PROJECT 2 GRADING ADVICE ======================== This file contains advice for grading project 2. General advice for Pintos grading is in README, which you should read first. ARGUMENT PASSING ================ A1: Most correct solutions don't introduce any new data structures for this part. If any global variables are introduced, be suspicious about the possibility for race conditions. A2: The "Program Startup Details" section in the User Programs chapter of the Pintos manual describes what needs to be done. There are two main ways to put argv[] in the correct order: - Many solutions use strtok_r() to divide the arguments into space-separated strings, storing a pointer to each argument in a temporary storage area, then push each pointer on the stack in reverse order. - Another approach is to push the arguments obtained by strtok_r() on the user stack directly, then reverse their order when finished. This is what the sample solution does. Students must specify how they avoid overflow: - One acceptable approach is to check for overflow just before pushing each item on the stack. - Another acceptable approach is to make two passes. In the first pass, calculate how many bytes of stack space are required. Abort at this point if the stack would overflow. Then, in the second pass, actually set up the stack. - A third acceptable approach is to allocate additional stack pages as the currently allocate page or pages are exhausted. If this is done, verify that the case where no more memory is available is correctly handled (by returning an error and ensuring that the pages already allocated are freed). Few groups choose this approach. - Some students assume that any command line under 4,096 bytes long will fit. This is wrong: some space is required for the pointers in argv[], as well as a little extra for other data that goes on the stack and some space for the user process's use as well. - Generalizing the previous approach, some students set some other fixed limit on command-line length in bytes. Usually they don't properly consider the consequences. Every two bytes in a command line can require four bytes for a pointer in argv[], as in a command line that consists of alternating space and non-space characters. Thus, N bytes of command-line arguments can require N + 4(N / 2) = 3N bytes of stack space. Setting 3N = 4,096 we obtain N = 1,365. Thus, any solution that sets a fixed cap on command-line length greater than 1,365 is incorrect. Preferably, any fixed limit should be significantly less than that. - Some students believe that there is a 128-byte limit on the length of a command line. This is wrong: the 128-byte limit only applies to the "pintos" utility's command line. It does not apply to the command line passed to the "exec" system call. - Some groups limit the number of command line arguments to a fixed value. There's nothing wrong with that as long as it's sufficiently large, e.g. 512. One common fallacy is an assumption that each string must be word-aligned for performance. This is not true. It's okay if they align strings, because it's harmless, but stating that it improves performance should incur a small deduction. A3: strtok() uses a static object to hold the starting position for the next token. Thus, it isn't safe for concurrent use in different threads (the problem here) or even for nested use within a single thread. strtok_r() solves the problem by requiring the caller to provide storage for the starting position for the next token. Wrong answers: - Some students believe that strtok_r() does not modify the string it tokenizes whereas strtok() does. This is wrong: both functions modify the string that they tokenize. - Some students think strtok() uses a "static buffer" for parsing. This is wrong: it modifies the string provided and stores a pointer into it statically. A4: Some correct answers: - Increased flexibility: a variety of shells can accept varying syntaxes without any need to change the kernel. - Simplifies the kernel and improves its security: a simpler kernel is a kernel less likely to have important bugs or security holes. This is especially true given the complicated parsing rules of real-world shells. Some wrong answers: - Saves time and disk space: doing parsing in user space or kernel space doesn't have a strong time or space trade-off, but some students think so. - Relative paths: some students think that relative paths are implemented by the shell, but this is wrong. - Fewer context switches: where parsing is done has no effect on the number of context switches required to start a process. (It might be possible to justify this claim by giving specific details.) - Policy enforcement: some students think that the shell is in charge of enforcing system security policies, but this is not normally true. Check the submitted code, by hand, for the following: 1. That the code used for argument passing is readable. This is probably near the end of userprog/process.c, in or near setup_stack(). In particular, many stack "push" operations are required, so the code to do this should either be simple (e.g. "*--p = something;") or, if it is more complicated, abstracted into a function or set of functions. SYSTEM CALLS ============ B1: This question has a pretty big answer, because system calls need quite a few data structures. The guidelines for B1 are therefore broken down into B1(i) through B1(iv), below, to make them easier to follow. B1(i): A global lock or semaphore for file system synchronization is needed, e.g. /* Serializes file system operations. */ static struct lock fs_lock; B1(ii): Some mechanism for tracking file descriptors is needed. There are three common variants (see B2 for more on this topic): - Per-thread list: adds a list to struct thread, like so: struct list