#! /usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use POSIX; our ($mem) = 4; our ($serial_out) = 1; our ($disk) = "pintos.dsk"; our (@part_files) = ("boot.part", "filesys.part", "scratch.part", "swap.part"); our ($sim); our ($debug); our ($vga); our ($jitter, $realtime); our (%role2type) = (0 => 0x20, 1 => 0x21, 2 => 0x22, 3 => 0x23); use Getopt::Long qw(:config require_order bundling); unshift (@ARGV, split (' ', $ENV{PINTOSOPTS})) if defined $ENV{PINTOSOPTS}; GetOptions ("sim=s" => sub { set_sim (@_) }, "bochs" => sub { set_sim ("bochs") }, "qemu" => sub { set_sim ("qemu") }, "gsx" => sub { set_sim ("gsx") }, "debug=s" => sub { set_debug (@_) }, "no-debug" => sub { set_debug ("no-debug") }, "monitor" => sub { set_debug ("monitor") }, "gdb" => sub { set_debug ("gdb") }, "run|get|put|assemble|disassemble" => \&cmd_option, "m|memory=i" => \$mem, "j|jitter=i" => sub { set_jitter (@_) }, "r|realtime" => sub { set_realtime () }, "v|no-vga" => sub { set_vga ('none'); }, "s|no-serial" => sub { $serial_out = 0; }, "t|terminal" => sub { set_vga ('terminal'); }, "h|help" => sub { usage (0); }, "disk=s" => \$disk, "boot-partition=s" => \$part_files[0], "fs-partition|filesys-partition=s" => \$part_files[1], "scratch-partition=s" => \$part_files[2], "swap-partition=s" => \$part_files[3] ) or exit 1; $sim = "bochs" if !defined $sim; $debug = "no-debug" if !defined $debug; $vga = "window" if !defined $vga; sub set_sim { my ($new_sim) = @_; die "--$new_sim conflicts with --$sim\n" if defined ($sim) && $sim ne $new_sim; $sim = $new_sim; } sub set_debug { my ($new_debug) = @_; die "--$new_debug conflicts with --$debug\n" if defined ($debug) && $debug ne $new_debug; $debug = $new_debug; } sub set_vga { my ($new_vga) = @_; if (defined ($vga) && $vga ne $new_vga) { print "warning: conflicting vga display options\n"; } $vga = $new_vga; } sub set_jitter { my ($new_jitter) = @_; die "--realtime conflicts with --jitter\n" if defined $realtime; die "different --jitter already defined\n" if defined $jitter && $jitter != $new_jitter; $jitter = $new_jitter; } sub set_realtime { die "--realtime conflicts with --jitter\n" if defined $jitter; $realtime = 1; } sub cmd_option { # Force an end to option processing, as with --. die ("!FINISH"); } die "no command specified; use --help for help\n" if @ARGV < 1; my ($cmd) = shift @ARGV; if ($cmd eq 'run') { run_vm (@ARGV); } elsif ($cmd eq 'put') { # Take a -f option to combine formatting with putting. my ($format) = 0; if (@ARGV > 0 && $ARGV[0] eq '-f') { shift @ARGV; $format = 1; } usage () if @ARGV != 1 && @ARGV != 2; my ($hostfn, $guestfn) = @ARGV; $guestfn = $hostfn if !defined $guestfn; # Disassemble. @part_files = ("part0.tmp", "part1.tmp", "part2.tmp", "part3.tmp"); disassemble ($part_files[0], $part_files[1], undef, $part_files[3]); die "missing file system partition\n" if ! -e $part_files[1]; # Create scratch disk from file. open (FILE, "<$hostfn") or die "$hostfn: open: $!\n"; my ($scratchfn) = $part_files[1]; open (SCRATCH, ">$scratchfn") or die "$scratchfn: create: $!\n"; my ($size) = 0; for (;;) { my ($buf); my ($amt) = sysread (FILE, $buf, 65536); die "$hostfn: read: $!\n" if $amt < 0; last if $amt == 0; syswrite (FILE, $buf, $amt) == $amt or die "$scratchfn: write: $!\n"; $size += $amt; } my ($zeros) = 512 - $size % 512; syswrite (FILE, "\0" x $zeros) == $zeros or die "$scratchfn: write: $!