dnl PSPP - a program for statistical analysis. dnl Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. dnl dnl This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by dnl the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or dnl (at your option) any later version. dnl dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of dnl MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the dnl GNU General Public License for more details. dnl dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License dnl along with this program. If not, see . dnl AT_BANNER([RANK]) AT_SETUP([RANK simple case with defaults]) AT_DATA([rank.sps], [dnl DATA LIST LIST NOTABLE /x (f8). BEGIN DATA. -1 0 1 2 2 4 5 END DATA. RANK x. LIST. ]) AT_CHECK([pspp -o pspp.csv rank.sps]) AT_CHECK([cat pspp.csv], [0], [dnl Table: Variables Created by RANK Existing Variable,New Variable,Function x,Rx,RANK Table: Data List x,Rx -1,1.000 0,2.000 1,3.000 2,4.500 2,4.500 4,6.000 5,7.000 ]) AT_CLEANUP # This checks for regression against a crash reported as bug #38482 # that occurred when multiple variables were specified without any # rank specifications. AT_SETUP([RANK multiple variables with defaults]) AT_DATA([rank.sps], [dnl DATA LIST LIST NOTABLE /x * y * z *. BEGIN DATA. 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 END DATA. RANK ALL. LIST. ]) AT_CHECK([pspp -o pspp.csv rank.sps]) AT_CHECK([cat pspp.csv], [0], [dnl Table: Variables Created by RANK Existing Variable,New Variable,Function x,Rx,RANK y,Ry,RANK z,Rz,RANK Table: Data List x,y,z,Rx,Ry,Rz 1.00,2.00,3.00,1.000,1.000,1.000 4.00,5.00,6.00,2.000,2.000,2.000 ]) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([RANK with RANK, RFRACTION, N]) AT_DATA([rank.sps], [dnl DATA LIST LIST NOTABLE /a * b *. BEGIN DATA. 0 24 1 32 2 31 2 32 4 30 5 29 6 1 7 43 8 . 9 45 END DATA. RANK a b (D) /PRINT=YES /RANK /TIES=HIGH /RFRACTION /N INTO count . DISPLAY DICTIONARY. LIST. ]) AT_CHECK([pspp -o pspp.csv rank.sps]) AT_CHECK([cat pspp.csv], [0], [dnl Table: Variables Created by RANK Existing Variable,New Variable,Function a,Ra,RANK b,Rb,RANK a,RFR001,RFRACTION b,RFR002,RFRACTION a,count,N b,Nb,N Table: Variables Name,Position,Label,Measurement Level,Role,Width,Alignment,Print Format,Write Format a,1,,Nominal,Input,8,Right,F8.2,F8.2 b,2,,Nominal,Input,8,Right,F8.2,F8.2 Ra,3,RANK of a,Ordinal,Input,8,Right,F9.3,F9.3 RFR001,4,RFRACTION of a,Ordinal,Input,8,Right,F6.4,F6.4 count,5,N of a,Scale,Input,8,Right,F6.0,F6.0 Rb,6,RANK of b,Ordinal,Input,8,Right,F9.3,F9.3 RFR002,7,RFRACTION of b,Ordinal,Input,8,Right,F6.4,F6.4 Nb,8,N of b,Scale,Input,8,Right,F6.0,F6.0 Table: Data List a,b,Ra,RFR001,count,Rb,RFR002,Nb .00,24.00,10.000,1.0000,10,8.000,.8889,9 1.00,32.00,9.000,.9000,10,4.000,.4444,9 2.00,31.00,8.000,.8000,10,5.000,.5556,9 2.00,32.00,8.000,.8000,10,4.000,.4444,9 4.00,30.00,6.000,.6000,10,6.000,.6667,9 5.00,29.00,5.000,.5000,10,7.000,.7778,9 6.00,1.00,4.000,.4000,10,9.000,1.0000,9 7.00,43.00,3.000,.3000,10,2.000,.2222,9 8.00,. ,2.000,.2000,10,. ,. ,. 