#! /usr/bin/python # PSPP - a program for statistical analysis. # Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import getopt import os import struct import sys n_errors = 0 def error(msg): global n_errors sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: %s\n" % (file_name, line_number, msg)) n_errors += 1 def fatal(msg): error(msg) sys.exit(1) def get_line(): global line global line_number line = input_file.readline() line_number += 1 def is_num(s): return s.isdigit() or (s[0] == '-' and s[1].isdigit()) xdigits = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF" def is_xdigits(s): for c in s: if c not in xdigits: return False return True def expect(type): if token[0] != type: fatal("syntax error expecting %s" % type) def match(type): if token[0] == type: get_token() return True else: return False def must_match(type): expect(type) get_token() def get_token(): global token global line prev = token if line == "": if token == ('eof', ): fatal("unexpected end of input") get_line() if not line: token = ('eof', ) return elif line == '\n': token = (';', ) return elif not line[0].isspace(): token = (';', ) return line = line.lstrip() if line == "": get_token() elif line[0] == '#': line = '' get_token() elif line[0] in '[]()?|*': token = (line[0], ) line = line[1:] elif line.startswith('=>'): token = (line[:2], ) line = line[2:] elif line.startswith('...'): token = (line[:3], ) line = line[3:] elif line[0].isalnum() or line[0] == '-': n = 1 while n < len(line) and (line[n].isalnum() or line[n] == '-'): n += 1 s = line[:n] line = line[n:] if prev[0] == '*' and is_num(s): token = ('number', int(s, 10)) elif len(s) == 2 and is_xdigits(s): token = ('bytes', struct.pack('B', int(s, 16))) elif s[0] == 'i' and is_num(s[1:]): token = ('bytes', struct.pack('i', int(s[2:]))) elif s[0].isupper(): token = ('nonterminal', s) elif s in ('bool', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'be16', 'be32', 'be64', 'string', 'bestring', 'byte', 'float', 'double', 'count', 'becount', 'v1', 'v3', 'vAF', 'vB0', 'case', 'else'): token = (s, ) else: token = ('id', s) else: fatal("unknown character %c" % line[0]) def usage(): argv0 = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) print('''\ %(argv0)s, parser generator for SPV binary members usage: %(argv0)s GRAMMAR header %(argv0)s GRAMMAR code HEADER_NAME where GRAMMAR contains grammar definitions\ ''' % {"argv0": argv0}) sys.exit(0) class Item(object): def __init__(self, type_, name, n, content): self.type_ = type_ self.name = name self.n = n self.content = content def __repr__(self): if self.type_ == 'constant': return ' '.join(['%02x' % ord(x) for x in self.content]) elif self.content: return "%s(%s)" % (self.type_, self.content) else: return self.type_ def parse_item(): t = token name = None if t[0] == 'bytes': type_ = 'constant' content = t[1] get_token() elif t[0] in ('bool', 'byte', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'be16', 'be32', 'be64', 'string', 'bestring', 'float', 'double', 'nonterminal', '...'): type_ = 'variable' content = t get_token() if t[0] == 'nonterminal': name = name_to_id(content[1]) elif t[0] in ('v1', 'v3', 'vAF', 'vB0', 'count', 'becount'): type_ = t[0] get_token() must_match('(') content = parse_choice() must_match(')') elif match('case'): return parse_case() elif match('('): type_ = '()' content = parse_choice() must_match(')') else: print token fatal('syntax error expecting item') n = 1 optional = False if match('*'): if token[0] == 'number': n = token[1] get_token() elif match('['): expect('id') n = token[1] get_token() must_match(']') if n.startswith('n-'): name = n[2:] else: fatal('expecting quantity') elif match('?'): optional = True if match('['): expect('id') if type_ == 'constant' and not optional: fatal("%s: cannot name a constant" % token[1]) name = token[1] get_token() must_match(']') if type_ == 'constant': content *= n n = 1 item = Item(type_, name, n, content) if optional: item = Item('|', None, 