AT_BANNER([OVSDB -- rows]) # Autoconf 2.63 has a bug that causes the double-quotes below to be # lost, so that the following tests fail, so we mark them as XFAIL for # Autoconf < 2.64. m4_define([RESERVED_COLUMNS], [["_uuid":["uuid","00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"],"_version":["uuid","00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]]]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([row with one string column], [[parse-rows \ '{"columns": {"name": {"type": "string"}}}' \ '{"name": "value"}' \ '{"name": ""}' \ '{"name": "longer string with spaces"}' \ '{}']], [{RESERVED_COLUMNS,"name":"value"} name {RESERVED_COLUMNS,"name":""} name {RESERVED_COLUMNS,"name":"longer string with spaces"} name {RESERVED_COLUMNS,"name":""} ], [], [2.64]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([row with one integer column], [[parse-rows \ '{"columns": {"count": {"type": "integer"}}}' \ '{"count": 1}' \ '{"count": -1}' \ '{"count": 2e10}' \ '{}']], [{RESERVED_COLUMNS,"count":1} count {RESERVED_COLUMNS,"count":-1} count {RESERVED_COLUMNS,"count":20000000000} count {RESERVED_COLUMNS,"count":0} ], [], [2.64]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([row with one real column], [[parse-rows \ '{"columns": {"cost": {"type": "real"}}}' \ '{"cost": 1.0}' \ '{"cost": -2.0}' \ '{"cost": 123000}' \ '{}']], [{RESERVED_COLUMNS,"cost":1} cost {RESERVED_COLUMNS,"cost":-2} cost {RESERVED_COLUMNS,"cost":123000} cost {RESERVED_COLUMNS,"cost":0} ], [], [2.64]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([row with one boolean column], [[parse-rows \ '{"columns": {"feasible": {"type": "boolean"}}}' \ '{"feasible": true}' \ '{"feasible": false}' \ '{}']], [{RESERVED_COLUMNS,"feasible":true} feasible {RESERVED_COLUMNS,"feasible":false} feasible {RESERVED_COLUMNS,"feasible":false} ], [], [2.64]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([row with one uuid column], [[parse-rows \ '{"columns": {"ref": {"type": "uuid"}}}' \ '{"ref": ["uuid", "f707423d-bf5b-48b5-b6c0-797c900ba4b6"]}' \ '{"ref": ["uuid", "33583cc5-d2f4-43de-b1ca-8aac14071b51"]}' \ '{}']], [{RESERVED_COLUMNS,"ref":[["uuid","f707423d-bf5b-48b5-b6c0-797c900ba4b6"]]} ref {RESERVED_COLUMNS,"ref":[["uuid","33583cc5-d2f4-43de-b1ca-8aac14071b51"]]} ref {RESERVED_COLUMNS,"ref":[["uuid","00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]]} ], [], [2.64]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([row with set of 1 to 2 elements], [[parse-rows \ '{"columns": {"myset": {"type": {"key": "integer", "min": 1, "max": 2}}}}' \ '{}']], [{RESERVED_COLUMNS,["myset":0]} ]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([row with map of 1 to 2 elements], [[parse-rows \ '{"columns": {"mymap": {"type": {"key": "integer", "value": "uuid", "min": 1, "max": 2}}}}' \ '{}']], [{RESERVED_COLUMNS,["mymap":["map",[[0,["uuid","00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]]]]]} ], [], [2.64]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([row with several columns], [[parse-rows \ '{"columns": {"vswitch": {"type": "uuid"}, "name": {"type": "string"}, "datapath_id": {"type": {"key": "string", "min": 0}}, "hwaddr": {"type": "string"}, "mirrors": {"type": {"key": "uuid", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}, "netflows": {"type": {"key": "uuid", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}, "controller": {"type": {"key": "uuid", "min": 