9.00,45.00,1.000,.1000,10,1.000,.1111,9 ]) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([RANK with SAVAGE, PERCENT, PROPORTION, NTILES]) AT_DATA([rank.sps], [dnl DATA LIST LIST NOTABLE /a * b *. BEGIN DATA. 0 24 1 32 2 31 2 32 4 30 5 29 6 1 7 43 8 8 9 45 END DATA. RANK a /PRINT=YES /TIES=CONDENSE /SAVAGE /PERCENT /PROPORTION /NTILES(4) /NORMAL . LIST. ]) AT_CHECK([pspp -o pspp.csv rank.sps]) AT_CHECK([cat pspp.csv], [0], [dnl Table: Variables Created by RANK Existing Variable,New Variable,Function,Fraction a,Sa,SAVAGE, a,Pa,PERCENT, a,PRO001,PROPORTION,BLOM a,Na,NTILES, a,NOR001,NORMAL,BLOM Table: Data List a,b,Sa,Pa,PRO001,Na,NOR001 .00,24.00,-.9000,10.00,.0610,1,-1.547 1.00,32.00,-.7889,20.00,.1585,1,-1.000 2.00,31.00,-.5925,30.00,.2561,2,-.6554 2.00,32.00,-.5925,30.00,.2561,2,-.6554 4.00,30.00,-.3544,40.00,.3537,2,-.3755 5.00,29.00,-.1544,50.00,.4512,2,-.1226 6.00,1.00,.0956,60.00,.5488,3,.1226 7.00,43.00,.4290,70.00,.6463,3,.3755 8.00,8.00,.9290,80.00,.7439,3,.6554 9.00,45.00,1.9290,90.00,.8415,4,1.0005 ]) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([RANK with SPLIT FILE]) AT_DATA([rank.sps], [dnl DATA LIST LIST NOTABLE /a * g1 g2 *. BEGIN DATA. 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 4 1 2 5 1 2 1 0 2 2 0 2 3 0 2 4 0 2 5 0 2 6 0 2 7 0 2 8 0 2 6 1 2 7 1 2 7 1 2 8 1 2 9 1 1 END DATA. RANK a (D) BY g2 g1 /PRINT=YES /TIES=LOW /MISSING=INCLUDE /FRACTION=RANKIT /RANK /NORMAL . SPLIT FILE BY g1. RANK a (D) BY g2 /PRINT=YES /TIES=LOW /MISSING=INCLUDE /FRACTION=RANKIT /RANK /NORMAL . SPLIT FILE OFF. LIST. ]) AT_CHECK([pspp -o pspp.csv rank.sps]) AT_CHECK([cat pspp.csv], [0], [dnl Table: Variables Created by RANK Existing Variable,New Variable,Function,Fraction,Grouping Variables a,Ra,RANK,,g2 g1 a,Na,NORMAL,RANKIT,g2 g1 Table: Variables Created by RANK Existing Variable,New Variable,Function,Fraction,Grouping Variables a,RAN001,RANK,,g2 a,NOR001,NORMAL,RANKIT,g2 Table: Data List a,g1,g2,Ra,Na,RAN001,NOR001 2.00,1.00,2.00,8.000,.9674,4.000,.5244 2.00,1.00,2.00,8.000,.9674,4.000,.5244 3.00,1.00,2.00,7.000,.5895,3.000,.0000 4.00,1.00,2.00,6.000,.2822,2.000,-.5244 5.00,1.00,2.00,5.000,.0000,1.000,-1.282 1.00,.00,2.00,8.000,1.5341,8.000,1.5341 2.00,.00,2.00,7.000,.8871,7.000,.8871 3.00,.00,2.00,6.000,.4888,6.000,.4888 4.00,.00,2.00,5.000,.1573,5.000,.1573 5.00,.00,2.00,4.000,-.1573,4.000,-.1573 6.00,.00,2.00,3.000,-.4888,3.000,-.4888 7.00,.00,2.00,2.000,-.8871,2.000,-.8871 8.00,.00,2.00,1.000,-1.534,1.000,-1.534 6.00,1.00,2.00,4.000,-.2822,4.000,1.1503 7.00,1.00,2.00,2.000,-.9674,2.000,-.3186 7.00,1.00,2.00,2.000,-.9674,2.000,-.3186 8.00,1.00,2.00,1.000,-1.593,1.000,-1.150 9.00,1.00,1.00,1.000,.0000,1.000,.0000 ]) AT_CLEANUP # Also tests small ranks for special case of SAVAGE ranks. AT_SETUP([RANK with fractional ranks]) AT_DATA([rank.sps], [dnl DATA LIST LIST NOTABLE /a * w * . BEGIN DATA. 1 1.5 2 0.2 3 0.1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 END DATA. WEIGHT BY w. RANK a /FRACTION=TUKEY /PROPORTION /SAVAGE . LIST. ]) AT_CHECK([pspp -o pspp.csv