\n"; close (SCRATCH); close (FILE); # Reassemble. assemble (); unlink (@part_files); # Do copy. my (@cmd) = ("-ci", $guestfn, $size, "-q"); unshift (@cmd, "-f") if $format; run_vm (@cmd); } elsif ($cmd eq 'get') { usage () if @ARGV != 1 && @ARGV != 2; my ($guestfn, $hostfn) = @ARGV; $hostfn = $guestfn if !defined $hostfn; die "$hostfn: already exists\n" if -e $hostfn; # Disassemble. @part_files = ("part0.tmp", "part1.tmp", undef, "part3.tmp"); disassemble (@part_files); # Create scratch disk big enough for any file in the file system # (modulo sparse files). die "missing file system partition\n" if ! -e $part_files[1]; my ($fs_size) = -s _; my ($approx_mb) = (16 * 63 * 512) * 2; $part_files[2] = sprintf ("%d", int (($fs_size + $approx_mb - 1) / $approx_mb)); assemble (@part_files); # Do copy. run_vm ("-co", $guestfn, "-q"); # FIXME: we could just read the parttbl, then copy directly. # Disassemble. my ($scratchfn) = "part2.tmp"; disassemble (undef, undef, $scratchfn, undef); # Read out scratch disk. print "copying $guestfn from $scratchfn to $hostfn...\n"; open (SRC, "<$scratchfn") or die "$scratchfn: open: $!\n"; open (DST, ">$hostfn") or die "$hostfn: create: $!\n"; my ($input); read (SRC, $input, 512) == 512 or die "$scratchfn: read error\n"; my ($size) = unpack ("V", $input); $size != 0xffffffff or die "$guestfn: too big for $scratchfn?"; my ($src); read (SRC, $src, $size) == $size or die "$scratchfn: read error\n"; print DST $src or die "$hostfn: write error\n"; close (DST); close (SRC); } elsif ($cmd eq 'assemble') { die "$part_files[0] not found ($!), but a boot partition is required\n" if ! -e $part_files[0]; do { $_ = undef if ! -e $_ } foreach @part_files[1...3]; assemble (); } elsif ($cmd eq 'help') { usage (0); } else { die "unknown command `$cmd'; use --help for help\n"; } exit 0; sub usage { my ($exitcode) = @_; $exitcode = 1 unless defined $exitcode; print "pintos, a utility for invoking Pintos in a simulator\n"; print "Usage: pintos [OPTION...] COMMAND [ARG...]\n"; print "where COMMAND is one of the following:\n"; print " run [CMDLINE...] run a VM in the simulator\n"; print " put HOSTFN [GUESTFN] copy HOSTFN into VM (as GUESTFN)\n"; print " get GUESTFN [HOSTFN] copy GUESTFN out of VM (to HOSTFN)\n"; print " assemble assemble a VM disk from partitions\n"; print " disassemble disassemble a VM disk into partitions\n"; print " help print this help message and exit\n"; print "Simulator options:\n"; print " --bochs (default) Use Bochs as simulator\n"; print " --qemu Use qemu as simulator\n"; print " --gsx Use VMware GSX Server 3.x as simulator\n"; print "Debugger options:\n"; print " --no-debug (default) No debugger\n"; print " --monitor Debug with simulator's monitor\n"; print " --gdb Debug with gdb\n"; print "Display options: (default is VGA + serial)\n"; print " -v, --no-vga No VGA display\n"; print " -s, --no-serial No serial output\n"; print " -t, --terminal Display VGA in terminal (Bochs only)\n"; print "VM options:\n"; print " -d, --disk=DISK File holding VM's disk (default: pintos.dsk)\n"; print " -j SEED Randomize timer interrupts (Bochs only)\n"; print " -r, --realtime Use realistic, but not reproducible, timings\n"; print " -m, --mem=MB Run VM with MB megabytes of physical memory\n"; print "Assemble/disassemble partitions (default names in parentheses):\n"; print "(SOURCE is a file or a size in MB, for a blank partition.)