0}}, "listeners": {"type": {"key": "uuid", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}, "snoops": {"type": {"key": "uuid", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}}}' \ '{"vswitch": ["uuid", "1a5c7280-0d4c-4e34-9ec7-c772339f7774"], "name": "br0", "datapath_id": "000ae4256bb0", "hwaddr": "00:0a:e4:25:6b:b0"}' \ '{}']], [{RESERVED_COLUMNS,["controller":["set",[]],"datapath_id":"000ae4256bb0","hwaddr":"00:0a:e4:25:6b:b0","listeners":["set",[]],"mirrors":["set",[]],"name":"br0","netflows":["set",[]],"snoops":["set",[]],"vswitch":["uuid","1a5c7280-0d4c-4e34-9ec7-c772339f7774"]]} datapath_id, hwaddr, name, vswitch {RESERVED_COLUMNS,["controller":["set",[]],"datapath_id":["set",[]],"hwaddr":"","listeners":["set",[]],"mirrors":["set",[]],"name":"","netflows":["set",[]],"snoops":["set",[]],"vswitch":["uuid","00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]]} ], [], [2.64]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([row hashing (scalars)], [[compare-rows \ '{"columns": {"i": {"type": "integer"}, "r": {"type": "real"}, "b": {"type": "boolean"}, "s": {"type": "string"}, "u": {"type": "uuid"}}}' \ '["null", {}]' \ '["i1", {"i": 1}]' \ '["i2", {"i": 2}]' \ '["i4", {"i": 4}]' \ '["i8", {"i": 8}]' \ '["i16", {"i": 16}]' \ '["i32", {"i": 32}]' \ '["i64", {"i": 64}]' \ '["i128", {"i": 128}]' \ '["i256", {"i": 256}]' \ '["null2", {"r": -0}]' \ '["r123", {"r": 123}]' \ '["r0.0625", {"r": 0.0625}]' \ '["r0.125", {"r": 0.125}]' \ '["r0.25", {"r": 0.25}]' \ '["r0.5", {"r": 0.5}]' \ '["r1", {"r": 1}]' \ '["r2", {"r": 2}]' \ '["r4", {"r": 4}]' \ '["r8", {"r": 8}]' \ '["r16", {"r": 16}]' \ '["r32", {"r": 32}]' \ '["null3", {"b": false}]' \ '["b1", {"b": true}]' \ '["null4", {"s": ""}]' \ '["s0", {"s": "a"}]' \ '["s1", {"s": "b"}]' \ '["s2", {"s": "c"}]' \ '["s3", {"s": "d"}]' \ '["s4", {"s": "e"}]' \ '["s5", {"s": "f"}]' \ '["s6", {"s": "g"}]' \ '["s7", {"s": "h"}]' \ '["s8", {"s": "i"}]' \ '["s9", {"s": "j"}]' \ '["null5", {"u": ["uuid","00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]}]' \ '["u1", {"u": ["uuid","10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]}]' \ '["u2", {"u": ["uuid","01000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]}]' \ '["u3", {"u": ["uuid","00100000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]}]' \ '["u4", {"u": ["uuid","00010000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]}]' \ '["u5", {"u": ["uuid","00001000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]}]' \ '["u6", {"u": ["uuid","00000100-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]}]' \ '["u7", {"u": ["uuid","00000010-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]}]' \ '["u8", {"u": ["uuid","00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]}]' \ '["null6", {"u": ["uuid","00000000-c6db-4d22-970f-b41fabd20c4b"]}]']], [[null == null2 null == null3 null == null4 null == null5 hash(null) == hash(null6) null2 == null3 null2 == null4 null2 == null5 hash(null2) == hash(null6) null3 == null4 null3 == null5 hash(null3) == hash(null6) null4 == null5 hash(null4) == hash(null6) hash(null5) == hash(null6)]]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([row hashing (sets)], [[compare-rows \ '{"columns": {"i": {"type": {"key": "integer", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}, "r": {"type": {"key": "real", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}, "b": {"type": {"key": "boolean", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}, "s": {"type": {"key": "string", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}, "u": {"type": {"key": "uuid", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}}}' \ '["null0", {"i": ["set", []]}]' \ '["i0", {"i": ["set", [0]]}]' \ '["i01", {"i": ["set", [0, 1]]}]' \ '["i012", {"i": ["set", [0, 1, 2]]}]' \ '["i021", {"i": ["set", [0, 2, 1]]}]' \ '["i201", {"i": ["set", [2, 0, 1]]}]' \ '["i102", {"i": ["set", [1, 0, 2]]}]' \ '["i120", {"i": ["set", [1, 2, 0]]}]' \ '["i210", {"i": ["set", [2, 1, 0]]}]' \ '["r0", {"r": ["set", [0]]}]' \ '["r01", {"r": ["set", [0, 1]]}]' \ '["r012", {"r": ["set", [0, 1, 2]]}]' \ '["r201", {"r": ["set", [2, 0, 1]]}]' \ '["null1", {"b": ["set", []]}]' \ '["b0", {"b": ["set", [false]]}]' \ '["b1", {"b": ["set", [true]]}]' \ '["b01", {"b": ["set", [false, true]]}]' \ '["b10", {"b": ["set", [true, false]]}]' \ '["null2", {"s": ["set", []]}]' \ '["sa", {"s": ["set", ["a"]]}]' \ '["sb", {"s": ["set", ["b"]]}]' \ '["sab", {"s": ["set", ["a", "b"]]}]' \ '["sba", {"s": ["set", ["b", "a"]]}]']], [[null0 == null1 null0 == null2 i012 == i021 i012 == i201 i012 == i102 i012 == i120 i012 == i210 i021 == i201 i021 == i102 i021 == i120 i021 == i210 i201 == i102 i201 == i120 i201 == i210 i102 == i120 i102 == i210 i120 == i210 r012 == r201 null1 == null2 b01 == b10 sab == sba]]) OVSDB_CHECK_POSITIVE([row hashing (maps)], [[compare-rows \ '{"columns": {"ii": {"type": {"key": "integer", "value": "integer", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}, "rr": {"type": {"key": "real", "value": "real", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}, "bb": {"type": {"key": "boolean", "value": "boolean", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}, "ss": {"type": {"key": "string", "value": "string", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}}}' \ '["null", {}]' \ '["ii0", {"ii": ["map", [[0, 0]]]}]' \ '["ii1", {"ii": ["map", [[0, 1]]]}]' \ '["ii00", {"ii": ["map", [[0, 0], [1, 0]]]}]' \ '["ii01", {"ii": ["map", [[0, 0], [1, 1]]]}]' \ '["ii10", {"ii": ["map", [[0, 1], [1, 0]]]}]' \ '["ii11", {"ii": ["map", [[0, 1], [1, 1]]]}]' \ '["rr0", {"rr": ["map", [[0, 0]]]}]' \ '["rr0", {"rr": ["map", [[0, 1]]]}]' \ '["rr00", {"rr": ["map", [[0, 0], [1, 0]]]}]' \ '["rr01", {"rr": ["map", [[0, 0], [1, 1]]]}]' \ '["rr10", {"rr": ["map", [[0, 1], [1, 0]]]}]' \ '["rr11", {"rr": ["map", [[0, 1], [1, 1]]]}]' \ '["bb0", {"bb": ["map", [[false, false]]]}]' \ '["bb1", {"bb": ["map", [[false, true]]]}]' \ '["bb00", {"bb": ["map", [[false, false], [true, false]]]}]' \ '["bb01", {"bb": ["map", [[false, false], [true, true]]]}]' \ '["bb10", {"bb": ["map", [[false, true], [true, false]]]}]' \ '["bb11", {"bb": ["map", [[false, true], [true, true]]]}]' \ '["ss0", {"ss": ["map", [["a", "a"]]]}]' \ '["ss1", {"ss": ["map", [["a", "b"]]]}]' \ '["ss00", {"ss": ["map", [["a", "a"], ["b", "a"]]]}]' \ '["ss01", {"ss": ["map", [["a", "a"], ["b", "b"]]]}]' \ '["ss10", {"ss": ["map", [["a", "b"], ["b", "a"]]]}]' \ '["ss11", {"ss": ["map", [["a", "b"], ["b", "b"]]]}]'; echo ]], [[]])