fds; /* List of file descriptors. */ Each member of the list includes at least a file and a fd number, e.g.: /* A file descriptor, for binding a file handle to a file. */ struct file_descriptor { struct list_elem elem; /* List element. */ struct file *file; /* File. */ int handle; /* File handle. */ }; This case also requires a way to come up with unique file descriptors. The simplest and best way is to add a counter to struct thread, e.g.: int next_handle; /* Next handle value. */ Another alternative is to use a global counter, but this requires adding a lock as well. (It's possible to use the global file system lock or some other lock for this, but I haven't seen that done in practice.) Deduct points if synchronization is omitted: static int next_fd = 2; /* Next file descriptor. */ static struct lock fd_lock; /* Protects next_fd. */ - Per-thread array: adds an array of 128 elements to struct thread (128 because the assignment states that as a minimum number): struct file *fds[128]; Some solutions include some extra members to speed up finding an empty slot. - Global hash table: adds a global hash table that maps from a descriptor number to a "struct file *". Check that there is also a new hash_elem in struct thread in this case. Some way to generate unique file descriptors is needed, usually a global counter. A lock or other synchronization is also required. The global data for this case looks something like this: static struct hash fd_hash; static int fd_next = 2; static struct lock fd_lock; The hash table elements look something like this: struct file_descriptor { struct hash_elem hash_elem; struct file *file; int handle; pid_t owner; }; Notice the inclusion of the "owner" member, which ensures that a fd can only be used by the process that opened it. If there's no mechanism to ensure this, deduct points. B1(iii): Data structures for implementing the "wait" system call are needed (see B5 and B8 for more on this topic). Fundamentally, "wait" requires communication between a process and its children, usually implemented through shared data. The shared data might be added to struct thread, but many solutions separate it into a separate structure. At least the following must be shared between a parent and each of its children: - Child's exit status, so that "wait" can return it. - Child's thread id, for "wait" to compare against its argument. - A way for the parent to block until the child dies (usually a semaphore). - A way for the parent and child to tell whether the other is already dead, in a race-free fashion (to ensure that their shared data can be freed). The sample solution uses a new "struct wait_status" for this purpose: /* Tracks the completion of a process. Reference held by both the parent, in its `children' list, and by the child, in its `wait_status' pointer. */ struct wait_status { struct list_elem elem; /* `children' list element. */ struct lock lock; /* Protects ref_cnt. */ int ref_cnt; /* 2=child and parent both alive, 1=either child or parent alive, 0=child and parent both dead. */ tid_t tid; /* Child thread id. */ int exit_code; /* Child exit code, if dead. */ struct semaphore dead; /* 1=child alive, 0=child dead. */ }; If the shared data is integrated into struct thread, then one of the cleanest ways to do it is to use a pair of semaphores, both initially set to 0, like so (see B5/B8 below for more information on the usage of these semaphores): int exit_code; /* Process's exit status. */ struct semaphore exiting; /* Up'd when process ready to exit. */ struct semaphore may_exit; /* Up'd after parent reads exit code. */ Of course, each thread needs a way to find the shared data for each of its children and, if shared data is not stored in struct thread, its own shared data as well. The sample solution adds a pair of members to struct thread: struct wait_status *wait_status; /* This process's completion state. */ struct list children; /* Completion status of children. */ If the shared data is integrated into struct thread, then a list of children and a corresponding list element is needed: struct list children; /* List of child processes. */ struct list_elem child_elem; /* Used for `children' list. */ Most solutions add an exit code member to struct thread, even if there is an exit code member in a separate shared data structure. That's fine. B1(iv): Some data is needed to allow a process that calls "exec" to wait until the new process completes loading. The sample solution, and some student submissions, just add a new structure. A pointer to the new structure is passed to the new thread as the "void *" pointer argument to thread_create(). Here is the sample solution's structure: /* Data structure shared between process_execute() in the invoking thread and execute_thread() in the newly invoked thread. */ struct exec_info { const char *file_name; /* Program to load. */ struct semaphore load_done; /* "Up"ed when loading complete. */ struct wait_status *wait_status;/* Child process. */ bool success; /* Program successfully loaded? */ }; Many student submissions instead add members to struct thread to do the same things, which is fine. B2: See B1(ii) above for information on the basic data structures used for file descriptors. Part of the answer to this question might be given in B1. Globally unique and per-process unique file descriptors are both acceptable. If a global counter is used to generate file descriptors, there must be some mention of synchronization. If an array totalling 512 bytes or more (e.g. 128 elements of "int" or pointer type) is added to struct thread, then there must be some mention that this is a large amount of data to add to struct thread. This can be mentioned here, or in B1(ii), or in B10 below. See the "struct thread" section in the Reference Guide chapter