// -*- c -*- // // PSPP - a program for statistical analysis. // Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . operator NEG (x) = -x; operator ADD (a, b) = a + b; operator SUB (a, b) = a - b; absorb_miss operator MUL (a, b) = (a == 0. || b == 0. ? 0. : a == SYSMIS || b == SYSMIS ? SYSMIS : a * b); absorb_miss operator DIV (a, b) = (a == 0. ? 0. : a == SYSMIS || b == SYSMIS ? SYSMIS : a / b); absorb_miss operator POW (a, b) = (a == SYSMIS ? (b == 0. ? 1. : a) : b == SYSMIS ? (a == 0. ? 0. : SYSMIS) : a == 0. && b <= 0. ? SYSMIS : pow (a, b)); absorb_miss boolean operator AND (boolean a, boolean b) = (a == 0. ? 0. : b == 0. ? 0. : b == SYSMIS ? SYSMIS : a); absorb_miss boolean operator OR (boolean a, boolean b) = (a == 1. ? 1. : b == 1. ? 1. : b == SYSMIS ? SYSMIS : a); boolean operator NOT (boolean a) = (a == 0. ? 1. : a == 1. ? 0. : SYSMIS); // Numeric relational operators. boolean operator EQ (a, b) = a == b; boolean operator GE (a, b) = a >= b; boolean operator GT (a, b) = a > b; boolean operator LE (a, b) = a <= b; boolean operator LT (a, b) = a < b; boolean operator NE (a, b) = a != b; // String relational operators. boolean operator EQ_STRING (string a, string b) = compare_string_3way (&a, &b) == 0; boolean operator GE_STRING (string a, string b) = compare_string_3way (&a, &b) >= 0; boolean operator GT_STRING (string a, string b) = compare_string_3way (&a, &b) > 0; boolean operator LE_STRING (string a, string b) = compare_string_3way (&a, &b) <= 0; boolean operator LT_STRING (string a, string b) = compare_string_3way (&a, &b) < 0; boolean operator NE_STRING (string a, string b) = compare_string_3way (&a, &b) != 0; // Unary functions. function ABS (x) = fabs (x); extension function ACOS (x >= -1 && x <= 1) = acos (x); function ASIN (x >= -1 && x <= 1) = asin (x); function ATAN (x) = atan (x); extension function ARCOS (x >= -1 && x <= 1) = acos (x); function ARSIN (x >= -1 && x <= 1) = asin (x); function ARTAN (x) = atan (x); function COS (x) = cos (x); function EXP (x) = check_errno (exp (x)); function LG10(x) = check_errno (log10 (x)); function LN (x) = check_errno (log (x)); function LNGAMMA (x >= 0) = gsl_sf_lngamma (x); function MOD10 (x) = fmod (x, 10); function RND (x) = round_nearest (x, 1, 0); function RND (x, mult != 0) = round_nearest (x, mult, 0); function RND (x, mult != 0, fuzzbits >= 0) = round_nearest (x, mult, fuzzbits); function SIN (x) = sin (x); function SQRT (x >= 0) = sqrt (x); function TAN (x) = check_errno (tan (x)); function TRUNC (x) = round_zero (x, 1, 0); function TRUNC (x, mult != 0) = round_zero (x, mult, 0); function TRUNC (x, mult != 0, fuzzbits >= 0) = round_zero (x, mult, fuzzbits); absorb_miss function MOD (n, d) { if (d != SYSMIS) return n != SYSMIS ? fmod (n, d) : SYSMIS; else return n != 0. ? SYSMIS : 0.; } // N-ary numeric functions. absorb_miss boolean function ANY (x, a[n]) { double retval = SYSMIS; if (x != SYSMIS) { for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) if (a[i] == x) return 1.; else if (a[i] != SYSMIS) retval = 0.; } return retval; } boolean function ANY (string x, string a[n]) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (!compare_string_3way (&x, &a[i])) return 1.; return 0.; } function CFVAR.2 (a[n]) { double mean, variance; moments_of_doubles (a, n, NULL, &mean, &variance, NULL, NULL); if (mean == SYSMIS || mean == 0 || variance == SYSMIS) return SYSMIS; else return sqrt (variance) / mean; } function MAX.1 (a[n]) { double max; size_t i; max = -DBL_MAX; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (a[i] != SYSMIS && a[i] > max) max = a[i]; return max; } string function MAX (string a[n]) { struct substring *max; size_t i; max = &a[0]; for (i = 1; i < n; i++) if (compare_string_3way (&a[i], max) > 0) max = &a[i]; return *max; } function MEAN.1 (a[n]) { double mean; moments_of_doubles (a, n, NULL, &mean, NULL, NULL, NULL); return mean; } function MEDIAN.1 (a[n]) { return median (a, n); } function MIN.1 (a[n]) { double min; size_t i; min = DBL_MAX; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (a[i] != SYSMIS && a[i] < min) min = a[i]; return min; } string function MIN (string a[n]) { struct substring *min; size_t i; min = &a[0]; for (i = 1; i < n; i++) if (compare_string_3way (&a[i], min) < 0) min = &a[i]; return *min; } absorb_miss function NMISS (a[n]) { size_t n_missings = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) n_missings += a[i] == SYSMIS; return n_missings; } absorb_miss function NVALID (a[n]) { size_t n_valids = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) n_valids += a[i] != SYSMIS; return n_valids; } absorb_miss boolean function RANGE (x != SYSMIS, a[n*2]) { bool found = false; bool valid = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { double w = a[2 * i]; double y = a[2 * i + 1]; if (w != SYSMIS && y != SYSMIS) { if (w <= x && x <= y) found = true; else if (w <= y) valid = true; else return SYSMIS; } } return found ? true : valid ? false : SYSMIS; } boolean function RANGE (string x, string a[n*2]) { bool found = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { struct substring *w = &a[2 * i]; struct substring *y = &a[2 * i + 1]; if (compare_string_3way (w, &x) <= 0 && compare_string_3way (&x, y) <= 0) found = true; else if (compare_string_3way (w, y) > 0) return SYSMIS; } return found; } function SD.2 (a[n]) { double variance; moments_of_doubles (a, n, NULL, NULL, &variance, NULL, NULL); return sqrt (variance); } function SUM.1 (a[n]) { double sum; size_t i; sum = 0.; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (a[i] != SYSMIS) sum += a[i]; return sum; } function VARIANCE.2 (a[n]) { double variance; moments_of_doubles (a, n, NULL, NULL, &variance, NULL, NULL); return variance; } // Time construction & extraction functions. function TIME.HMS (h, m, s) expression e; expr_node n; { if ((h > 0. || m > 0. || s > 0.) && (h < 0. || m < 0. || s < 0.)) { msg_at (SW, expr_location (e, n), _("TIME.HMS cannot accept a mix of positive and negative " "arguments.")); double args[] = { h, m, s }; for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (args[i] > 0) msg_at (SN, expr_location (e, n->args[i]), _("This argument has positive value %g."), args[i]); else if (args[i] < 0) msg_at (SN, expr_location (e, n->args[i]), _("This argument has negative value %g."), args[i]); return SYSMIS; } else return H_S * h + MIN_S * m + s; } function TIME.DAYS (days) = days * DAY_S; function CTIME.DAYS (time) = time / DAY_S; function CTIME.HOURS (time) = time / H_S; function CTIME.MINUTES (time) = time / MIN_S; function CTIME.SECONDS (time) = time; // Date construction functions. function DATE.DMY (integer d, integer m, integer y) expression e; expr_node n; = expr_ymd_to_date (y, m, d, e, n, 3, 2, 1); function DATE.MDY (integer m, integer d, integer y) expression e; expr_node n; = expr_ymd_to_date (y, m, d, e, n, 3, 1, 2); function DATE.MOYR (integer m, integer y) expression e; expr_node n; = expr_ymd_to_date (y, m, 1, e, n, 2, 1, 0); function DATE.QYR (integer q, integer y) expression e; expr_node n; { if (q < 1 || q > 4) { msg_at (SW, expr_location (e, n->args[0]), _("Argument 1 to DATE.QYR must be 1, 2, 3, or 4 (not %d)."), q); return SYSMIS; } return expr_ymd_to_date (y, q * 3 - 2, 1, e, n, 2, 0, 0); } function DATE.WKYR (integer w, integer y) expression e; expr_node n; { if (w < 1 || w > 53) { msg_at (SE, expr_location (e, n->args[0]), _("The week argument to DATE.WKYR is outside the acceptable " "range of 1 to 53. The result will be system-missing.")); return SYSMIS; } else { double yr_1_1 = expr_ymd_to_ofs (y, 1, 1, e, n, 2, 0, 0); if (yr_1_1 != SYSMIS) return DAY_S * (yr_1_1 + WEEK_DAY * (w - 1)); else return SYSMIS; } } function DATE.YRDAY (integer y, integer yd) expression e; expr_node n; { if (yd < 1 || yd > 366) { msg_at (SE, expr_location (e, n->args[1]), _("The value %d as day argument to DATE.YRDAY is outside the " "acceptable range of 1 to 366. " "The result will be system-missing."), yd); return SYSMIS; } else { double yr_1_1 = expr_ymd_to_ofs (y, 1, 1, e, n, 1, 0, 0); if (yr_1_1 != SYSMIS) return DAY_S * (yr_1_1 + yd - 1.); else return SYSMIS; } } function YRMODA (integer y, integer m, integer d) expression e; expr_node n; { if (y >= 0 && y <= 99) y += 1900; else if (y > 47516) { msg_at (SE, expr_location (e, n->args[0]), _("The year argument to YRMODA is greater than 47516. " "The result will be system-missing.")); return