1, [[item], []]) return item def parse_concatenation(): items = [] while token[0] not in (')', ';', '|', 'eof'): item = parse_item() if (item.type_ == 'constant' and items and items[-1].type_ == 'constant'): items[-1].content += item.content else: items.append(item) return items def parse_choice(): sub = parse_concatenation() if token[0] != '|': return sub choices = [sub] while match('|'): choices.append(parse_concatenation()) return [Item('|', None, 1, choices)] def parse_case(): must_match('(') choices = {} while True: choice = None if match('else'): choice = 'else' items = parse_concatenation() if choice is None: if (not items or items[0].type_ != 'constant' or len(items[0].content) != 1): fatal("choice must begin with xx (or 'else')") choice = '%02x' % ord(items[0].content) if choice in choices: fatal("duplicate choice %s" % choice) choices[choice] = items if match(')'): break must_match('|') case_name = None if match('['): expect('id') case_name = token[1] get_token() must_match(']') return Item('case', case_name, 1, { '%s_%s' % (case_name, k) : v for k, v in choices.items() }) def parse_production(): expect('nonterminal') name = token[1] get_token() must_match('=>') return name, parse_choice() def print_members(p, indent): for item in p: if item.type_ == 'variable' and item.name: if item.content[0] == 'nonterminal': typename = 'struct %s%s' % (prefix, name_to_id(item.content[1])) n_stars = 1 else: c_types = {'bool': ('bool', 0), 'byte': ('uint8_t', 0), 'int16': ('uint16_t', 0), 'int32': ('uint32_t', 0), 'int64': ('uint64_t', 0), 'be16': ('uint16_t', 0), 'be32': ('uint32_t', 0), 'be64': ('uint64_t', 0), 'string': ('char', 1), 'bestring': ('char', 1), 'float': ('double', 0), 'double': ('double', 0), '...': ('uint8_t', 1)} typename, n_stars = c_types[item.content[0]] array_suffix = '' if item.n: if isinstance(item.n, int): if item.n > 1: array_suffix = '[%d]' % item.n else: n_stars += 1 print "%s%s %s%s%s;" % (indent, typename, '*' * n_stars, name_to_id(item.name), array_suffix) elif item.type_ in ('v1', 'v3', 'vAF', 'vB0', 'count', 'becount', '()'): print_members(item.content, indent) elif item.type_ == '|': for choice in item.content: print_members(choice, indent) elif item.type_ == 'case': print "%sint %s;" % (indent, item.name) print "%sunion {" % indent for name, choice in sorted(item.content.items()): print "%s struct {" % indent print_members(choice, indent + ' ' * 8) print "%s } %s;" % (indent, name) print "%s};" % indent elif item.type_ == 'constant': if item.name: print "%sbool %s;" % (indent, item.name) elif item.type_ not in ("constant", "variable"): fatal("unhandled type %s" % item.type_) def bytes_to_hex(s): return ''.join(['"'] + ["\\x%02x" % ord(x) for x in s] + ['"']) class Parser_Context(object): def __init__(self): self.suffixes = {} self.bail = 'error' self.need_error_handler = False def gen_name(self, prefix): n = self.suffixes.get(prefix, 0) + 1 self.suffixes[prefix] = n return '%s%d' % (prefix, n) if n > 1 else prefix def save_pos(self, indent): pos = self.gen_name('pos') print "%sstruct spvbin_position %s = spvbin_position_save (input);" % (indent, pos) return pos def save_error(self, indent): error = self.gen_name('save_n_errors') print "%ssize_t %s = input->n_errors;" % (indent, error) return error def parse_limit(self, endian, indent): limit = self.gen_name('saved_limit') print """\ %sstruct spvbin_limit %s; %sif (!spvbin_limit_parse%s (&%s, input)) %s goto %s;""" % ( indent, limit, indent, '_be' if endian == 'big' else '', limit, indent, self.bail) return limit def print_parser_items(name, production, indent, accessor, ctx): for item_idx in range(len(production)): if item_idx > 0: print item = production[item_idx] if item.type_ == 'constant': print """%sif (!spvbin_match_bytes (input, %s, %d)) %s goto %s;""" % ( indent, bytes_to_hex(item.content), len(item.content), indent, ctx.bail) ctx.need_error_handler = True if item.name: print "%sp->%s = true;" % (indent, item.name) elif item.type_ == 'variable': if item.content[0] == 'nonterminal': func = '%sparse_%s' % (prefix, name_to_id(item.content[1])) else: func = 'spvbin_parse_%s' % item.content[0] if item.name: dst = "&p->%s%s" % (accessor, name_to_id(item.name)) else: dst = "NULL" if item.n == 1: print """%sif (!