of the Pintos manual for explanation. If the fd counter skips the first 3 fd values, with mention that this is for stdin, stdout, and stderr, then it must also mention that Pintos does not have stderr. There seems to be some confusion about locking here among students. No locking is necessary for per-thread data structures, such as a thread-specific list of file descriptors. Locking is required for data that might be concurrently accessed by multiple threads. There is no need for submissions to handle overflow of the counter used for generating fds. B3: This question was badly phrased in previous quarters, so there's no pool of good student answers to compare against. The answer should say which of the techniques described in "Accessing User Memory" in the assignment is used. It should describe a few of the implementation details, such as interfaces of functions used to read or write user memory. A few students believe that writing to the "eax" member of struct intr_frame is a form of writing to user memory. This is wrong: struct intr_frame is in the kernel stack. Modifying its "eax" member changes the value of the EAX register seen by the process when a system call returns, not any kind of user memory. Occasionally, a group extends the page fault-based method described in the Pintos manual. The method described there has a little bit of overhead in that it requires the EAX register to be set up with the address of a recovery handler before accessing memory. This is necessary for the page fault handler to know what to do. An alternative without this overhead is to maintain a table that associates EIP values of potentially faulting instructions with their recovery handlers. This technique is used in the Linux kernel and elsewhere to good effect. B4: In the first part of this question, students should address their implementation. In the second part, they should address an ideal implementation. They need to answer both parts, although the answers may be very brief as long as they are correct. An ideal implementation would only inspect as many page table entries as aligned virtual pages spanned by the buffer. Both 2-byte and 4,096 buffers can span either 1 or 2 pages, so they would require 1 or 2 checks. Student implementations often check page table entries more often than this. That's acceptable, within reason. For example, one common student implementation checks the first byte and last byte of the user memory block to be accessed, plus one byte spaced every 4,096 bytes within the block. That's fine, although it often makes a few more checks than absolutely necessary. Implementations that always inspect every byte read or written are not acceptable. Take off points. Bizarrely, some students believe that checking a page table entry every 4 bytes within a block is correct. It's not: it will fail, for example, in the case of a 2-byte block spanning a pair of virtual pages. If they check each *aligned* 4-byte region, then it's correct, but then they're still doing 1,024 checks per page, which is still unacceptable. An implementation that uses page faults to detect bad user memory accesses requires 0 page table inspections to copy any number of bytes. An answer from this point of view is acceptable too. Some students suggest that further improvements could be made by page-aligning the buffers passed to the kernel. That's a reasonable suggestion. Some very confused students think that each of the bytes in a 4,096 user memory region can be on a separate page. Penalize them. B5 and B8: These questions really have to be graded together, because they are so closely related. See B1(iii) above for information on the basic data structures used for "wait". A call to "wait" should not require disabling interrupts or calling thread_block() by hand. Take off points. Global locks, semaphores, etc. should not generally be used for implementing "wait". Their use forces serialization of process exit, and they are unnecessary. They are also, often, an indication of an incorrect implementation. Some students indicate that they actually implement the wrong semantics: If C exits before P, then "wait" by P on C should return the process's exit code, not -1 as these students say. Take off points for this. (But it's strange that they would think so, seeing as the tests for "wait" are pretty thorough.) The "exit" and "wait" system calls should not have to search a global list of all processes, because it is inefficient and, more importantly, unnecessary given that it is so easy to keep a per-thread list of children. Take off points. The procedures for "wait" and "exit" vary broadly based on the data structures used. If shared data separate from struct thread are used: The procedure for "wait" is roughly this: - Find the child in the list of shared data structures. (If none is found, return -1.) - Wait for the child to die, by downing a semaphore in the shared data. - Obtain the child's exit code from the shared data. - Destroy the shared data structure and remove it from the list. - Return the exit code. The procedure for "exit" is then: - Save the exit code in the shared data. - Up the semaphore in the data shared with our parent process (if any). In some kind of race-free way (such as using a lock and a reference count or pair of boolean variables in the shared data area), mark the shared data as unused by us and free it if the parent is also dead. - Iterate the list of children and, as in the previous step, mark them as no longer used by us and free them if the child is also dead. - Terminate the thread. A common variation on the above "wait" procedure is to mark the shared data structure as "used" instead of removing it from the list and destroying it, then on subsequent "wait"s noticing that it is already used, skipping