\n"; print " --boot=FILE Boot partition (boot.part)\n"; print " --filesys=SOURCE File system partition (filesys.part)\n"; print " --scratch=SOURCE Scratch partition (scratch.part)\n"; print " --swap=SOURCE Swap partition (swap.part)\n"; exit $exitcode; } sub copy_pad { my ($src, $dst, $blocksize) = @_; run_command ("dd", "if=$src", "of=$dst", "bs=$blocksize", "conv=sync"); } sub create_disk { my ($disk, $kb) = @_; run_command ("dd", "if=/dev/zero", "of=$disk", "bs=1024", "count=$kb"); } sub run_vm { my (@args) = @_; our ($disk); die "$disk: can't find OS disk\n" if ! -e $disk; # FIXME # if (my ($project) = `pwd` =~ /\b(threads|userprog|vm|filesys)\b/) { # if ((grep ($project eq $_, qw (userprog vm filesys))) # && !defined ($disks[1])) { # print STDERR "warning: it looks like you're running the $project "; # print STDERR "project, but no file system disk is present\n"; # } # if ($project eq 'vm' && !defined $disks[3]) { # print STDERR "warning: it looks like you're running the $project "; # print STDERR "project, but no swap disk is present\n"; # } # } write_cmd_line ($disks[0], @args); if ($sim eq 'bochs') { my ($bin); if ($debug eq 'no-debug') { $bin = 'bochs'; } elsif ($debug eq 'monitor') { $bin = 'bochs-dbg'; } elsif ($debug eq 'gdb') { $bin = 'bochs-gdb'; } my ($bochsbin) = search_path ($bin); my ($bochsshare) = "$bochsbin/../share/bochs"; open (BOCHSRC, ">bochsrc.txt") or die "bochsrc.txt: create: $!\n"; print BOCHSRC "romimage: file=$bochsshare/BIOS-bochs-latest, " . "address=0xf0000\n"; print BOCHSRC "vgaromimage: $bochsshare/VGABIOS-lgpl-latest\n"; print BOCHSRC bochs_disk_line ("ata0-master", $disks[0]); print BOCHSRC bochs_disk_line ("ata0-slave", $disks[1]); print BOCHSRC "ata1: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x170, ioaddr2=0x370, irq=15\n" if defined ($disks[2]) || defined ($disks[3]); print BOCHSRC bochs_disk_line ("ata1-master", $disks[2]); print BOCHSRC bochs_disk_line ("ata1-slave", $disks[3]); print BOCHSRC "boot: c\n"; print BOCHSRC "ips: 1000000\n"; if (!$realtime) { print BOCHSRC "clock: sync=none, time0=0\n"; } else { print BOCHSRC "clock: sync=realtime, time0=0\n"; } print BOCHSRC "megs: $mem\n"; print BOCHSRC "log: bochsout.txt\n"; if ($vga ne 'terminal') { print BOCHSRC "com1: enabled=1, dev=/dev/stdout\n" if $serial_out; print BOCHSRC "display_library: nogui\n" if $vga eq 'none'; } else { print BOCHSRC "display_library: term\n"; } close (BOCHSRC); my (@cmd) = ($bin, '-q'); push (@cmd, '-j', $jitter) if defined $jitter; print join (' ', @cmd), "\n"; my ($exit) = xsystem (@cmd); if (WIFEXITED ($exit)) { # Bochs exited normally. # Ignore the exit code; Bochs normally exits with status 1, # which is weird. } elsif (WIFSIGNALED ($exit)) { die "Bochs died with signal ", WTERMSIG ($exit), "\n"; } else { die "Bochs died: code $exit\n"; } } elsif ($sim eq 'qemu') { print "warning: qemu doesn't support --terminal\n" if $vga eq 'terminal'; print "warning: qemu doesn't support jitter\n" if defined $jitter; my (@cmd) = ('qemu'); push (@cmd, '-hda', $disks[0]) if defined $disks[0]; push (@cmd, '-hdb', $disks[1]) if defined $disks[1]; push (@cmd, '-hdc', $disks[2]) if defined $disks[2]; push (@cmd, '-hdd', $disks[3]) if defined $disks[3]; push (@cmd, '-m', $mem); push (@cmd, '-nographic') if $vga eq 'none'; push (@cmd, '-serial', 'stdio') if $serial_out && $vga ne 'none'; push (@cmd, '-S') if $debug eq 'monitor'; push (@cmd, '-s') if $debug eq 'gdb'; run_command (@cmd); } elsif ($sim eq 'gsx') { print "warning: VMware GSX Server doesn't support --$debug\n" if $debug ne 'no-debug'; print "warning: VMware GSX Server doesn't support --no-vga\n" if $vga eq 'none'; print "warning: VMware GSX Server doesn't support --terminal\n" if $vga eq 'terminal'; print "warning: VMware GSX Server doesn't support jitter\n" if defined $jitter; open (VMX, ">pintos.vmx") or die "pintos.vmx: create: $!\n"; chmod 0777 & ~umask, "pintos.vmx"; print VMX "#! /usr/bin/vmware -G\n"; print VMX "config.version = 6\n"; print VMX "guestOS = \"linux\"\n"; print VMX "floppy0.present = FALSE\n"; unlink ("pintos.out"); print VMX "serial0.present = TRUE\n"; print VMX "serial0.fileType = \"file\"\n"; print VMX "serial0.fileName = \"pintos.out\"\n"; if (! -e 'null.bin') { open (NULL, ">null.bin") or die "null.bin: create: $!