%s (input, %s)) %s goto %s;""" % (indent, func, dst, indent, ctx.bail) if item.content[0] != 'nonterminal' and item.name == 'version': print "%sinput->version = p->%s%s;" % ( indent, accessor, name_to_id(item.name)) else: if isinstance(item.n, int): count = item.n else: count = 'p->%s%s' % (accessor, name_to_id(item.n)) i_name = ctx.gen_name('i') if item.name: if not isinstance(item.n, int): print "%sp->%s%s = xcalloc (%s, sizeof *p->%s%s);" % ( indent, accessor, name_to_id(item.name), count, accessor, name_to_id(item.name)) dst += '[%s]' % i_name print "%sfor (int %s = 0; %s < %s; %s++)" % ( indent, i_name, i_name, count, i_name) print """%s if (!%s (input, %s)) %s goto %s;""" % (indent, func, dst, indent, ctx.bail) ctx.need_error_handler = True elif item.type_ == '()': if item.n != 1: # Not yet implemented raise AssertionError print_parser_items(name, item.content, indent, accessor, ctx) elif item.type_ in ('v1', 'v3', 'vAF', 'vB0'): if item.n != 1: # Not yet implemented raise AssertionError print "%sif (input->version == 0x%s) {" % (indent, item.type_[1:]) print_parser_items(name, item.content, indent + ' ', accessor, ctx) print "%s}" % indent elif item.type_ in ('count', 'becount'): if item.n != 1: # Not yet implemented raise AssertionError pos = ctx.save_pos(indent) endian = 'big' if item.type_ == 'becount' else 'little' limit = ctx.parse_limit(endian, indent) save_bail = ctx.bail ctx.bail = ctx.gen_name('backtrack') print "%sdo {" % indent indent += ' ' if (item.content and item.content[-1].type_ == 'variable' and item.content[-1].content[0] == '...'): content = item.content[:-1] ellipsis = True else: content = item.content ellipsis = False print_parser_items(name, content, indent, accessor, ctx) if ellipsis: print "%sinput->ofs = input->size;" % indent else: print """%sif (!spvbin_input_at_end (input)) %s goto %s;""" % (indent, indent, ctx.bail) print '%sspvbin_limit_pop (&%s, input);' % (indent, limit) print '%sbreak;' % indent print print '%s%s:' % (indent[4:], ctx.bail) # In theory, we should emit code to clear whatever we're # backtracking from. In practice, it's not important to # do that. print "%sspvbin_position_restore (&%s, input);" % (indent, pos) print '%sspvbin_limit_pop (&%s, input);' % (indent, limit) print '%sgoto %s;' % (indent, save_bail) indent = indent[4:] print "%s} while (0);" % indent ctx.bail = save_bail elif item.type_ == '|': save_bail = ctx.bail print "%sdo {" % indent indent += ' ' pos = ctx.save_pos(indent) error = ctx.save_error(indent) i = 0 for choice in item.content: if i: print "%sspvbin_position_restore (&%s, input);" % (indent, pos) print "%sinput->n_errors = %s;" % (indent, error) i += 1 if i != len(item.content): ctx.bail = ctx.gen_name('backtrack') else: ctx.bail = save_bail print_parser_items(name, choice, indent, accessor, ctx) print "%sbreak;" % indent if i != len(item.content): print print '%s%s:' % (indent[4:], ctx.bail) # In theory, we should emit code to clear whatever we're # backtracking from. In practice, it's not important to # do that. indent = indent[4:] print "%s} while (0);" % indent elif item.type_ == 'case': i = 0 for choice_name, choice in sorted(item.content.items()): if choice_name.endswith('else'): print "%s} else {" % indent print "%s p->%s%s = -1;" % (indent, accessor, item.name) print else: print "%s%sif (spvbin_match_byte (input, 0x%s)) {" % ( indent, '} else ' if i else '', choice_name[-2:]) print "%s p->%s%s = 0x%s;" % ( indent, accessor, item.name, choice_name[-2:]) print choice = choice[1:] print_parser_items(name, choice, indent + ' ', accessor + choice_name + '.', ctx) i += 1 print "%s}" % indent else: # Not implemented raise AssertionError def