The GUI uses the Gtk+ library. Many parts are defined using GtkBuilder files, which have a '.ui' prefix. These are XML files and as such can be editied using a text editor, which is often easiest when making small changes. More substantial changes however are best done using Glade. Since however PSPP has many custom defined widgets, Glade must be started with certain environment variables set. The easiest way to run Glade with the correct variables is as follows: make src/ui/gui/glade-wrapper ./src/ui/gui/glade-wrapper If you create new custom widgets for use in PSPP you must do the following to make sure they are available to Glade: * Add a call to its '_get_type' function to preregister_widgets(), which is found in widgets.c. * Add the name of the module to src_ui_gui_libwidgets_essential_la_SOURCES in