\n"; close (NULL); } for (my ($i) = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { my ($dsk) = $disks[$i]; next if !defined $dsk; my ($pln) = $dsk; $pln =~ s/\.dsk//; $pln .= ".pln"; my ($device) = "ide" . int ($i / 2) . ":" . ($i % 2); print VMX "\n$device.present = TRUE\n"; print VMX "$device.deviceType = \"plainDisk\"\n"; print VMX "$device.fileName = \"$pln\"\n"; my (%geom) = disk_geometry ($dsk); open (PLN, ">$pln") or die "$pln: create: $!\n"; print PLN "DRIVETYPE ide\n"; print PLN "#vm|VERSION 2\n"; print PLN "#vm|TOOLSVERSION 2\n"; print PLN "CYLINDERS $geom{C}\n"; print PLN "HEADS $geom{H}\n"; print PLN "SECTORS $geom{S}\n"; print PLN "#vm|CAPACITY $geom{CAPACITY}\n"; print PLN "ACCESS \"$dsk\" 0 $geom{CAPACITY}\n"; close (PLN); } close (VMX); my ($vmx) = getcwd () . "/pintos.vmx"; system ("vmware-cmd -s register $vmx >&/dev/null"); system ("vmware-cmd $vmx stop hard >&/dev/null"); system ("vmware -l -G -x -q $vmx"); system ("vmware-cmd $vmx stop hard >&/dev/null"); } } sub relay_signal { my ($pid, $signal) = @_; kill $signal, $pid; $SIG{$signal} = 'DEFAULT'; kill $signal, getpid (); } sub xsystem { my ($pid) = fork; if (!defined ($pid)) { # Fork failed. die "fork: $!\n"; } elsif (!$pid) { # Running in child process. exec (@_); exit (1); } else { # Running in parent process. local $SIG{INT} = sub { relay_signal ($pid, "INT"); }; local $SIG{TERM} = sub { relay_signal ($pid, "TERM"); }; waitpid ($pid, 0); return $?; } } sub write_cmd_line { my ($disk, @args) = @_; die "command line includes empty string" if grep (/^$/, @args); my ($args) = join ("\0", @args) . "\0\0"; die "command line exceeds 128 bytes" if length ($args) > 128; $args .= "\0" x (128 - length ($args)); print "writing command line to $disk...\n"; open (DISK, "+<$disk") or die "$disk: open: $!\n"; seek (DISK, 0x17e, 0) or die "$disk: seek: $!\n"; syswrite (DISK, $args) or die "$disk: write: $!\n"; close (DISK) or die "$disk: close: $!\n"; } sub run_command { print join (' ', @_), "\n"; die "command failed\n" if xsystem (@_); } sub search_path { my ($target) = @_; for my $dir (split (':', $ENV{PATH})) { return $dir if -e "$dir/$target"; } die "$target not in PATH\n"; } sub bochs_disk_line { my ($device, $file) = @_; return "" if !defined $file; my (%geom) = disk_geometry ($file); return ("$device: type=disk, path=$file, mode=flat, " . "cylinders=$geom{C}, heads=$geom{H}, spt=$geom{S}, " . "translation=none\n"); } sub disk_geometry { my ($file) = @_; my ($size) = -s $file; die "$file: stat: $!\n" if !defined $size; die "$file: size not a multiple of 512 bytes\n" if $size % 512; my ($cylinders) = int ($size / (512 * 16 * 63)); $cylinders++ if $size % (512 * 16 * 63); return (CAPACITY => $size / 512, C => $cylinders, H => 16, S => 63); } sub assemble { my ($files) = @_; my (@parts); my (@part_names) = ("boot", "file system", "scratch", "swap"); my ($next_start) = 1; for my $i (0..3) { my (%part); my ($name) = $part_names[$i]; my ($file) = $files[$i]; my ($size); if (-e $file) { $size = -s _; } else { if (($mb) = $file =~ /^\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+$/) { $size = $mb * 63 * 16 * 512; undef $file; } else { die ("$file: stat: $!\n"); } } die "$name: not a multiple of 512 bytes in size\n" if $size % 512; my ($sector_cnt) = $size / 512; my ($start) = $next_start; $next_start += $sector_cnt; push (@parts, {ROLE => $i, FILE => $file, START = $start, SECTORS => $sector_cnt}); } die "Sorry, disk size (", ($sector_cnt * 512) / 1024 / 1024, " MB) " . "exceeds limit (approx. 