print_parser(name, production, indent): print ''' bool %(prefix)sparse_%(name)s (struct spvbin_input *input, struct %(prefix)s%(name)s **p_) { *p_ = NULL; struct %(prefix)s%(name)s *p = xzalloc (sizeof *p); p->start = input->ofs; ''' % {'prefix': prefix, 'name': name_to_id(name)} ctx = Parser_Context() print_parser_items(name, production, indent, '', ctx) print ''' p->len = input->ofs - p->start; *p_ = p; return true;''' if ctx.need_error_handler: print """ error: spvbin_error (input, "%s", p->start); %sfree_%s (p); return false;""" % (name, prefix, name_to_id(name)) print "}" def print_free_items(name, production, indent, accessor, ctx): for item in production: if item.type_ == 'constant': pass elif item.type_ == 'variable': if not item.name: continue if item.content[0] == 'nonterminal': free_func = '%sfree_%s' % (prefix, name_to_id(item.content[1])) elif item.content[0] in ('string', 'bestring', '...'): free_func = 'free' else: free_func = None dst = "p->%s%s" % (accessor, name_to_id(item.name)) if item.n == 1: if free_func: print "%s%s (%s);" % (indent, free_func, dst) else: if isinstance(item.n, int): count = item.n else: count = 'p->%s%s' % (accessor, name_to_id(item.n)) i_name = ctx.gen_name('i') if free_func: print "%sfor (int %s = 0; %s < %s; %s++)" % ( indent, i_name, i_name, count, i_name) print "%s %s (%s[%s]);" % ( indent, free_func, dst, i_name) if not isinstance(item.n, int): print "%sfree (p->%s%s);" % ( indent, accessor, name_to_id(item.name)) elif item.type_ in ('()', 'v1', 'v3', 'vAF', 'vB0', 'count', 'becount'): if item.n != 1: # Not yet implemented raise AssertionError print_free_items(name, item.content, indent, accessor, ctx) elif item.type_ == '|': for choice in item.content: print_free_items(name, choice, indent, accessor, ctx) elif item.type_ == 'case': i = 0 for choice_name, choice in sorted(item.content.items()): if choice_name.endswith('else'): value_name = '-1' else: value_name = '0x%s' % choice_name[-2:] print '%s%sif (p->%s%s == %s) {' % ( indent, '} else ' if i else '', accessor, item.name, value_name) print_free_items(name, choice, indent + ' ', accessor + choice_name + '.', ctx) i += 1 print "%s}" % indent else: # Not implemented raise AssertionError def print_free(name, production, indent): print ''' void %(prefix)sfree_%(name)s (struct %(prefix)s%(name)s *p) { if (p == NULL) return; ''' % {'prefix': prefix, 'name': name_to_id(name)} print_free_items(name, production, indent, '', Parser_Context()) print " free (p);" print "}" def print_print_items(name, production, indent, accessor, ctx): for item_idx in range(len(production)): if item_idx > 0: print item = production[item_idx] if item.type_ == 'constant': if item.name: print '%sspvbin_print_presence ("%s", indent + 1, p->%s);' % ( indent, item.name, item.name) elif item.type_ == 'variable': if not item.name: continue if item.content[0] == 'nonterminal': func = '%sprint_%s' % (prefix, name_to_id(item.content[1])) else: c_types = {'bool': 'bool', 'byte': 'byte', 'int16': 'int16', 'int32': 'int32', 'int64': 'int64', 'be16': 'int16', 'be32': 'int32', 'be64': 'int64', 'string': 'string', 'bestring': 'string', 'float': 'double', 'double': 'double', '...': ('uint8_t', 1)} func = 'spvbin_print_%s' % c_types[item.content[0]] dst = "p->%s%s" % (accessor, name_to_id(item.name)) if item.n == 1: print '%s%s ("%s", indent + 1, %s);' % (indent, func, item.name, dst) else: if isinstance(item.n, int): count = item.n else: count = 'p->%s%s' % (accessor, name_to_id(item.n)) i_name = ctx.gen_name('i') elem_name = ctx.gen_name('elem_name') dst += '[%s]' % i_name print """\ %(indent)sfor (int %(index)s = 0; %(index)s < %(count)s; %(index)s++) { %(indent)s char *%(elem_name)s = xasprintf ("%(item.name)s[%%d]", %(index)s); %(indent)s %(func)s (%(elem_name)s, indent + 1, %(dst)s); %(indent)s free (%(elem_name)s); %(indent)s}""" % {'indent': indent, 'index': i_name, 'count': count, 'elem_name' : elem_name, 'item.name': item.name, 'func': func, 'dst': dst} elif item.type_ == '()': if item.n != 1: # Not yet implemented raise AssertionError print_print_items(name, item.content, indent, accessor, ctx) elif item.type_ in ('v1', 'v3', 'vAF', 'vB0'): if item.n != 1: # Not yet implemented raise AssertionError print_print_items(name, item.content, indent, accessor, ctx) elif item.type_ in ('count', 'becount'): if item.n != 1: # Not yet implemented raise AssertionError indent += ' ' if (item.content and item.content[-1].type_ == 'variable' and item.content[-1].content[0] == '...'): content = item.content[:-1] else: content = item.content print_print_items(name, content, indent, accessor, ctx) elif item.type_ == '|': for choice in item.content: print_print_items(name, choice, indent, accessor, ctx) elif item.type_ == 'case': i = 0 print """\ %sspvbin_print_case ("%s", indent + 1, p->%s%s);""" % ( indent, item.name, accessor, name_to_id(item.name)) for choice_name, choice in sorted(item.content.items()): if choice_name.endswith('else'): value_name = '-1' else: value_name = '0x%s' % choice_name[-2:] print '%s%sif (p->%s%s == %s) {' % ( indent, '} else ' if i else '', accessor, item.name, value_name) print_print_items(name, choice, indent + ' ', accessor + choice_name + '.', ctx) i += 1 print "%s}" % indent else: # Not implemented raise AssertionError def print_print(name, production, indent): print ''' void %(prefix)sprint_%(name)s (const char *title, int indent, const struct %(prefix)s%(name)s *p) { spvbin_print_header (title, p ? p->start : -1, p ? p->len : -1, indent); if (p == NULL) { printf ("none\\n"); return; } putchar ('\\n'); ''' % {'prefix': prefix, 'rawname': name, 'name': name_to_id(name)} ctx = Parser_Context() print_print_items(name, production, indent, '', ctx) print "}" def name_to_id(s): return s[0].lower() + ''.join(['_%c' % x.lower() if x.isupper() else x for x in s[1:]]).replace('-', '_') if __name__ == "__main__": argv0 = sys.argv[0] try: options, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h', ['help']) except getopt.GetoptError as e: sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (argv0, e.msg)) sys.exit(1) for key, value in options: if key in ['-h', '--help']: usage() else: sys.exit(0) if len(args) < 3: sys.stderr.write("%s: bad usage (use --help for help)\n" % argv0) sys.exit(1) global file_name file_name, output_type, prefix = args[:3] input_file = open(file_name) prefix = '%s_' % prefix global line global line_number line = "" line_number = 0 productions = {} global token token = ('start', ) get_token() while True: while match(';'): pass if token[0] == 'eof': break name, production = parse_production() if name in productions: fatal("%s: duplicate production" % name) productions[name] = production print '/* Generated automatically -- do not modify! -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- */' if output_type == 'code' and len(args) == 4: header_name = args[3] print """\ #include #include %s #include #include #include "libpspp/str.h" #include "gl/xalloc.h"\ """ % header_name for name, production in productions.items(): print_parser(name, production, ' ' * 4) print_free(name, production, ' ' * 4) print_print(name, production, ' ' * 4) elif output_type == 'header' and len(args) == 3: print """\ #ifndef %(PREFIX)sPARSER_H #define %(PREFIX)sPARSER_H #include #include #include #include "output/spv/spvbin-helpers.h"\ """ % {'PREFIX': prefix.upper()} for name, production in productions.items(): print '\nstruct %s%s {' % (prefix, name_to_id(name)) print " size_t start, len;" print_members(production, ' ' * 4) print '''}; bool %(prefix)sparse_%(name)s (struct spvbin_input *, struct %(prefix)s%(name)s **); void %(prefix)sfree_%(name)s (struct %(prefix)s%(name)s *); void %(prefix)sprint_%(name)s (const char *title, int indent, const struct %(prefix)s%(name)s *);\ ''' % {'prefix': prefix, 'name': name_to_id(name)} print """\ #endif /* %(PREFIX)sPARSER_H */""" % {'PREFIX': prefix.upper()} else: sys.stderr.write("%s: bad usage (use --help for help)" % argv0)