = "midnightblue", .code = 0x191970 }, + { .name = "mintcream", .code = 0xf5fffa }, + { .name = "mistyrose", .code = 0xffe4e1 }, + { .name = "moccasin", .code = 0xffe4b5 }, + { .name = "navajowhite", .code = 0xffdead }, + { .name = "navy", .code = 0x000080 }, + { .name = "oldlace", .code = 0xfdf5e6 }, + { .name = "olive", .code = 0x808000 }, + { .name = "olivedrab", .code = 0x6b8e23 }, + { .name = "orange", .code = 0xffa500 }, + { .name = "orangered", .code = 0xff4500 }, + { .name = "orchid", .code = 0xda70d6 }, + { .name = "palegoldenrod", .code = 0xeee8aa }, + { .name = "palegreen", .code = 0x98fb98 }, + { .name = "paleturquoise", .code = 0xafeeee }, + { .name = "palevioletred", .code = 0xdb7093 }, + { .name = "papayawhip", .code = 0xffefd5 }, + { .name = "peachpuff", .code = 0xffdab9 }, + { .name = "peru", .code = 0xcd853f }, + { .name = "pink", .code = 0xffc0cb }, + { .name = "plum", .code = 0xdda0dd }, + { .name = "powderblue", .code = 0xb0e0e6 }, + { .name = "purple", .code = 0x800080 }, + { .name = "red", .code = 0xff0000 }, + { .name = "rosybrown", .code = 0xbc8f8f }, + { .name = "royalblue", .code = 0x4169e1 }, + { .name = "saddlebrown", .code = 0x8b4513 }, + { .name = "salmon", .code = 0xfa8072 }, + { .name = "sandybrown", .code = 0xf4a460 }, + { .name = "seagreen", .code = 0x2e8b57 }, + { .name = "seashell", .code = 0xfff5ee }, + { .name = "sienna", .code = 0xa0522d }, + { .name = "silver", .code = 0xc0c0c0 }, + { .name = "skyblue", .code = 0x87ceeb }, + { .name = "slateblue", .code = 0x6a5acd }, + { .name = "slategray", .code = 0x708090 }, + { .name = "slategrey", .code = 0x708090 }, + { .name = "snow", .code = 0xfffafa }, + { .name = "springgreen", .code = 0x00ff7f }, + { .name = "steelblue", .code = 0x4682b4 }, + { .name = "tan", .code = 0xd2b48c }, + { .name = "teal", .code = 0x008080 }, + { .name = "thistle", .code = 0xd8bfd8 }, + { .name = "tomato", .code = 0xff6347 }, + { .name = "turquoise", .code = 0x40e0d0 }, + { .name = "violet", .code = 0xee82ee }, + { .name = "wheat", .code = 0xf5deb3 }, + { .name = "white", .code = 0xffffff }, + { .name = "whitesmoke", .code = 0xf5f5f5 }, + { .name = "yellow", .code = 0xffff00 }, + { .name = "yellowgreen", .code = 0x9acd32 }, + }; + + static struct hmap color_table = HMAP_INITIALIZER (color_table); + + if (hmap_is_empty (&color_table)) + for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof colors / sizeof *colors; i++) + hmap_insert (&color_table, &colors[i].hmap_node, + hash_string (colors[i].name, 0)); + + const struct color *color; + HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (color, struct color, hmap_node, + hash_string (s, 0), &color_table) + if (!strcmp (color->name, s)) + return color->code; + return -1; +} + +static bool +parse_color__ (const char *s, struct cell_color *color) +{ + /* #rrrrggggbbbb */ + uint16_t r16, g16, b16; + int len; + if (sscanf (s, "#%4"SCNx16"%4"SCNx16"%4"SCNx16"%n", + &r16, &g16, &b16, &len) == 3 + && len == 13 + && !s[len]) + { + color->r = r16 >> 8; + color->g = g16 >> 8; + color->b = b16 >> 8; + return true; + } + + /* #rrggbb */ + uint8_t r, g, b; + if (sscanf (s, "#%2"SCNx8"%2"SCNx8"%2"SCNx8"%n", &r, &g, &b, &len) == 3 + && len == 7 + && !s[len]) + { + color->r = r; + color->g = g; + color->b = b; + return true; + } + + /* rrggbb */ + if (sscanf (s, "%2"SCNx8"%2"SCNx8"%2"SCNx8"%n", &r, &g, &b, &len) == 3 + && len == 6 + && !s[len]) + { + color->r = r; + color->g = g; + color->b = b; + return true; + } + + /* rgb(r,g,b) */ + if (sscanf (s, "rgb (%"SCNi8" , %"SCNi8" , %"SCNi8" ) %n", + &r, &g, &b, &len) == 3 + && !s[len]) + { + color->r = r; + color->g = g; + color->b = b; + return true; + } + + /* rgba(r,g,b,a), ignoring a. */ + if (sscanf (s, "rgba (%"SCNi8" , %"SCNi8" , %"SCNi8", %*f ) %n", + &r, &g, &b, &len) == 3 + && !s[len]) + { + color->r = r; + color->g = g; + color->b = b; + return true; + } + + int code = lookup_color_name (s); + if (code >= 0) + { + color->r = code >> 16; + color->g = code >> 8; + color->b = code; + return true; + } + + return false; +} + /* Parse color information specified by KEY into {RED,GREEN,BLUE}. Currently, the input string must be of the form "#RRRRGGGGBBBB" Future implementations might allow things like "yellow" and @@ -213,27 +473,12 @@ opt (struct output_driver *d, struct string_map *options, const char *key, void parse_color (struct output_driver *d, struct string_map *options, const char *key, const char *default_value, - struct xr_color *color) + struct cell_color *color) { - int red, green, blue; char *string = parse_string (opt (d, options, key, default_value)); - - if (3 != sscanf (string, "#%04x%04x%04x", &red, &green, &blue)) - { - /* If the parsed option string fails, then try the default value */ - if ( 3 != sscanf (default_value, "#%04x%04x%04x", &red, &green, &blue)) - { - /* ... and if that fails set everything to zero */ - red = green = blue = 0; - } - } - + if (!parse_color__ (string, color) && !parse_color__ (default_value, color)) + *color = (struct cell_color) CELL_COLOR_BLACK; free (string); - - /* Convert 16 bit ints to float */ - color->red = red / (double) 0xFFFF; - color->green = green / (double) 0xFFFF; - color->blue = blue / (double) 0xFFFF; } static PangoFontDescription * @@ -316,8 +561,6 @@ apply_options (struct xr_driver *xr, struct string_map *o) xr->fonts[XR_FONT_EMPHASIS].desc = parse_font_option ( d, o, "emph-font", "sans serif", font_size, false, true); - xr->page_number = 0; - parse_color (d, o, "background-color", "#FFFFFFFFFFFF", &xr->bg); parse_color (d, o, "foreground-color", "#000000000000", &xr->fg); @@ -331,6 +574,9 @@ apply_options (struct xr_driver *xr, struct string_map *o) min_break[H] = parse_dimension (opt (d, o, "min-hbreak", NULL)) * scale; min_break[V] = parse_dimension (opt (d, o, "min-vbreak", NULL)) * scale; + int object_spacing = (parse_dimension (opt (d, o, "object-spacing", NULL)) + * scale); + /* Convert to inch/(XR_POINT * 72). */ xr->left_margin = left_margin * scale; xr->right_margin = right_margin * scale; @@ -340,6 +586,9 @@ apply_options (struct xr_driver *xr, struct string_map *o) xr->length = (paper_length - top_margin - bottom_margin) * scale; xr->min_break[H] = min_break[H] >= 0 ? min_break[H] : xr->width / 2; xr->min_break[V] = min_break[V] >= 0 ? min_break[V] : xr->length / 2; + xr->object_spacing = object_spacing >= 0 ? object_spacing : XR_POINT * 12; + + /* There are no headings so headings_height can stay 0. */ } static struct xr_driver * @@ -350,6 +599,8 @@ xr_allocate (const char *name, int device_type, struct string_map *o) output_driver_init (d, &cairo_driver_class, name, device_type); + string_map_init (&xr->heading_vars); + apply_options (xr, o); return xr; @@ -371,29 +622,147 @@ xr_to_pango (int xr) : xr); } +static void +xr_measure_fonts (cairo_t *cairo, const struct xr_font fonts[XR_N_FONTS], + int *char_width, int *char_height) +{ + *char_width = 0; + *char_height = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < XR_N_FONTS; i++) + { + PangoLayout *layout = pango_cairo_create_layout (cairo); + pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, fonts[i].desc); + + pango_layout_set_text (layout, "0", 1); + + int cw, ch; + pango_layout_get_size (layout, &cw, &ch); + *char_width = MAX (*char_width, pango_to_xr (cw)); + *char_height = MAX (*char_height, pango_to_xr (ch)); + + g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (layout)); + } +} + +static int +get_layout_height (PangoLayout *layout) +{ + int w, h; + pango_layout_get_size (layout, &w, &h); + return h; +} + +static int +xr_render_page_heading (cairo_t *cairo, const PangoFontDescription *font, + const struct page_heading *ph, int page_number, + int width, bool draw, int base_y) +{ + PangoLayout *layout = pango_cairo_create_layout (cairo); + pango_layout_set_font_description (layout, font); + + int y = 0; + for (size_t i = 0; i < ph->n; i++) + { + const struct page_paragraph *pp = &ph->paragraphs[i]; + + char *markup = output_driver_substitute_heading_vars (pp->markup, + page_number); + pango_layout_set_markup (layout, markup, -1); + free (markup); + + pango_layout_set_alignment ( + layout, + (pp->halign == TABLE_HALIGN_LEFT ? PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT + : pp->halign == TABLE_HALIGN_CENTER ? PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER + : pp->halign == TABLE_HALIGN_MIXED ? PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT + : PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT)); + pango_layout_set_width (layout, xr_to_pango (width)); + if (draw) + { + cairo_save (cairo); + cairo_translate (cairo, 0, xr_to_pt (y + base_y)); + pango_cairo_show_layout (cairo, layout); + cairo_restore (cairo); + } + + y += pango_to_xr (get_layout_height (layout)); + } + + g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (layout)); + + return y; +} + +static int +xr_measure_headings (cairo_surface_t *surface, + const PangoFontDescription *font, + const struct page_heading headings[2], + int width, int object_spacing, int height[2]) +{ + cairo_t *cairo = cairo_create (surface); + int total = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) + { + int h = xr_render_page_heading (cairo, font, &headings[i], -1, + width, false, 0); + + /* If the top heading is nonempty, add some space below it. */ + if (h && i == 0) + h += object_spacing; + + if (height) + height[i] = h; + total += h; + } + cairo_destroy (cairo); + return total; +} + static bool -xr_set_cairo (struct xr_driver *xr, cairo_t *cairo) +xr_check_fonts (cairo_surface_t *surface, + const struct xr_font fonts[XR_N_FONTS], + int usable_width, int usable_length) { - int i; + cairo_t *cairo = cairo_create (surface); + int char_width, char_height; + xr_measure_fonts (cairo, fonts, &char_width, &char_height); + cairo_destroy (cairo); + bool ok = true; + enum { MIN_WIDTH = 3, MIN_LENGTH = 3 }; + if (usable_width / char_width < MIN_WIDTH) + { + msg (ME, _("The defined page is not wide enough to hold at least %d " + "characters in the default font. In fact, there's only " + "room for %d characters."), + MIN_WIDTH, usable_width / char_width); + ok = false; + } + if (usable_length / char_height < MIN_LENGTH) + { + msg (ME, _("The defined page is not long enough to hold at least %d " + "lines in the default font. In fact, there's only " + "room for %d lines."), + MIN_LENGTH, usable_length / char_height); + ok = false; + } + return ok; +} + +static void +xr_set_cairo (struct xr_driver *xr, cairo_t *cairo) +{ xr->cairo = cairo; cairo_set_line_width (xr->cairo, xr_to_pt (XR_LINE_WIDTH)); - xr->char_width = 0; - xr->char_height = 0; - for (i = 0; i < XR_N_FONTS; i++) + xr_measure_fonts (xr->cairo, xr->fonts, &xr->char_width, &xr->char_height); + + for (int i = 0; i < XR_N_FONTS; i++) { struct xr_font *font = &xr->fonts[i]; - int char_width, char_height; - font->layout = pango_cairo_create_layout (cairo); pango_layout_set_font_description (font->layout, font->desc); - - pango_layout_set_text (font->layout, "0", 1); - pango_layout_get_size (font->layout, &char_width, &char_height); - xr->char_width = MAX (xr->char_width, pango_to_xr (char_width)); - xr->char_height = MAX (xr->char_height, pango_to_xr (char_height)); } if (xr->params == NULL) @@ -412,7 +781,7 @@ xr_set_cairo (struct xr_driver *xr, cairo_t *cairo) int lw = XR_LINE_WIDTH; int ls = XR_LINE_SPACE; - for (i = 0; i < TABLE_N_AXES; i++) + for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_N_AXES; i++) { xr->params->line_widths[i][RENDER_LINE_NONE] = 0; xr->params->line_widths[i][RENDER_LINE_SINGLE] = lw; @@ -422,24 +791,21 @@ xr_set_cairo (struct xr_driver *xr, cairo_t *cairo) xr->params->line_widths[i][RENDER_LINE_DOUBLE] = 2 * lw + ls; } - for (i = 0; i < TABLE_N_AXES; i++) + for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_N_AXES; i++) xr->params->min_break[i] = xr->min_break[i]; xr->params->supports_margins = true; xr->params->rtl = render_direction_rtl (); } - cairo_set_source_rgb (xr->cairo, xr->fg.red, xr->fg.green, xr->fg.blue); - - return true; + cairo_set_source_rgb (xr->cairo, + xr->fg.r / 255.0, xr->fg.g / 255.0, xr->fg.b / 255.0); } static struct output_driver * xr_create (const char *file_name, enum settings_output_devices device_type, struct string_map *o, enum xr_output_type file_type) { - enum { MIN_WIDTH = 3, MIN_LENGTH = 3 }; struct xr_driver *xr; - cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_status_t status; double width_pt, length_pt; @@ -448,52 +814,25 @@ xr_create (const char *file_name, enum settings_output_devices device_type, width_pt = xr_to_pt (xr->width + xr->left_margin + xr->right_margin); length_pt = xr_to_pt (xr->length + xr->top_margin + xr->bottom_margin); if (file_type == XR_PDF) - surface = cairo_pdf_surface_create (file_name, width_pt, length_pt); + xr->surface = cairo_pdf_surface_create (file_name, width_pt, length_pt); else