.TH secchan 8 "May 2008" "OpenFlow" "OpenFlow Manual" .SH NAME secchan \- secure channel connecting an OpenFlow datapath to a controller .SH SYNOPSIS .B secchan [\fIoptions\fR] \fBnl:\fIdp_idx\fR [\fIremote\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBsecchan\fR program sets up a secure channel between a local OpenFlow datapath and a remote controller. \fBsecchan\fR connects to the local datapath over Netlink and to the controller over TCP or SSL, and then forwards OpenFlow messages from one endpoint to the other. The mandatory \fBnl:\fIdp_idx\fR argument specifies the local datapath to relay. Within this argument, \fIdp_idx\fR is the number of a datapath that has been created with .BR dpctl (8). The optional \fIcontroller\fR argument specifies how to connect to the OpenFlow controller. It takes one of the following forms: .TP \fBssl:\fIhost\fR[\fB:\fIport\fR] The specified SSL \fIport\fR (default: 976) on the given remote \fIhost\fR. The \fB--private-key\fR, \fB--certificate\fR, and \fB--ca-cert\fR options are mandatory when this form is used. .TP \fBtcp:\fIhost\fR[\fB:\fIport\fR] The specified TCP \fIport\fR (default: 975) on the given remote \fIhost\fR. If \fIcontroller\fR is omitted, \fBsecchan\fR attempts to discover the location of the controller automatically (see below). .SH "CONTACTING THE CONTROLLER" The OpenFlow switch must be able to contact the OpenFlow controller over the network. It can do so in one of two ways: .IP out-of-band In this configuration, OpenFlow traffic uses a network separate from the data traffic that it controls, that is, the switch does not use any of the network devices added to the datapath with \fBdpctl addif\fR in its communication with the controller. To use \fBsecchan\fR in a network with out-of-band control, the control network must be configured for use by \fBsecchan\fR at the time it is started. No additional setup is required. In particular, the \fBof\fIn\fR device should not be up or configured with an IP address (see below). .IP in-band In this configuration, a single network is used for OpenFlow traffic and other data traffic, that is, the switch contacts the controller over one of the network devices added to the datapath with \fBdpctl addif\fR. This configuration is often more convenient than out-of-band control, because it is not necessary to maintain two independent networks. With in-band control, the location of the controller can be configured manually or discovered automatically: .RS .IP "controller discovery" To make \fBsecchan\fR discover the location of the controller automatically, do not specify the location of the controller on the \fBsecchan\fR command line. In this mode, \fBsecchan\fR will broadcast a DHCP request with vendor class identifier \fBOpenFlow\fR across the network devices added to the datapath with \fBdpctl addif\fR. It will accept any valid DHCP reply that has the same vendor class identifier and includes a vendor-specific option with code 1 whose contents are a string specifying the location of the controller in the same format used on the \fBsecchan\fR command line (e.g. \fBssl:\fR). The following ISC DHCP server configuration file assigns the IP address range through to OpenFlow switches that follow the switch protocol and addresses through to all other DHCP clients: default-lease-time 600; .br max-lease-time 7200; .br option space openflow; .br option openflow.controller-vconn code 1 = text; .br class "OpenFlow" { .br match if option vendor-class-identifier = "OpenFlow"; .br vendor-option-space openflow; .br option openflow.controller-vconn "tcp:"; .br option vendor-class-identifier "OpenFlow"; .br } .br subnet netmask { .br pool { .br allow members of "OpenFlow"; .br range; .br } .br pool { .br deny members of "OpenFlow"; .br range; .br } .br } .br .IP "manual configuration" Configuring in-band control manually requires additional setup before starting \fBsecchan\fR. At a minimum, the special OpenFlow network device \fBof\fIn\fR, where \fIn\fR is same as the \fIdp_idx\fR specified on the \fBsecchan\fR command line, must be brought up using .BR ifconfig (8), e.g.: .RS .IP ifconfig of0 up .RE .IP Before \fBsecchan\fR starts, the \fBof\fIn\fR device cannot send or receive any packets, so the next step depends on whether connectivity is required to configure the device's IP address. If the switch has a static IP address, you may configure its IP address now with a command such as: .RS .IP ifconfig of0 .RE .IP and then invoke \fBsecchan\fR. On the other hand, if the switch does not have a static IP address, e.g. it obtains its IP address dynamically via DHCP, the DHCP client will not be able to contact the DHCP server until the secure channel has started up. Thus, start \fBsecchan\fR without configuring \fBof\fIn\fR further, and start the DHCP client afterward. .RE .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB--accept-vconn=\fIregex\fR When \fBsecchan\fR performs controller discovery (see \fBCONTACTING THE CONTROLLER\fR, above, for more information about controller discovery), it validates the controller location obtained via DHCP with a POSIX extended regular expression. Only controllers whose names match the regular expression will be accepted. The default regular expression is \fBssl:.*\fR (meaning that only SSL controller connections will be accepted) when any of the SSL configuration options \fB--private-key\fR, \fB--certificate\fR, or \fB--ca-cert\fR is specified. The default is \fB.