.\" -*- nroff -*- .de IQ . br . ns . IP "\\$1" .. .\" -*- nroff -*- .TH ovsdb\-client 1 "November 2009" "Open vSwitch" "Open vSwitch Manual" .ds PN ovsdb\-client . .SH NAME ovsdb\-client \- command-line interface to \fBovsdb-server\fR(1) . .SH SYNOPSIS \fBovsdb\-client \fR[\fIoptions\fR] \fBget-schema\fI server\fR .br \fBovsdb\-client \fR[\fIoptions\fR] \fBlist-tables\fI server\fR .br \fBovsdb\-client \fR[\fIoptions\fR] \fBlist-columns\fI server \fR[\fItable\fR] .br \fBovsdb\-client \fR[\fIoptions\fR] \fBtransact\fI server transaction\fR .br \fBovsdb\-client \fR[\fIoptions\fR] \fBmonitor\fI server table\fR [\fIcolumn\fR[\fB,\fIcolumn\fR]...] [\fIselect\fR[\fB,\fIselect\fR]...] .br \fBovsdb\-client help\fR .IP "Output formatting options:" [\fB--format=\fIformat\fR] [\fB--wide\fR] [\fB--no-heading\fR] .so lib/daemon-syn.man .so lib/vlog-syn.man .so lib/common-syn.man . .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBovsdb\-client\fR program is a command-line client for interacting with a running \fBovsdb\-server\fR process. For each command, the \fIserver\fR to connect to must be specified in one of the following forms: .IP "\fBtcp:\fIip\fB:\fIport\fR" Connect to the given TCP \fIport\fR on \fIip\fR. .IP "\fBunix:\fIfile\fR" Connect to the Unix domain server socket named \fIfile\fR. .IP "\fBptcp:\fIport\fR[\fB:\fIip\fR]" Listen on the given TCP \fIport\fR for a connection. By default, \fB\*(PN\fR listens for connections to any local IP address, but \fIip\fR may be specified to listen only for connections to the given \fIip\fR. .IP "\fBpunix:\fIfile\fR" Listen on the Unix domain server socket named \fIfile\fR for a connection. . .SS "Commands" The following commands are implemented: .IP "\fBget-schema\fI server\fR" Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves the database schema, and prints it in JSON format. . .IP "\fBlist-tables\fI server\fR" Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves the database schema, and prints a table listing the names and comments (if any) on each table within the database. . .IP "\fBlist-columns\fI server \fR[\fItable\fR]" Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves the database schema, and prints a table listing the names, type, and comment (if any) on each column. If \fItable\fR is specified, only columns in that table are listed; otherwise, the tables include columns in all tables. . .IP "\fBtransact\fI server transaction\fR" Connects to \fIserver\fR, sends it the specified \fItransaction\fR, which must be a JSON array containing one or more valid OVSDB operations, and prints the received reply on stdout. . .IP "\fBmonitor\fI server table\fR [\fIcolumn\fR[\fB,\fIcolumn\fR]...] [\fIselect\fR[\fB,\fIselect\fR]...]" Connects to \fIserver\fR and monitors the contents of \fItable\fR. By default, the initial contents of \fItable\fR are printed, followed by each change as it occurs. If at least one \fIcolumn\fR is specified, only those columns are monitored. If at least one \fIselect\fR is specified, they are interpreted as follows: .RS .IP "\fBinitial\fR" Print the initial contents of the specified columns. .IP "\fBinsert\fR" Print newly inserted rows. .IP "\fBdelete\fR" Print deleted rows. .IP "\fBmodify\fR" Print old and new values of modified rows. .RE .IP If \fB--detach\fR is used with \fBmonitor\fR, then \fBovsdb\-client\fR detaches after it has successfully received and printed the initial contents of \fItable\fR. .SH OPTIONS .SS "Output Formatting Options" Much of the output from \fBovsdb\-client\fR is in the form of tables. The following options controlling output formatting: . .IP "\fB-f \fIformat\fR" .IQ "\fB--format=\fIformat\fR" Sets the basic type of output formatting. The following types of \fIformat\fR are available: .RS .IP "\fBtable\fR (default)" Text-based tables with aligned columns. .IP "\fBhtml\fR" HTML tables. .IP "\fBcvs\fR" Comma-separated values as defined in RFC 4180. .RE . .IP "\fB--wide\fR" In \fBtable\fR output (the default), when standard output is a terminal device, by default lines are truncated at a width of 79 characters. Specifying this option prevents line truncation. . .IP "\fB--no-heading\fR" This option suppresses the heading row that otherwise appears in the first row of table output. . .SS "Daemon Options" The daemon options apply only to the \fBmonitor\fR command. With any other command, they have no effect. .so lib/daemon.man .SS "Logging Options" .so lib/vlog.man .SS "Logging Options" .so lib/vlog.man .SS "Other Options" .so lib/common.man .SH "SEE ALSO" . \fBovsdb\-server\fR(1), \fBovsdb\-client\fR(1), and the OVSDB specification.