if (file_type == XR_PS) - surface = cairo_ps_surface_create (file_name, width_pt, length_pt); + xr->surface = cairo_ps_surface_create (file_name, width_pt, length_pt); else if (file_type == XR_SVG) - surface = cairo_svg_surface_create (file_name, width_pt, length_pt); + xr->surface = cairo_svg_surface_create (file_name, width_pt, length_pt); else NOT_REACHED (); - status = cairo_surface_status (surface); + status = cairo_surface_status (xr->surface); if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { msg (ME, _("error opening output file `%s': %s"), file_name, cairo_status_to_string (status)); - cairo_surface_destroy (surface); goto error; } - xr->cairo = cairo_create (surface); - cairo_surface_destroy (surface); - - if (!xr_set_cairo (xr, xr->cairo)) + if (!xr_check_fonts (xr->surface, xr->fonts, xr->width, xr->length)) goto error; - cairo_save (xr->cairo); - xr_driver_next_page (xr, xr->cairo); - - if (xr->width / xr->char_width < MIN_WIDTH) - { - msg (ME, _("The defined page is not wide enough to hold at least %d " - "characters in the default font. In fact, there's only " - "room for %d characters."), - MIN_WIDTH, - xr->width / xr->char_width); - goto error; - } - - if (xr->length / xr->char_height < MIN_LENGTH) - { - msg (ME, _("The defined page is not long enough to hold at least %d " - "lines in the default font. In fact, there's only " - "room for %d lines."), - MIN_LENGTH, - xr->length / xr->char_height); - goto error; - } - return &xr->driver; error: @@ -538,14 +877,14 @@ xr_destroy (struct output_driver *driver) if (xr->cairo != NULL) { - cairo_status_t status; - - cairo_surface_finish (cairo_get_target (xr->cairo)); - status = cairo_status (xr->cairo); + cairo_surface_finish (xr->surface); + cairo_status_t status = cairo_status (xr->cairo); if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) msg (ME, _("error drawing output for %s driver: %s"), output_driver_get_name (driver), cairo_status_to_string (status)); + cairo_surface_destroy (xr->surface); + cairo_destroy (xr->cairo); } @@ -571,11 +910,69 @@ xr_flush (struct output_driver *driver) cairo_surface_flush (cairo_get_target (xr->cairo)); } +static void +xr_update_page_setup (struct output_driver *driver, + const struct page_setup *ps) +{ + struct xr_driver *xr = xr_driver_cast (driver); + + xr->initial_page_number = ps->initial_page_number; + xr->object_spacing = ps->object_spacing * 72 * XR_POINT; + + if (xr->cairo) + return; + + int usable[TABLE_N_AXES]; + for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) + usable[i] = (ps->paper[i] + - (ps->margins[i][0] + ps->margins[i][1])) * 72 * XR_POINT; + + int headings_height[2]; + usable[V] -= xr_measure_headings ( + xr->surface, xr->fonts[XR_FONT_PROPORTIONAL].desc, ps->headings, + usable[H], xr->object_spacing, headings_height); + + enum table_axis h = ps->orientation == PAGE_LANDSCAPE; + enum table_axis v = !h; + if (!xr_check_fonts (xr->surface, xr->fonts, usable[h], usable[v])) + return; + + for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) + { + page_heading_uninit (&xr->headings[i]); + page_heading_copy (&xr->headings[i], &ps->headings[i]); + xr->headings_height[i] = headings_height[i]; + } + xr->width = usable[h]; + xr->length = usable[v]; + xr->left_margin = ps->margins[h][0] * 72 * XR_POINT; + xr->right_margin = ps->margins[h][1] * 72 * XR_POINT; + xr->top_margin = ps->margins[v][0] * 72 * XR_POINT; + xr->bottom_margin = ps->margins[v][1] * 72 * XR_POINT; + cairo_pdf_surface_set_size (xr->surface, + ps->paper[h] * 72.0, ps->paper[v] * 72.0); +} + static void xr_submit (struct output_driver *driver, const struct output_item *output_item) { struct xr_driver *xr = xr_driver_cast (driver); + if (is_page_setup_item (output_item)) + { + xr_update_page_setup (driver, + to_page_setup_item (output_item)->page_setup); + return; + } + + if (!xr->cairo) + { + xr->page_number = xr->initial_page_number - 1; + xr_set_cairo (xr, cairo_create (xr->surface)); + cairo_save (xr->cairo); + xr_driver_next_page (xr, xr->cairo); + } + xr_driver_output_item (xr, output_item); while (xr_driver_need_new_page (xr)) { @@ -599,18 +996,27 @@ void xr_driver_next_page (struct xr_driver *xr, cairo_t *cairo) { cairo_save (cairo); - cairo_set_source_rgb (cairo, xr->bg.red, xr->bg.green, xr->bg.blue); + cairo_set_source_rgb (cairo, + xr->bg.r / 255.0, xr->bg.g / 255.0, xr->bg.b / 255.0); cairo_rectangle (cairo, 0, 0, xr->width, xr->length); cairo_fill (cairo); cairo_restore (cairo); cairo_translate (cairo, xr_to_pt (xr->left_margin), - xr_to_pt (xr->top_margin)); + xr_to_pt (xr->top_margin + xr->headings_height[0])); xr->page_number++; xr->cairo = cairo; xr->x = xr->y = 0; + + xr_render_page_heading (xr->cairo, xr->fonts[XR_FONT_PROPORTIONAL].desc, + &xr->headings[0], xr->page_number, xr->width, true, + -xr->headings_height[0]); + xr_render_page_heading (xr->cairo, xr->fonts[XR_FONT_PROPORTIONAL].desc, + &xr->headings[1], xr->page_number, xr->width, true, + xr->length); + xr_driver_run_fsm (xr); } @@ -664,13 +1070,20 @@ xr_layout_cell (struct xr_driver *, const struct table_cell *, int bb[TABLE_N_AXES][2], int clip[TABLE_N_AXES][2], int *width, int *height, int *brk); +static void +set_source_rgba (cairo_t *cairo, const struct cell_color *color) +{ + cairo_set_source_rgba (cairo, + color->r / 255., color->g / 255., color->b / 255., + color->alpha / 255.); +} + static void dump_line (struct xr_driver *xr, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int style, const struct cell_color *color) { cairo_new_path (xr->cairo); - cairo_set_source_rgb (xr->cairo, - color->r / 255.0, color->g / 255.0, color->b / 255.0); + set_source_rgba (xr->cairo, color); cairo_set_line_width ( xr->cairo, xr_to_pt (style == RENDER_LINE_THICK ? XR_LINE_WIDTH * 2 @@ -896,11 +1309,11 @@ xr_measure_cell_width (void *xr_, const struct table_cell *cell, xr_layout_cell (xr, cell, bb, clip, min_width, &h, NULL); if (*min_width > 0) - *min_width += px_to_xr (cell->style->margin[H][0] - + cell->style->margin[H][1]); + *min_width += px_to_xr (cell->style->cell_style.margin[H][0] + + cell->style->cell_style.margin[H][1]); if (*max_width > 0) - *max_width += px_to_xr (cell->style->margin[H][0] - + cell->style->margin[H][1]); + *max_width += px_to_xr (cell->style->cell_style.margin[H][0] + + cell->style->cell_style.margin[H][1]); } static int @@ -912,13 +1325,14 @@ xr_measure_cell_height (void *xr_, const struct table_cell *cell, int width) int w, h; bb[H][0] = 0; - bb[H][1] = width - px_to_xr (cell->style->margin[H][0] - + cell->style->margin[H][1]); + bb[H][1] = width - px_to_xr (cell->style->cell_style.margin[H][0] + + cell->style->cell_style.margin[H][1]); bb[V][0] = 0; bb[V][1] = INT_MAX; clip[H][0] = clip[H][1] = clip[V][0] = clip[V][1] = 0; xr_layout_cell (xr, cell, bb, clip, &w, &h, NULL); - h += px_to_xr (cell->style->margin[V][0] + cell->style->margin[V][1]); + h += px_to_xr (cell->style->cell_style.margin[V][0] + + cell->style->cell_style.margin[V][1]); return h; } @@ -946,10 +1360,7 @@ xr_draw_cell (void *xr_, const struct table_cell *cell, int color_idx, bg_clip[axis][1] += spill[axis][1]; } xr_clip (xr, bg_clip); - cairo_set_source_rgb (xr->cairo, - cell->style->bg[color_idx].r / 255., - cell->style->bg[color_idx].g / 255., - cell->style->bg[color_idx].b / 255.); + set_source_rgba (xr->cairo, &cell->style->font_style.bg[color_idx]); fill_rectangle (xr, bb[H][0] - spill[H][0], bb[V][0] - spill[V][0], @@ -958,15 +1369,12 @@ xr_draw_cell (void *xr_, const struct table_cell *cell, int color_idx, cairo_restore (xr->cairo); cairo_save (xr->cairo); - cairo_set_source_rgb (xr->cairo, - cell->style->fg[color_idx].r / 255., - cell->style->fg[color_idx].g / 255., - cell->style->fg[color_idx].b / 255.); + set_source_rgba (xr->cairo, &cell->style->font_style.fg[color_idx]); for (int axis = 0; axis < TABLE_N_AXES; axis++) { - bb[axis][0] += px_to_xr (cell->style->margin[axis][0]); - bb[axis][1] -= px_to_xr (cell->style->margin[axis][1]); + bb[axis][0] += px_to_xr (cell->style->cell_style.margin[axis][0]); + bb[axis][1] -= px_to_xr (cell->style->cell_style.margin[axis][1]); } if (bb[H][0] < bb[H][1] && bb[V][0] < bb[V][1]) xr_layout_cell (xr, cell, bb, clip, &w, &h, &brk); @@ -986,13 +1394,13 @@ xr_adjust_break (void *xr_, const struct table_cell *cell, return -1; bb[H][0] = 0; - bb[H][1] = width - px_to_xr (cell->style->margin[H][0] - + cell->style->margin[H][1]); + bb[H][1] = width - px_to_xr (cell->style->cell_style.margin[H][0] + + cell->style->cell_style.margin[H][1]); if (bb[H][1] <= 0) return 0; bb[V][0] = 0; - bb[V][1] = height - px_to_xr (cell->style->margin[V][0] - + cell->style->margin[V][1]); + bb[V][1] = height - px_to_xr (cell->style->cell_style.margin[V][0] + + cell->style->cell_style.margin[V][1]); clip[H][0] = clip[H][1] = clip[V][0] = clip[V][1] = 0; xr_layout_cell (xr, cell, bb, clip, &w, &h, &brk); return brk; @@ -1042,25 +1450,35 @@ markup_escape (const char *in, struct string *out) } static int -xr_layout_cell_text (struct xr_driver *xr, - const struct cell_contents *contents, - const struct cell_style *style, +get_layout_dimension (PangoLayout *layout, enum table_axis axis) +{ + int size[TABLE_N_AXES]; + pango_layout_get_size (layout, &size[H], &size[V]); + return size[axis]; +} + +static int +xr_layout_cell_text (struct xr_driver *xr, const struct table_cell *cell, int bb[TABLE_N_AXES][2], int clip[TABLE_N_AXES][2], int *widthp, int *brk) { - unsigned int options = contents->options; - int w, h; + const struct font_style *font_style = &cell->style->font_style; + const struct cell_style *cell_style = &cell->style->cell_style; + unsigned int options = cell->options; + + enum table_axis X = options & TAB_ROTATE ? V : H; + enum table_axis Y = !X; + int R = options & TAB_ROTATE ? 0 : 1; struct xr_font *font = (options & TAB_FIX ? &xr->fonts[XR_FONT_FIXED] - : options & TAB_EMPH ? &xr->fonts[XR_FONT_EMPHASIS] : &xr->fonts[XR_FONT_PROPORTIONAL]); struct xr_font local_font; - if (style->font) + if (font_style->typeface) { PangoFontDescription *desc = parse_font ( - style->font, - style->font_size ? style->font_size * 1000 * 72 / 128 : 10000, - style->bold, style->italic); + font_style->typeface, + font_style->size ? font_style->size * 1000 * 72 / 128 : 10000, + font_style->bold, font_style->italic); if (desc) { PangoLayout *layout = pango_cairo_create_layout (xr->cairo); @@ -1072,29 +1490,26 @@ xr_layout_cell_text (struct xr_driver *xr, } } - int footnote_adjustment; - if (contents->n_footnotes == 0) - footnote_adjustment = 0; - else if (contents->n_footnotes == 1 && (options & TAB_HALIGN) == TAB_RIGHT) + const char *text = cell->text; + enum table_halign halign = table_halign_interpret ( + cell_style->halign, cell->options & TAB_NUMERIC); + if (cell_style->halign == TABLE_HALIGN_DECIMAL && !(options & TAB_ROTATE)) { - PangoAttrList *attrs; - - const char *marker = contents->footnotes[0]->marker; - pango_layout_set_text (font->layout, marker, strlen (marker)); + int margin_adjustment = -px_to_xr (cell_style->decimal_offset); - attrs = pango_attr_list_new (); - pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, pango_attr_rise_new (7000)); - pango_layout_set_attributes (font->layout, attrs); - pango_attr_list_unref (attrs); + const char *decimal = strrchr (text, cell_style->decimal_char); + if (decimal) + { + pango_layout_set_text (font->layout, decimal, strlen (decimal)); + pango_layout_set_width (font->layout, -1); + margin_adjustment += get_layout_dimension (font->layout, H); + } - pango_layout_get_size (font->layout, &w, &h); - footnote_adjustment = MIN (w, px_to_xr (style->margin[H][1])); + if (margin_adjustment < 0) + bb[H][1] += margin_adjustment; } - else - footnote_adjustment = px_to_xr (style->margin[H][1]); struct string tmp = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER; - const char *text = contents->text; /* Deal with an oddity of the Unicode line-breaking algorithm (or perhaps in Pango's implementation of it): it will break after a period or a comma @@ -1110,7 +1525,7 @@ xr_layout_cell_text (struct xr_driver *xr, happen with grouping like 1,234,567.89 or 1.234.567,89 because if groups are present then there will always be a digit on both sides of every period and comma. */ - if (bb[H][1] != INT_MAX) + if (options & TAB_ROTATE || bb[H][1] != INT_MAX) { const char *decimal = text + strcspn (text, ".,"); if (decimal[0] @@ -1124,9 +1539,32 @@ xr_layout_cell_text (struct xr_driver *xr, } } - if (footnote_adjustment) + if (cell->n_footnotes) { - bb[H][1] += footnote_adjustment; + int footnote_adjustment; + if (cell->n_footnotes == 1 && halign == TABLE_HALIGN_RIGHT) + { + const char *marker = cell->footnotes[0]->marker; + pango_layout_set_text (font->layout, marker, strlen (marker)); + + PangoAttrList *attrs = pango_attr_list_new (); + pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, pango_attr_rise_new (7000)); + pango_layout_set_attributes (font->layout, attrs); + pango_attr_list_unref (attrs); + + int w = get_layout_dimension (font->layout, X); + int right_margin = px_to_xr (cell_style->margin[X][R]); + footnote_adjustment = MIN (w, right_margin); + + pango_layout_set_attributes (font->layout, NULL); + } + else + footnote_adjustment = px_to_xr (cell_style->margin[X][R]); + + if (R) + bb[X][R] += footnote_adjustment; + else + bb[X][R] -= footnote_adjustment; if (ds_is_empty (&tmp)) { @@ -1135,12 +1573,12 @@ xr_layout_cell_text (struct xr_driver *xr, } size_t initial_length = ds_length (&tmp); - for (size_t i = 0; i < contents->n_footnotes; i++) + for (size_t i = 0; i < cell->n_footnotes; i++) { if (i) ds_put_byte (&tmp, ','); - const char *marker = contents->footnotes[i]->marker; + const char *marker = cell->footnotes[i]->marker; if (options & TAB_MARKUP) markup_escape (marker, &tmp); else @@ -1154,7 +1592,7 @@ xr_layout_cell_text (struct xr_driver *xr, pango_layout_set_text (font->layout, ds_cstr (&tmp), ds_length (&tmp)); PangoAttrList *attrs = pango_attr_list_new (); - if (style->underline) + if (font_style->underline) pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, pango_attr_underline_new ( PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE)); add_attr_with_start (attrs, pango_attr_rise_new (7000), initial_length); @@ -1171,7 +1609,7 @@ xr_layout_cell_text (struct xr_driver *xr, else pango_layout_set_text (font->layout, content, -1); - if (style->underline) + if (font_style->underline) { PangoAttrList *attrs = pango_attr_list_new (); pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, pango_attr_underline_new ( @@ -1182,23 +1620,31 @@ xr_layout_cell_text (struct xr_driver *xr, } ds_destroy (&tmp); - pango_layout_set_alignment ( - font->layout, - ((options & TAB_HALIGN) == TAB_RIGHT ? PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT - : (options & TAB_HALIGN) == TAB_LEFT ? PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT - : PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER)); + pango_layout_set_alignment (font->layout, + (halign == TABLE_HALIGN_RIGHT ? PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT + : halign == TABLE_HALIGN_LEFT ? PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT + : PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER)); pango_layout_set_width ( font->layout, - bb[H][1] == INT_MAX ? -1 : xr_to_pango (bb[H][1] - bb[H][0])); + bb[X][1] == INT_MAX ? -1 : xr_to_pango (bb[X][1] - bb[X][0])); pango_layout_set_wrap (font->layout, PANGO_WRAP_WORD); if (clip[H][0] != clip[H][1]) { cairo_save (xr->cairo); - xr_clip (xr, clip); - cairo_translate (xr->cairo, - xr_to_pt (bb[H][0] + xr->x), - xr_to_pt (bb[V][0] + xr->y)); + if (!(options & TAB_ROTATE)) + xr_clip (xr, clip); + if (options & TAB_ROTATE) + { + cairo_translate (xr->cairo, + xr_to_pt (bb[H][0] + xr->x), + xr_to_pt (bb[V][1] + xr->y)); + cairo_rotate (xr->cairo, -M_PI_2); + } + else + cairo_translate (xr->cairo, + xr_to_pt (bb[H][0] + xr->x), + xr_to_pt (bb[V][0] + xr->y)); pango_cairo_show_layout (xr->cairo, font->layout); /* If enabled, this draws a blue rectangle around the extents of each @@ -1229,15 +1675,16 @@ xr_layout_cell_text (struct xr_driver *xr, cairo_restore (xr->cairo); } - pango_layout_get_size (font->layout, &w, &h); - w = pango_to_xr (w); - h = pango_to_xr (h); + int size[TABLE_N_AXES]; + pango_layout_get_size (font->layout, &size[H], &size[V]); + int w = pango_to_xr (size[X]); + int h = pango_to_xr (size[Y]); if (w > *widthp) *widthp = w; - if (bb[V][0] + h >= bb[V][1]) + if (bb[V][0] + h >= bb[V][1] && !(options & TAB_ROTATE)) { PangoLayoutIter *iter; - int best UNUSED = 0; + int best = 0; /* Choose a breakpoint between lines instead of in the middle of one. */ iter = pango_layout_get_iter (font->layout); @@ -1274,7 +1721,8 @@ xr_layout_cell_text (struct xr_driver *xr, if (best && !xr->nest) dump_line (xr, -xr->left_margin, best, xr->width + xr->right_margin, best, - RENDER_LINE_SINGLE, &CELL_COLOR (0, 255, 0)); + RENDER_LINE_SINGLE, + &(struct cell_color) CELL_COLOR (0, 255, 0)); } } @@ -1286,23 +1734,16 @@ xr_layout_cell_text (struct xr_driver *xr, pango_font_description_free (font->desc); } - return bb[V][0] + h; + return h; } static void