AT_BANNER([OVSDB -- atomic types]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([integer], [[parse-atomic-type '["integer"]' ]], ["integer"]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([real], [[parse-atomic-type '["real"]' ]], ["real"]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([boolean], [[parse-atomic-type '["boolean"]' ]], ["boolean"]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([string], [[parse-atomic-type '["string"]' ]], ["string"]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([uuid], [[parse-atomic-type '["uuid"]' ]], ["uuid"]) OVSDB_CHECK_NEGATIVE([void is not a valid atomic-type], [[parse-atomic-type '["void"]' ]], ["void" is not an atomic-type]) AT_BANNER([OVSDB -- base types]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([integer >= 5], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "integer", "minInteger": 5}' ]], [{"minInteger":5,"type":"integer"}]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([integer <= 7], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "integer", "maxInteger": 7}' ]], [{"maxInteger":7,"type":"integer"}]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([integer between -5 and 10], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "integer", "minInteger": -5, "maxInteger": 10}']], [{"maxInteger":10,"minInteger":-5,"type":"integer"}]) OVSDB_CHECK_NEGATIVE([integer max may not be less than min], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "integer", "minInteger": 5, "maxInteger": 3}']], [minInteger exceeds maxInteger]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([real >= -1.5], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "real", "minReal": -1.5}']], [{"minReal":-1.5,"type":"real"}]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([real <= 1e5], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "real", "maxReal": 1e5}']], [{"maxReal":100000,"type":"real"}]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([real between -2.5 and 3.75], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "real", "minReal": -2.5, "maxReal": 3.75}']], [{"maxReal":3.75,"minReal":-2.5,"type":"real"}]) OVSDB_CHECK_NEGATIVE([real max may not be less than min], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "real", "minReal": 555, "maxReal": 444}']], [minReal exceeds maxReal]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([boolean], [[parse-base-type '[{"type": "boolean"}]' ]], ["boolean"]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([string reMatch], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "string", "reMatch": "\\d{3}-\\d{3}-\\d{4}"}']], [{"reMatch":"\\d{3}-\\d{3}-\\d{4}","type":"string"}]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([string reMatch + reComment], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "string", "reMatch": "\\d{3}-\\d{3}-\\d{4}", "reComment": "US-style telephone number"}']], [{"reComment":"US-style telephone number","reMatch":"\\d{3}-\\d{3}-\\d{4}","type":"string"}]) OVSDB_CHECK_NEGATIVE([reMatch must be a valid JavaScript regexp], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "string", "reMatch": "ab@:>@cd"}']], [[test-ovsdb: invalid regular expression: "ab@:>@cd" is not a valid regular expression: @:>@ is an invalid data character in JavaScript compatibility mode]]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([string minLength], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "string", "minLength": 1}']], [{"minLength":1,"type":"string"}]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([string maxLength], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "string", "maxLength": 5}']], [{"maxLength":5,"type":"string"}]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([string minLength and maxLength], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "string", "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 5}']], [{"maxLength":5,"minLength":1,"type":"string"}]) OVSDB_CHECK_NEGATIVE([maxLength must not be less than minLength], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "string", "minLength": 5, "maxLength": 3}']], [minLength exceeds maxLength]) OVSDB_CHECK_NEGATIVE([maxLength must not be negative], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "string", "maxLength": -1}']], [maxLength out of valid range 0 to 4294967295]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([uuid refTable], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "uuid", "refTable": "myTable"}' ]], [{"refTable":"myTable","type":"uuid"}]) OVSDB_CHECK_NEGATIVE([uuid refTable must be valid id], [[parse-base-type '{"type": "uuid", "refTable": "a-b-c"}' ]], [Type mismatch for member 'refTable']) OVSDB_CHECK_NEGATIVE([void is not a valid base-type], [[parse-base-type '["void"]' ]], ["void" is not an atomic-type]) OVSDB_CHECK_NEGATIVE(["type" member must be present], [[parse-base-type '{}']], [Parsing ovsdb type failed: Required 'type' member is missing.]) AT_BANNER([OVSDB -- simple types]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([simple integer], [[parse-type '["integer"]' ]], ["integer"]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([simple real], [[parse-type '["real"]' ]], ["real"]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([simple boolean], [[parse-type '["boolean"]' ]], ["boolean"]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([simple string], [[parse-type '["string"]' ]], ["string"]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([simple uuid], [[parse-type '["uuid"]' ]], ["uuid"]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([integer in object], [[parse-type '{"key": "integer"}' ]], ["integer"]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([real in object with explicit min and max], [[parse-type '{"key": "real", "min": 1, "max": 1}' ]], ["real"]) OVSDB_CHECK_NEGATIVE([key type is required], [[parse-type '{}' ]], [Required 'key' member is missing.]) OVSDB_CHECK_NEGATIVE([void is not a valid type], [[parse-type '["void"]' ]], ["void" is not an atomic-type]) AT_BANNER([OVSDB -- set types]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([optional boolean], [[parse-type '{"key": "boolean", "min": 0}' ]], [[{"key":"boolean","min":0}]], [set]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([set of 1 to 3 uuids], [[parse-type '{"key": "uuid", "min": 1, "max": 3}' ]], [[{"key":"uuid","max":3}]]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([set of 0 to 3 strings], [[parse-type '{"key": "string", "min": 0, "max": 3}' ]], [[{"key":"string","max":3,"min":0}]]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([set of 0 or more integers], [[parse-type '{"key": "integer", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}']], [[{"key":"integer","max":"unlimited","min":0}]]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([set of 1 or more reals], [[parse-type '{"key": "real", "min": 1, "max": "unlimited"}']], [[{"key":"real","max":"unlimited"}]]) OVSDB_CHECK_NEGATIVE([set max cannot be less than min], [[parse-type '{"key": "real", "min": 5, "max": 3}' ]], [ovsdb type fails constraint checks]) OVSDB_CHECK_NEGATIVE([set max cannot be negative], [[parse-type '{"key": "real", "max": -1}' ]], [bad min or max value]) OVSDB_CHECK_NEGATIVE([set min cannot be negative], [[parse-type '{"key": "real", "min": -1}' ]], [bad min or max value]) OVSDB_CHECK_NEGATIVE([set min cannot be greater than one], [[parse-type '{"key": "real", "min": 10, "max": "unlimited"}']], [ovsdb type fails constraint checks]) AT_BANNER([OVSDB -- map types]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([map of 1 integer to boolean], [[parse-type '{"key": "integer", "value": "boolean"}' ]], [[{"key":"integer","value":"boolean"}]]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([map of 1 boolean to integer, explicit min and max], [[parse-type '{"key": "boolean", "value": "integer", "min": 1, "max": 1}' ]], [[{"key":"boolean","value":"integer"}]]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([map of 1 to 5 uuid to real], [[parse-type '{"key": "uuid", "value": "real", "min": 1, "max": 5}' ]], [[{"key":"uuid","max":5,"value":"real"}]]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([map of 0 to 10 string to uuid], [[parse-type '{"key": "string", "value": "uuid", "min": 0, "max": 10}' ]], [[{"key":"string","max":10,"min":0,"value":"uuid"}]]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([map of 1 to 20 real to string], [[parse-type '{"key": "real", "value": "string", "min": 1, "max": 20}' ]], [[{"key":"real","max":20,"value":"string"}]]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([map of 0 or more string to real], [[parse-type '{"key": "string", "value": "real", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}' ]], [[{"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"real"}]]) OVSDB_CHECK_NEGATIVE([map key type is required], [[parse-type '{"value": "integer"}' ]], [Required 'key' member is missing.])