the down of the semaphore, and returning -1. If the shared data is integrated into struct thread: The procedure for "wait" is roughly this: - Find the child in the list of child processes. (If none is found, return -1.) - Wait for the child to die, by downing a semaphore in the child thread struct (this is the "exiting" semaphore in the example in B1(iii)). - Obtain the child's exit code from its thread struct. - Remove the child from the list of children. - Give the child permission to finish exiting, by "up"ing its may_exit semaphore. (After this action, the child thread struct must no longer be accessed, because the child could wake up at any time and exit. In particular this means that the previous two steps *must* come before this one.) - Return the exit code. The procedure for "exit" is then: - Save the exit code in the exiting process's thread struct. - Up the "exiting" semaphore, to allow a waiting parent to retrieve the exit code. - Iterate the list of children and up each child's may_exit semaphore, to allow them to exit when they're ready. - Down the "may_exit" semaphore, to wait for our parent to retrieve our exit code. - Terminate the thread. A common variation on the above "wait" procedure is to mark a child as "used" instead of allowing it to terminate then on subsequent "wait"s noticing that it is already used, skipping the down of the semaphore, and returning -1. Then the "exit" procedure actually gives each child permission to terminate. The main "trick" in this kind of implementation is that an exiting process must not terminate until its parent process has terminated or retrieved its exit status. (If the exiting process were allowed to terminate immediately, then its thread struct would be freed and the exit status could not be retrieved at all.) If the students do not explain how they do this, deduct points. (Students are not required to explain the "exit" procedure as part of B5, but they usually end up doing so.) Some groups come up with extraordinarily complicated, confusing schemes for implementing wait/exit. If you can't understand their description, take off points. You should expect to see an answer to each of the 4 parts in B8. Here's an example answer that corresponds to the sample solution (which uses shared data separate from the thread struct): - If P calls wait(C) before C exits, P will wait for C to die by "down"ing the semaphore in C's wait_status struct, which C will "up" when it dies. - If P calls wait(C) after C exits, P will "down" the semaphore similarly but no waiting will be required. - If P terminates without waiting, before C exits, then C will "up" the semaphore when it terminates, but P will never "down" it, which is fine. - If P terminates without waiting, after C exits, then the same thing happens, except that C "up"s the semaphore before P dies instead of after. Students should also say something about freeing resources and special cases, e.g.: - When either C or P terminates, it decrements their shared wait_status's reference count (under the wait_status lock). When the reference count reaches 0, the wait_status is no longer referenced so it is freed. - There are no special cases. B6: There are three common types of answers: - Pre-checking: System call handlers verify that all the data they need to access can be accessed before allocating any resources. Thus, there's never anything to free on error. (Once project 3 rolls around, this will no longer be possible, so these students haven't done a good job of looking ahead.) - Manual freeing: If an error occurs, the system call handler manually frees everything allocated up to that point. Often these answers focus on "abstraction", making the point that it's easier to free resources if the resources are correctly abstracted. - Resource pools: All the resources allocated by a thread (memory, locks, etc.) is put on a list. If an error occurs, a handler iterates through the list and releases all of the resources. (This is a clever solution, but rare.) Any of these are fine. B7: This depends on the data structures defined in B1(iv) above. The usual solution is to use a semaphore initialized to 0. The process calling "exec" downs it. The new process "up"s it once the load success or failure is known. A shared Boolean variable is used to indicate success or failure. Some students use thread_block() instead of a semaphore. Take off points. Some students store the success indicator variable in the child process. This requires additional synchronization so that the child process can't terminate before the parent reads the status. Typically, an additional semaphore is used to give the process calling "exec" a chance to read the shared Boolean variable without a race on the new process's termination. This is not a good approach, because it is so easy to do without the additional synchronization by storing the success indicator in the parent's thread struct or in a local variable (e.g. as in the sample solution). Take off points. B8: See "B5 and B8", above. B9 and B10: Just make sure of a few things here: - They actually answered "why", not "how" or "what". - Their answers do not contain any factual inaccuracies (e.g. do not claim that Pintos processes inherit file descriptors on exec, which contradicts what the assignment says). - Their answers seem "reasonable". B11: A typical answer is just "we didn't change anything". Otherwise, see "B9 and B10" above. Take off points if they come up with some bizarre or stupid scheme and don't properly justify it, e.g. one group decided that pid_t for a process should be the sum of its tid_t and its parent's tid_t. Take off points if an answer assumes that there can be more than one thread per process and doesn't mention that this would be an extension to the Pintos design.