SYSMIS; } return expr_ymd_to_ofs (y, m, d, e, n, 1, 2, 3); } // Date extraction functions. function XDATE.TDAY (date) = floor (date / DAY_S); function XDATE.HOUR (date) = fmod (floor (date / H_S), DAY_H); function XDATE.MINUTE (date) = fmod (floor (date / H_MIN), H_MIN); function XDATE.SECOND (date) = fmod (date, MIN_S); function XDATE.DATE (date) = floor (date / DAY_S) * DAY_S; function XDATE.TIME (date) = fmod (date, DAY_S); function XDATE.JDAY (date >= DAY_S) = calendar_offset_to_yday (date / DAY_S); function XDATE.MDAY (date >= DAY_S) = calendar_offset_to_mday (date / DAY_S); function XDATE.MONTH (date >= DAY_S) = calendar_offset_to_month (date / DAY_S); function XDATE.QUARTER (date >= DAY_S) = (calendar_offset_to_month (date / DAY_S) - 1) / 3 + 1; function XDATE.WEEK (date >= DAY_S) = (calendar_offset_to_yday (date / DAY_S) - 1) / 7 + 1; function XDATE.WKDAY (date >= DAY_S) = calendar_offset_to_wday (date / DAY_S); function XDATE.YEAR (date >= DAY_S) = calendar_offset_to_year (date / DAY_S); // Date arithmetic functions. no_abbrev function DATEDIFF (date2 >= DAY_S, date1 >= DAY_S, string unit) expression e; expr_node n; = expr_date_difference (date1, date2, unit, e, n); no_abbrev function DATESUM (date, quantity, string unit) expression e; expr_node n; = expr_date_sum_closest (date, quantity, unit, e, n); no_abbrev function DATESUM (date, quantity, string unit, string method) expression e; expr_node n; = expr_date_sum (date, quantity, unit, method, e, n); // String functions. string function CONCAT (string a[n]) expression e; { struct substring dst; size_t i; dst = alloc_string (e, MAX_STRING); dst.length = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { struct substring *src = &a[i]; size_t copy_len; copy_len = src->length; if (dst.length + copy_len > MAX_STRING) copy_len = MAX_STRING - dst.length; memcpy (&dst.string[dst.length], src->string, copy_len); dst.length += copy_len; } return dst; } function INDEX (string haystack, string needle) { if (haystack.length >= needle.length) { size_t limit = haystack.length - needle.length + 1; for (size_t i = 1; i <= limit; i++) if (!memcmp (&haystack.string[i - 1], needle.string, needle.length)) return i; } return 0; } function INDEX (string haystack, string needles, integer needle_len) expression e; expr_node n; { if (needle_len <= 0 || needles.length % needle_len != 0) { msg_at (SE, expr_location (e, n), _("INDEX needle length argument must evenly divide the " "length of the needles argument.")); msg_at (SN, expr_location (e, n->args[1]), _("The needles argument has length %zu."), needles.length); msg_at (SN, expr_location (e, n->args[2]), _("The needle length argument has value %d."), needle_len); return SYSMIS; } if (haystack.length >= needle_len) { size_t limit = haystack.length - needle_len + 1; for (size_t i = 1; i <= limit; i++) for (size_t j = 0; j < needles.length; j += needle_len) if (!memcmp (&haystack.string[i - 1], &needles.string[j], needle_len)) return i; } return 0; } function RINDEX (string haystack, string needle) { if (haystack.length >= needle.length) { size_t limit = haystack.length - needle.length + 1; for (size_t i = limit; i >= 1; i--) if (!memcmp (&haystack.string[i - 1], needle.string, needle.length)) return i; } return 0; } function RINDEX (string haystack, string needles, integer needle_len) expression e; expr_node n; { if (needle_len <= 0 || needles.length % needle_len != 0) { msg_at (SE, expr_location (e, n), _("RINDEX needle length argument must evenly divide the " "length of the needles argument.")); msg_at (SN, expr_location (e, n->args[1]), _("The needles argument has length %zu."), needles.length); msg_at (SN, expr_location (e, n->args[2]), _("The needle length argument has value %d."), needle_len); return SYSMIS; } if (haystack.length >= needle_len) { size_t limit = haystack.length - needle_len + 1; for (size_t i = limit; i >= 1; i--) for (size_t j = 0; j < needles.length; j += needle_len) if (!memcmp (&haystack.string[i - 1], &needles.string[j], needle_len)) return i; } return 0; } function LENGTH (string s) { return s.length; } string function LOWER (string s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) s.string[i] = tolower ((unsigned char) s.string[i]); return s; } function MBLEN.BYTE (string s, idx) { if (idx < 0 || idx >= s.length || (int) idx != idx) return SYSMIS; else return 1; } string function UPCASE (string s) { int i; for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) s.string[i] = toupper ((unsigned char) s.string[i]); return s; } absorb_miss string function LPAD (string s, integer n) expression e; expr_node node; { if (n < 0 || n > MAX_STRING) { if (n != INT_MIN) { msg_at (SE, expr_location (e, node), _("The length argument to LPAD must be between 0 and %d."), MAX_STRING); msg_at (SN, expr_location (e, node->args[1]), _("The length argument is %d."), n); } return s; } else if (s.length >= n) return s; else { struct substring t = alloc_string (e, n); size_t pad = n - s.length; memset (t.string, ' ', pad); memcpy (&t.string[pad], s.string, s.length); return t; } } absorb_miss string function LPAD (string s, integer n, string c) expression e; expr_node node; { if (n < 0 || n > MAX_STRING) { if (n != INT_MIN) { msg_at (SE, expr_location (e, node), _("The length argument to LPAD must be between 0 and %d."), MAX_STRING); msg_at (SN, expr_location (e, node->args[1]), _("The length argument is %d."), n); } return s; } else if (s.length >= n) return s; else if (c.length == 0) { msg_at (SE, expr_location (e, node), _("The padding argument to LPAD must not be an empty string.")); return s; } else { size_t n_pad = (n - s.length) / c.length; if (!n_pad) return s; struct substring t = alloc_string (e, n); t.length = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < n_pad; i++) { memcpy (t.string + t.length, c.string, c.length); t.length += c.length; } memcpy (t.string + t.length, s.string, s.length); t.length += s.length; return t; } } string function REPLACE (string haystack, string needle, string replacement) expression e; = replace_string (e, haystack, needle, replacement, INT_MAX); absorb_miss string function REPLACE (string haystack, string needle, string replacement, integer n) expression e; = replace_string (e, haystack, needle, replacement, n); absorb_miss string function RPAD (string s, integer n) expression e; expr_node node; { if (n < 0 || n > MAX_STRING) { if (n != INT_MIN) { msg_at (SE, expr_location (e, node), _("The length argument to RPAD must be between 0 and %d."), MAX_STRING); msg_at (SN, expr_location (e, node->args[1]), _("The length argument is %d."), n); } return s; } else if (s.length >= n) return s; else { struct substring t = alloc_string (e, n); size_t pad = n - s.length; memcpy (t.string, s.string, s.length); memset (t.string + s.length, ' ', pad); return t; } } absorb_miss string function RPAD (string s, integer n, string c) expression e; expr_node node; { if (n < 0 || n > MAX_STRING) { if (n != INT_MIN) { msg_at (SE, expr_location (e, node), _("The length argument to RPAD must be between 0 and %d."), MAX_STRING); msg_at (SN, expr_location (e, node->args[1]), _("The length argument is %d."), n); } return s; } else if (s.length >= n) return s; else if (c.length == 0) { msg_at (SE, expr_location (e, node), _("The padding argument to RPAD must not be an empty string.")); return s; } else { size_t n_pad = (n - s.length) / c.length; if (!n_pad) return s; struct substring t = alloc_string (e, n); memcpy (t.string, s.string, s.length); t.length = s.length; for (size_t i = 0; i < n_pad; i++) { memcpy (t.string + t.length, c.string, c.length); t.length += c.length; } return t; } } string function LTRIM (string s) { while (s.length > 0 && s.string[0] == ' ') { s.length--; s.string++; } return s; } string function LTRIM (string s, string c) { if (c.length > 0) while (s.length >= c.length && !memcmp (s.string, c.string, c.length)) { s.length -= c.length; s.string += c.length; } return s; } string function RTRIM (string s) { while (s.length > 0 && s.string[s.length - 1] == ' ') s.length--; return s; } string function RTRIM (string s, string c) { if (c.length > 0) while (s.length >= c.length && !memcmp (&s.string[s.length - c.length], c.string, c.length)) s.length -= c.length; return s; } function NUMBER (string s, ni_format f) expression e; expr_node n; { if (s.length > f.w) s.length = f.w; union value out; char *error = data_in (s, C_ENCODING, f.type, settings_get_fmt_settings (), &out, 0, NULL); if (error == NULL) data_in_imply_decimals (s, C_ENCODING, f.type, f.d, settings_get_fmt_settings (), &out); else { msg_at (SE, expr_location (e, n->args[0]), _("Cannot parse \"%.