*\fR otherwise (meaning that any controller will be accepted). The \fIregex\fR is implicitly anchored at the beginning of the controller location string, as if it begins with \fB^\fR. When controller discovery is not performed, this option has no effect. .TP \fB-f\fR, \fB--fail=\fR[\fBopen\fR|\fBclosed\fR] The controller is, ordinarily, responsible for setting up all flows on the OpenFlow switch. Thus, if the connection to the controller fails, no new network connections can be set up. If the connection to the controller stays down long enough, no packets can pass through the switch at all. If this option is set to \fBopen\fR (the default), \fBsecchan\fR will take over responsibility for setting up flows in the local datapath when no message has been received from the controller for three times the inactivity probe interval (see below), or 45 seconds by default. In this ``fail open'' mode, \fBsecchan\fR causes the datapath to act like an ordinary MAC-learning switch. \fBsecchan\fR will continue to retry connection to the controller in the background and, when the connection succeeds, it discontinues its fail-open behavior. The secure channel enters the fail-open mode when If this option is set to \fBclosed\fR, then \fBsecchan\fR will not set up flows on its own when the controller connection fails. .TP \fB--inactivity-probe=\fIsecs\fR When the secure channel is connected to the controller, the secure channel waits for a message to be received from the controller for \fIsecs\fR seconds before it sends a inactivity probe to the controller. After sending the inactivity probe, if no response is received for an additional \fIsecs\fR seconds, the secure channel assumes that the connection has been broken and attempts to reconnect. The default is 15 seconds, and the minimum value is 5 seconds. When fail-open mode is configured, changing the inactivity probe interval also changes the interval before entering fail-open mode (see above). .TP \fB--max-idle=\fIsecs\fR|\fBpermanent\fR Sets \fIsecs\fR as the number of seconds that a flow set up by the secure channel will remain in the switch's flow table without any matching packets being seen. If \fBpermanent\fR is specified, which is not recommended, flows set up by the secure channel will never expire. The default is 15 seconds. Most flows are set up by the OpenFlow controller, not by the secure channel. This option affects only the following flows, which the secure channel sets up itself: .RS .IP \(bu When \fB--fail=open\fR is specified, flows set up when the secure channel has not been able to contact the controller for the configured fail-open delay. .IP \(bu When in-band control is in use, flows set up to bootstrap contacting the controller (see \fBCONTACTING THE CONTROLLER\fR, above, for more information about in-band control). .RE .IP As a result, when both \fB--fail=open\fR and in-band control are not in use, this option has no effect. .TP \fB--max-backoff=\fIsecs\fR Sets the maximum time between attempts to connect to the controller to \fIsecs\fR, which must be at least 1. The actual interval between connection attempts starts at 1 second and doubles on each failing attempt until it reaches the maximum. The default maximum backoff time is 15 seconds. .TP \fB-l\fR, \fB--listen=\fImethod\fR Configures the switch to additionally listen for incoming OpenFlow connections for switch management with \fBdpctl\fR. The \fImethod\fR must be given as one of the following passive OpenFlow connection methods: .RS .TP \fBpssl:\fR[\fIport\fR] Listens for SSL connections on \fIport\fR (default: 976). The \fB--private-key\fR, \fB--certificate\fR, and \fB--ca-cert\fR options are mandatory when this form is used. .TP \fBptcp:\fR[\fIport\fR] Listens for TCP connections on \fIport\fR (default: 975). .RE .TP \fB-p\fR, \fB--private-key=\fIprivkey.pem\fR Specifies a PEM file containing the private key used as the switch's identity for SSL connections to the controller. .TP \fB-c\fR, \fB--certificate=\fIcert.pem\fR Specifies a PEM file containing a certificate, signed by the controller's certificate authority (CA), that certifies the switch's private key to identify a trustworthy switch. .TP \fB-C\fR, \fB--ca-cert=\fIcacert.pem\fR Specifies a PEM file containing the CA certificate used to verify that the switch is connected to a trustworthy controller. .TP \fB-P\fR[\fIpidfile\fR], \fB--pidfile\fR[\fB=\fIpidfile\fR] Causes a file (by default, \fBsecchan.pid\fR) to be created indicating the PID of the running process. If \fIpidfile\fR is not specified, or if it does not begin with \fB/\fR, then it is created in \fB@rundir@\fR. .TP \fB-D\fR, \fB--detach\fR Causes \fBsecchan\fR to detach itself from the foreground session and run as a background process. .TP .BR \-h ", " \-\^\-help Prints a brief help message to the console. .TP \fB-v\fR \fImodule\fR[\fB:\fIfacility\fR[\fB:\fIlevel\fR]], \fB--verbose=\fImodule\fR[\fB:\fIfacility\fR[\fB:\fIlevel\fR]] Sets the logging level for \fImodule\fR in \fIfacility\fR to \fIlevel\fR. The \fImodule\fR may be any valid module name (as displayed by the \fB--list\fR action on \fBvlogconf\fR(8)), or the special name \fBANY\fR to set the logging levels for all modules. The \fIfacility\fR may be \fBsyslog\fR or \fBconsole\fR to set the levels for logging to the system log or to the console, respectively, or \fBANY\fR to set the logging levels for both facilities. If it is omitted, \fIfacility\fR defaults to \fBANY\fR. The \fIlevel\fR must be one of \fBemer\fR, \fBerr\fR, \fBwarn\fR, or \fBdbg\fR, designating the minimum severity of a message for it to be logged. If it is omitted, \fIlevel\fR defaults to \fBdbg\fR. .TP \fB-v\fR, \fB--verbose\fR Sets the maximum logging verbosity level, equivalent to \fB--verbose=ANY:ANY:dbg\fR. .TP .BR \-V ", " \-\^\-version Prints version information to the console. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR dpctl (8), .BR ofp-discover (8), .BR controller (8), .BR ofp-pki (8), .BR vlogconf (8), .BR switch (8)