/* PSPP - a program for statistical analysis. Copyright (C) 1997-9, 2000, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* FIXME: - How to calculate significance of some symmetric and directional measures? - How to calculate ASE for symmetric Somers ' d? - How to calculate ASE for Goodman and Kruskal's tau? - How to calculate approx. T of symmetric uncertainty coefficient? */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "data/case.h" #include "data/casegrouper.h" #include "data/casereader.h" #include "data/data-out.h" #include "data/dataset.h" #include "data/dictionary.h" #include "data/format.h" #include "data/value-labels.h" #include "data/variable.h" #include "language/command.h" #include "language/stats/freq.h" #include "language/dictionary/split-file.h" #include "language/lexer/lexer.h" #include "language/lexer/variable-parser.h" #include "libpspp/array.h" #include "libpspp/assertion.h" #include "libpspp/compiler.h" #include "libpspp/hash-functions.h" #include "libpspp/hmap.h" #include "libpspp/hmapx.h" #include "libpspp/message.h" #include "libpspp/misc.h" #include "libpspp/pool.h" #include "libpspp/str.h" #include "output/tab.h" #include "output/chart-item.h" #include "output/charts/barchart.h" #include "gl/minmax.h" #include "gl/xalloc.h" #include "gl/xsize.h" #include "gettext.h" #define _(msgid) gettext (msgid) #define N_(msgid) msgid /* (headers) */ /* (specification) crosstabs (crs_): *^tables=custom; +variables=custom; missing=miss:!table/include/report; count=roundwhat:asis/case/!cell, roundhow:!round/truncate; +write[wr_]=none,cells,all; +format=val:!avalue/dvalue, indx:!noindex/index, tabl:!tables/notables, box:!box/nobox, pivot:!pivot/nopivot; +barchart=; +cells[cl_]=count,expected,row,column,total,residual,sresidual, asresidual,all,none; +statistics[st_]=chisq,phi,cc,lambda,uc,none,btau,ctau,risk,gamma,d, kappa,eta,corr,all. */ /* (declarations) */ /* (functions) */ /* Number of chi-square statistics. */ #define N_CHISQ 5 /* Number of symmetric statistics. */ #define N_SYMMETRIC 9 /* Number of directional statistics. */ #define N_DIRECTIONAL 13 /* Indexes into the 'vars' member of struct pivot_table and struct crosstab member. */ enum { ROW_VAR = 0, /* Row variable. */ COL_VAR = 1 /* Column variable. */ /* Higher indexes cause multiple tables to be output. */ }; /* A crosstabulation of 2 or more variables. */ struct pivot_table { struct crosstabs_proc *proc; struct fmt_spec weight_format; /* Format for weight variable. */ double missing; /* Weight of missing cases. */ /* Variables (2 or more). */ int n_vars; const struct variable **vars; /* Constants (0 or more). */ int n_consts; const struct variable **const_vars; union value *const_values; /* Data. */ struct hmap data; struct freq **entries; size_t n_entries; /* Column values, number of columns. */ union value *cols; int n_cols; /* Row values, number of rows. */ union value *rows; int n_rows; /* Number of statistically interesting columns/rows (columns/rows with data in them). */ int ns_cols, ns_rows; /* Matrix contents. */ double *mat; /* Matrix proper. */ double *row_tot; /* Row totals. */ double *col_tot; /* Column totals. */ double total; /* Grand total. */ }; /* Integer mode variable info. */ struct var_range { struct hmap_node hmap_node; /* In struct crosstabs_proc var_ranges map. */ const struct variable *var; /* The variable. */ int min; /* Minimum value. */ int max; /* Maximum value + 1. */ int count; /* max - min. */ }; struct crosstabs_proc { const struct dictionary *dict; enum { INTEGER, GENERAL } mode; enum mv_class exclude; bool pivot; bool barchart; bool bad_warn; struct fmt_spec weight_format; /* Variables specifies on VARIABLES. */ const struct variable **variables; size_t n_variables; struct hmap var_ranges; /* TABLES. */ struct pivot_table *pivots; int n_pivots; /* CELLS. */ int n_cells; /* Number of cells requested. */ unsigned int cells; /* Bit k is 1 if cell k is requested. */ int a_cells[CRS_CL_count]; /* 0...n_cells-1 are the requested cells. */ /* Rounding of cells. */ bool round_case_weights; /* Round case weights? */ bool round_cells; /* If !round_case_weights, round cells? */ bool round_down; /* Round down? (otherwise to nearest) */ /* STATISTICS. */ unsigned int statistics; /* Bit k is 1 if statistic k is requested. */ bool descending; /* True if descending sort order is requested. */ }; const struct var_range *get_var_range (const struct crosstabs_proc *, const struct variable *); static bool should_tabulate_case (const struct pivot_table *, const struct ccase *, enum mv_class exclude); static void tabulate_general_case (struct pivot_table *, const struct ccase *, double weight); static void tabulate_integer_case (struct pivot_table *, const struct ccase *, double weight); static void postcalc (struct crosstabs_proc *); static void submit (struct pivot_table *, struct tab_table *); static double round_weight (const struct crosstabs_proc *proc, double weight) { return proc->round_down ? floor (weight) : floor (weight + 0.5); } /* Parses and executes the CROSSTABS procedure. */ int cmd_crosstabs (struct lexer *lexer, struct dataset *ds) { const struct variable *wv = dict_get_weight (dataset_dict (ds)); struct var_range *range, *next_range; struct crosstabs_proc proc; struct casegrouper *grouper; struct casereader *input, *group; struct cmd_crosstabs cmd; struct pivot_table *pt; int result; bool ok; int i; proc.dict = dataset_dict (ds); proc.bad_warn = true; proc.variables = NULL; proc.n_variables = 0; hmap_init (&proc.var_ranges); proc.pivots = NULL; proc.n_pivots = 0; proc.descending = false; proc.weight_format = wv ? *var_get_print_format (wv) : F_8_0; if (!parse_crosstabs (lexer, ds, &cmd, &proc)) { result = CMD_FAILURE; goto exit; } proc.mode = proc.n_variables ? INTEGER : GENERAL; proc.barchart = cmd.sbc_barchart > 0; proc.descending = cmd.val == CRS_DVALUE; proc.round_case_weights = cmd.sbc_count && cmd.roundwhat == CRS_CASE; proc.round_cells = cmd.sbc_count && cmd.roundwhat == CRS_CELL; proc.round_down = cmd.roundhow == CRS_TRUNCATE; /* CELLS. */ if (!cmd.sbc_cells) proc.cells = 1u << CRS_CL_COUNT; else if (cmd.a_cells[CRS_CL_ALL]) proc.cells = UINT_MAX; else { proc.cells = 0; for (i = 0; i < CRS_CL_count; i++) if (cmd.a_cells[i]) proc.cells |= 1u << i; if (proc.cells == 0) proc.cells = ((1u << CRS_CL_COUNT) | (1u << CRS_CL_ROW) | (1u << CRS_CL_COLUMN) | (1u << CRS_CL_TOTAL)); } proc.cells &= ((1u << CRS_CL_count) - 1); proc.cells &= ~((1u << CRS_CL_NONE) | (1u << CRS_CL_ALL)); proc.n_cells = 0; for (i = 0; i < CRS_CL_count; i++) if (proc.cells & (1u << i)) proc.a_cells[proc.n_cells++] = i; /* STATISTICS. */ if (cmd.a_statistics[CRS_ST_ALL]) proc.statistics = UINT_MAX; else if (cmd.sbc_statistics) { int i; proc.statistics = 0; for (i = 0; i < CRS_ST_count; i++) if (cmd.a_statistics[i]) proc.statistics |= 1u << i; if (proc.statistics == 0) proc.statistics |= 1u << CRS_ST_CHISQ; } else proc.statistics = 0; /* MISSING. */ proc.exclude = (cmd.miss == CRS_TABLE ? MV_ANY : cmd.miss == CRS_INCLUDE ? MV_SYSTEM : MV_NEVER); if (proc.mode == GENERAL && proc.exclude == MV_NEVER) { msg (SE, _("Missing mode %s not allowed in general mode. " "Assuming %s."), "REPORT", "MISSING=TABLE"); proc.exclude = MV_ANY; } /* PIVOT. */ proc.pivot = cmd.pivot == CRS_PIVOT; input = casereader_create_filter_weight (proc_open (ds), dataset_dict (ds), NULL, NULL); grouper = casegrouper_create_splits (input, dataset_dict (ds)); while (casegrouper_get_next_group (grouper, &group)) { struct ccase *c; /* Output SPLIT FILE variables. */ c = casereader_peek (group, 0); if (c != NULL) { output_split_file_values (ds, c); case_unref (c); } /* Initialize hash tables. */ for (pt = &proc.pivots[0]; pt < &proc.pivots[proc.n_pivots]; pt++) hmap_init (&pt->data); /* Tabulate. */ for (; (c = casereader_read (group)) != NULL; case_unref (c)) for (pt = &proc.pivots[0]; pt < &proc.pivots[proc.n_pivots]; pt++) { double weight = dict_get_case_weight (dataset_dict (ds), c, &proc.bad_warn); if (cmd.roundwhat == CRS_CASE) { weight = round_weight (&proc, weight); if (weight == 0.) continue; } if (should_tabulate_case (pt, c, proc.exclude)) { if (proc.mode == GENERAL) tabulate_general_case (pt, c, weight); else tabulate_integer_case (pt, c, weight); } else pt->missing += weight; } casereader_destroy (group); /* Output. */ postcalc (&proc); } ok = casegrouper_destroy (grouper); ok = proc_commit (ds) && ok; result = ok ? CMD_SUCCESS : CMD_CASCADING_FAILURE; exit: free (proc.variables); HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (range, next_range, struct var_range, hmap_node, &proc.var_ranges) { hmap_delete (&proc.var_ranges, &range->hmap_node); free (range); } for (pt = &proc.pivots[0]; pt < &proc.pivots[proc.n_pivots]; pt++) { free (pt->vars); free (pt->const_vars); /* We must not call value_destroy on const_values because it is a wild pointer; it never pointed to anything owned by the pivot_table. The rest of the data was allocated and destroyed at a lower level already. */ } free (proc.pivots); return result; } /* Parses the TABLES subcommand. */ static int crs_custom_tables (struct lexer *lexer, struct dataset *ds, struct cmd_crosstabs *cmd UNUSED, void *proc_) { struct crosstabs_proc *proc = proc_; struct const_var_set *var_set; int n_by; const struct variable ***by = NULL; int *by_iter; size_t *by_nvar = NULL; size_t nx = 1; bool ok = false; int i; /* Ensure that this is a TABLES subcommand. */ if (!lex_match_id (lexer, "TABLES") && (lex_token (lexer) != T_ID || dict_lookup_var (dataset_dict (ds), lex_tokcstr (lexer)) == NULL) && lex_token (lexer) != T_ALL) return 2; lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS); if (proc->variables != NULL) var_set = const_var_set_create_from_array (proc->variables, proc->n_variables); else var_set = const_var_set_create_from_dict (dataset_dict (ds)); assert (var_set != NULL); for (n_by = 0; ;) { by = xnrealloc (by, n_by + 1, sizeof *by); by_nvar = xnrealloc (by_nvar, n_by + 1, sizeof *by_nvar); if (!parse_const_var_set_vars (lexer, var_set, &by[n_by], &by_nvar[n_by], PV_NO_DUPLICATE | PV_NO_SCRATCH)) goto done; if (xalloc_oversized (nx, by_nvar[n_by])) { msg (SE, _("Too many cross-tabulation variables or dimensions.")); goto done; } nx *= by_nvar[n_by]; n_by++; if (!lex_match (lexer, T_BY)) { if (n_by < 2) goto done; else break; } } by_iter = xcalloc (n_by, sizeof *by_iter); proc->pivots = xnrealloc (proc->pivots, proc->n_pivots + nx, sizeof *proc->pivots); for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) { struct pivot_table *pt = &proc->pivots[proc->n_pivots++]; int j; pt->proc = proc; pt->weight_format = proc->weight_format; pt->missing = 0.; pt->n_vars = n_by; pt->vars = xmalloc (n_by * sizeof *pt->vars); pt->n_consts = 0; pt->const_vars = NULL; pt->const_values = NULL; for (j = 0; j < n_by; j++) pt->vars[j] = by[j][by_iter[j]]; for (j = n_by - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (++by_iter[j] < by_nvar[j]) break; by_iter[j] = 0; } } free (by_iter); ok = true; done: /* All return paths lead here. */ for (i = 0; i < n_by; i++) free (by[i]); free (by); free (by_nvar); const_var_set_destroy (var_set); return ok; } /* Parses the VARIABLES subcommand. */ static int crs_custom_variables (struct lexer *lexer, struct dataset *ds, struct cmd_crosstabs *cmd UNUSED, void *proc_) { struct crosstabs_proc *proc = proc_; if (proc->n_pivots) { msg (SE, _("%s must be specified before %s."), "VARIABLES", "TABLES"); return 0; } lex_match (lexer, T_EQUALS); for (;;) { size_t orig_nv = proc->n_variables; size_t i; long min, max; if (!parse_variables_const (lexer, dataset_dict (ds), &proc->variables, &proc->n_variables, (PV_APPEND | PV_NUMERIC | PV_NO_DUPLICATE | PV_NO_SCRATCH))) return 0; if (!lex_force_match (lexer, T_LPAREN)) goto lossage; if (!lex_force_int (lexer)) goto lossage; min = lex_integer (lexer); lex_get (lexer); lex_match (lexer, T_COMMA); if (!lex_force_int (lexer)) goto lossage; max = lex_integer (lexer); if (max < min) { msg (SE, _("Maximum value (%ld) less than minimum value (%ld)."), max, min); goto lossage; } lex_get (lexer); if (!lex_force_match (lexer, T_RPAREN)) goto lossage; for (i = orig_nv; i < proc->n_variables; i++) { const struct variable *var = proc->variables[i]; struct var_range *vr = xmalloc (sizeof *vr); vr->var = var; vr->min = min; vr->max = max; vr->count = max - min + 1; hmap_insert (&proc->var_ranges, &vr->hmap_node, hash_pointer (var, 0)); } if (lex_token (lexer) == T_SLASH) break; } return 1; lossage: free (proc->variables); proc->variables = NULL; proc->n_variables = 0; return 0; } /* Data file processing. */ const struct var_range * get_var_range (const struct crosstabs_proc *proc, const struct variable *var) { if (!hmap_is_empty (&proc->var_ranges)) { const struct var_range *range; HMAP_FOR_EACH_IN_BUCKET (range, struct var_range, hmap_node, hash_pointer (var, 0), &proc->var_ranges) if (range->var == var) return range; } return NULL; } static bool should_tabulate_case (const struct pivot_table *pt, const struct ccase *c, enum mv_class exclude) { int j; for (j = 0; j < pt->n_vars; j++) { const struct variable *var = pt->vars[j]; const struct var_range *range = get_var_range (pt->proc, var); if (var_is_value_missing (var, case_data (c, var), exclude)) return false; if (range != NULL) { double num = case_num (c, var); if (num < range->min || num >= range->max + 1.) return false; } } return true; } static void tabulate_integer_case (struct pivot_table *pt, const struct ccase *c, double weight) { struct freq *te; size_t hash; int j; hash = 0; for (j = 0; j < pt->n_vars; j++) { /* Throw away fractional parts of values. */ hash = hash_int (case_num (c, pt->vars[j]), hash); } HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (te, struct freq, node, hash, &pt->data) { for (j = 0; j < pt->n_vars; j++) if ((int) case_num (c, pt->vars[j]) != (int) te->values[j].f) goto no_match; /* Found an existing entry. */ te->count += weight; return; no_match: ; } /* No existing entry. Create a new one. */ te = xmalloc (table_entry_size (pt->n_vars)); te->count = weight; for (j = 0; j < pt->n_vars; j++) te->values[j].f = (int) case_num (c, pt->vars[j]); hmap_insert (&pt->data, &te->node, hash); } static void tabulate_general_case (struct pivot_table *pt, const struct ccase *c, double weight) { struct freq *te; size_t hash; int j; hash = 0; for (j = 0; j < pt->n_vars; j++) { const struct variable *var = pt->vars[j]; hash = value_hash (case_data (c, var), var_get_width (var), hash); } HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (te, struct freq, node, hash, &pt->data) { for (j = 0; j < pt->n_vars; j++) { const struct variable *var = pt->vars[j]; if (!value_equal (case_data (c, var), &te->values[j], var_get_width (var))) goto no_match; } /* Found an existing entry. */ te->count += weight; return; no_match: ; } /* No existing entry. Create a new one. */ te = xmalloc (table_entry_size (pt->n_vars)); te->count = weight; for (j = 0; j < pt->n_vars; j++) { const struct variable *var = pt->vars[j]; value_clone (&te->values[j], case_data (c, var), var_get_width (var)); } hmap_insert (&pt->data, &te->node, hash); } /* Post-data reading calculations. */ static int compare_table_entry_vars_3way (const struct freq *a, const struct freq *b, const struct pivot_table *pt, int idx0, int idx1); static int compare_table_entry_3way (const void *ap_, const void *bp_, const void *pt_); static int compare_table_entry_3way_inv (const void *ap_, const void *bp_, const void *pt_); static void enum_var_values (const struct pivot_table *, int var_idx, union value **valuesp, int *n_values, bool descending); static void output_pivot_table (struct crosstabs_proc *, struct pivot_table *); static void make_pivot_table_subset (struct pivot_table *pt, size_t row0, size_t row1, struct pivot_table *subset); static void make_summary_table (struct crosstabs_proc *); static bool find_crosstab (struct pivot_table *, size_t *row0p, size_t *row1p); static void postcalc (struct crosstabs_proc *proc) { /* Round hash table entries, if requested If this causes any of the cell counts to fall to zero, delete those cells. */ if (proc->round_cells) for (struct pivot_table *pt = proc->pivots; pt < &proc->pivots[proc->n_pivots]; pt++) { struct freq *e, *next; HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (e, next, struct freq, node, &pt->data) { e->count = round_weight (proc, e->count); if (e->count == 0.0) { hmap_delete (&pt->data, &e->node); free (e); } } } /* Convert hash tables into sorted arrays of entries. */ for (struct pivot_table *pt = proc->pivots; pt < &proc->pivots[proc->n_pivots]; pt++) { struct freq *e; pt->n_entries = hmap_count (&pt->data); pt->entries = xnmalloc (pt->n_entries, sizeof *pt->entries); size_t i = 0; HMAP_FOR_EACH (e, struct freq, node, &pt->data) pt->entries[i++] = e; hmap_destroy (&pt->data); sort (pt->entries, pt->n_entries, sizeof *pt->entries, proc->descending ? compare_table_entry_3way_inv : compare_table_entry_3way, pt); } make_summary_table (proc); /* Output each pivot table. */ for (struct pivot_table *pt = proc->pivots; pt < &proc->pivots[proc->n_pivots]; pt++) { if (proc->pivot || pt->n_vars == 2) output_pivot_table (proc, pt); else { size_t row0 = 0, row1 = 0; while (find_crosstab (pt, &row0, &row1)) { struct pivot_table subset; make_pivot_table_subset (pt, row0, row1, &subset); output_pivot_table (proc, &subset); } } if (proc->barchart) chart_item_submit (barchart_create (pt->vars, pt->n_vars, _("Count"), false, pt->entries, pt->n_entries)); } /* Free output and prepare for next split file. */ for (struct pivot_table *pt = proc->pivots; pt < &proc->pivots[proc->n_pivots]; pt++) { pt->missing = 0.0; /* Free the members that were allocated in this function(and the values owned by the entries. The other pointer members are either both allocated and destroyed at a lower level (in output_pivot_table), or both allocated and destroyed at a higher level (in crs_custom_tables and free_proc, respectively). */ for (size_t i = 0; i < pt->n_vars; i++) { int width = var_get_width (pt->vars[i]); if (value_needs_init (width)) { size_t j; for (j = 0; j < pt->n_entries; j++) value_destroy (&pt->entries[j]->values[i], width); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < pt->n_entries; i++) free (pt->entries[i]); free (pt->entries); } } static void make_pivot_table_subset (struct pivot_table *pt, size_t row0, size_t row1, struct pivot_table *subset) { *subset = *pt; if (pt->n_vars > 2) { assert (pt->n_consts == 0); subset->missing = pt->missing; subset->n_vars = 2; subset->vars = pt->vars; subset->n_consts = pt->n_vars - 2; subset->const_vars = pt->vars + 2; subset->const_values = &pt->entries[row0]->values[2]; } subset->entries = &pt->entries[row0]; subset->n_entries = row1 - row0; } static int compare_table_entry_var_3way (const struct freq *a, const struct freq *b, const struct pivot_table *pt, int idx) { return value_compare_3way (&a->values[idx], &b->values[idx], var_get_width (pt->vars[idx])); } static int compare_table_entry_vars_3way (const struct freq *a, const struct freq *b, const struct pivot_table *pt, int idx0, int idx1) { int i; for (i = idx1 - 1; i >= idx0; i--) { int cmp = compare_table_entry_var_3way (a, b, pt, i); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; } return 0; } /* Compare the struct freq at *AP to the one at *BP and return a strcmp()-type result. */ static int compare_table_entry_3way (const void *ap_, const void *bp_, const void *pt_) { const struct freq *const *ap = ap_; const struct freq *const *bp = bp_; const struct freq *a = *ap; const struct freq *b = *bp; const struct pivot_table *pt = pt_; int cmp; cmp = compare_table_entry_vars_3way (a, b, pt, 2, pt->n_vars); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; cmp = compare_table_entry_var_3way (a, b, pt, ROW_VAR); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; return compare_table_entry_var_3way (a, b, pt, COL_VAR); } /* Inverted version of compare_table_entry_3way */ static int compare_table_entry_3way_inv (const void *ap_, const void *bp_, const void *pt_) { return -compare_table_entry_3way (ap_, bp_, pt_); } static int find_first_difference (const struct pivot_table *pt, size_t row) { if (row == 0) return pt->n_vars - 1; else { const struct freq *a = pt->entries[row]; const struct freq *b = pt->entries[row - 1]; int col; for (col = pt->n_vars - 1; col >= 0; col--) if (compare_table_entry_var_3way (a, b, pt, col)) return col; NOT_REACHED (); } } /* Output a table summarizing the cases processed. */ static void make_summary_table (struct crosstabs_proc *proc) { struct tab_table *summary; struct pivot_table *pt; struct string name; int i; summary = tab_create (7, 3 + proc->n_pivots); tab_set_format (summary, RC_WEIGHT, &proc->weight_format); tab_title (summary, _("Summary.")); tab_headers (summary, 1, 0, 3, 0); tab_joint_text (summary, 1, 0, 6, 0, TAB_CENTER, _("Cases")); tab_joint_text (summary, 1, 1, 2, 1, TAB_CENTER, _("Valid")); tab_joint_text (summary, 3, 1, 4, 1, TAB_CENTER, _("Missing")); tab_joint_text (summary, 5, 1, 6, 1, TAB_CENTER, _("Total")); tab_hline (summary, TAL_1, 1, 6, 1); tab_hline (summary, TAL_1, 1, 6, 2); tab_vline (summary, TAL_1, 3, 1, 1); tab_vline (summary, TAL_1, 5, 1, 1); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tab_text (summary, 1 + i * 2, 2, TAB_RIGHT, _("N")); tab_text (summary, 2 + i * 2, 2, TAB_RIGHT, _("Percent")); } tab_offset (summary, 0, 3); ds_init_empty (&name); for (pt = &proc->pivots[0]; pt < &proc->pivots[proc->n_pivots]; pt++) { double valid; double n[3]; size_t i; tab_hline (summary, TAL_1, 0, 6, 0); ds_clear (&name); for (i = 0; i < pt->n_vars; i++) { if (i > 0) ds_put_cstr (&name, " * "); ds_put_cstr (&name, var_to_string (pt->vars[i])); } tab_text (summary, 0, 0, TAB_LEFT, ds_cstr (&name)); valid = 0.; for (i = 0; i < pt->n_entries; i++) valid += pt->entries[i]->count; n[0] = valid; n[1] = pt->missing; n[2] = n[0] + n[1]; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tab_double (summary, i * 2 + 1, 0, TAB_RIGHT, n[i], NULL, RC_WEIGHT); tab_text_format (summary, i * 2 + 2, 0, TAB_RIGHT, "%.1f%%", n[i] / n[2] * 100.); } tab_next_row (summary); } ds_destroy (&name); submit (NULL, summary); } /* Output. */ static struct tab_table *create_crosstab_table (struct crosstabs_proc *, struct pivot_table *); static struct tab_table *create_chisq_table (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct pivot_table *); static struct tab_table *create_sym_table (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct pivot_table *); static struct tab_table *create_risk_table (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct pivot_table *); static struct tab_table *create_direct_table (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct pivot_table *); static void display_dimensions (struct crosstabs_proc *, struct pivot_table *, struct tab_table *, int first_difference); static void display_crosstabulation (struct crosstabs_proc *, struct pivot_table *, struct tab_table *); static void display_chisq (struct pivot_table *, struct tab_table *, bool *showed_fisher); static void display_symmetric (struct crosstabs_proc *, struct pivot_table *, struct tab_table *); static void display_risk (struct pivot_table *, struct tab_table *); static void display_directional (struct crosstabs_proc *, struct pivot_table *, struct tab_table *); static void table_value_missing (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct tab_table *table, int c, int r, unsigned char opt, const union value *v, const struct variable *var); static void delete_missing (struct pivot_table *); static void build_matrix (struct pivot_table *); /* Output pivot table PT in the context of PROC. */ static void output_pivot_table (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct pivot_table *pt) { struct tab_table *table = NULL; /* Crosstabulation table. */ struct tab_table *chisq = NULL; /* Chi-square table. */ bool showed_fisher = false; struct tab_table *sym = NULL; /* Symmetric measures table. */ struct tab_table *risk = NULL; /* Risk estimate table. */ struct tab_table *direct = NULL; /* Directional measures table. */ size_t row0, row1; enum_var_values (pt, COL_VAR, &pt->cols, &pt->n_cols, proc->descending); if (pt->n_cols == 0) { struct string vars; int i; ds_init_cstr (&vars, var_to_string (pt->vars[0])); for (i = 1; i < pt->n_vars; i++) ds_put_format (&vars, " * %s", var_to_string (pt->vars[i])); /* TRANSLATORS: The %s here describes a crosstabulation. It takes the form "var1 * var2 * var3 * ...". */ msg (SW, _("Crosstabulation %s contained no non-missing cases."), ds_cstr (&vars)); ds_destroy (&vars); free (pt->cols); return; } if (proc->cells) table = create_crosstab_table (proc, pt); if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_CHISQ)) chisq = create_chisq_table (proc, pt); if (proc->statistics & ((1u << CRS_ST_PHI) | (1u << CRS_ST_CC) | (1u << CRS_ST_BTAU) | (1u << CRS_ST_CTAU) | (1u << CRS_ST_GAMMA) | (1u << CRS_ST_CORR) | (1u << CRS_ST_KAPPA))) sym = create_sym_table (proc, pt); if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_RISK)) risk = create_risk_table (proc, pt); if (proc->statistics & ((1u << CRS_ST_LAMBDA) | (1u << CRS_ST_UC) | (1u << CRS_ST_D) | (1u << CRS_ST_ETA))) direct = create_direct_table (proc, pt); row0 = row1 = 0; while (find_crosstab (pt, &row0, &row1)) { struct pivot_table x; int first_difference; make_pivot_table_subset (pt, row0, row1, &x); /* Find all the row variable values. */ enum_var_values (&x, ROW_VAR, &x.rows, &x.n_rows, proc->descending); if (size_overflow_p (xtimes (xtimes (x.n_rows, x.n_cols), sizeof (double)))) xalloc_die (); x.row_tot = xmalloc (x.n_rows * sizeof *x.row_tot); x.col_tot = xmalloc (x.n_cols * sizeof *x.col_tot); x.mat = xmalloc (x.n_rows * x.n_cols * sizeof *x.mat); /* Allocate table space for the matrix. */ if (table && tab_row (table) + (x.n_rows + 1) * proc->n_cells > tab_nr (table)) tab_realloc (table, -1, MAX (tab_nr (table) + (x.n_rows + 1) * proc->n_cells, tab_nr (table) * pt->n_entries / x.n_entries)); build_matrix (&x); /* Find the first variable that differs from the last subtable. */ first_difference = find_first_difference (pt, row0); if (table) { display_dimensions (proc, &x, table, first_difference); display_crosstabulation (proc, &x, table); } if (proc->exclude == MV_NEVER) delete_missing (&x); if (chisq) { display_dimensions (proc, &x, chisq, first_difference); display_chisq (&x, chisq, &showed_fisher); } if (sym) { display_dimensions (proc, &x, sym, first_difference); display_symmetric (proc, &x, sym); } if (risk) { display_dimensions (proc, &x, risk, first_difference); display_risk (&x, risk); } if (direct) { display_dimensions (proc, &x, direct, first_difference); display_directional (proc, &x, direct); } /* Free the parts of x that are not owned by pt. In particular we must not free x.cols, which is the same as pt->cols, which is freed at the end of this function. */ free (x.rows); free (x.mat); free (x.row_tot); free (x.col_tot); } submit (NULL, table); if (chisq) { if (!showed_fisher) tab_resize (chisq, 4 + (pt->n_vars - 2), -1); submit (pt, chisq); } submit (pt, sym); submit (pt, risk); submit (pt, direct); free (pt->cols); } static void build_matrix (struct pivot_table *x) { const int col_var_width = var_get_width (x->vars[COL_VAR]); const int row_var_width = var_get_width (x->vars[ROW_VAR]); int col, row; double *mp; struct freq **p; mp = x->mat; col = row = 0; for (p = x->entries; p < &x->entries[x->n_entries]; p++) { const struct freq *te = *p; while (!value_equal (&x->rows[row], &te->values[ROW_VAR], row_var_width)) { for (; col < x->n_cols; col++) *mp++ = 0.0; col = 0; row++; } while (!value_equal (&x->cols[col], &te->values[COL_VAR], col_var_width)) { *mp++ = 0.0; col++; } *mp++ = te->count; if (++col >= x->n_cols) { col = 0; row++; } } while (mp < &x->mat[x->n_cols * x->n_rows]) *mp++ = 0.0; assert (mp == &x->mat[x->n_cols * x->n_rows]); /* Column totals, row totals, ns_rows. */ mp = x->mat; for (col = 0; col < x->n_cols; col++) x->col_tot[col] = 0.0; for (row = 0; row < x->n_rows; row++) x->row_tot[row] = 0.0; x->ns_rows = 0; for (row = 0; row < x->n_rows; row++) { bool row_is_empty = true; for (col = 0; col < x->n_cols; col++) { if (*mp != 0.0) { row_is_empty = false; x->col_tot[col] += *mp; x->row_tot[row] += *mp; } mp++; } if (!row_is_empty) x->ns_rows++; } assert (mp == &x->mat[x->n_cols * x->n_rows]); /* ns_cols. */ x->ns_cols = 0; for (col = 0; col < x->n_cols; col++) for (row = 0; row < x->n_rows; row++) if (x->mat[col + row * x->n_cols] != 0.0) { x->ns_cols++; break; } /* Grand total. */ x->total = 0.0; for (col = 0; col < x->n_cols; col++) x->total += x->col_tot[col]; } static struct tab_table * create_crosstab_table (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct pivot_table *pt) { struct tuple { int value; const char *name; }; static const struct tuple names[] = { {CRS_CL_COUNT, N_("count")}, {CRS_CL_ROW, N_("row %")}, {CRS_CL_COLUMN, N_("column %")}, {CRS_CL_TOTAL, N_("total %")}, {CRS_CL_EXPECTED, N_("expected")}, {CRS_CL_RESIDUAL, N_("residual")}, {CRS_CL_SRESIDUAL, N_("std. resid.")