/* PSPP - a program for statistical analysis. -*-c-*- Copyright (C) 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "npar-summary.h" #include "gettext.h" #define _(msgid) gettext (msgid) /* (headers) */ /* (specification) "NPAR TESTS" (npar_): +chisquare=custom; +binomial=custom; +wilcoxon=custom; +mcnemar=custom; +sign=custom; +cochran=varlist; +friedman=varlist; +kendall=varlist; missing=miss:!analysis/listwise, incl:include/!exclude; method=custom; +statistics[st_]=descriptives,quartiles,all. */ /* (declarations) */ /* (functions) */ static struct cmd_npar_tests cmd; struct npar_specs { struct pool *pool; struct npar_test **test; size_t n_tests; const struct variable ** vv; /* Compendium of all variables (those mentioned on ANY subcommand */ int n_vars; /* Number of variables in vv */ enum mv_class filter; /* Missing values to filter. */ bool descriptives; /* Descriptive statistics should be calculated */ bool quartiles; /* Quartiles should be calculated */ bool exact; /* Whether exact calculations have been requested */ double timer; /* Maximum time (in minutes) to wait for exact calculations */ }; static void one_sample_insert_variables (const struct npar_test *test, struct const_hsh_table *variables); static void two_sample_insert_variables (const struct npar_test *test, struct const_hsh_table *variables); static void npar_execute(struct casereader *input, const struct npar_specs *specs, const struct dataset *ds) { int t; struct descriptives *summary_descriptives = NULL; for ( t = 0 ; t < specs->n_tests; ++t ) { const struct npar_test *test = specs->test[t]; if ( NULL == test->execute ) { msg (SW, _("NPAR subcommand not currently implemented.")); continue; } test->execute (ds, casereader_clone (input), specs->filter, test, specs->exact, specs->timer); } if ( specs->descriptives ) { summary_descriptives = xnmalloc (sizeof (*summary_descriptives), specs->n_vars); npar_summary_calc_descriptives (summary_descriptives, casereader_clone (input), dataset_dict (ds), specs->vv, specs->n_vars, specs->filter); } if ( (specs->descriptives || specs->quartiles) && !taint_has_tainted_successor (casereader_get_taint (input)) ) do_summary_box (summary_descriptives, specs->vv, specs->n_vars ); free (summary_descriptives); casereader_destroy (input); } int cmd_npar_tests (struct lexer *lexer, struct dataset *ds) { bool ok; int i; struct npar_specs npar_specs = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; struct const_hsh_table *var_hash; struct casegrouper *grouper; struct casereader *input, *group; npar_specs.pool = pool_create (); var_hash = const_hsh_create_pool (npar_specs.pool, 0, compare_vars_by_name, hash_var_by_name, NULL, NULL); if ( ! parse_npar_tests (lexer, ds, &cmd, &npar_specs) ) { pool_destroy (npar_specs.pool); return CMD_FAILURE; } for (i = 0; i < npar_specs.n_tests; ++i ) { const struct npar_test *test = npar_specs.test[i]; test->insert_variables (test, var_hash); } npar_specs.vv = (const struct variable **) const_hsh_sort (var_hash); npar_specs.n_vars = const_hsh_count (var_hash); if ( cmd.sbc_statistics ) { int i; for ( i = 0 ; i < NPAR_ST_count; ++i ) { if ( cmd.a_statistics[i] ) { switch ( i ) { case NPAR_ST_DESCRIPTIVES: npar_specs.descriptives = true; break; case NPAR_ST_QUARTILES: npar_specs.quartiles = true; break; case NPAR_ST_ALL: npar_specs.quartiles = true; npar_specs.descriptives = true; break; default: NOT_REACHED(); }; } } } npar_specs.filter = cmd.incl == NPAR_EXCLUDE ? MV_ANY : MV_SYSTEM; input = proc_open (ds); if ( cmd.miss == NPAR_LISTWISE ) { input = casereader_create_filter_missing (input, npar_specs.vv, npar_specs.n_vars, npar_specs.filter, NULL, NULL); } grouper = casegrouper_create_splits (input, dataset_dict (ds)); while (casegrouper_get_next_group (grouper, &group)) npar_execute (group, &npar_specs, ds); ok = casegrouper_destroy (grouper); ok = proc_commit (ds) && ok; const_hsh_destroy (var_hash); pool_destroy (npar_specs.pool); return ok ? CMD_SUCCESS : CMD_CASCADING_FAILURE; } int npar_custom_chisquare (struct lexer *lexer, struct dataset *ds, struct cmd_npar_tests *cmd UNUSED, void *aux ) { struct npar_specs *specs = aux; struct chisquare_test *cstp = pool_alloc(specs->pool, sizeof(*cstp)); struct one_sample_test *tp = &cstp->parent; struct npar_test *nt = &tp->parent; nt->execute = chisquare_execute; nt->insert_variables = one_sample_insert_variables; if (!parse_variables_const_pool (lexer, specs->pool, dataset_dict (ds), &tp->vars, &tp->n_vars, PV_NO_SCRATCH | PV_NO_DUPLICATE)) { return 2; } cstp->ranged = false; if ( lex_match (lexer, '(')) { cstp->ranged = true; if ( ! lex_force_num (lexer)) return 0; cstp->lo = lex_integer (lexer); lex_get (lexer); lex_force_match (lexer, ','); if (! lex_force_num (lexer) ) return 0; cstp->hi = lex_integer (lexer); if ( cstp->lo >= cstp->hi ) { msg(ME, _("The specified value of HI (%d) is " "lower than the specified value of LO (%d)"), cstp->hi, cstp->lo); return 0; } lex_get (lexer); if (! lex_force_match (lexer, ')')) return 0; } cstp->n_expected = 0; cstp->expected = NULL; if ( lex_match (lexer, '/') ) { if ( lex_match_id (lexer, "EXPECTED") ) { lex_force_match (lexer, '='); if ( ! lex_match_id (lexer, "EQUAL") ) { double f; int n; while ( lex_is_number(lexer) ) { int i; n = 1; f = lex_number (lexer); lex_get (lexer); if ( lex_match (lexer, '*')) { n = f; f = lex_number (lexer); lex_get (lexer); } lex_match (lexer, ','); cstp->n_expected += n; cstp->expected = pool_realloc (specs->pool, cstp->expected, sizeof(double) * cstp->n_expected); for ( i = cstp->n_expected - n ; i < cstp->n_expected; ++i ) cstp->expected[i] = f; } } } else lex_put_back (lexer, '/'); } if ( cstp->ranged && cstp->n_expected > 0 && cstp->n_expected != cstp->hi - cstp->lo + 1 ) { msg(ME, _("%d expected values were given, but the specified " "range (%d-%d) requires exactly %d values."), cstp->n_expected, cstp->lo, cstp->hi, cstp->hi - cstp->lo +1); return 0; } specs->n_tests++; specs->test = pool_realloc (specs->pool, specs->test, sizeof(*specs->test) * specs->n_tests); specs->test[specs->n_tests - 1] = nt; return 1; } int npar_custom_binomial (struct lexer *lexer, struct dataset *ds, struct cmd_npar_tests *cmd UNUSED, void *aux) { struct npar_specs *specs = aux; struct binomial_test *btp = pool_alloc(specs->pool, sizeof(*btp)); struct one_sample_test *tp = &btp->parent; struct npar_test *nt = &tp->parent; nt->execute = binomial_execute; nt->insert_variables = one_sample_insert_variables; btp->category1 = btp->category2 = btp->cutpoint = SYSMIS; if ( lex_match(lexer, '(') ) { if ( lex_force_num (lexer) ) { btp->p = lex_number (lexer); lex_get (lexer); lex_force_match (lexer, ')'); } else return 0; } if ( lex_match (lexer, '=') ) { if (parse_variables_const_pool (lexer, specs->pool, dataset_dict (ds), &tp->vars, &tp->n_vars, PV_NUMERIC | PV_NO_SCRATCH | PV_NO_DUPLICATE) ) { if ( lex_match (lexer, '(')) { lex_force_num (lexer); btp->category1 = lex_number (lexer); lex_get (lexer); if ( lex_match (lexer, ',')) { if ( ! lex_force_num (lexer) ) return 2; btp->category2 = lex_number (lexer); lex_get (lexer); } else { btp->cutpoint = btp->category1; } lex_force_match (lexer, ')'); } } else return 2; } specs->n_tests++; specs->test = pool_realloc (specs->pool, specs->test, sizeof(*specs->test) * specs->n_tests); specs->test[specs->n_tests - 1] = nt; return 1; } bool parse_two_sample_related_test (struct lexer *lexer, const struct dictionary *dict, struct cmd_npar_tests *cmd, struct two_sample_test *test_parameters, struct pool *pool ); bool parse_two_sample_related_test (struct lexer *lexer, const struct dictionary *dict, struct cmd_npar_tests *cmd UNUSED, struct two_sample_test *test_parameters, struct pool *pool ) { int n = 0; bool paired = false; bool with = false; const struct variable **vlist1; size_t n_vlist1; const struct variable **vlist2; size_t n_vlist2; test_parameters->parent.insert_variables = two_sample_insert_variables; if (!parse_variables_const_pool (lexer, pool, dict, &vlist1, &n_vlist1, PV_NUMERIC | PV_NO_SCRATCH | PV_NO_DUPLICATE) ) return false; if ( lex_match(lexer, T_WITH)) { with = true; if ( !parse_variables_const_pool (lexer, pool, dict, &vlist2, &n_vlist2, PV_NUMERIC | PV_NO_SCRATCH | PV_NO_DUPLICATE) ) return false; paired = (lex_match (lexer, '(') && lex_match_id (lexer, "PAIRED") && lex_match (lexer, ')')); } if ( with ) { if (paired) { if ( n_vlist1 != n_vlist2) msg (SE, _("PAIRED was specified but the number of variables " "preceding WITH (%zu) did not match the number " "following (%zu)."), n_vlist1, n_vlist2); test_parameters->n_pairs = n_vlist1 ; } else { test_parameters->n_pairs = n_vlist1 * n_vlist2; } } else { test_parameters->n_pairs = (n_vlist1 * (n_vlist1 - 1)) / 2 ; } test_parameters->pairs = pool_alloc (pool, sizeof ( variable_pair) * test_parameters->n_pairs); if ( with ) { if (paired) { int i; assert (n_vlist1 == n_vlist2); for ( i = 0 ; i < n_vlist1; ++i ) { test_parameters->pairs[n][1] = vlist1[i]; test_parameters->pairs[n][0] = vlist2[i]; n++; } } else { int i,j; for ( i = 0 ; i < n_vlist1; ++i ) { for ( j = 0 ; j < n_vlist2; ++j ) { test_parameters->pairs[n][1] = vlist1[i]; test_parameters->pairs[n][0] = vlist2[j]; n++; } } } } else { int i,j; for ( i = 0 ; i < n_vlist1 - 1; ++i ) { for ( j = i + 1 ; j < n_vlist1; ++j ) { assert ( n < test_parameters->n_pairs); test_parameters->pairs[n][1] = vlist1[i]; test_parameters->pairs[n][0] = vlist1[j]; n++; } } } assert ( n == test_parameters->n_pairs); return true; } int npar_custom_wilcoxon (struct lexer *lexer, struct dataset *ds, struct cmd_npar_tests *cmd, void *aux ) { struct npar_specs *specs = aux; struct two_sample_test *tp = pool_alloc (specs->pool, sizeof(*tp)); struct npar_test *nt = &tp->parent; nt->execute = wilcoxon_execute; if (!parse_two_sample_related_test (lexer, dataset_dict (ds), cmd, tp, specs->pool) ) return 0; specs->n_tests++; specs->test = pool_realloc (specs->pool, specs->test, sizeof(*specs->test) * specs->n_tests); specs->test[specs->n_tests - 1] = nt; return 1; } int npar_custom_mcnemar (struct lexer *lexer, struct dataset *ds, struct cmd_npar_tests *cmd, void *aux ) { struct npar_specs *specs = aux; struct two_sample_test *tp = pool_alloc(specs->pool, sizeof(*tp)); struct npar_test *nt = &tp->parent; nt->execute = NULL; if (!parse_two_sample_related_test (lexer, dataset_dict (ds), cmd, tp, specs->pool) ) return 0; specs->n_tests++; specs->test = pool_realloc (specs->pool, specs->test, sizeof(*specs->test) * specs->n_tests); specs->test[specs->n_tests - 1] = nt; return 1; } int npar_custom_sign (struct lexer *lexer, struct dataset *ds, struct cmd_npar_tests *cmd, void *aux ) { struct npar_specs *specs = aux; struct two_sample_test *tp = pool_alloc(specs->pool, sizeof(*tp)); struct npar_test *nt = &tp->parent; nt->execute = sign_execute; if (!parse_two_sample_related_test (lexer, dataset_dict (ds), cmd, tp, specs->pool) ) return 0; specs->n_tests++; specs->test = pool_realloc (specs->pool, specs->test, sizeof(*specs->test) * specs->n_tests); specs->test[specs->n_tests - 1] = nt; return 1; } /* Insert the variables for TEST into VAR_HASH */ static void one_sample_insert_variables (const struct npar_test *test, struct const_hsh_table *var_hash) { int i; struct one_sample_test *ost = (struct one_sample_test *) test; for ( i = 0 ; i < ost->n_vars ; ++i ) const_hsh_insert (var_hash, ost->vars[i]); } static void two_sample_insert_variables (const struct npar_test *test, struct const_hsh_table *var_hash) { int i; const struct two_sample_test *tst = (const struct two_sample_test *) test; for ( i = 0 ; i < tst->n_pairs ; ++i ) { variable_pair *pair = &tst->pairs[i]; const_hsh_insert (var_hash, (*pair)[0]); const_hsh_insert (var_hash, (*pair)[1]); } } static int npar_custom_method (struct lexer *lexer, struct dataset *ds UNUSED, struct cmd_npar_tests *test UNUSED, void *aux) { struct npar_specs *specs = aux; if ( lex_match_id (lexer, "EXACT") ) { specs->exact = true; specs->timer = 0.0; if (lex_match_id (lexer, "TIMER")) { specs->timer = 5.0; if ( lex_match (lexer, '(')) { if ( lex_force_num (lexer) ) { specs->timer = lex_number (lexer); lex_get (lexer); } lex_force_match (lexer, ')'); } } } return 1; }