/* PSPP - computes sample statistics. -*-c-*- Copyright (C) 1997-9, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by John Williams . Almost completly re-written by John Darrington 2004 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "alloc.h" #include "str.h" #include "dcdflib/cdflib.h" #include "command.h" #include "lexer.h" #include "error.h" #include "magic.h" #include "tab.h" #include "som.h" #include "value-labels.h" #include "var.h" #include "vfm.h" #include "pool.h" #include "hash.h" #include "stats.h" /* (specification) "T-TEST" (tts_): +groups=custom; +testval=double; variables=varlist("PV_NO_SCRATCH | PV_NUMERIC"); pairs=custom; +missing=miss:!analysis/listwise, incl:include/!exclude; format=fmt:!labels/nolabels; criteria=:cin(d:criteria,"%s > 0. && %s < 1."). */ /* (declarations) */ /* (functions) */ static struct cmd_t_test cmd; static struct pool *t_test_pool ; /* Variable for the GROUPS subcommand, if given. */ static struct variable *groups; /* GROUPS: Number of values specified by the user; the values specified if any. */ static int n_groups_values; static union value groups_values[2]; /* PAIRS: Number of pairs to be compared ; each pair. */ static int n_pairs = 0 ; struct pair { /* The variables comprising the pair */ struct variable *v[2]; /* The correlation coefficient between the variables */ double correlation; /* The sum of the differences */ double sum_of_diffs; /* The mean of the differences */ double mean_diff; /* The sum of the squares of the differences */ double ssq_diffs; /* The std deviation of the differences */ double std_dev_diff; }; static struct pair *pairs=0; static int parse_value (union value * v, int type) ; /* Structures and Functions for the Statistics Summary Box */ struct ssbox; typedef void populate_ssbox_func(struct ssbox *ssb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd); typedef void finalize_ssbox_func(struct ssbox *ssb); struct ssbox { struct tab_table *t; populate_ssbox_func *populate; finalize_ssbox_func *finalize; }; /* Create a ssbox */ void ssbox_create(struct ssbox *ssb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd, int mode); /* Populate a ssbox according to cmd */ void ssbox_populate(struct ssbox *ssb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd); /* Submit and destroy a ssbox */ void ssbox_finalize(struct ssbox *ssb); /* A function to create, populate and submit the Paired Samples Correlation box */ void pscbox(struct cmd_t_test *cmd); /* Structures and Functions for the Test Results Box */ struct trbox; typedef void populate_trbox_func(struct trbox *trb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd); typedef void finalize_trbox_func(struct trbox *trb); struct trbox { struct tab_table *t; populate_trbox_func *populate; finalize_trbox_func *finalize; }; /* Create a trbox */ void trbox_create(struct trbox *trb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd, int mode); /* Populate a ssbox according to cmd */ void trbox_populate(struct trbox *trb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd); /* Submit and destroy a ssbox */ void trbox_finalize(struct trbox *trb); /* Which mode was T-TEST invoked */ enum { T_1_SAMPLE = 0 , T_IND_SAMPLES, T_PAIRED }; static int common_calc (struct ccase *); static void common_precalc (void); static void common_postcalc (void); static int one_sample_calc (struct ccase *); static void one_sample_precalc (void); static void one_sample_postcalc (void); static int paired_calc (struct ccase *); static void paired_precalc (void); static void paired_postcalc (void); static int compare_var_name (const void *a_, const void *b_, void *v_ UNUSED); static unsigned hash_var_name (const void *a_, void *v_ UNUSED); int cmd_t_test(void) { int mode; struct ssbox stat_summary_box; struct trbox test_results_box; if (!lex_force_match_id ("T")) return CMD_FAILURE; lex_match ('-'); lex_match_id ("TEST"); if ( !parse_t_test(&cmd) ) return CMD_FAILURE; if (! cmd.sbc_criteria) cmd.criteria=0.95; { int m=0; if (cmd.sbc_testval) ++m; if (cmd.sbc_groups) ++m; if (cmd.sbc_pairs) ++m; if ( m != 1) { msg(SE, _("TESTVAL, GROUPS and PAIRS subcommands are mutually exclusive.") ); return CMD_FAILURE; } } if (cmd.sbc_testval) mode=T_1_SAMPLE; else if (cmd.sbc_groups) mode=T_IND_SAMPLES; else mode=T_PAIRED; if ( mode == T_PAIRED) { if (cmd.sbc_variables) { msg(SE, _("VARIABLES subcommand is not appropriate with PAIRS")); return CMD_FAILURE; } else { /* Iterate through the pairs and put each variable that is a member of a pair into cmd.v_variables */ int i; struct hsh_iterator hi; struct hsh_table *hash; struct variable *v; hash=hsh_create(n_pairs,compare_var_name,hash_var_name,0,0); for (i=0; i < n_pairs; ++i) { hsh_insert(hash,pairs[i].v[0]); hsh_insert(hash,pairs[i].v[1]); } assert(cmd.n_variables == 0); cmd.n_variables = hsh_count(hash); cmd.v_variables = xrealloc(cmd.v_variables, sizeof(struct variable) * cmd.n_variables); /* Iterate through the hash */ for (i=0,v = (struct variable *) hsh_first(hash,&hi); v != 0; v=hsh_next(hash,&hi) ) cmd.v_variables[i++]=v; hsh_destroy(hash); } } procedure(common_precalc,common_calc,common_postcalc); switch(mode) { case T_1_SAMPLE: procedure(one_sample_precalc,one_sample_calc,one_sample_postcalc); break; case T_PAIRED: procedure(paired_precalc,paired_calc,paired_postcalc); break; } t_test_pool = pool_create (); ssbox_create(&stat_summary_box,&cmd,mode); ssbox_populate(&stat_summary_box,&cmd); ssbox_finalize(&stat_summary_box); if ( mode == T_PAIRED) { pscbox(&cmd); } trbox_create(&test_results_box,&cmd,mode); trbox_populate(&test_results_box,&cmd); trbox_finalize(&test_results_box); pool_destroy (t_test_pool); t_test_pool=0; n_pairs=0; free(pairs); pairs=0; return CMD_SUCCESS; } static int tts_custom_groups (struct cmd_t_test *cmd UNUSED) { lex_match('='); if (token != T_ALL && (token != T_ID || dict_lookup_var (default_dict, tokid) == NULL) ) { msg(SE,_("`%s' is not a variable name"),tokid); return 0; } groups = parse_variable (); if (!groups) { lex_error ("expecting variable name in GROUPS subcommand"); return 0; } if (groups->type == T_STRING && groups->width > MAX_SHORT_STRING) { msg (SE, _("Long string variable %s is not valid here."), groups->name); return 0; } if (!lex_match ('(')) { if (groups->type == NUMERIC) { n_groups_values = 2; groups_values[0].f = 1; groups_values[1].f = 2; return 1; } else { msg (SE, _("When applying GROUPS to a string variable, at " "least one value must be specified.")); return 0; } } if (!parse_value (&groups_values[0],groups->type)) return 0; n_groups_values = 1; lex_match (','); if (lex_match (')')) return 1; if (!parse_value (&groups_values[1],groups->type)) return 0; n_groups_values = 2; if (!lex_force_match (')')) return 0; return 1; } static int tts_custom_pairs (struct cmd_t_test *cmd UNUSED) { struct variable **vars; int n_vars; int n_pairs_local; int n_before_WITH ; int n_after_WITH = -1; int paired ; /* Was the PAIRED keyword given ? */ lex_match('='); if ((token != T_ID || dict_lookup_var (default_dict, tokid) == NULL) && token != T_ALL) { msg(SE,_("`%s' is not a variable name"),tokid); return 0; } n_vars=0; if (!parse_variables (default_dict, &vars, &n_vars, PV_DUPLICATE | PV_NUMERIC | PV_NO_SCRATCH)) { free (vars); return 0; } assert (n_vars); n_before_WITH=0; if (lex_match (T_WITH)) { n_before_WITH = n_vars; if (!parse_variables (default_dict, &vars, &n_vars, PV_DUPLICATE | PV_APPEND | PV_NUMERIC | PV_NO_SCRATCH)) { free (vars); return 0; } n_after_WITH = n_vars - n_before_WITH; } paired = (lex_match ('(') && lex_match_id ("PAIRED") && lex_match (')')); /* Determine the