xr_layout_cell (struct xr_driver *xr, const struct table_cell *cell, - int bb_[TABLE_N_AXES][2], int clip[TABLE_N_AXES][2], + int bb[TABLE_N_AXES][2], int clip[TABLE_N_AXES][2], int *width, int *height, int *brk) { - int bb[TABLE_N_AXES][2]; - size_t i; - *width = 0; *height = 0; - if (brk) - *brk = 0; - - memcpy (bb, bb_, sizeof bb); /* If enabled, draws a blue rectangle around the cell extents, which can be useful for debugging layout. */ @@ -1321,25 +1762,9 @@ xr_layout_cell (struct xr_driver *xr, const struct table_cell *cell, } } - for (i = 0; i < cell->n_contents && bb[V][0] < bb[V][1]; i++) - { - const struct cell_contents *contents = &cell->contents[i]; - - if (brk) - *brk = bb[V][0]; - if (i > 0) - { - bb[V][0] += xr->char_height / 2; - if (bb[V][0] >= bb[V][1]) - break; - if (brk) - *brk = bb[V][0]; - } - - bb[V][0] = xr_layout_cell_text (xr, contents, cell->style, bb, clip, - width, brk); - } - *height = bb[V][0] - bb_[V][0]; + if (brk) + *brk = bb[V][0]; + *height = xr_layout_cell_text (xr, cell, bb, clip, width, brk); } struct output_driver_factory pdf_driver_factory = @@ -1377,11 +1802,7 @@ struct xr_driver * xr_driver_create (cairo_t *cairo, struct string_map *options) { struct xr_driver *xr = xr_allocate ("cairo", 0, options); - if (!xr_set_cairo (xr, cairo)) - { - output_driver_destroy (&xr->driver); - return NULL; - } + xr_set_cairo (xr, cairo); return xr; } @@ -1403,8 +1824,7 @@ xr_rendering_create_text (struct xr_driver *xr, const char *text, cairo_t *cr) struct table_item *table_item; struct xr_rendering *r; - table_item = table_item_create (table_from_string (TAB_LEFT, text), - NULL, NULL); + table_item = table_item_create (table_from_string (text), NULL, NULL); r = xr_rendering_create (xr, &table_item->output_item, cr); table_item_unref (table_item); @@ -1466,18 +1886,25 @@ xr_rendering_destroy (struct xr_rendering *r) } void -xr_rendering_measure (struct xr_rendering *r, int *w, int *h) +xr_rendering_measure (const struct xr_rendering *r, int *wp, int *hp) { + int w, h; + if (is_table_item (r->item)) { - *w = render_pager_get_size (r->p, H) / XR_POINT; - *h = render_pager_get_size (r->p, V) / XR_POINT; + w = render_pager_get_size (r->p, H) / XR_POINT; + h = render_pager_get_size (r->p, V) / XR_POINT; } else { - *w = CHART_WIDTH; - *h = CHART_HEIGHT; + w = CHART_WIDTH; + h = CHART_HEIGHT; } + + if (wp) + *wp = w; + if (hp) + *hp = h; } static void xr_draw_chart (const struct chart_item *, cairo_t *, @@ -1540,9 +1967,8 @@ xr_draw_chart (const struct chart_item *chart_item, cairo_t *cr, char * xr_draw_png_chart (const struct chart_item *item, const char *file_name_template, int number, - const struct xr_color *fg, - const struct xr_color *bg - ) + const struct cell_color *fg, + const struct cell_color *bg) { const int width = 640; const int length = 480; @@ -1563,10 +1989,10 @@ xr_draw_png_chart (const struct chart_item *item, surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, width, length); cr = cairo_create (surface); - cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, bg->red, bg->green, bg->blue); + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, bg->r / 255.0, bg->g / 255.0, bg->b / 255.0); cairo_paint (cr); - cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, fg->red, fg->green, fg->blue); + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, fg->r / 255.0, fg->g / 255.0, fg->b / 255.0); xr_draw_chart (item, cr, 0.0, 0.0, width, length); @@ -1714,15 +2140,12 @@ static struct xr_render_fsm * xr_render_text (struct xr_driver *xr, const struct text_item *text_item) { enum text_item_type type = text_item_get_type (text_item); + const char *text = text_item_get_text (text_item); switch (type) { case TEXT_ITEM_PAGE_TITLE: - break; - - case TEXT_ITEM_BLANK_LINE: - if (xr->y > 0) - xr->y += xr->char_height; + string_map_replace (&xr->heading_vars, "PageTitle", text); break; case TEXT_ITEM_EJECT_PAGE: @@ -1743,7 +2166,7 @@ xr_render_message (struct xr_driver *xr, const struct message_item *message_item) { char *s = msg_to_string (message_item_get_msg (message_item)); - struct text_item *item = text_item_create (TEXT_ITEM_PARAGRAPH, s); + struct text_item *item = text_item_create (TEXT_ITEM_LOG, s); free (s); return xr_render_table (xr, text_item_to_table_item (item)); }