rank.sps]) AT_CHECK([cat pspp.csv], [0], [dnl Table: Variables Created by RANK Existing Variable,New Variable,Function,Fraction a,Pa,PROPORTION,TUKEY a,Sa,SAVAGE, Table: Data List a,w,Pa,Sa 1.00,1.50,.1285,-.8016 2.00,.20,.1776,-.6905 3.00,.10,.1986,-.6905 4.00,1.00,.3458,-.5305 5.00,1.00,.4860,-.2905 6.00,1.00,.6262,.0262 7.00,1.00,.7664,.4929 8.00,1.00,.9065,1.3929 ]) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([RANK all-ties due to tiny weights]) AT_DATA([rank.sps], [dnl DATA LIST LIST NOTABLE /x * w *. BEGIN DATA. 1 0.1 2 0.1 3 0.1 4 0.2 5 0.1 6 0.1 7 0.1 8 0.1 END DATA. WEIGHT BY w. RANK x /TIES=low /RANK into xl. RANK x /TIES=high /RANK into xh. RANK x /TIES=condense /RANK into xc. * Test VW fraction RANK x /FRACTION=VW /NORMAL. LIST. ]) AT_CHECK([pspp -o pspp.csv rank.sps]) AT_CHECK([cat pspp.csv], [0], [dnl Table: Variables Created by RANK Existing Variable,New Variable,Function x,xl,RANK Table: Variables Created by RANK Existing Variable,New Variable,Function x,xh,RANK Table: Variables Created by RANK Existing Variable,New Variable,Function x,xc,RANK Table: Variables Created by RANK Existing Variable,New Variable,Function,Fraction x,Nx,NORMAL,VW Table: Data List x,w,xl,xh,xc,Nx 1.00,.10,.000,.100,1.000,-1.938 2.00,.10,.100,.200,2.000,-1.412 3.00,.10,.200,.300,3.000,-1.119 4.00,.20,.300,.500,4.000,-.8046 5.00,.10,.500,.600,5.000,-.5549 6.00,.10,.600,.700,6.000,-.4067 7.00,.10,.700,.800,7.000,-.2670 8.00,.10,.800,.900,8.000,-.1323 ]) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([RANK and TEMPORARY]) AT_DATA([rank.sps], [dnl DATA LIST LIST NOTABLE /age (f2) gender (a1). BEGIN DATA. 44 m 32 f 43 m 49 m 33 f 35 f 29 f 50 m 42 m 33 f 48 m END DATA. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF gender = 'm'. RANK age /RANK INTO Rm. TEMPORARY. SELECT IF gender = 'f'. RANK age /RANK INTO Rf. LIST. ]) AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv rank.sps], [0], [dnl Table: Variables Created by RANK Existing Variable,New Variable,Function age,Rm,RANK Table: Variables Created by RANK Existing Variable,New Variable,Function age,Rf,RANK Table: Data List age,gender,Rm,Rf 44,m,3.000,. @&t@ 32,f,. ,2.000 43,m,2.000,. @&t@ 49,m,5.000,. @&t@ 33,f,. ,3.500 35,f,. ,5.000 29,f,. ,1.000 50,m,6.000,. @&t@ 42,m,1.000,. @&t@ 33,f,. ,3.500 48,m,4.000,. @&t@ ]) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([RANK variable name fallback]) AT_DATA([rank.sps], [dnl DATA LIST LIST NOTABLE /foo * rfoo * ran003 *. BEGIN DATA. 0 3 2 1 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 4 3 2 5 3 2 6 3 2 7 3 2 8 3 2 9 3 2 END DATA. RANK foo. DISPLAY DICTIONARY. ]) AT_CHECK([pspp -o pspp.csv rank.sps]) AT_CHECK([cat pspp.csv], [0], [dnl Table: Variables Created by RANK Existing Variable,New Variable,Function foo,RAN001,RANK Table: Variables Name,Position,Label,Measurement Level,Role,Width,Alignment,Print Format,Write Format foo,1,,Nominal,Input,8,Right,F8.2,F8.2 rfoo,2,,Nominal,Input,8,Right,F8.2,F8.2 ran003,3,,Nominal,Input,8,Right,F8.2,F8.2 RAN001,4,RANK of foo,Ordinal,Input,8,Right,F9.3,F9.3 ]) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([RANK robust variable name creation]) AT_DATA([rank.sps], [dnl DATA LIST LIST notable /x * rx * ran001 TO ran999. BEGIN DATA. