#! /usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Getopt::Long; use POSIX; our ($PINTOSDIR) = "/usr/class/cs140/pintos/pintos"; our ($verbose) = 0; our ($start) = -d 'pintos/src' ? 4 : 1; our ($stop) = 7; GetOptions ("v|verbose+" => \$verbose, "h|help" => sub { usage (0) }, "r|replace" => sub { die "Can't start from step 2: pintos/src does not exist\n" if ! -d 'pintos/src'; $start = 2; }, "x|extract" => sub { $stop = 2 }, "c|clean" => sub { $stop = 3 }, "b|build" => sub { $stop = 4 }, "t|test" => sub { $stop = 6 }) or die "Malformed command line; use --help for help.\n"; die "Exactly one non-option argument required; use --help for help.\n" if @ARGV != 1; my (@valid_projects) = ('threads', 'userprog', 'vm', 'filesys'); my ($project) = $ARGV[0]; $project = $valid_projects[$project - 1] if $project =~ /^[1234]$/; die "Unknown project \"$project\"; use --help for help.\n" if !grep ($_ eq $project, @valid_projects); sub usage { my ($exitcode) = @_; print < "extraction failed\n"); } if (do_step (2)) { print "Replacing tests with pristine copy...\n"; xsystem ("rm -rf pintos/src/tests", DIE => "removal of old tests failed\n"); xsystem ("cp -pR $PINTOSDIR/src/tests pintos/src/tests", DIE => "replacement of tests failed\n"); } if (do_step (3)) { print "Cleaning...\n"; xsystem ("cd pintos/src && make clean", DIE => "clean failed"); } if (do_step (4)) { print "Building...\n"; xsystem ("cd pintos/src/$project && make", DIE => "build failed"); } if (do_step (5)) { print "Grading...\n"; xsystem ("cd pintos/src/$project && make grade", DIE => "grade failed"); } if (do_step (6)) { print "Saving grade report to tests.out...\n"; xsystem ("cp pintos/src/$project/build/grade tests.out", DIE => "copy failed"); } if (do_step (7)) { print "Cleaning...\n"; xsystem ("cd pintos/src && make clean", DIE => "clean failed"); } # do_step ($N) # # Returns true if step $N should be executed. sub do_step { my ($n) = @_; return $n >= $start && $n <= $stop; } # Returns the name of the tarball to extract. sub choose_tarball { my (@tarballs) = grep (/^[a-z0-9]+\.[A-Za-z]+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+.\d+\.tar\.gz$/, glob ("*.tar.gz")); die "no pintos dir, no files matching username.MMM.DD.YY.hh.mm.ss.tar.gz\n" if scalar (@tarballs) == 0; if (@tarballs > 1) { # Sort tarballs in order by time. @tarballs = sort { ext_mdyHMS ($a) cmp ext_mdyHMS ($b) } @tarballs; print "Multiple tarballs:\n"; print "\t$_ submitted ", ext_mdyHMS ($_), "\n" foreach @tarballs; print "Choosing $tarballs[$#tarballs]\n"; } return $tarballs[$#tarballs]; } # Extract the date within a tarball name into a string that compares # lexicographically in chronological order. sub ext_mdyHMS { my ($s) = @_; my ($ms, $d, $y, $H, $M, $S) = $s =~ /.([A-Za-z]+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)\.tar\.gz$/ or die; my ($m) = index ("janfebmaraprmayjunjulaugsepoctnovdec", lc $ms) / 3 or die; return sprintf "%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $y, $m, $d, $H, $M, $S; } sub xsystem { my ($command, %options) = @_; print "$command\n" if $verbose || $options{VERBOSE}; my ($log) = $options{LOG}; my ($pid, $status); eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; alarm $options{TIMEOUT} if defined $options{TIMEOUT}; $pid = fork; die "fork: $!\n" if !defined $pid; if (!$pid) { if (defined $log) { open (STDOUT, ">output/$log.out"); open (STDERR, ">output/$log.err"); } exec ($command); exit (-1); } waitpid ($pid, 0); $status = $?; alarm 0; }; my ($result); if ($@) { die unless $@ eq "alarm\n"; # propagate unexpected errors my ($i); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { kill ('SIGTERM', $pid); sleep (1); my ($retval) = waitpid ($pid, WNOHANG); last if $retval == $pid || $retval == -1; print "Timed out - Waiting for $pid to die" if $i == 0; print "."; } print "\n" if $i; $result = 'timeout'; } else { if (WIFSIGNALED ($status)) { my ($signal) = WTERMSIG ($status); die "Interrupted\n" if $signal == SIGINT; print "Child terminated with signal $signal\n"; } my ($exp_status) = !defined ($options{EXPECT}) ? 0 : $options{EXPECT}; $result = WIFEXITED ($status) && WEXITSTATUS ($status) == $exp_status ? "ok" : "error"; } if ($result eq 'error' && defined $options{DIE}) { my ($msg) = $options{DIE}; if (defined ($log)) { chomp ($msg); $msg .= "; see output/$log.err and output/$log.out for details\n"; } die $msg; } elsif ($result ne 'error' && defined ($log)) { unlink ("output/$log.err"); } return $result; }