503 MB)\n" if $sector_cnt > 1023 * 63 * 16; my ($part_tbl) = "\0" x 446; for my $p (@parts) { my ($bootable) = $p->{ROLE} == 0 ? 0x80 : 0x00; my (@start_chs) = linear_to_chs ($p->{START}); my ($type) = $role2type{$p->{ROLE}}; my (@end_chs) = linear_to_chs ($p->{START} + $p->{SECTORS} - 1); my ($part_tbl_entry) = pack ("C CCC C CCC V V", $bootable, pack_chs (@start_chs), $type, pack_chs (@end_chs), $p->{START}, $p->{SECTORS}); length ($part_tbl_entry) == 16 or die; $part_tbl .= $part_tbl_entry; } $part_tbl .= "\0" x 16 while length ($part_tbl) < 510; $part_tbl .= pack ("v", 0xaa55); length ($part_tbl) == 512 or die; our ($disk); open (DISK, ">$disk") or die "$disk: create: $!\n"; syswrite (DISK, $part_tbl) == 512 or die "$disk: write: $!\n"; for my $p (@parts) { $from_file = defined ($p->{FILE}); open (PART, "<$p->{FILE}") or die "$p->{FILE}: open: $!\n" if $from_file; my ($buf); for (my ($ofs) = 0; $ofs < $p->{SECTORS}; $ofs += length ($buf)) { my ($bytes_left) = ($p->{SECTORS} - $ofs) * 512; my ($read_bytes) = $bytes_left > 16384 ? 16384 : $bytes_left; if ($from_file) { my ($ret) = sysread (PART, $buf, $read_bytes); die "$p->{FILE}: read: $!\n" if $ret < 0; die "$p->{FILE}: unexpected end of file\n" if $ret != $read_bytes; } else { $buf = "\0" x $read_bytes; } syswrite (DISK, $buf) == length ($buf) or die "$p->{FILE}: write: $!\n" } close (PART) if $from_file; } close (DISK) or die "$disk: close: $!\n"; } sub linear_to_chs { my ($linear) = @_; # We maintain these as constants. my ($heads) = 16; my ($sectors) = 63; my ($sectors_per_cylinder) = $heads * sectors; # Calculate C, H, S. my ($c) = int ($linear / $sectors_per_cylinder); my ($cylinder_ofs) = $linear % $sectors_per_cylinder; my ($h) = int ($cylinder_ofs / $sectors); my ($s) = $cylinder_ofs % $sectors; die if $c > 1023 || $h > 15 || $s > 63; return ($c, $h, $s); } sub pack_chs { my ($c, $h, $s) = @_; die if $c > 1023 || $h > 15 || $s > 63; my ($pc, $ph, $ps) = ($h, $s | (($c & 0x300) >> 2), $c & 0xff); die if $pc > 255 || $ph > 255 || ps > 255; return ($pc, $ph, $ps); } sub read_part_tbl { my ($part_tbl); open (DISK, "<$disk") or die "$disk: open: $!\n"; sysread (DISK, $part_tbl, 512) == 512 or die "$disk: read: $!\n"; close (DISK); my ($loader, @partitions, $signature); ($loader, @partitions[0..3], $signature) = unpack ("a446 (a16)4 v", $part_tbl); die "$disk: invalid partition table signature\n" if $signature != 0xaa55; my (@parts); for my $partition (@partitions) { my ($bootable, @start_chs_packed, $type, @end_chs_packed, $start, $sector_cnt); ($bootable, $start_chs_packed[0...2], $type, @end_chs_packed[0...2], $start, $sector_cnt) = unpack ("C CCC C CCC V V", $partition) or die; my ($role) = (reverse (%role2type{$type})){$type}; next if !defined ($role); push (@parts, {ROLE => $1, START => $start, SECTORS => $sector_cnt}); } return @parts; } sub disassemble { my ($files) = @_; open (DISK, "<$disk") or die "$disk: open: $!\n"; for my $p (read_part_tbl ()) { use Fcntl 'SEEK_CUR'; my ($file) = $files[$p->{ROLE}]; next if !defined $file; open (PART, ">$file") or die "$file: create: $!\n"; sysseek (DISK, $p->{START} * 512, SEEK_CUR) or die "$disk: seek: $!\n"; my ($buf); for (my ($ofs) = 0; $ofs < $p->{SECTORS}; $ofs += length ($buf)) { my ($bytes_left) = ($p->{SECTORS} - $ofs) * 512; my ($read_bytes) = $bytes_left > 16384 ? 16384 : $bytes_left; my ($ret) = sysread (DISK, $buf, $read_bytes); die "$p->{FILE}: read: $!\n" if $ret < 0; die "$p->{FILE}: unexpected end of file\n" if $ret != $read_bytes; syswrite (PART, $buf) == length ($buf) or die "$p->{FILE}: write: $!\n"; } close (PART) or die "$file: close: $!\n"; } close (DISK); }