# PSPP - a program for statistical analysis. # Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . visualization :creator :date :lang :name :style[style_ref]=ref style :type :version :schemaLocation? => visualization_extension? userSource (sourceVariable | derivedVariable)+ categoricalDomain? graph labelFrame[lf1]* container? labelFrame[lf2]* style+ layerController? extension[visualization_extension] :numRows=int? :showGridline=bool? :minWidthSet=(true)? :maxWidthSet=(true)? => EMPTY userSource :missing=(listwise | pairwise)? => EMPTY # Related to omit_empty? categoricalDomain => variableReference simpleSort simpleSort :method[sort_method]=(custom) => categoryOrder sourceVariable :id :categorical=(true) :source :domain=ref categoricalDomain? :sourceName :dependsOn=ref sourceVariable? :label? :labelVariable=ref sourceVariable? => variable_extension* (format | stringFormat)? derivedVariable :id :categorical=(true) :value :dependsOn=ref sourceVariable? => variable_extension* (format | stringFormat)? valueMapEntry* extension[variable_extension] :from :helpId => EMPTY valueMapEntry :from :to => EMPTY categoryOrder => TEXT graph :cellStyle=ref style :style=ref style => location+ coordinates faceting facetLayout interval location :part=(height | width | top | bottom | left | right) :method=(sizeToContent | attach | fixed | same) :min=dimension? :max=dimension? :target=ref (labelFrame | graph | container)? :value? => EMPTY coordinates => EMPTY faceting => layer[layers1]* cross layer[layers2]* cross => (unity | nest) (unity | nest) nest => variableReference[vars]+ unity => EMPTY variableReference :ref=ref (sourceVariable | derivedVariable) => EMPTY layer :variable=ref (sourceVariable | derivedVariable) :value :visible=bool? :method[layer_method]=(nest)? :titleVisible=bool? => EMPTY facetLayout => tableLayout setCellProperties[scp1]* facetLevel+ setCellProperties[scp2]* tableLayout :verticalTitlesInCorner=bool :style=ref style? :fitCells=(ticks both)? => EMPTY facetLevel :level=int :gap=dimension? => axis axis :style=ref style => label? majorTicks label :style=ref style :textFrameStyle=ref style? :purpose=(title | subTitle | subSubTitle | layer | footnote)? => text+ | descriptionGroup descriptionGroup :target=ref faceting :separator? => (description | text)+ description :name=(variable | value) => EMPTY majorTicks :labelAngle=int :length=dimension :style=ref style :tickFrameStyle=ref style :labelFrequency=int? :stagger=bool? => gridline? gridline :style=ref style :zOrder=int => EMPTY setCellProperties :applyToConverse=bool? => (setStyle | setFrameStyle | setFormat | setMetaData)* union[union_]? setStyle :target=ref (labeling | graph | interval | majorTicks) :style=ref style => EMPTY setMetaData :target=ref graph :key :value => EMPTY setFormat :target=ref (majorTicks | labeling) :reset=bool? => format | numberFormat | stringFormat+ | dateTimeFormat | elapsedTimeFormat setFrameStyle :style=ref style :target=ref majorTicks => EMPTY format :baseFormat[f_base_format]=(date | time | dateTime | elapsedTime)? :errorCharacter? :separatorChars? :mdyOrder=(dayMonthYear | monthDayYear | yearMonthDay)? :showYear=bool? :showQuarter=bool? :quarterPrefix? :quarterSuffix? :yearAbbreviation=bool? :showMonth=bool? :monthFormat=(long | short | number | paddedNumber)? :dayPadding=bool? :dayOfMonthPadding=bool? :showWeek=bool? :weekPadding=bool? :weekSuffix? :showDayOfWeek=bool? :dayOfWeekAbbreviation=bool? :hourPadding=bool? :minutePadding=bool? :secondPadding=bool? :showDay=bool? :showHour=bool? :showMinute=bool? :showSecond=bool? :showMillis=bool? :dayType=(month | year)? :hourFormat=(AMPM | AS_24 | AS_12)? :minimumIntegerDigits=int? :maximumFractionDigits=int? :minimumFractionDigits=int? :useGrouping=bool? :scientific=(onlyForSmall | whenNeeded | true | false)? :small=real? :prefix? :suffix? :tryStringsAsNumbers=bool? :negativesOutside=bool? => relabel* affix* numberFormat :minimumIntegerDigits=int? :maximumFractionDigits=int? :minimumFractionDigits=int? :useGrouping=bool? :scientific=(onlyForSmall | whenNeeded | true | false)? :small=real? :prefix? :suffix? => affix* stringFormat => relabel* affix* dateTimeFormat :baseFormat[dt_base_format]=(date | time | dateTime) :separatorChars? :mdyOrder=(dayMonthYear | monthDayYear | yearMonthDay)? :showYear=bool? :yearAbbreviation=bool? :showQuarter=bool? :quarterPrefix? :quarterSuffix? :showMonth=bool? :monthFormat=(long | short | number | paddedNumber)? :showWeek=bool? :weekPadding=bool? :weekSuffix? :showDayOfWeek=bool? :dayOfWeekAbbreviation=bool? :dayPadding=bool? :dayOfMonthPadding=bool? :hourPadding=bool? :minutePadding=bool? :secondPadding=bool? :showDay=bool? :showHour=bool? :showMinute=bool? :showSecond=bool? :showMillis=bool? :dayType=(month | year)? :hourFormat=(AMPM | AS_24 | AS_12)? => affix* elapsedTimeFormat :baseFormat[dt_base_format]=(date | time | dateTime) :dayPadding=bool? :hourPadding=bool? :minutePadding=bool? :secondPadding=bool? :showYear=bool? :showDay=bool? :showHour=bool? :showMinute=bool? :showSecond=bool? :showMillis=bool? => affix* affix :definesReference=int :position=(subscript | superscript) :suffix=bool :value => EMPTY relabel :from=real :to => EMPTY union => intersect+ intersect => where+ | intersectWhere | alternating | EMPTY where :variable=ref (sourceVariable | derivedVariable) :include => EMPTY intersectWhere :variable=ref (sourceVariable | derivedVariable) :variable2=ref (sourceVariable | derivedVariable) => EMPTY alternating => EMPTY text :usesReference=int? :definesReference=int? :position=(subscript | superscript)? :style=ref style => TEXT interval :style=ref style => labeling footnotes? labeling :style=ref style? :variable=ref (sourceVariable | derivedVariable) => (formatting | format | footnotes)* formatting :variable=ref (sourceVariable | derivedVariable) => formatMapping* formatMapping :from=int => format? footnotes :superscript=bool? :variable=ref (sourceVariable | derivedVariable) => footnoteMapping* footnoteMapping :definesReference=int :from=int :to => EMPTY style :color=color? :color2=color? :labelAngle=real? :border-bottom=(solid | thick | thin | double | none)? :border-top=(solid | thick | thin | double | none)? :border-left=(solid | thick | thin | double | none)? :border-right=(solid | thick | thin | double | none)? :border-bottom-color? :border-top-color? :border-left-color? :border-right-color? :font-family? :font-size? :font-weight=(regular | bold)? :font-style=(regular | italic)? :font-underline=(none | underline)? :margin-bottom=dimension? :margin-left=dimension? :margin-right=dimension? :margin-top=dimension? :textAlignment=(left | right | center | decimal | mixed)? :labelLocationHorizontal=(positive | negative | center)? :labelLocationVertical=(positive | negative | center)? :decimal-offset=dimension? :size? :width? :visible=bool? => EMPTY layerController :source=(tableData) :target=ref label? => EMPTY container :style=ref style => container_extension? location+ labelFrame* extension[container_extension] :combinedFootnotes=(true) => EMPTY labelFrame :style=ref style => location+ label? paragraph? paragraph :hangingIndent=dimension? => EMPTY