number of pairs needed */ if (paired) { if (n_before_WITH != n_after_WITH) { free (vars); msg (SE, _("PAIRED was specified but the number of variables " "preceding WITH (%d) did not match the number " "following (%d)."), n_before_WITH, n_after_WITH ); return 0; } n_pairs_local=n_before_WITH; } else if (n_before_WITH > 0) /* WITH keyword given, but not PAIRED keyword */ { n_pairs_local=n_before_WITH * n_after_WITH ; } else /* Neither WITH nor PAIRED keyword given */ { if (n_vars < 2) { free (vars); msg (SE, _("At least two variables must be specified " "on PAIRS.")); return 0; } /* how many ways can you pick 2 from n_vars ? */ n_pairs_local = n_vars * (n_vars -1 ) /2 ; } /* Allocate storage for the pairs */ pairs = xrealloc(pairs, sizeof(struct pair) * (n_pairs + n_pairs_local) ); /* Populate the pairs with the appropriate variables */ if ( paired ) { int i; assert(n_pairs_local == n_vars/2); for (i = 0; i < n_pairs_local ; ++i) { pairs[i].v[n_pairs+0] = vars[i]; pairs[i].v[n_pairs+1] = vars[i+n_pairs_local]; } } else if (n_before_WITH > 0) /* WITH keyword given, but not PAIRED keyword */ { int i,j; int p=n_pairs; for(i=0 ; i < n_before_WITH ; ++i ) { for(j=0 ; j < n_after_WITH ; ++j) { pairs[p].v[0] = vars[i]; pairs[p].v[1] = vars[j+n_before_WITH]; ++p; } } } else /* Neither WITH nor PAIRED given */ { int i,j; int p=n_pairs; for(i=0 ; i < n_vars ; ++i ) { for(j=i+1 ; j < n_vars ; ++j) { pairs[p].v[0] = vars[i]; pairs[p].v[1] = vars[j]; ++p; } } } n_pairs+=n_pairs_local; return 1; } /* Parses the current token (numeric or string, depending on type) value v and returns success. */ static int parse_value (union value * v, int type ) { if (type == NUMERIC) { if (!lex_force_num ()) return 0; v->f = tokval; } else { if (!lex_force_string ()) return 0; strncpy (v->s, ds_value (&tokstr), ds_length (&tokstr)); } lex_get (); return 1; } /* Implementation of the SSBOX object */ void ssbox_base_init(struct ssbox *this, int cols,int rows); void ssbox_base_finalize(struct ssbox *ssb); void ssbox_one_sample_init(struct ssbox *this, struct cmd_t_test *cmd ); void ssbox_independent_samples_init(struct ssbox *this, struct cmd_t_test *cmd); void ssbox_paired_init(struct ssbox *this, struct cmd_t_test *cmd); /* Factory to create an ssbox */ void ssbox_create(struct ssbox *ssb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd, int mode) { switch (mode) { case T_1_SAMPLE: ssbox_one_sample_init(ssb,cmd); break; case T_IND_SAMPLES: ssbox_independent_samples_init(ssb,cmd); break; case T_PAIRED: ssbox_paired_init(ssb,cmd); break; default: assert(0); } } /* Despatcher for the populate method */ void ssbox_populate(struct ssbox *ssb,struct cmd_t_test *cmd) { ssb->populate(ssb,cmd); } /* Despatcher for finalize */ void ssbox_finalize(struct ssbox *ssb) { ssb->finalize(ssb); } /* Submit the box and clear up */ void ssbox_base_finalize(struct ssbox *ssb) { tab_submit(ssb->t); } /* Initialize a ssbox struct */ void ssbox_base_init(struct ssbox *this, int cols,int rows) { this->finalize = ssbox_base_finalize; this->t = tab_create (cols, rows, 0); tab_columns (this->t, SOM_COL_DOWN, 1); tab_headers (this->t,0,0,1,0); tab_box (this->t, TAL_2, TAL_2, TAL_0, TAL_1, 0, 0, cols -1, rows -1 ); tab_hline(this->t, TAL_2,0,cols-1,1); tab_dim (this->t, tab_natural_dimensions); } void ssbox_one_sample_populate(struct ssbox *ssb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd); /* Initialize the one_sample ssbox */ void ssbox_one_sample_init(struct ssbox *this, struct cmd_t_test *cmd ) { const int hsize=5; const int vsize=cmd->n_variables+1; this->populate = ssbox_one_sample_populate; ssbox_base_init(this, hsize,vsize); tab_title (this->t, 0, _("One-Sample Statistics")); tab_vline(this->t, TAL_2, 1,0,vsize); tab_text (this->t, 1, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("N")); tab_text (this->t, 2, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Mean")); tab_text (this->t, 3, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Std. Deviation")); tab_text (this->t, 4, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("SE. Mean")); } void ssbox_independent_samples_populate(struct ssbox *ssb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd); /* Initialize the independent samples ssbox */ void ssbox_independent_samples_init(struct ssbox *this, struct cmd_t_test *cmd) { int hsize=6; int vsize = cmd->n_variables*2 +1; this->populate = ssbox_independent_samples_populate; ssbox_base_init(this, hsize,vsize); tab_title (this->t, 0, _("Group Statistics")); tab_vline(this->t,0,1,0,vsize); tab_text (this->t, 1, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, groups->name); tab_text (this->t, 2, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("N")); tab_text (this->t, 3, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Mean")); tab_text (this->t, 4, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Std. Deviation")); tab_text (this->t, 5, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("SE. Mean")); } /* Populate the ssbox for independent samples */ void ssbox_independent_samples_populate(struct ssbox *ssb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd) { int i; char *val_lab1=0; char *val_lab2=0; if ( groups->type == NUMERIC ) { val_lab1 = val_labs_find( groups->val_labs,groups_values[0]); val_lab2 = val_labs_find( groups->val_labs,groups_values[1]); } else { val_lab1 = groups_values[0].s; val_lab2 = groups_values[1].s; } assert(ssb->t); for (i=0; i < cmd->n_variables; ++i) { tab_text (ssb->t, 0, i*2+1, TAB_LEFT, cmd->v_variables[i]->name); if (val_lab1) tab_text (ssb->t, 1, i*2+1, TAB_LEFT, val_lab1); else tab_float(ssb->t, 1 ,i*2+1, TAB_LEFT, groups_values[0].f, 2,0); if (val_lab2) tab_text (ssb->t, 1, i*2+1+1, TAB_LEFT, val_lab2); else tab_float(ssb->t, 1 ,i*2+1+1, TAB_LEFT, groups_values[1].f,2,0); } } void ssbox_paired_populate(struct ssbox *ssb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd); /* Initialize the paired values ssbox */ void ssbox_paired_init(struct ssbox *this, struct cmd_t_test *cmd UNUSED) { int hsize=6; int vsize = n_pairs*2+1; this->populate = ssbox_paired_populate; ssbox_base_init(this, hsize,vsize); tab_title (this->t, 0, _("Paired Sample Statistics")); tab_vline(this->t,TAL_0,1,0,vsize-1); tab_vline(this->t,TAL_2,2,0,vsize-1); tab_text (this->t, 2, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Mean")); tab_text (this->t, 3, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("N")); tab_text (this->t, 4, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Std. Deviation")); tab_text (this->t, 5, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("SE. Mean")); } /* Populate the ssbox for paired values */ void ssbox_paired_populate(struct ssbox *ssb,struct cmd_t_test *cmd UNUSED) { int i; assert(ssb->t); for (i=0; i < n_pairs; ++i) { int j; tab_text (ssb->t, 0, i*2+1, TAB_LEFT | TAT_PRINTF , _("Pair %d"),i); for (j=0 ; j < 2 ; ++j) { struct t_test_proc *ttp; ttp=&pairs[i].v[j]->p.t_t; /* Titles */ tab_text (ssb->t, 1, i*2+j+1, TAB_LEFT, pairs[i].v[j]->name); /* Values */ tab_float (ssb->t,2, i*2+j+1, TAB_RIGHT, ttp->mean, 8, 2); tab_float (ssb->t,3, i*2+j+1, TAB_RIGHT, ttp->n, 2, 0); tab_float (ssb->t,4, i*2+j+1, TAB_RIGHT, ttp->std_dev, 8, 3); tab_float (ssb->t,5, i*2+j+1, TAB_RIGHT, ttp->se_mean, 8, 3); } } } /* Populate the one sample ssbox */ void ssbox_one_sample_populate(struct ssbox *ssb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd) { int i; assert(ssb->t); for (i=0; i < cmd->n_variables; ++i) { struct t_test_proc *ttp; ttp= &cmd->v_variables[i]->p.t_t; tab_text (ssb->t, 0, i+1, TAB_LEFT, cmd->v_variables[i]->name); tab_float (ssb->t,1, i+1, TAB_RIGHT, ttp->n, 2, 0); tab_float (ssb->t,2, i+1, TAB_RIGHT, ttp->mean, 8, 2); tab_float (ssb->t,3, i+1, TAB_RIGHT, ttp->std_dev, 8, 2); tab_float (ssb->t,4, i+1, TAB_RIGHT, ttp->se_mean, 8, 3); } } /* Implementation of the Test Results box struct */ void trbox_base_init(struct trbox *self,int n_vars, int cols); void trbox_base_finalize(struct trbox *trb); void trbox_independent_samples_init(struct trbox *trb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd ); void trbox_independent_samples_populate(struct trbox *trb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd); void trbox_one_sample_init(struct trbox *self, struct cmd_t_test *cmd ); void trbox_one_sample_populate(struct trbox *trb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd); void trbox_paired_init(struct trbox *self, struct cmd_t_test *cmd ); void trbox_paired_populate(struct trbox *trb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd); /* Create a trbox according to mode*/ void trbox_create(struct trbox *trb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd, int mode) { switch (mode) { case T_1_SAMPLE: trbox_one_sample_init(trb,cmd); break; case T_IND_SAMPLES: trbox_independent_samples_init(trb,cmd); break; case T_PAIRED: trbox_paired_init(trb,cmd); break; default: assert(0); } } /* Populate a trbox according to cmd */ void trbox_populate(struct trbox *trb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd) { trb->populate(trb,cmd); } /* Submit and destroy a trbox */ void trbox_finalize(struct trbox *trb) { trb->finalize(trb); } /* Initialize the independent samples trbox */ void trbox_independent_samples_init(struct trbox *self, struct cmd_t_test *cmd UNUSED) { const int hsize=11; const int vsize=cmd->n_variables*2+3; assert(self); self->populate = trbox_independent_samples_populate; trbox_base_init(self,cmd->n_variables*2,hsize); tab_title(self->t,0,_("Independent Samples Test")); tab_hline(self->t,TAL_1,2,hsize-1,1); tab_vline(self->t,TAL_2,2,0,vsize-1); tab_vline(self->t,TAL_1,4,0,vsize-1); tab_box(self->t,-1,-1,-1,TAL_1, 2,1,hsize-2,vsize-1); tab_hline(self->t,TAL_1, hsize-2,hsize-1,2); tab_box(self->t,-1,-1,-1,TAL_1, hsize-2,2,hsize-1,vsize-1); tab_joint_text(self->t, 2, 0, 3, 0, TAB_CENTER,_("Levine's Test for Equality of Variances")); tab_joint_text(self->t, 4,0,hsize-1,0, TAB_CENTER,_("t-test for Equality of Means")); tab_text(self->t,2,2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE,_("F")); tab_text(self->t,3,2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE,_("Sig.")); tab_text(self->t,4,2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE,_("t")); tab_text(self->t,5,2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE,_("df")); tab_text(self->t,6,2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE,_("Sig. (2-tailed)")); tab_text(self->t,7,2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE,_("Mean Difference")); tab_text(self->t,8,2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE,_("Std. Error Difference")); tab_text(self->t,9,2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE,_("Lower")); tab_text(self->t,10,2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE,_("Upper")); tab_joint_text(self->t, 9, 1, 10, 1, TAB_CENTER | TAT_PRINTF, _("%d%% Confidence Interval of the Difference"), (int)round(cmd->criteria*100.0)); } /* Populate the independent samples trbox */ void trbox_independent_samples_populate(struct trbox *self, struct cmd_t_test *cmd ) { int i; assert(self); for (i=0; i < cmd->n_variables; ++i) { tab_text (self->t, 0, i*2+3, TAB_LEFT, cmd->v_variables[i]->name); tab_text (self->t, 1, i*2+3, TAB_LEFT, _("Equal variances assumed")); tab_text (self->t, 1, i*2+3+1, TAB_LEFT, _("Equal variances not assumed")); } } /* Initialize the paired samples trbox */ void