}, {CRS_CL_ASRESIDUAL, N_("adj. resid.")}, }; const int n_names = sizeof names / sizeof *names; const struct tuple *t; struct tab_table *table; struct string title; struct pivot_table x; int i; make_pivot_table_subset (pt, 0, 0, &x); table = tab_create (x.n_consts + 1 + x.n_cols + 1, (x.n_entries / x.n_cols) * 3 / 2 * proc->n_cells + 10); tab_headers (table, x.n_consts + 1, 0, 2, 0); tab_set_format (table, RC_WEIGHT, &proc->weight_format); /* First header line. */ tab_joint_text (table, x.n_consts + 1, 0, (x.n_consts + 1) + (x.n_cols - 1), 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, var_to_string (x.vars[COL_VAR])); tab_hline (table, TAL_1, x.n_consts + 1, x.n_consts + 2 + x.n_cols - 2, 1); /* Second header line. */ for (i = 2; i < x.n_consts + 2; i++) tab_joint_text (table, x.n_consts + 2 - i - 1, 0, x.n_consts + 2 - i - 1, 1, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, var_to_string (x.vars[i])); tab_text (table, x.n_consts + 2 - 2, 1, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, var_to_string (x.vars[ROW_VAR])); for (i = 0; i < x.n_cols; i++) table_value_missing (proc, table, x.n_consts + 2 + i - 1, 1, TAB_RIGHT, &x.cols[i], x.vars[COL_VAR]); tab_text (table, x.n_consts + 2 + x.n_cols - 1, 1, TAB_CENTER, _("Total")); tab_hline (table, TAL_1, 0, x.n_consts + 2 + x.n_cols - 1, 2); tab_vline (table, TAL_1, x.n_consts + 2 + x.n_cols - 1, 0, 1); /* Title. */ ds_init_empty (&title); for (i = 0; i < x.n_consts + 2; i++) { if (i) ds_put_cstr (&title, " * "); ds_put_cstr (&title, var_to_string (x.vars[i])); } for (i = 0; i < pt->n_consts; i++) { const struct variable *var = pt->const_vars[i]; char *s; ds_put_format (&title, ", %s=", var_to_string (var)); /* Insert the formatted value of VAR without any leading spaces. */ s = data_out (&pt->const_values[i], var_get_encoding (var), var_get_print_format (var)); ds_put_cstr (&title, s + strspn (s, " ")); free (s); } ds_put_cstr (&title, " ["); i = 0; for (t = names; t < &names[n_names]; t++) if (proc->cells & (1u << t->value)) { if (i++) ds_put_cstr (&title, ", "); ds_put_cstr (&title, gettext (t->name)); } ds_put_cstr (&title, "]."); tab_title (table, "%s", ds_cstr (&title)); ds_destroy (&title); tab_offset (table, 0, 2); return table; } static struct tab_table * create_chisq_table (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct pivot_table *pt) { struct tab_table *chisq; chisq = tab_create (6 + (pt->n_vars - 2), pt->n_entries / pt->n_cols * 3 / 2 * N_CHISQ + 10); tab_headers (chisq, 1 + (pt->n_vars - 2), 0, 1, 0); tab_set_format (chisq, RC_WEIGHT, &proc->weight_format); tab_title (chisq, _("Chi-square tests.")); tab_offset (chisq, pt->n_vars - 2, 0); tab_text (chisq, 0, 0, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE, _("Statistic")); tab_text (chisq, 1, 0, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, _("Value")); tab_text (chisq, 2, 0, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, _("df")); tab_text (chisq, 3, 0, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, _("Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)")); tab_text_format (chisq, 4, 0, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, _("Exact Sig. (%d-tailed)"), 2); tab_text_format (chisq, 5, 0, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, _("Exact Sig. (%d-tailed)"), 1); tab_offset (chisq, 0, 1); return chisq; } /* Symmetric measures. */ static struct tab_table * create_sym_table (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct pivot_table *pt) { struct tab_table *sym; sym = tab_create (6 + (pt->n_vars - 2), pt->n_entries / pt->n_cols * 7 + 10); tab_set_format (sym, RC_WEIGHT, &proc->weight_format); tab_headers (sym, 2 + (pt->n_vars - 2), 0, 1, 0); tab_title (sym, _("Symmetric measures.")); tab_offset (sym, pt->n_vars - 2, 0); tab_text (sym, 0, 0, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE, _("Category")); tab_text (sym, 1, 0, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE, _("Statistic")); tab_text (sym, 2, 0, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, _("Value")); tab_text (sym, 3, 0, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, _("Asymp. Std. Error")); tab_text (sym, 4, 0, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, _("Approx. T")); tab_text (sym, 5, 0, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, _("Approx. Sig.")); tab_offset (sym, 0, 1); return sym; } /* Risk estimate. */ static struct tab_table * create_risk_table (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct pivot_table *pt) { struct tab_table *risk; risk = tab_create (4 + (pt->n_vars - 2), pt->n_entries / pt->n_cols * 4 + 10); tab_headers (risk, 1 + pt->n_vars - 2, 0, 2, 0); tab_title (risk, _("Risk estimate.")); tab_set_format (risk, RC_WEIGHT, &proc->weight_format); tab_offset (risk, pt->n_vars - 2, 0); tab_joint_text_format (risk, 2, 0, 3, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("95%% Confidence Interval")); tab_text (risk, 0, 1, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE, _("Statistic")); tab_text (risk, 1, 1, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, _("Value")); tab_text (risk, 2, 1, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, _("Lower")); tab_text (risk, 3, 1, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, _("Upper")); tab_hline (risk, TAL_1, 2, 3, 1); tab_vline (risk, TAL_1, 2, 0, 1); tab_offset (risk, 0, 2); return risk; } /* Directional measures. */ static struct tab_table * create_direct_table (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct pivot_table *pt) { struct tab_table *direct; direct = tab_create (7 + (pt->n_vars - 2), pt->n_entries / pt->n_cols * 7 + 10); tab_headers (direct, 3 + (pt->n_vars - 2), 0, 1, 0); tab_title (direct, _("Directional measures.")); tab_set_format (direct, RC_WEIGHT, &proc->weight_format); tab_offset (direct, pt->n_vars - 2, 0); tab_text (direct, 0, 0, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE, _("Category")); tab_text (direct, 1, 0, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE, _("Statistic")); tab_text (direct, 2, 0, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE, _("Type")); tab_text (direct, 3, 0, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, _("Value")); tab_text (direct, 4, 0, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, _("Asymp. Std. Error")); tab_text (direct, 5, 0, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, _("Approx. T")); tab_text (direct, 6, 0, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, _("Approx. Sig.")); tab_offset (direct, 0, 1); return direct; } /* Delete missing rows and columns for statistical analysis when /MISSING=REPORT. */ static void delete_missing (struct pivot_table *pt) { int r, c; for (r = 0; r < pt->n_rows; r++) if (var_is_num_missing (pt->vars[ROW_VAR], pt->rows[r].f, MV_USER)) { for (c = 0; c < pt->n_cols; c++) pt->mat[c + r * pt->n_cols] = 0.; pt->ns_rows--; } for (c = 0; c < pt->n_cols; c++) if (var_is_num_missing (pt->vars[COL_VAR], pt->cols[c].f, MV_USER)) { for (r = 0; r < pt->n_rows; r++) pt->mat[c + r * pt->n_cols] = 0.; pt->ns_cols--; } } /* Prepare table T for submission, and submit it. */ static void submit (struct pivot_table *pt, struct tab_table *t) { int i; if (t == NULL) return; tab_resize (t, -1, 0); if (tab_nr (t) == tab_t (t)) { table_unref (&t->table); return; } tab_offset (t, 0, 0); if (pt != NULL) for (i = 2; i < pt->n_vars; i++) tab_text (t, pt->n_vars - i - 1, 0, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_TITLE, var_to_string (pt->vars[i])); tab_box (t, TAL_2, TAL_2, -1, -1, 0, 0, tab_nc (t) - 1, tab_nr (t) - 1); tab_box (t, -1, -1, -1, TAL_1, tab_l (t), tab_t (t) - 1, tab_nc (t) - 1, tab_nr (t) - 1); tab_vline (t, TAL_2, tab_l (t), 0, tab_nr (t) - 1); tab_submit (t); } static bool find_crosstab (struct pivot_table *pt, size_t *row0p, size_t *row1p) { size_t row0 = *row1p; size_t row1; if (row0 >= pt->n_entries) return false; for (row1 = row0 + 1; row1 < pt->n_entries; row1++) { struct freq *a = pt->entries[row0]; struct freq *b = pt->entries[row1]; if (compare_table_entry_vars_3way (a, b, pt, 2, pt->n_vars) != 