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 END DATA. RANK x. DELETE VAR ran001 TO ran999. LIST. ]) AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv rank.sps], [0], [dnl "rank.sps:3: warning: Missing value(s) for all variables from rx onward. These will be filled with the system-missing value or blanks, as appropriate." "rank.sps:4: warning: Missing value(s) for all variables from rx onward. These will be filled with the system-missing value or blanks, as appropriate." "rank.sps:5: warning: Missing value(s) for all variables from rx onward. These will be filled with the system-missing value or blanks, as appropriate." "rank.sps:6: warning: Missing value(s) for all variables from rx onward. These will be filled with the system-missing value or blanks, as appropriate." "rank.sps:7: warning: Missing value(s) for all variables from rx onward. These will be filled with the system-missing value or blanks, as appropriate." "rank.sps:8: warning: Missing value(s) for all variables from rx onward. These will be filled with the system-missing value or blanks, as appropriate." "rank.sps:9: warning: Missing value(s) for all variables from rx onward. These will be filled with the system-missing value or blanks, as appropriate." Table: Variables Created by RANK Existing Variable,New Variable,Function x,RNKRA01,RANK Table: Data List x,rx,RNKRA01 1.00,. ,1.000 2.00,. ,2.000 3.00,. ,3.000 4.00,. ,4.000 5.00,. ,5.000 6.00,. ,6.000 7.00,. ,7.000 ]) AT_CLEANUP dnl Test for proper behaviour in the face of invalid input. AT_SETUP([RANK handling of invalid input]) AT_DATA([rank.sps], [dnl DATA LIST LIST NOTABLE /x * a (a2). BEGIN DATA. -1 s 0 s 1 s 2 s 2 s 4 s 5 s END DATA. DEBUG XFORM FAIL. RANK x. ]) AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv --testing-mode rank.sps], [1], [dnl Table: Variables Created by RANK Existing Variable,New Variable,Function x,Rx,RANK rank.sps:14: error: RANK: DEBUG XFORM FAIL transformation executed ]) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([RANK handling of invalid syntax]) AT_DATA([rank.sps], [dnl DATA LIST LIST NOTABLE /x * a (a2). BEGIN DATA. -1 s 0 s 1 s 2 s 2 s 4 s 5 s END DATA. * invalid NTILES (no parameter) RANK x /NTILES . * invalid NTILES (not an integer) RANK x /NTILES(d) . * destination variable already exists RANK x /RANK INTO x. * Too many variables in INTO RANK x /RANK INTO foo bar wiz. ]) AT_CHECK([pspp -O format=csv rank.sps], [1], [dnl "rank.sps:15.1: error: RANK: Syntax error expecting `@{:@'. 15 | . | ^" "rank.sps:19.11: error: RANK: Syntax error expecting positive integer for NTILES. 19 | /NTILES(d) | ^" "rank.sps:25.13: error: RANK: Variable x already exists. 25 | /RANK INTO x. | ^" "rank.sps:30.18-30.20: error: RANK: Too many variables in INTO clause. 30 | /RANK INTO foo bar wiz. | ^~~" ]) AT_CLEANUP