*s\" as format %s: %s"), (int) s.length, s.string, fmt_name (f.type), error); free (error); } return out.f; } absorb_miss string function STRING (x, no_format f) expression e; { union value v; struct substring dst; char *s; v.f = x; assert (!fmt_is_string (f.type)); s = data_out (&v, C_ENCODING, f, settings_get_fmt_settings ()); dst = alloc_string (e, strlen (s)); strcpy (dst.string, s); free (s); return dst; } absorb_miss string function STRUNC (string s, integer n) { if (n < 1) return n == INT_MIN ? s : empty_string; if (n < s.length) s.length = n; while (s.length > 0 && s.string[s.length - 1] == ' ') s.length--; return s; } absorb_miss string function SUBSTR (string s, integer ofs) { return (ofs >= 1 && ofs <= s.length ? ss_substr (s, ofs - 1, SIZE_MAX) : empty_string); } absorb_miss string function SUBSTR (string s, integer ofs, integer len) { return (ofs >= 1 && len >= 1 ? ss_substr (s, ofs - 1, len) : empty_string); } absorb_miss no_opt no_abbrev string function VALUELABEL (var v) expression e; case c; { const char *label = var_lookup_value_label (v, case_data (c, v)); if (label != NULL) return copy_string (e, label, strlen (label)); else return empty_string; } // Artificial. operator SQUARE (x) = x * x; absorb_miss boolean operator OPERAND_TO_BOOLEAN (x, expr_node parent) expression e; expr_node n; { if (x == 0. || x == 1. || x == SYSMIS) return x; switch (parent->n_args) { case 2: msg_at (SE, expr_location (e, parent), /* TRANSLATORS: There are exactly two operands. */ _("The operands of %s must have value 0 or 1."), operations[parent->type].name); break; case 1: msg_at (SE, expr_location (e, parent), _("The operand of %s must have value 0 or 1."), operations[parent->type].name); break; default: NOT_REACHED (); } msg_at (SN, expr_location (e, n), _("This operand with unexpected value %g will be treated as 0."), x); return 0.; } absorb_miss boolean operator EXPR_TO_BOOLEAN (x) expression e; expr_node n; { if (x == 0. || x == 1. || x == SYSMIS) return x; msg_at (SE, expr_location (e, n), _("This expression, which must be 0 or 1, evaluated to %g. " "It will be treated as 0."), x); return 0.; } operator NUM_TO_INTEGER (x) expression e; expr_node n; { if (x == floor (x) && x > INT_MIN && x <= INT_MAX) return x; msg_at (SE, expr_location (e, n), _("Treating unexpected non-integer value %g as missing."), x); return SYSMIS; } operator BOOLEAN_TO_NUM (boolean x) = x; // Beta distribution. function PDF.BETA (x >= 0 && x <= 1, a > 0, b > 0) = gsl_ran_beta_pdf (x, a, b); function CDF.BETA (x >= 0 && x <= 1, a > 0, b > 0) = gsl_cdf_beta_P (x, a, b); function IDF.BETA (P >= 0 && P <= 1, a > 0, b > 0) = gsl_cdf_beta_Pinv (P, a, b); no_opt function RV.BETA (a > 0, b > 0) = gsl_ran_beta (get_rng (), a, b); function NCDF.BETA (x >= 0, a > 0, b > 0, lambda > 0) = ncdf_beta (x, a, b, lambda); function NPDF.BETA (x >= 0, a > 0, b > 0, lambda > 0) = npdf_beta (x, a, b, lambda); // Bivariate normal distribution. function CDF.BVNOR (x0, x1, r >= -1 && r <= 1) = cdf_bvnor (x0, x1, r); function PDF.BVNOR (x0, x1, r >= -1 && r <= 1) = gsl_ran_bivariate_gaussian_pdf (x0, x1, 1, 1, r); // Cauchy distribution. function CDF.CAUCHY (x, a, b > 0) = gsl_cdf_cauchy_P ((x - a) / b, 1); function IDF.CAUCHY (P > 0 && P < 1, a, b > 0) = a + b * gsl_cdf_cauchy_Pinv (P, 1); function PDF.CAUCHY (x, a, b > 0) = gsl_ran_cauchy_pdf ((x - a) / b, 1) / b; no_opt function RV.CAUCHY (a, b > 0) = a + b * gsl_ran_cauchy (get_rng (), 1); // Chi-square distribution. function CDF.CHISQ (x >= 0, df > 0) = gsl_cdf_chisq_P (x, df); function IDF.CHISQ (P >= 0 && P < 1, df > 0) = gsl_cdf_chisq_Pinv (P, df); function PDF.CHISQ (x >= 0, df > 0) = gsl_ran_chisq_pdf (x, df); no_opt function RV.CHISQ (df > 0) = gsl_ran_chisq (get_rng (), df); function NCDF.CHISQ (x >= 0, df > 0, c) = unimplemented; function NPDF.CHISQ (x >= 0, df > 0, c) = unimplemented; function SIG.CHISQ (x >= 0, df > 0) = gsl_cdf_chisq_Q (x, df); // Exponential