trbox_paired_init(struct trbox *self, struct cmd_t_test *cmd UNUSED) { const int hsize=10; const int vsize=n_pairs+3; self->populate = trbox_paired_populate; trbox_base_init(self,n_pairs,hsize); tab_title (self->t, 0, _("Paired Samples Test")); tab_hline(self->t,TAL_1,2,6,1); tab_vline(self->t,TAL_2,2,0,vsize); tab_joint_text(self->t,2,0,6,0,TAB_CENTER,_("Paired Differences")); tab_box(self->t,-1,-1,-1,TAL_1, 2,1,6,vsize-1); tab_box(self->t,-1,-1,-1,TAL_1, 6,0,hsize-1,vsize-1); tab_hline(self->t,TAL_1,5,6, 2); tab_vline(self->t,TAL_0,6,0,1); tab_joint_text(self->t, 5, 1, 6, 1, TAB_CENTER | TAT_PRINTF, _("%d%% Confidence Interval of the Difference"), (int)round(cmd->criteria*100.0)); tab_text (self->t, 2, 2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Mean")); tab_text (self->t, 3, 2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Std. Deviation")); tab_text (self->t, 4, 2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Std. Error Mean")); tab_text (self->t, 5, 2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Lower")); tab_text (self->t, 6, 2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Upper")); tab_text (self->t, 7, 2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("t")); tab_text (self->t, 8, 2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("df")); tab_text (self->t, 9, 2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Sig. (2-tailed)")); } /* Populate the paired samples trbox */ void trbox_paired_populate(struct trbox *trb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd UNUSED) { int i; for (i=0; i < n_pairs; ++i) { int which =1; double p,q; int status; double bound; double se_mean; struct variable *v0 = pairs[i].v[0]; struct variable *v1 = pairs[i].v[1]; struct t_test_proc *ttp0 = &v0->p.t_t; struct t_test_proc *ttp1 = &v1->p.t_t; double n = ttp0->n; double t; double df = n - 1; tab_text (trb->t, 0, i+3, TAB_LEFT | TAT_PRINTF, _("Pair %d"),i); tab_text (trb->t, 1, i+3, TAB_LEFT | TAT_PRINTF, "%s - %s", pairs[i].v[0]->name, pairs[i].v[1]->name); tab_float(trb->t, 2, i+3, TAB_RIGHT, pairs[i].mean_diff, 8, 4); tab_float(trb->t, 3, i+3, TAB_RIGHT, pairs[i].std_dev_diff, 8, 5); /* SE Mean */ se_mean = pairs[i].std_dev_diff / sqrt(n) ; tab_float(trb->t, 4, i+3, TAB_RIGHT, se_mean, 8,5 ); /* Now work out the confidence interval */ q = (1 - cmd->criteria)/2.0; /* 2-tailed test */ p = 1 - q ; which=2; /* Calc T from p,q and df */ cdft(&which, &p, &q, &t, &df, &status, &bound); if ( 0 != status ) { msg( SE, _("Error calculating T statistic (cdft returned %d)."),status); } tab_float(trb->t, 5, i+3, TAB_RIGHT, pairs[i].mean_diff - t * se_mean , 8, 4); tab_float(trb->t, 6, i+3, TAB_RIGHT, pairs[i].mean_diff + t * se_mean , 8, 4); t = ( ttp0->mean - ttp1->mean) / sqrt ( ( sqr(ttp0->s_std_dev) + sqr(ttp1->s_std_dev) - 2 * pairs[i].correlation * ttp0->s_std_dev * ttp1->s_std_dev ) / (n-1) ) ; tab_float(trb->t, 7, i+3, TAB_RIGHT, t , 8,3 ); /* Degrees of freedom */ tab_float(trb->t, 8, i+3, TAB_RIGHT, df , 2, 0 ); which=1; cdft(&which, &p, &q, &t, &df, &status, &bound); if ( 0 != status ) { msg( SE, _("Error calculating T statistic (cdft returned %d)."),status); } tab_float(trb->t, 9, i+3, TAB_RIGHT, p*2.0 , 8, 3); } } /* Initialize the one sample trbox */ void trbox_one_sample_init(struct trbox *self, struct cmd_t_test *cmd ) { const int hsize=7; const int vsize=cmd->n_variables+3; self->populate = trbox_one_sample_populate; trbox_base_init(self, cmd->n_variables,hsize); tab_title (self->t, 0, _("One-Sample Test")); tab_hline(self->t, TAL_1, 1, hsize - 1, 1); tab_vline(self->t, TAL_2, 1, 0, vsize); tab_joint_text(self->t, 1, 0, hsize-1,0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_PRINTF, _("Test Value = %f"),cmd->n_testval); tab_box(self->t, -1, -1, -1, TAL_1, 1,1,hsize-1,vsize-1); tab_joint_text(self->t,5,1,6,1,TAB_CENTER | TAT_PRINTF, _("%d%% Confidence Interval of the Difference"), (int)round(cmd->criteria*100.0)); tab_vline(self->t,TAL_0,6,1,1); tab_hline(self->t,TAL_1,5,6,2); tab_text (self->t, 1, 2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("t")); tab_text (self->t, 2, 2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("df")); tab_text (self->t, 3, 2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Sig. (2-tailed)")); tab_text (self->t, 4, 2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Mean Difference")); tab_text (self->t, 5, 2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Lower")); tab_text (self->t, 6, 2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Upper")); } /* Populate the one sample trbox */ void trbox_one_sample_populate(struct trbox *trb, struct cmd_t_test *cmd) { int i; assert(trb->t); for (i=0; i < cmd->n_variables; ++i) { int which =1; double t; double p,q; double df; int status; double bound; struct t_test_proc *ttp; ttp= &cmd->v_variables[i]->p.t_t; tab_text (trb->t, 0, i+3, TAB_LEFT, cmd->v_variables[i]->name); t = (ttp->mean - cmd->n_testval ) * sqrt(ttp->n) / ttp->std_dev ; tab_float (trb->t, 1, i+3, TAB_RIGHT, t, 8,3); /* degrees of freedom */ df = ttp->n - 1; tab_float (trb->t, 2, i+3, TAB_RIGHT, df, 8,0); cdft(&which, &p, &q, &t, &df, &status, &bound); if ( 0 != status ) { msg( SE, _("Error calculating T statistic (cdft returned %d)."),status); } /* Multiply by 2 to get 2-tailed significance */ tab_float (trb->t, 3, i+3, TAB_RIGHT, q*2.0, 8,3); tab_float (trb->t, 4, i+3, TAB_RIGHT, ttp->mean_diff, 8,3); q = (1 - cmd->criteria)/2.0; /* 2-tailed test */ p = 1 - q ; which=2; /* Calc T from p,q and df */ cdft(&which, &p, &q, &t, &df, &status, &bound); if ( 0 != status ) { msg( SE, _("Error calculating T statistic (cdft returned %d)."),status); } tab_float (trb->t, 5, i+3, TAB_RIGHT, ttp->mean_diff - t * ttp->se_mean, 8,4); tab_float (trb->t, 6, i+3, TAB_RIGHT, ttp->mean_diff + t * ttp->se_mean, 8,4); } } /* Base initializer for the generalized trbox */ void trbox_base_init(struct trbox *self, int data_rows, int cols) { const int rows = 3 + data_rows; self->finalize = trbox_base_finalize; self->t = tab_create (cols, rows, 0); tab_headers (self->t,0,0,3,0); tab_box (self->t, TAL_2, TAL_2, TAL_0, TAL_0, 0, 0, cols -1, rows -1); tab_hline(self->t, TAL_2,0,cols-1,3); tab_dim (self->t, tab_natural_dimensions); } /* Base finalizer for the trbox */ void trbox_base_finalize(struct trbox *trb) { tab_submit(trb->t); } /* Create , populate and submit the Paired Samples Correlation box */ void pscbox(struct cmd_t_test *cmd) { const int rows=1+n_pairs; const int cols=5; int i; struct tab_table *table; table = tab_create (cols,rows,0); tab_columns (table, SOM_COL_DOWN, 1); tab_headers (table,0,0,1,0); tab_box (table, TAL_2, TAL_2, TAL_0, TAL_1, 0, 0, cols -1, rows -1 ); tab_hline(table, TAL_2, 0, cols - 1, 1); tab_vline(table, TAL_2, 2, 0, rows - 1); tab_dim(table, tab_natural_dimensions); tab_title(table, 0, _("Paired Samples Correlations")); /* column headings */ tab_text(table, 2,0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("N")); tab_text(table, 3,0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Correlation")); tab_text(table, 4,0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Sig.")); for (i=0; i < n_pairs; ++i) { int which =1; double p,q; int status; double bound; double df = pairs[i].v[0]->p.t_t.n -2; double correlation_t = pairs[i].correlation * sqrt(df) / sqrt(1 - sqr(pairs[i].correlation)); /* row headings */ tab_text(table, 0,i+1, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE | TAT_PRINTF, _("Pair %d"), i); tab_text(table, 1,i+1, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE | TAT_PRINTF, _("%s & %s"), pairs[i].v[0]->name, pairs[i].v[1]->name); /* row