.TH vlogconf 8 "June 2008" "OpenFlow" "OpenFlow Manual" .SH NAME vlogconf \- configuration utility for OpenFlow logging in userspace .SH SYNOPSIS \fBvlogconf\fR [\fB-h\fR | \fB--help\fR] [\fItarget\fR...] [\fIaction\fR...] .sp 1 The available \fItarget\fR options are: .br [\fB-a\fR | \fB--all\fR] [\fB-t\fR \fIpid\fR | \fB--target=\fIpid\fR] .sp 1 The available \fIaction\fR options are: .br [\fB-l\fR | \fB--list\fR] [\fB-s\fR \fImodule\fR[\fB:\fIfacility\fR[\fB:\fIlevel\fR]] | \fB--set=\fImodule\fR[\fB:\fIfacility\fR[\fB:\fIlevel\fR]]] .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBvlogconf\fR program configures the logging system used by OpenFlow userspace programs. The logging configuration may be modified while OpenFlow programs are running. \fBvlogconf\fR applies one or more actions to each of one or more target processes. Targets may be specified as: .TP \fB-a\fR, \fB--all\fR All running processes that \fBvlogconf\fR can control. .TP \fB-t \fIpid\fR, \fB--target=\fIpid\fR The process with the specified \fIpid\fR. \fIpid\fR may also specify an absolute path (beginning with `/') to the Unix domain socket for a \fBvlogconf\fR-controllable process. .PP The available actions are: .TP \fB-l\fR, \fB--list\fR Print the list of known modules and their current logging levels to stdout. .TP \fB-s\fR \fImodule\fR[\fB:\fIfacility\fR[\fB:\fIlevel\fR]], \fB--set=\fImodule\fR[\fB:\fIfacility\fR[\fB:\fIlevel\fR]] Sets the logging level for \fImodule\fR in \fIfacility\fR to \fIlevel\fR. The \fImodule\fR may be any valid module name (as displayed by the \fB--list\fR option) or the special name \fBANY\fR to set the logging levels for all modules. The \fIfacility\fR may be \fBsyslog\fR or \fBconsole\fR to set the levels for logging to the system log or to the console, respectively, or \fBANY\fR to set the logging levels for both facilities. If it is omitted, \fIfacility\fR defaults to \fBANY\fR. The \fIlevel\fR must be one of \fBemer\fR, \fBerr\fR, \fBwarn\fR, or \fBdbg\fR, designating the minimum severity of a message for it to be logged. If it is omitted, \fIlevel\fR defaults to \fBdbg\fR. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\^\-help\fR Prints a brief help message to the console and exits. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR dpctl (8), .BR secchan (8), .BR controller (8)