distribution. function CDF.EXP (x >= 0, a > 0) = gsl_cdf_exponential_P (x, 1. / a); function IDF.EXP (P >= 0 && P < 1, a > 0) = gsl_cdf_exponential_Pinv (P, 1. / a); function PDF.EXP (x >= 0, a > 0) = gsl_ran_exponential_pdf (x, 1. / a); no_opt function RV.EXP (a > 0) = gsl_ran_exponential (get_rng (), 1. / a); // Exponential power distribution. extension function PDF.XPOWER (x, a > 0, b >= 0) = gsl_ran_exppow_pdf (x, a, b); no_opt extension function RV.XPOWER (a > 0, b >= 0) = gsl_ran_exppow (get_rng (), a, b); // F distribution. function CDF.F (x >= 0, df1 > 0, df2 > 0) = gsl_cdf_fdist_P (x, df1, df2); function IDF.F (P >= 0 && P < 1, df1 > 0, df2 > 0) = idf_fdist (P, df1, df2); function PDF.F (x >= 0, df1 > 0, df2 > 0) = gsl_ran_fdist_pdf (x, df1, df2); no_opt function RV.F (df1 > 0, df2 > 0) = gsl_ran_fdist (get_rng (), df1, df2); function NCDF.F (x >= 0, df1 > 0, df2 > 0, lambda >= 0) = unimplemented; function NPDF.F (x >= 0, df1 > 0, df2 > 0, lmabda >= 0) = unimplemented; function SIG.F (x >= 0, df1 > 0, df2 > 0) = gsl_cdf_fdist_Q (x, df1, df2); // Gamma distribution. function CDF.GAMMA (x >= 0, a > 0, b > 0) = gsl_cdf_gamma_P (x, a, 1. / b); function IDF.GAMMA (P >= 0 && P <= 1, a > 0, b > 0) = gsl_cdf_gamma_Pinv (P, a, 1. / b); function PDF.GAMMA (x >= 0, a > 0, b > 0) = gsl_ran_gamma_pdf (x, a, 1. / b); no_opt function RV.GAMMA (a > 0, b > 0) = gsl_ran_gamma (get_rng (), a, 1. / b); // Half-normal distribution. function CDF.HALFNRM (x, a, b > 0) = unimplemented; function IDF.HALFNRM (P > 0 && P < 1, a, b > 0) = unimplemented; function PDF.HALFNRM (x, a, b > 0) = unimplemented; no_opt function RV.HALFNRM (a, b > 0) = unimplemented; // Inverse Gaussian distribution. function CDF.IGAUSS (x > 0, a > 0, b > 0) = unimplemented; function IDF.IGAUSS (P >= 0 && P < 1, a > 0, b > 0) = unimplemented; function PDF.IGAUSS (x > 0, a > 0, b > 0) = unimplemented; no_opt function RV.IGAUSS (a > 0, b > 0) = unimplemented; // Landau distribution. extension function PDF.LANDAU (x) = gsl_ran_landau_pdf (x); no_opt extension function RV.LANDAU () = gsl_ran_landau (get_rng ()); // Laplace distribution. function CDF.LAPLACE (x, a, b > 0) = gsl_cdf_laplace_P ((x - a) / b, 1); function IDF.LAPLACE (P > 0 && P < 1, a, b > 0) = a + b * gsl_cdf_laplace_Pinv (P, 1); function PDF.LAPLACE (x, a, b > 0) = gsl_ran_laplace_pdf ((x - a) / b, 1) / b; no_opt function RV.LAPLACE (a, b > 0) = a + b * gsl_ran_laplace (get_rng (), 1); // Levy alpha-stable distribution. no_opt extension function RV.LEVY (c, alpha > 0 && alpha <= 2) = gsl_ran_levy (get_rng (), c, alpha); // Levy skew alpha-stable distribution. no_opt extension function RV.LVSKEW (c, alpha > 0 && alpha <= 2, beta >= -1 && beta <= 1) = gsl_ran_levy_skew (get_rng (), c, alpha, beta); // Logistic distribution. function CDF.LOGISTIC (x, a, b > 0) = gsl_cdf_logistic_P ((x - a) / b, 1); function IDF.LOGISTIC (P > 0 && P < 1, a, b > 0) = a + b * gsl_cdf_logistic_Pinv (P, 1); function PDF.LOGISTIC (x, a, b > 0) = gsl_ran_logistic_pdf ((x - a) / b, 1) / b; no_opt function RV.LOGISTIC (a, b > 0) = a + b * gsl_ran_logistic (get_rng (), 1); // Lognormal distribution. function CDF.LNORMAL (x >= 0, m > 0, s > 0) = gsl_cdf_lognormal_P (x, log (m), s); function IDF.LNORMAL (P >= 0 && P < 1, m > 0, s > 0) = gsl_cdf_lognormal_Pinv (P, log (m), s); function PDF.LNORMAL (x >= 0, m > 0, s > 0) = gsl_ran_lognormal_pdf (x, log (m), s); no_opt function RV.LNORMAL (m > 0, s > 0) = gsl_ran_lognormal (get_rng (), log (m), s); // Normal distribution. function CDF.NORMAL (x, u, s > 0) = gsl_cdf_gaussian_P (x - u, s); function IDF.NORMAL (P > 0 && P < 1, u, s > 0) = u + gsl_cdf_gaussian_Pinv (P, s); function PDF.NORMAL (x, u, s > 0) = gsl_ran_gaussian_pdf ((x - u) / s, 1) / s; no_opt function RV.NORMAL (u, s > 0) = u + gsl_ran_gaussian (get_rng (), s); function CDFNORM (x) = gsl_cdf_ugaussian_P (x); function PROBIT (P > 0 && P < 1) = gsl_cdf_ugaussian_Pinv (P); no_opt function NORMAL (s > 0) = gsl_ran_gaussian (get_rng (), s); // Normal tail distribution. function PDF.NTAIL (x, a > 0, sigma > 0) = gsl_ran_gaussian_tail_pdf (x, a, sigma); no_opt function RV.NTAIL (a > 0, sigma > 0) = gsl_ran_gaussian_tail (get_rng (), a, sigma); // Pareto