data */ tab_float(table, 3, i+1, TAB_RIGHT, pairs[i].correlation, 8, 3); tab_float(table, 2, i+1, TAB_RIGHT, pairs[i].v[0]->p.t_t.n , 4, 0); cdft(&which, &p, &q, &correlation_t, &df, &status, &bound); if ( 0 != status ) { msg( SE, _("Error calculating T statistic (cdft returned %d)."),status); } tab_float(table, 4, i+1, TAB_RIGHT, q*2.0, 8, 3); } tab_submit(table); } /* Calculation Implementation */ /* Per case calculations common to all variants of the T test */ static int common_calc (struct ccase *c) { int i; double weight = dict_get_case_weight(default_dict,c); for(i=0; i< cmd.n_variables ; ++i) { struct t_test_proc *ttp; struct variable *v = cmd.v_variables[i]; union value *val = &c->data[v->fv]; ttp= &cmd.v_variables[i]->p.t_t; if (val->f != SYSMIS) { ttp->n+=weight; ttp->sum+=weight * val->f; ttp->ssq+=weight * val->f * val->f; } } return 0; } /* Pre calculations common to all variants of the T test */ static void common_precalc (void) { int i=0; for(i=0; i< cmd.n_variables ; ++i) { struct t_test_proc *ttp; ttp= &cmd.v_variables[i]->p.t_t; ttp->sum=0; ttp->n=0; ttp->ssq=0; ttp->sum_diff=0; } } /* Post calculations common to all variants of the T test */ void common_postcalc (void) { int i=0; for(i=0; i< cmd.n_variables ; ++i) { struct t_test_proc *ttp; ttp= &cmd.v_variables[i]->p.t_t; ttp->mean=ttp->sum / ttp->n; ttp->s_std_dev= sqrt( ( (ttp->ssq / ttp->n ) - ttp->mean * ttp->mean ) ) ; ttp->std_dev= sqrt( ttp->n/(ttp->n-1) * ( (ttp->ssq / ttp->n ) - ttp->mean * ttp->mean ) ) ; ttp->se_mean = ttp->std_dev / sqrt(ttp->n); ttp->mean_diff= ttp->sum_diff / ttp->n; } } /* Per case calculations for one sample t test */ static int one_sample_calc (struct ccase *c) { int i; double weight = dict_get_case_weight(default_dict,c); for(i=0; i< cmd.n_variables ; ++i) { struct t_test_proc *ttp; struct variable *v = cmd.v_variables[i]; union value *val = &c->data[v->fv]; ttp= &cmd.v_variables[i]->p.t_t; if (val->f != SYSMIS) ttp->sum_diff += weight * (val->f - cmd.n_testval); } return 0; } /* Pre calculations for one sample t test */ static void one_sample_precalc (void) { int i=0; for(i=0; i< cmd.n_variables ; ++i) { struct t_test_proc *ttp; ttp= &cmd.v_variables[i]->p.t_t; ttp->sum_diff=0; } } /* Post calculations for one sample t test */ static void one_sample_postcalc (void) { int i=0; for(i=0; i< cmd.n_variables ; ++i) { struct t_test_proc *ttp; ttp= &cmd.v_variables[i]->p.t_t; ttp->mean_diff = ttp->sum_diff / ttp->n ; } } static int compare_var_name (const void *a_, const void *b_, void *v_ UNUSED) { const struct variable *a = a_; const struct variable *b = b_; return strcmp(a->name,b->name); } static unsigned hash_var_name (const void *a_, void *v_ UNUSED) { const struct variable *a = a_; return hsh_hash_bytes (a->name, strlen(a->name)); } static void paired_precalc (void) { int i; for(i=0; i < n_pairs ; ++i ) { pairs[i].correlation=0; pairs[i].sum_of_diffs=0; pairs[i].ssq_diffs=0; } } static int paired_calc (struct ccase *c) { int i; for(i=0; i < n_pairs ; ++i ) { struct variable *v0 = pairs[i].v[0]; struct variable *v1 = pairs[i].v[1]; union value *val0 = &c->data[v0->fv]; union value *val1 = &c->data[v1->fv]; pairs[i].correlation += ( val0->f - pairs[i].v[0]->p.t_t.mean ) * ( val1->f - pairs[i].v[1]->p.t_t.mean ); pairs[i].sum_of_diffs += val0->f - val1->f ; pairs[i].ssq_diffs += sqr(val0->f - val1->f); } return 0; } static void paired_postcalc (void) { int i; for(i=0; i < n_pairs ; ++i ) { const double n = pairs[i].v[0]->p.t_t.n ; pairs[i].correlation /= pairs[i].v[0]->p.t_t.std_dev * pairs[i].v[1]->p.t_t.std_dev ; pairs[i].correlation /= pairs[i].v[0]->p.t_t.n -1; pairs[i].mean_diff = pairs[i].sum_of_diffs / n ; pairs[i].std_dev_diff = sqrt ( n / (n - 1) * ( ( pairs[i].ssq_diffs / n ) - sqr(pairs[i].mean_diff ) ) ); } }