0) break; } *row0p = row0; *row1p = row1; return true; } /* Compares `union value's A_ and B_ and returns a strcmp()-like result. WIDTH_ points to an int which is either 0 for a numeric value or a string width for a string value. */ static int compare_value_3way (const void *a_, const void *b_, const void *width_) { const union value *a = a_; const union value *b = b_; const int *width = width_; return value_compare_3way (a, b, *width); } /* Inverted version of the above */ static int compare_value_3way_inv (const void *a_, const void *b_, const void *width_) { return -compare_value_3way (a_, b_, width_); } /* Given an array of ENTRY_CNT table_entry structures starting at ENTRIES, creates a sorted list of the values that the variable with index VAR_IDX takes on. The values are returned as a malloc()'d array stored in *VALUES, with the number of values stored in *VALUE_CNT. The caller must eventually free *VALUES, but each pointer in *VALUES points to existing data not owned by *VALUES itself. */ static void enum_var_values (const struct pivot_table *pt, int var_idx, union value **valuesp, int *n_values, bool descending) { const struct variable *var = pt->vars[var_idx]; const struct var_range *range = get_var_range (pt->proc, var); union value *values; size_t i; if (range) { values = *valuesp = xnmalloc (range->count, sizeof *values); *n_values = range->count; for (i = 0; i < range->count; i++) values[i].f = range->min + i; } else { int width = var_get_width (var); struct hmapx_node *node; const union value *iter; struct hmapx set; hmapx_init (&set); for (i = 0; i < pt->n_entries; i++) { const struct freq *te = pt->entries[i]; const union value *value = &te->values[var_idx]; size_t hash = value_hash (value, width, 0); HMAPX_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (iter, node, hash, &set) if (value_equal (iter, value, width)) goto next_entry; hmapx_insert (&set, (union value *) value, hash); next_entry: ; } *n_values = hmapx_count (&set); values = *valuesp = xnmalloc (*n_values, sizeof *values); i = 0; HMAPX_FOR_EACH (iter, node, &set) values[i++] = *iter; hmapx_destroy (&set); sort (values, *n_values, sizeof *values, descending ? compare_value_3way_inv : compare_value_3way, &width); } } /* Sets cell (C,R) in TABLE, with options OPT, to have a value taken from V, displayed with print format spec from variable VAR. When in REPORT missing-value mode, missing values have an M appended. */ static void table_value_missing (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct tab_table *table, int c, int r, unsigned char opt, const union value *v, const struct variable *var) { const char *label = var_lookup_value_label (var, v); if (label != NULL) tab_text (table, c, r, TAB_LEFT, label); else { const struct fmt_spec *print = var_get_print_format (var); if (proc->exclude == MV_NEVER && var_is_value_missing (var, v, MV_USER)) { char *s = data_out (v, dict_get_encoding (proc->dict), print); tab_text_format (table, c, r, opt, "%sM", s + strspn (s, " ")); free (s); } else tab_value (table, c, r, opt, v, var, print); } } /* Draws a line across TABLE at the current row to indicate the most major dimension variable with index FIRST_DIFFERENCE out of N_VARS that changed, and puts the values that changed into the table. TB and PT must be the corresponding table_entry and crosstab, respectively. */ static void display_dimensions (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct pivot_table *pt, struct tab_table *table, int first_difference) { tab_hline (table, TAL_1, pt->n_consts + pt->n_vars - first_difference - 1, tab_nc (table) - 1, 0); for (; first_difference >= 2; first_difference--) table_value_missing (proc, table, pt->n_consts + pt->n_vars - first_difference - 1, 0, TAB_RIGHT, &pt->entries[0]->values[first_difference], pt->vars[first_difference]); } /* Put VALUE into cell (C,R) of TABLE, suffixed with character SUFFIX if nonzero. If MARK_MISSING is true the entry is additionally suffixed with a letter `M'. */ static void format_cell_entry (struct tab_table *table, int c, int r, double value, char suffix, bool mark_missing, const struct dictionary *dict) { union value v; char suffixes[3]; int suffix_len; char *s; v.f = value; s = data_out (&v, dict_get_encoding (dict), settings_get_format ()); suffix_len = 0; if (suffix != 0) suffixes[suffix_len++] = suffix; if (mark_missing) suffixes[suffix_len++] = 'M'; suffixes[suffix_len] = '\0'; tab_text_format (table, c, r, TAB_RIGHT, "%s%s", s + strspn (s, " "), suffixes); free (s); } /* Displays the crosstabulation table. */ static void display_crosstabulation (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct pivot_table *pt, struct tab_table *table) { int last_row; int r, c, i; double *mp; for (r = 0; r < pt->n_rows; r++) table_value_missing (proc, table, pt->n_consts + pt->n_vars - 2, r * proc->n_cells, TAB_RIGHT, &pt->rows[r], pt->vars[ROW_VAR]); tab_text (table, pt->n_vars - 2, pt->n_rows * proc->n_cells, TAB_LEFT, _("Total")); /* Put in the actual cells. */ mp = pt->mat; tab_offset (table, pt->n_consts + pt->n_vars - 1, -1); for (r = 0; r < pt->n_rows; r++) { if (proc->n_cells > 1) tab_hline (table, TAL_1, -1, pt->n_cols, 0); for (c = 0; c < pt->n_cols; c++) { bool mark_missing = false; double expected_value = pt->row_tot[r] * pt->col_tot[c] / pt->total; if (proc->exclude == MV_NEVER && (var_is_num_missing (pt->vars[COL_VAR], pt->cols[c].f, MV_USER) || var_is_num_missing (pt->vars[ROW_VAR], pt->rows[r].f, MV_USER))) mark_missing = true; for (i = 0; i < proc->n_cells; i++) { double v; int suffix = 0; switch (proc->a_cells[i]) { case CRS_CL_COUNT: v = *mp; break; case CRS_CL_ROW: v = *mp / pt->row_tot[r] * 100.; suffix = '%'; break; case CRS_CL_COLUMN: v = *mp / pt->col_tot[c] * 100.; suffix = '%'; break; case CRS_CL_TOTAL: v = *mp / pt->total * 100.; suffix = '%'; break; case CRS_CL_EXPECTED: v = expected_value; break; case CRS_CL_RESIDUAL: v = *mp - expected_value; break; case CRS_CL_SRESIDUAL: v = (*mp - expected_value) / sqrt (expected_value); break; case CRS_CL_ASRESIDUAL: v = ((*mp - expected_value) / sqrt (expected_value * (1. - pt->row_tot[r] / pt->total) * (1. - pt->col_tot[c] / pt->total))); break; default: NOT_REACHED (); } format_cell_entry (table, c, i, v, suffix, mark_missing, proc->dict); } mp++; } tab_offset (table, -1, tab_row (table) + proc->n_cells); } /* Row totals. */ tab_offset (table, -1, tab_row (table) - proc->n_cells * pt->n_rows); for (r = 0; r < pt->n_rows; r++) { bool mark_missing = false; if (proc->exclude == MV_NEVER && var_is_num_missing (pt->vars[ROW_VAR], pt->rows[r].f, MV_USER)) mark_missing = true; for (i = 0; i < proc->n_cells; i++) { char suffix = 0; double v; switch (proc->a_cells[i]) { case CRS_CL_COUNT: v = pt->row_tot[r]; break; case CRS_CL_ROW: v = 100.0; suffix = '%'; break; case CRS_CL_COLUMN: v = pt->row_tot[r] / pt->total * 100.; suffix = '%'; break; case CRS_CL_TOTAL: v = pt->row_tot[r] / pt->total * 100.; suffix = '%'; break; case CRS_CL_EXPECTED: case CRS_CL_RESIDUAL: case CRS_CL_SRESIDUAL: case CRS_CL_ASRESIDUAL: v = 0.; break; default: NOT_REACHED (); } format_cell_entry (table, pt->n_cols, 0, v, suffix, mark_missing, proc->dict); tab_next_row (table); } } /* Column totals, grand total. */ last_row = 0; if (proc->n_cells > 1) tab_hline (table, TAL_1, -1, pt->n_cols, 0); for (c = 0; c <= pt->n_cols; c++) { double ct = c < pt->n_cols ? pt->col_tot[c] : pt->total; bool mark_missing = false; int i; if (proc->exclude == MV_NEVER && c < pt->n_cols && var_is_num_missing (pt->vars[COL_VAR], pt->cols[c].f, MV_USER)) mark_missing = true; for (i = 0; i < proc->n_cells; i++) { char suffix = 0; double v; switch (proc->a_cells[i]) { case CRS_CL_COUNT: v = ct; break; case CRS_CL_ROW: v = ct / pt->total * 100.; suffix = '%'; break; case CRS_CL_COLUMN: v = 100.; suffix = '%'; break; case CRS_CL_TOTAL: v = ct / pt->total * 100.; suffix = '%'; break; case CRS_CL_EXPECTED: case CRS_CL_RESIDUAL: case CRS_CL_SRESIDUAL: case CRS_CL_ASRESIDUAL: continue; default: NOT_REACHED (); } format_cell_entry (table, c, i, v, suffix, mark_missing, proc->dict); } last_row = i; } tab_offset (table, -1, tab_row (table) + last_row); tab_offset (table, 0, -1); } static void calc_r (struct pivot_table *, double *PT, double *Y, double *, double *, double *); static void calc_chisq (struct pivot_table *, double[N_CHISQ], int[N_CHISQ], double *, double *); /* Display chi-square statistics. */ static void display_chisq (struct pivot_table *pt, struct tab_table *chisq, bool *showed_fisher) { static const char *chisq_stats[N_CHISQ] = { N_("Pearson Chi-Square"), N_("Likelihood Ratio"), N_("Fisher's Exact Test"), N_("Continuity Correction"), N_("Linear-by-Linear Association"), }; double chisq_v[N_CHISQ]; double fisher1, fisher2; int df[N_CHISQ]; int i; calc_chisq (pt, chisq_v, df, &fisher1, &fisher2); tab_offset (chisq, pt->n_consts + pt->n_vars - 2, -1); for (i = 0; i < N_CHISQ; i++) { if ((i != 2 && chisq_v[i] == SYSMIS) || (i == 2 && fisher1 == SYSMIS)) continue; tab_text (chisq, 0, 0, TAB_LEFT, gettext (chisq_stats[i])); if (i != 2) { tab_double (chisq, 1, 0, TAB_RIGHT, chisq_v[i], NULL, RC_OTHER); tab_double (chisq, 2, 0, TAB_RIGHT, df[i], NULL, RC_WEIGHT); tab_double (chisq, 3, 0, TAB_RIGHT, gsl_cdf_chisq_Q (chisq_v[i], df[i]), NULL, RC_PVALUE); } else { *showed_fisher = true; tab_double (chisq, 4, 0, TAB_RIGHT, fisher2, NULL, RC_PVALUE); tab_double (chisq, 5, 0, TAB_RIGHT, fisher1, NULL, RC_PVALUE); } tab_next_row (chisq); } tab_text (chisq, 0, 0, TAB_LEFT, _("N of Valid Cases")); tab_double (chisq, 1, 0, TAB_RIGHT, pt->total, NULL, RC_WEIGHT); tab_next_row (chisq); tab_offset (chisq, 0, -1); } static int calc_symmetric (struct crosstabs_proc *, struct pivot_table *, double[N_SYMMETRIC], double[N_SYMMETRIC], double[N_SYMMETRIC], double[3], double[3], double[3]); /* Display symmetric measures. */ static void display_symmetric (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct pivot_table *pt, struct tab_table *sym) { static const char *categories[] = { N_("Nominal by Nominal"), N_("Ordinal by Ordinal"), N_("Interval by Interval"), N_("Measure of Agreement"), }; static const char *stats[N_SYMMETRIC] = { N_("Phi"), N_("Cramer's V"), N_("Contingency Coefficient"), N_("Kendall's tau-b"), N_("Kendall's tau-c"), N_("Gamma"), N_("Spearman Correlation"), N_("Pearson's R"), N_("Kappa"), }; static const int stats_categories[N_SYMMETRIC] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, }; int last_cat = -1; double sym_v[N_SYMMETRIC], sym_ase[N_SYMMETRIC], sym_t[N_SYMMETRIC]; double somers_d_v[3], somers_d_ase[3], somers_d_t[3]; int i; if (!calc_symmetric (proc, pt, sym_v, sym_ase, sym_t, somers_d_v, somers_d_ase, somers_d_t)) return; tab_offset (sym, pt->n_consts + pt->n_vars - 2, -1); for (i = 0; i < N_SYMMETRIC; i++) { if (sym_v[i] == SYSMIS) continue; if (stats_categories[i] != last_cat) { last_cat = stats_categories[i]; tab_text (sym, 0, 0, TAB_LEFT, gettext (categories[last_cat])); } tab_text (sym, 1, 0, TAB_LEFT, gettext (stats[i])); tab_double (sym, 2, 0, TAB_RIGHT, sym_v[i], NULL, RC_OTHER); if (sym_ase[i] != SYSMIS) tab_double (sym, 3, 0, TAB_RIGHT, sym_ase[i], NULL, RC_OTHER); if (sym_t[i] != SYSMIS) tab_double (sym, 4, 0, TAB_RIGHT, sym_t[i], NULL, RC_OTHER); /*tab_double (sym, 5, 0, TAB_RIGHT, normal_sig (sym_v[i]), NULL, RC_PVALUE);*/ tab_next_row (sym); } tab_text (sym, 0, 0, TAB_LEFT, _("N of Valid Cases")); tab_double (sym, 2, 0, TAB_RIGHT, pt->total, NULL, RC_WEIGHT); tab_next_row (sym); tab_offset (sym, 0, -1); } static int calc_risk (struct pivot_table *, double[], double[], double[], union value *); /* Display risk estimate. */ static void display_risk (struct pivot_table *pt, struct tab_table *risk) { char buf[256]; double risk_v[3], lower[3], upper[3]; union value c[2]; int i; if (!calc_risk (pt, risk_v, upper, lower, c)) return; tab_offset (risk, pt->n_consts + pt->n_vars - 2, -1); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const struct variable *cv = pt->vars[COL_VAR]; const struct variable *rv = pt->vars[ROW_VAR]; int cvw = var_get_width (cv); int rvw = var_get_width (rv); if (risk_v[i] == SYSMIS) continue; switch (i) { case 0: if (var_is_numeric (cv)) sprintf (buf, _("Odds Ratio for %s (%g / %g)"), var_to_string (cv), c[0].f, c[1].f); else sprintf (buf, _("Odds Ratio for %s (%.*s / %.*s)"), var_to_string (cv), cvw, value_str (&c[0], cvw), cvw, value_str (&c[1], cvw)); break; case 1: case 2: if (var_is_numeric (rv)) sprintf (buf, _("For cohort %s = %.*g"), var_to_string (rv), DBL_DIG + 1, pt->rows[i - 1].f); else sprintf (buf, _("For cohort %s = %.*s"), var_to_string (rv), rvw, value_str (&pt->rows[i - 1], rvw)); break; } tab_text (risk, 0, 0, TAB_LEFT, buf); tab_double (risk, 1, 0, TAB_RIGHT, risk_v[i], NULL, RC_OTHER); tab_double (risk, 2, 0, TAB_RIGHT, lower[i], NULL, RC_OTHER); tab_double (risk, 3, 0, TAB_RIGHT, upper[i], NULL, RC_OTHER); tab_next_row (risk); } tab_text (risk, 0, 0, TAB_LEFT, _("N of Valid Cases")); tab_double (risk, 1, 0, TAB_RIGHT, pt->total, NULL, RC_WEIGHT); tab_next_row (risk); tab_offset (risk, 0, -1); } static int calc_directional (struct crosstabs_proc *, struct pivot_table *, double[N_DIRECTIONAL], double[N_DIRECTIONAL], double[N_DIRECTIONAL], double[N_DIRECTIONAL]); /* Display directional measures. */ static void display_directional (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct pivot_table *pt, struct tab_table *direct) { static const char *categories[] = { N_("Nominal by Nominal"), N_("Ordinal by Ordinal"), N_("Nominal by Interval"), }; static const char *stats[] = { N_("Lambda"), N_("Goodman and Kruskal tau"), N_("Uncertainty Coefficient"), N_("Somers' d"), N_("Eta"), }; static const char *types[] = { N_("Symmetric"), N_("%s Dependent"), N_("%s Dependent"), }; static const int stats_categories[N_DIRECTIONAL] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, }; static const int stats_stats[N_DIRECTIONAL] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, }; static const int stats_types[N_DIRECTIONAL] = { 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, }; static const int *stats_lookup[] = { stats_categories, stats_stats, stats_types, }; static const char **stats_names[] = { categories, stats, types, }; int last[3] = { -1, -1, -1, }; double direct_v[N_DIRECTIONAL]; double direct_ase[N_DIRECTIONAL]; double direct_t[N_DIRECTIONAL]; double sig[N_DIRECTIONAL]; int i; if (!calc_directional (proc, pt, direct_v, direct_ase, direct_t, sig)) return; tab_offset (direct, pt->n_consts + pt->n_vars - 2, -1); for (i = 0; i < N_DIRECTIONAL; i++) { if (direct_v[i] == SYSMIS) continue; { int j; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) if (last[j] != stats_lookup[j][i]) { if (j < 2) tab_hline (direct, TAL_1, j, 6, 0); for (; j < 3; j++) { const char *string; int k = last[j] = stats_lookup[j][i]; if (k == 0) string = NULL; else if (k == 1) string = var_to_string (pt->vars[0]); else string = var_to_string (pt->vars[1]); tab_text_format (direct, j, 0, TAB_LEFT, gettext (stats_names[j][k]), string); } } } tab_double (direct, 3, 0, TAB_RIGHT, direct_v[i], NULL, RC_OTHER); if (direct_ase[i] != SYSMIS) tab_double (direct, 4, 0, TAB_RIGHT, direct_ase[i], NULL, RC_OTHER); if (direct_t[i] != SYSMIS) tab_double (direct, 5, 0, TAB_RIGHT, direct_t[i], NULL, RC_OTHER); tab_double (direct, 6, 0, TAB_RIGHT, sig[i], NULL, RC_PVALUE); tab_next_row (direct); } tab_offset (direct, 0, -1); } /* Statistical calculations. */ /* Returns the value of the logarithm of gamma (factorial) function for an integer argument PT. */ static double log_gamma_int (double pt) { double r = 0; int i; for (i = 2; i < pt; i++) r += log(i); return r; } /* Calculate P_r as specified in _SPSS Statistical Algorithms_, Appendix 5. */ static inline double Pr (int a, int b, int c, int d) { return exp (log_gamma_int (a + b + 1.) - log_gamma_int (a + 1.) + log_gamma_int (c + d + 1.) - log_gamma_int (b + 1.) + log_gamma_int (a + c + 1.) - log_gamma_int (c + 1.) + log_gamma_int (b + d + 1.) - log_gamma_int (d + 1.) - log_gamma_int (a + b + c + d + 1.)); } /* Swap the contents of A and B. */ static inline void swap (int *a, int *b) { int t = *a; *a = *b; *b = t; } /* Calculate significance for Fisher's exact test as specified in _SPSS Statistical Algorithms_, Appendix 5. */ static void calc_fisher (int a, int b, int c, int d, double *fisher1, double *fisher2) { int pt; double pn1; if (MIN (c, d) < MIN (a, b)) swap (&a, &c), swap (&b, &d); if (MIN (b, d) < MIN (a, c)) swap (&a, &b), swap (&c, &d); if (b * c < a * d) { if (b < c) swap (&a, &b), swap (&c, &d); else swap (&a, &c), swap (&b, &d); } pn1 = Pr (a, b, c, d); *fisher1 = pn1; for (pt = 1; pt <= a; pt++) { *fisher1 += Pr (a - pt, b + pt, c + pt, d - pt); } *fisher2 = *fisher1; for (pt = 1; pt <= b; pt++) { double p = Pr (a + pt, b - pt, c - pt, d + pt); if (p < pn1) *fisher2 += p; } } /* Calculates chi-squares into CHISQ. MAT is a matrix with N_COLS columns with values COLS and N_ROWS rows with values ROWS. Values in the matrix sum to pt->total. */ static void calc_chisq (struct pivot_table *pt, double chisq[N_CHISQ], int df[N_CHISQ], double *fisher1, double *fisher2) { int r, c; chisq[0] = chisq[1] = 0.; chisq[2] = chisq[3] = chisq[4] = SYSMIS; *fisher1 = *fisher2 = SYSMIS; df[0] = df[1] = (pt->ns_cols - 1) * (pt->ns_rows - 1); if (pt->ns_rows <= 1 || pt->ns_cols <= 1) { chisq[0] = chisq[1] = SYSMIS; return; } for (r = 0; r < pt->n_rows; r++) for (c = 0; c < pt->n_cols; c++) { const double expected = pt->row_tot[r] * pt->col_tot[c] / pt->total; const double freq = pt->mat[pt->n_cols * r + c]; const double residual = freq - expected; chisq[0] += residual * residual / expected; if (freq) chisq[1] += freq * log (expected / freq); } if (chisq[0] == 0.) chisq[0] = SYSMIS; if (chisq[1] != 0.) chisq[1] *= -2.; else chisq[1] = SYSMIS; /* Calculate Yates and Fisher exact test. */ if (pt->ns_cols == 2 && pt->ns_rows == 2) { double f11, f12, f21, f22; { int nz_cols[2]; int i, j; for (i = j = 0; i < pt->n_cols; i++) if (pt->col_tot[i] != 0.) { nz_cols[j++] = i; if (j == 2) break; } assert (j == 2); f11 = pt->mat[nz_cols[0]]; f12 = pt->mat[nz_cols[1]]; f21 = pt->mat[nz_cols[0] + pt->n_cols]; f22 = pt->mat[nz_cols[1] + pt->n_cols]; } /* Yates. */ { const double pt_ = fabs (f11 * f22 - f12 * f21) - 0.5 * pt->total; if (pt_ > 0.) chisq[3] = (pt->total * pow2 (pt_) / (f11 + f12) / (f21 + f22) / (f11 + f21) / (f12 + f22)); else chisq[3] = 0.; df[3] = 1.; } /* Fisher. */ calc_fisher (f11 + .5, f12 + .5, f21 + .5, f22 + .5, fisher1, fisher2); } /* Calculate Mantel-Haenszel. */ if (var_is_numeric (pt->vars[ROW_VAR]) && var_is_numeric (pt->vars[COL_VAR])) { double r, ase_0, ase_1; calc_r (pt, (double *) pt->rows, (double *) pt->cols, &r, &ase_0, &ase_1); chisq[4] = (pt->total - 1.) * r * r; df[4] = 1; } } /* Calculate the value of Pearson's r. r is stored into R, its T value into T, and standard error into ERROR. The row and column values must be passed in PT and Y. */ static void calc_r (struct pivot_table *pt, double *PT, double *Y, double *r, double *t, double *error) { double SX, SY, S, T; double Xbar, Ybar; double sum_XYf, sum_X2Y2f; double sum_Xr, sum_X2r; double sum_Yc, sum_Y2c; int i, j; for (sum_X2Y2f = sum_XYf = 0., i = 0; i < pt->n_rows; i++) for (j = 0; j < pt->n_cols; j++) { double fij = pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols]; double product = PT[i] * Y[j]; double temp = fij * product; sum_XYf += temp; sum_X2Y2f += temp * product; } for (sum_Xr = sum_X2r = 0., i = 0; i < pt->n_rows; i++) { sum_Xr += PT[i] * pt->row_tot[i]; sum_X2r += pow2 (PT[i]) * pt->row_tot[i]; } Xbar = sum_Xr / pt->total; for (sum_Yc = sum_Y2c = 0., i = 0; i < pt->n_cols; i++) { sum_Yc += Y[i] * pt->col_tot[i]; sum_Y2c += Y[i] * Y[i] * pt->col_tot[i]; } Ybar = sum_Yc / pt->total; S = sum_XYf - sum_Xr * sum_Yc / pt->total; SX = sum_X2r - pow2 (sum_Xr) / pt->total; SY = sum_Y2c - pow2 (sum_Yc) / pt->total; T = sqrt (SX * SY); *r = S / T; *t = *r / sqrt (1 - pow2 (*r)) * sqrt (pt->total - 2); { double s, c, y, t; for (s = c = 0., i = 0; i < pt->n_rows; i++) for (j = 0; j < pt->n_cols; j++) { double Xresid, Yresid; double temp; Xresid = PT[i] - Xbar; Yresid = Y[j] - Ybar; temp = (T * Xresid * Yresid - ((S / (2. * T)) * (Xresid * Xresid * SY + Yresid * Yresid * SX))); y = pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols] * temp * temp - c; t = s + y; c = (t - s) - y; s = t; } *error = sqrt (s) / (T * T); } } /* Calculate symmetric statistics and their asymptotic standard errors. Returns 0 if none could be calculated. */ static int calc_symmetric (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct pivot_table *pt, double v[N_SYMMETRIC], double ase[N_SYMMETRIC], double t[N_SYMMETRIC], double somers_d_v[3], double somers_d_ase[3], double somers_d_t[3]) { int q, i; q = MIN (pt->ns_rows, pt->ns_cols); if (q <= 1) return 0; for (i = 0; i < N_SYMMETRIC; i++) v[i] = ase[i] = t[i] = SYSMIS; /* Phi, Cramer's V, contingency coefficient. */ if (proc->statistics & ((1u << CRS_ST_PHI) | (1u << CRS_ST_CC))) { double Xp = 0.; /* Pearson chi-square. */ int r, c; for (r = 0; r < pt->n_rows; r++) for (c = 0; c < pt->n_cols; c++) { const double expected = pt->row_tot[r] * pt->col_tot[c] / pt->total; const double freq = pt->mat[pt->n_cols * r + c]; const double residual = freq - expected; Xp += residual * residual / expected; } if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_PHI)) { v[0] = sqrt (Xp / pt->total); v[1] = sqrt (Xp / (pt->total * (q - 1))); } if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_CC)) v[2] = sqrt (Xp / (Xp + pt->total)); } if (proc->statistics & ((1u << CRS_ST_BTAU) | (1u << CRS_ST_CTAU) | (1u << CRS_ST_GAMMA) | (1u << CRS_ST_D))) { double *cum; double Dr, Dc; double P, Q; double btau_cum, ctau_cum, gamma_cum, d_yx_cum, d_xy_cum; double btau_var; int r, c; Dr = Dc = pow2 (pt->total); for (r = 0; r < pt->n_rows; r++) Dr -= pow2 (pt->row_tot[r]); for (c = 0; c < pt->n_cols; c++) Dc -= pow2 (pt->col_tot[c]); cum = xnmalloc (pt->n_cols * pt->n_rows, sizeof *cum); for (c = 0; c < pt->n_cols; c++) { double ct = 0.; for (r = 0; r < pt->n_rows; r++) cum[c + r * pt->n_cols] = ct += pt->mat[c + r * pt->n_cols]; } /* P and Q. */ { int i, j; double Cij, Dij; P = Q = 0.; for (i = 0; i < pt->n_rows; i++) { Cij = Dij = 0.; for (j = 1; j < pt->n_cols; j++) Cij += pt->col_tot[j] - cum[j + i * pt->n_cols]; if (i > 0) for (j = 1; j < pt->n_cols; j++) Dij += cum[j + (i - 1) * pt->n_cols]; for (j = 0;;) { double fij = pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols]; P += fij * Cij; Q += fij * Dij; if (++j == pt->n_cols) break; assert (j < pt->n_cols); Cij -= pt->col_tot[j] - cum[j + i * pt->n_cols]; Dij += pt->col_tot[j - 1] - cum[j - 1 + i * pt->n_cols]; if (i > 0) { Cij += cum[j - 1 + (i - 1) * pt->n_cols]; Dij -= cum[j + (i - 1) * pt->n_cols]; } } } } if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_BTAU)) v[3] = (P - Q) / sqrt (Dr * Dc); if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_CTAU)) v[4] = (q * (P - Q)) / (pow2 (pt->total) * (q - 1)); if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_GAMMA)) v[5] = (P - Q) / (P + Q); /* ASE for tau-b, tau-c, gamma. Calculations could be eliminated here, at expense of memory. */ { int i, j; double Cij, Dij; btau_cum = ctau_cum = gamma_cum = d_yx_cum = d_xy_cum = 0.; for (i = 0; i < pt->n_rows; i++) { Cij = Dij = 0.; for (j = 1; j < pt->n_cols; j++) Cij += pt->col_tot[j] - cum[j + i * pt->n_cols]; if (i > 0) for (j = 1; j < pt->n_cols; j++) Dij += cum[j + (i - 1) * pt->n_cols]; for (j = 0;;) { double fij = pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols]; if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_BTAU)) { const double temp = (2. * sqrt (Dr * Dc) * (Cij - Dij) + v[3] * (pt->row_tot[i] * Dc + pt->col_tot[j] * Dr)); btau_cum += fij * temp * temp; } { const double temp = Cij - Dij; ctau_cum += fij * temp * temp; } if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_GAMMA)) { const double temp = Q * Cij - P * Dij; gamma_cum += fij * temp * temp; } if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_D)) { d_yx_cum += fij * pow2 (Dr * (Cij - Dij) - (P - Q) * (pt->total - pt->row_tot[i])); d_xy_cum += fij * pow2 (Dc * (Dij - Cij) - (Q - P) * (pt->total - pt->col_tot[j])); } if (++j == pt->n_cols) break; assert (j < pt->n_cols); Cij -= pt->col_tot[j] - cum[j + i * pt->n_cols]; Dij += pt->col_tot[j - 1] - cum[j - 1 + i * pt->n_cols]; if (i > 0) { Cij += cum[j - 1 + (i - 1) * pt->n_cols]; Dij -= cum[j + (i - 1) * pt->n_cols]; } } } } btau_var = ((btau_cum - (pt->total * pow2 (pt->total * (P - Q) / sqrt (Dr * Dc) * (Dr + Dc)))) / pow2 (Dr * Dc)); if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_BTAU)) { ase[3] = sqrt (btau_var); t[3] = v[3] / (2 * sqrt ((ctau_cum - (P - Q) * (P - Q) / pt->total) / (Dr * Dc))); } if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_CTAU)) { ase[4] = ((2 * q / ((q - 1) * pow2 (pt->total))) * sqrt (ctau_cum - (P - Q) * (P - Q) / pt->total)); t[4] = v[4] / ase[4]; } if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_GAMMA)) { ase[5] = ((4. / ((P + Q) * (P + Q))) * sqrt (gamma_cum)); t[5] = v[5] / (2. / (P + Q) * sqrt (ctau_cum - (P - Q) * (P - Q) / pt->total)); } if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_D)) { somers_d_v[0] = (P - Q) / (.5 * (Dc + Dr)); somers_d_ase[0] = SYSMIS; somers_d_t[0] = (somers_d_v[0] / (4 / (Dc + Dr) * sqrt (ctau_cum - pow2 (P - Q) / pt->total))); somers_d_v[1] = (P - Q) / Dc; somers_d_ase[1] = 2. / pow2 (Dc) * sqrt (d_xy_cum); somers_d_t[1] = (somers_d_v[1] / (2. / Dc * sqrt (ctau_cum - pow2 (P - Q) / pt->total))); somers_d_v[2] = (P - Q) / Dr; somers_d_ase[2] = 2. / pow2 (Dr) * sqrt (d_yx_cum); somers_d_t[2] = (somers_d_v[2] / (2. / Dr * sqrt (ctau_cum - pow2 (P - Q) / pt->total))); } free (cum); } /* Spearman correlation, Pearson's r. */ if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_CORR)) { double *R = xmalloc (sizeof *R * pt->n_rows); double *C = xmalloc (sizeof *C * pt->n_cols); { double y, t, c = 0., s = 0.; int i = 0; for (;;) { R[i] = s + (pt->row_tot[i] + 1.) / 2.; y = pt->row_tot[i] - c; t = s + y; c = (t - s) - y; s = t; if (++i == pt->n_rows) break; assert (i < pt->n_rows); } } { double y, t, c = 0., s = 0.; int j = 0; for (;;) { C[j] = s + (pt->col_tot[j] + 1.) / 2; y = pt->col_tot[j] - c; t = s + y; c = (t - s) - y; s = t; if (++j == pt->n_cols) break; assert (j < pt->n_cols); } } calc_r (pt, R, C, &v[6], &t[6], &ase[6]); free (R); free (C); calc_r (pt, (double *) pt->rows, (double *) pt->cols, &v[7], &t[7], &ase[7]); } /* Cohen's kappa. */ if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_KAPPA) && pt->ns_rows == pt->ns_cols) { double ase_under_h0; double sum_fii, sum_rici, sum_fiiri_ci, sum_fijri_ci2, sum_riciri_ci; int i, j; for (sum_fii = sum_rici = sum_fiiri_ci = sum_riciri_ci = 0., i = j = 0; i < pt->ns_rows; i++, j++) { double prod, sum; while (pt->col_tot[j] == 0.) j++; prod = pt->row_tot[i] * pt->col_tot[j]; sum = pt->row_tot[i] + pt->col_tot[j]; sum_fii += pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols]; sum_rici += prod; sum_fiiri_ci += pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols] * sum; sum_riciri_ci += prod * sum; } for (sum_fijri_ci2 = 0., i = 0; i < pt->ns_rows; i++) for (j = 0; j < pt->ns_cols; j++) { double sum = pt->row_tot[i] + pt->col_tot[j]; sum_fijri_ci2 += pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols] * sum * sum; } v[8] = (pt->total * sum_fii - sum_rici) / (pow2 (pt->total) - sum_rici); ase_under_h0 = sqrt ((pow2 (pt->total) * sum_rici + sum_rici * sum_rici - pt->total * sum_riciri_ci) / (pt->total * (pow2 (pt->total) - sum_rici) * (pow2 (pt->total) - sum_rici))); ase[8] = sqrt (pt->total * (((sum_fii * (pt->total - sum_fii)) / pow2 (pow2 (pt->total) - sum_rici)) + ((2. * (pt->total - sum_fii) * (2. * sum_fii * sum_rici - pt->total * sum_fiiri_ci)) / pow3 (pow2 (pt->total) - sum_rici)) + (pow2 (pt->total - sum_fii) * (pt->total * sum_fijri_ci2 - 4. * sum_rici * sum_rici) / pow4 (pow2 (pt->total) - sum_rici)))); t[8] = v[8] / ase_under_h0; } return 1; } /* Calculate risk estimate. */ static int calc_risk (struct pivot_table *pt, double *value, double *upper, double *lower, union value *c) { double f11, f12, f21, f22; double v; { int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) value[i] = upper[i] = lower[i] = SYSMIS; } if (pt->ns_rows != 2 || pt->ns_cols != 2) return 0; { int nz_cols[2]; int i, j; for (i = j = 0; i < pt->n_cols; i++) if (pt->col_tot[i] != 0.) { nz_cols[j++] = i; if (j == 2) break; } assert (j == 2); f11 = pt->mat[nz_cols[0]]; f12 = pt->mat[nz_cols[1]]; f21 = pt->mat[nz_cols[0] + pt->n_cols]; f22 = pt->mat[nz_cols[1] + pt->n_cols]; c[0] = pt->cols[nz_cols[0]]; c[1] = pt->cols[nz_cols[1]]; } value[0] = (f11 * f22) / (f12 * f21); v = sqrt (1. / f11 + 1. / f12 + 1. / f21 + 1. / f22); lower[0] = value[0] * exp (-1.960 * v); upper[0] = value[0] * exp (1.960 * v); value[1] = (f11 * (f21 + f22)) / (f21 * (f11 + f12)); v = sqrt ((f12 / (f11 * (f11 + f12))) + (f22 / (f21 * (f21 + f22)))); lower[1] = value[1] * exp (-1.960 * v); upper[1] = value[1] * exp (1.960 * v); value[2] = (f12 * (f21 + f22)) / (f22 * (f11 + f12)); v = sqrt ((f11 / (f12 * (f11 + f12))) + (f21 / (f22 * (f21 + f22)))); lower[2] = value[2] * exp (-1.960 * v); upper[2] = value[2] * exp (1.960 * v); return 1; } /* Calculate directional measures. */ static int calc_directional (struct crosstabs_proc *proc, struct pivot_table *pt, double v[N_DIRECTIONAL], double ase[N_DIRECTIONAL], double t[N_DIRECTIONAL], double sig[N_DIRECTIONAL]) { { int i; for (i = 0; i < N_DIRECTIONAL; i++) v[i] = ase[i] = t[i] = sig[i] = SYSMIS; } /* Lambda. */ if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_LAMBDA)) { double *fim = xnmalloc (pt->n_rows, sizeof *fim); int *fim_index = xnmalloc (pt->n_rows, sizeof *fim_index); double *fmj = xnmalloc (pt->n_cols, sizeof *fmj); int *fmj_index = xnmalloc (pt->n_cols, sizeof *fmj_index); double sum_fim, sum_fmj; double rm, cm; int rm_index, cm_index; int i, j; /* Find maximum for each row and their sum. */ for (sum_fim = 0., i = 0; i < pt->n_rows; i++) { double max = pt->mat[i * pt->n_cols]; int index = 0; for (j = 1; j < pt->n_cols; j++) if (pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols] > max) { max = pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols]; index = j; } sum_fim += fim[i] = max; fim_index[i] = index; } /* Find maximum for each column. */ for (sum_fmj = 0., j = 0; j < pt->n_cols; j++) { double max = pt->mat[j]; int index = 0; for (i = 1; i < pt->n_rows; i++) if (pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols] > max) { max = pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols]; index = i; } sum_fmj += fmj[j] = max; fmj_index[j] = index; } /* Find maximum row total. */ rm = pt->row_tot[0]; rm_index = 0; for (i = 1; i < pt->n_rows; i++) if (pt->row_tot[i] > rm) { rm = pt->row_tot[i]; rm_index = i; } /* Find maximum column total. */ cm = pt->col_tot[0]; cm_index = 0; for (j = 1; j < pt->n_cols; j++) if (pt->col_tot[j] > cm) { cm = pt->col_tot[j]; cm_index = j; } v[0] = (sum_fim + sum_fmj - cm - rm) / (2. * pt->total - rm - cm); v[1] = (sum_fmj - rm) / (pt->total - rm); v[2] = (sum_fim - cm) / (pt->total - cm); /* ASE1 for Y given PT. */ { double accum; accum = 0.; for (i = 0; i < pt->n_rows; i++) if (cm_index == fim_index[i]) accum += fim[i]; ase[2] = sqrt ((pt->total - sum_fim) * (sum_fim + cm - 2. * accum) / pow3 (pt->total - cm)); } /* ASE0 for Y given PT. */ { double accum; for (accum = 0., i = 0; i < pt->n_rows; i++) if (cm_index != fim_index[i]) accum += (pt->mat[i * pt->n_cols + fim_index[i]] + pt->mat[i * pt->n_cols + cm_index]); t[2] = v[2] / (sqrt (accum - pow2 (sum_fim - cm) / pt->total) / (pt->total - cm)); } /* ASE1 for PT given Y. */ { double accum; accum = 0.; for (j = 0; j < pt->n_cols; j++) if (rm_index == fmj_index[j]) accum += fmj[j]; ase[1] = sqrt ((pt->total - sum_fmj) * (sum_fmj + rm - 2. * accum) / pow3 (pt->total - rm)); } /* ASE0 for PT given Y. */ { double accum; for (accum = 0., j = 0; j < pt->n_cols; j++) if (rm_index != fmj_index[j]) accum += (pt->mat[j + pt->n_cols * fmj_index[j]] + pt->mat[j + pt->n_cols * rm_index]); t[1] = v[1] / (sqrt (accum - pow2 (sum_fmj - rm) / pt->total) / (pt->total - rm)); } /* Symmetric ASE0 and ASE1. */ { double accum0; double accum1; for (accum0 = accum1 = 0., i = 0; i < pt->n_rows; i++) for (j = 0; j < pt->n_cols; j++) { int temp0 = (fmj_index[j] == i) + (fim_index[i] == j); int temp1 = (i == rm_index) + (j == cm_index); accum0 += pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols] * pow2 (temp0 - temp1); accum1 += (pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols] * pow2 (temp0 + (v[0] - 1.) * temp1)); } ase[0] = sqrt (accum1 - 4. * pt->total * v[0] * v[0]) / (2. * pt->total - rm - cm); t[0] = v[0] / (sqrt (accum0 - pow2 (sum_fim + sum_fmj - cm - rm) / pt->total) / (2. * pt->total - rm - cm)); } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) sig[i] = 2 * gsl_cdf_ugaussian_Q (t[i]); free (fim); free (fim_index); free (fmj); free (fmj_index); /* Tau. */ { double sum_fij2_ri, sum_fij2_ci; double sum_ri2, sum_cj2; for (sum_fij2_ri = sum_fij2_ci = 0., i = 0; i < pt->n_rows; i++) for (j = 0; j < pt->n_cols; j++) { double temp = pow2 (pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols]); sum_fij2_ri += temp / pt->row_tot[i]; sum_fij2_ci += temp / pt->col_tot[j]; } for (sum_ri2 = 0., i = 0; i < pt->n_rows; i++) sum_ri2 += pow2 (pt->row_tot[i]); for (sum_cj2 = 0., j = 0; j < pt->n_cols; j++) sum_cj2 += pow2 (pt->col_tot[j]); v[3] = (pt->total * sum_fij2_ci - sum_ri2) / (pow2 (pt->total) - sum_ri2); v[4] = (pt->total * sum_fij2_ri - sum_cj2) / (pow2 (pt->total) - sum_cj2); } } if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_UC)) { double UX, UY, UXY, P; double ase1_yx, ase1_xy, ase1_sym; int i, j; for (UX = 0., i = 0; i < pt->n_rows; i++) if (pt->row_tot[i] > 0.) UX -= pt->row_tot[i] / pt->total * log (pt->row_tot[i] / pt->total); for (UY = 0., j = 0; j < pt->n_cols; j++) if (pt->col_tot[j] > 0.) UY -= pt->col_tot[j] / pt->total * log (pt->col_tot[j] / pt->total); for (UXY = P = 0., i = 0; i < pt->n_rows; i++) for (j = 0; j < pt->n_cols; j++) { double entry = pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols]; if (entry <= 0.) continue; P += entry * pow2 (log (pt->col_tot[j] * pt->row_tot[i] / (pt->total * entry))); UXY -= entry / pt->total * log (entry / pt->total); } for (ase1_yx = ase1_xy = ase1_sym = 0., i = 0; i < pt->n_rows; i++) for (j = 0; j < pt->n_cols; j++) { double entry = pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols]; if (entry <= 0.) continue; ase1_yx += entry * pow2 (UY * log (entry / pt->row_tot[i]) + (UX - UXY) * log (pt->col_tot[j] / pt->total)); ase1_xy += entry * pow2 (UX * log (entry / pt->col_tot[j]) + (UY - UXY) * log (pt->row_tot[i] / pt->total)); ase1_sym += entry * pow2 ((UXY * log (pt->row_tot[i] * pt->col_tot[j] / pow2 (pt->total))) - (UX + UY) * log (entry / pt->total)); } v[5] = 2. * ((UX + UY - UXY) / (UX + UY)); ase[5] = (2. / (pt->total * pow2 (UX + UY))) * sqrt (ase1_sym); t[5] = SYSMIS; v[6] = (UX + UY - UXY) / UX; ase[6] = sqrt (ase1_xy) / (pt->total * UX * UX); t[6] = v[6] / (sqrt (P - pt->total * pow2 (UX + UY - UXY)) / (pt->total * UX)); v[7] = (UX + UY - UXY) / UY; ase[7] = sqrt (ase1_yx) / (pt->total * UY * UY); t[7] = v[7] / (sqrt (P - pt->total * pow2 (UX + UY - UXY)) / (pt->total * UY)); } /* Somers' D. */ if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_D)) { double v_dummy[N_SYMMETRIC]; double ase_dummy[N_SYMMETRIC]; double t_dummy[N_SYMMETRIC]; double somers_d_v[3]; double somers_d_ase[3]; double somers_d_t[3]; if (calc_symmetric (proc, pt, v_dummy, ase_dummy, t_dummy, somers_d_v, somers_d_ase, somers_d_t)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { v[8 + i] = somers_d_v[i]; ase[8 + i] = somers_d_ase[i]; t[8 + i] = somers_d_t[i]; sig[8 + i] = 2 * gsl_cdf_ugaussian_Q (fabs (somers_d_t[i])); } } } /* Eta. */ if (proc->statistics & (1u << CRS_ST_ETA)) { { double sum_Xr, sum_X2r; double SX, SXW; int i, j; for (sum_Xr = sum_X2r = 0., i = 0; i < pt->n_rows; i++) { sum_Xr += pt->rows[i].f * pt->row_tot[i]; sum_X2r += pow2 (pt->rows[i].f) * pt->row_tot[i]; } SX = sum_X2r - pow2 (sum_Xr) / pt->total; for (SXW = 0., j = 0; j < pt->n_cols; j++) { double cum; for (cum = 0., i = 0; i < pt->n_rows; i++) { SXW += pow2 (pt->rows[i].f) * pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols]; cum += pt->rows[i].f * pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols]; } SXW -= cum * cum / pt->col_tot[j]; } v[11] = sqrt (1. - SXW / SX); } { double sum_Yc, sum_Y2c; double SY, SYW; int i, j; for (sum_Yc = sum_Y2c = 0., i = 0; i < pt->n_cols; i++) { sum_Yc += pt->cols[i].f * pt->col_tot[i]; sum_Y2c += pow2 (pt->cols[i].f) * pt->col_tot[i]; } SY = sum_Y2c - sum_Yc * sum_Yc / pt->total; for (SYW = 0., i = 0; i < pt->n_rows; i++) { double cum; for (cum = 0., j = 0; j < pt->n_cols; j++) { SYW += pow2 (pt->cols[j].f) * pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols]; cum += pt->cols[j].f * pt->mat[j + i * pt->n_cols]; } SYW -= cum * cum / pt->row_tot[i]; } v[12] = sqrt (1. - SYW / SY); } } return 1; } /* Local Variables: mode: c End: */