distribution. function CDF.PARETO (x >= a, a > 0, b > 0) = gsl_cdf_pareto_P (x, b, a); function IDF.PARETO (P >= 0 && P < 1, a > 0, b > 0) = gsl_cdf_pareto_Pinv (P, b, a); function PDF.PARETO (x >= a, a > 0, b > 0) = gsl_ran_pareto_pdf (x, b, a); no_opt function RV.PARETO (a > 0, b > 0) = gsl_ran_pareto (get_rng (), b, a); // Rayleigh distribution. extension function CDF.RAYLEIGH (x, sigma > 0) = gsl_cdf_rayleigh_P (x, sigma); extension function IDF.RAYLEIGH (P >= 0 && P <= 1, sigma > 0) = gsl_cdf_rayleigh_Pinv (P, sigma); extension function PDF.RAYLEIGH (x, sigma > 0) = gsl_ran_rayleigh_pdf (x, sigma); no_opt extension function RV.RAYLEIGH (sigma > 0) = gsl_ran_rayleigh (get_rng (), sigma); // Rayleigh tail distribution. extension function PDF.RTAIL (x, a, sigma) = gsl_ran_rayleigh_tail_pdf (x, a, sigma); no_opt extension function RV.RTAIL (a, sigma) = gsl_ran_rayleigh_tail (get_rng (), a, sigma); // Studentized maximum modulus distribution. function CDF.SMOD (x > 0, a >= 1, b >= 1) = unimplemented; function IDF.SMOD (P >= 0 && P < 1, a >= 1, b >= 1) = unimplemented; // Studentized range distribution. function CDF.SRANGE (x > 0, a >= 1, b >= 1) = unimplemented; function IDF.SRANGE (P >= 0 && P < 1, a >= 1, b >= 1) = unimplemented; // Student t distribution. function CDF.T (x, df > 0) = gsl_cdf_tdist_P (x, df); function IDF.T (P > 0 && P < 1, df > 0) = gsl_cdf_tdist_Pinv (P, df); function PDF.T (x, df > 0) = gsl_ran_tdist_pdf (x, df); no_opt function RV.T (df > 0) = gsl_ran_tdist (get_rng (), df); function NCDF.T (x, df > 0, nc) = unimplemented; function NPDF.T (x, df > 0, nc) = unimplemented; // Type-1 Gumbel distribution. extension function CDF.T1G (x, a, b) = gsl_cdf_gumbel1_P (x, a, b); extension function IDF.T1G (P >= 0 && P <= 1, a, b) = gsl_cdf_gumbel1_Pinv (P, a, b); extension function PDF.T1G (x, a, b) = gsl_ran_gumbel1_pdf (x, a, b); no_opt extension function RV.T1G (a, b) = gsl_ran_gumbel1 (get_rng (), a, b); // Type-2 Gumbel distribution. extension function CDF.T2G (x, a, b) = gsl_cdf_gumbel2_P (x, a, b); extension function IDF.T2G (P >= 0 && P <= 1, a, b) = gsl_cdf_gumbel2_Pinv (P, a, b); extension function PDF.T2G (x, a, b) = gsl_ran_gumbel2_pdf (x, a, b); no_opt extension function RV.T2G (a, b) = gsl_ran_gumbel2 (get_rng (), a, b); // Uniform distribution. function CDF.UNIFORM (x <= b, a <= x, b) = gsl_cdf_flat_P (x, a, b); function IDF.UNIFORM (P >= 0 && P <= 1, a <= b, b) = gsl_cdf_flat_Pinv (P, a, b); function PDF.UNIFORM (x <= b, a <= x, b) = gsl_ran_flat_pdf (x, a, b); no_opt function RV.UNIFORM (a <= b, b) = gsl_ran_flat (get_rng (), a, b); no_opt function UNIFORM (b >= 0) = gsl_ran_flat (get_rng (), 0, b); // Weibull distribution. function CDF.WEIBULL (x >= 0, a > 0, b > 0) = gsl_cdf_weibull_P (x, a, b); function IDF.WEIBULL (P >= 0 && P < 1, a > 0, b > 0) = gsl_cdf_weibull_Pinv (P, a, b); function PDF.WEIBULL (x >= 0, a > 0, b > 0) = gsl_ran_weibull_pdf (x, a, b); no_opt function RV.WEIBULL (a > 0, b > 0) = gsl_ran_weibull (get_rng (), a, b); // Bernoulli distribution. function CDF.BERNOULLI (k == 0 || k == 1, p >= 0 && p <= 1) = k ? 1 : 1 - p; function PDF.BERNOULLI (k == 0 || k == 1, p >= 0 && p <= 1) = gsl_ran_bernoulli_pdf (k, p); no_opt function RV.BERNOULLI (p >= 0 && p <= 1) = gsl_ran_bernoulli (get_rng (), p); // Binomial distribution. function CDF.BINOM (k, n > 0 && n == floor (n), p >= 0 && p <= 1) = gsl_cdf_binomial_P (k, p, n); function PDF.BINOM (k >= 0 && k == floor (k) && k <= n, n > 0 && n == floor (n), p >= 0 && p <= 1) = gsl_ran_binomial_pdf (k, p, n); no_opt function RV.BINOM (p > 0 && p == floor (p), n >= 0 && n <= 1) = gsl_ran_binomial (get_rng (), p, n); // Geometric distribution. function CDF.GEOM (k >= 1 && k == floor (k), p >= 0 && p <= 1) = gsl_cdf_geometric_P (k, p); function PDF.GEOM (k >= 1 && k == floor (k), p >= 0 && p <= 1) = gsl_ran_geometric_pdf (k, p); no_opt function RV.GEOM (p >= 0 && p <= 1) = gsl_ran_geometric (get_rng (), p); // Hypergeometric distribution. function CDF.HYPER (k >= 0 && k == floor (k) && k <= c, a > 0 && a == floor (a), b > 0 && b == floor (b) && b <= a, c > 0 && c == floor (c) && c <= a) = gsl_cdf_hypergeometric_P (k, c, a - c, b); function PDF.HYPER (k >= 0 && k == floor (k) && k <= c, a > 0 && a == floor (a), b > 0 && b == floor (b) && b <= a, c > 0 && c == floor (c) && c <= a) = gsl_ran_hypergeometric_pdf (k, c, a - c, b); no_opt function RV.HYPER (a > 0 && a == floor (a), b > 0 && b == floor (b) && b <= a, c > 0 && c == floor (c) && c <= a) = gsl_ran_hypergeometric (get_rng (), c, a - c, b); // Logarithmic distribution. extension function PDF.LOG (k >= 1, p > 0 && p <= 1) = gsl_ran_logarithmic_pdf (k, p); no_opt extension function RV.LOG (p > 0 && p <= 1) = gsl_ran_logarithmic (get_rng (), p); // Negative binomial distribution. function CDF.NEGBIN (k >= 1, n == floor (n), p > 0 && p <= 1) = gsl_cdf_negative_binomial_P (k, p, n); function PDF.NEGBIN (k >= 1, n == floor (n), p > 0 && p <= 1) = gsl_ran_negative_binomial_pdf (k, p, n); no_opt function RV.NEGBIN (n == floor (n), p > 0 && p <= 1) = gsl_ran_negative_binomial (get_rng (), p, n); // Poisson distribution. function CDF.POISSON (k >= 0 && k == floor (k), mu > 0) = gsl_cdf_poisson_P (k, mu); function PDF.POISSON (k >= 0 && k == floor (k), mu > 0) = gsl_ran_poisson_pdf (k, mu); no_opt function RV.POISSON (mu > 0) = gsl_ran_poisson (get_rng (), mu); // Weirdness. absorb_miss boolean function MISSING (x) = x == SYSMIS || !isfinite (x); absorb_miss boolean function SYSMIS (x) = x == SYSMIS || !isfinite (x); no_opt boolean function SYSMIS (num_var v) case c; { return case_num (c, v) == SYSMIS; } no_opt function VALUE (num_var v) case c; { return case_num (c, v); } no_opt function VALUE (num_vec_elem v) { return v; } // A numeric vector element used in a "normal" context, in which a user-missing // value becomes system-missing. absorb_miss no_opt operator VEC_ELEM_NUM (idx) vector v; case c; expression e; expr_node n; { const struct variable *var = expr_index_vector (e, n, v, idx); if (var) { double d = case_num (c, var); if (var_is_num_missing (var, d) != MV_USER) return d; } return SYSMIS; } // A numeric vector element used as the argument to the VALUE() function, in // which a user-missing value retains its value. // // All numeric vector elements are initially parsed this way. In most contexts // they then get coerced into numbers. absorb_miss no_opt num_vec_elem operator VEC_ELEM_NUM_RAW (idx) vector v; case c; expression e; expr_node n; { const struct variable *var = expr_index_vector (e, n, v, idx); return var ? case_num (c, var) : SYSMIS; } absorb_miss no_opt string operator VEC_ELEM_STR (idx) expression e; vector v; case c; expr_node n; { const struct variable *var = expr_index_vector (e, n, v, idx); return (var ? copy_string (e, CHAR_CAST_BUG (char *, case_str (c, var)), var_get_width (var)) : empty_string); } // Terminals. no_opt operator NUM_VAR () case c; num_var v; { double d = case_num (c, v); return var_is_num_missing (v, d) ? SYSMIS : d; } no_opt string operator STR_VAR () case c; expression e; str_var v; { struct substring s = alloc_string (e, var_get_width (v)); memcpy (s.string, case_str (c, v), var_get_width (v)); return s; } no_opt perm_only function LAG (num_var v, pos_int n_before) dataset ds; { const struct ccase *c = lagged_case (ds, n_before); if (c != NULL) { double x = case_num (c, v); return var_is_num_missing (v, x) ? SYSMIS : x; } else return SYSMIS; } no_opt perm_only function LAG (num_var v) dataset ds; { const struct ccase *c = lagged_case (ds, 1); if (c != NULL) { double x = case_num (c, v); return var_is_num_missing (v, x) ? SYSMIS : x; } else return SYSMIS; } no_opt perm_only string function LAG (str_var v, pos_int n_before) expression e; dataset ds; { const struct ccase *c = lagged_case (ds, n_before); if (c != NULL) return copy_string (e, CHAR_CAST_BUG (char *, case_str (c, v)), var_get_width (v)); else return empty_string; } no_opt perm_only string function LAG (str_var v) expression e; dataset ds; { const struct ccase *c = lagged_case (ds, 1); if (c != NULL) return copy_string (e, CHAR_CAST_BUG (char *, case_str (c, v)), var_get_width (v)); else return empty_string; } no_opt operator NUM_SYS () case c; num_var v; { return case_num (c, v) == SYSMIS; } no_opt operator NUM_VAL () case c; num_var v; { return case_num (c, v); } no_opt operator CASENUM () case_idx idx; { return idx; }