/* PSPP - a program for statistical analysis. Copyright (C) 2004, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "minmax.h" #include "xalloc.h" #include "gettext.h" #define _(msgid) gettext (msgid) #define N_(msgid) msgid /* (headers) */ #include #include #include #include /* (specification) "EXAMINE" (xmn_): *^variables=custom; +total=custom; +nototal=custom; missing=miss:pairwise/!listwise, rep:report/!noreport, incl:include/!exclude; +compare=cmp:variables/!groups; +percentiles=custom; +id=var; +plot[plt_]=stemleaf,boxplot,npplot,:spreadlevel(*d:n),histogram,all,none; +cinterval=double; +statistics[st_]=descriptives,:extreme(*d:n),all,none. */ /* (declarations) */ /* (functions) */ static struct cmd_examine cmd; static const struct variable **dependent_vars; static size_t n_dependent_vars; /* PERCENTILES */ static subc_list_double percentile_list; static enum pc_alg percentile_algorithm; struct factor_metrics { struct moments1 *moments; struct percentile **ptl; size_t n_ptiles; struct statistic *tukey_hinges; struct statistic *box_whisker; struct statistic *trimmed_mean; struct statistic *histogram; struct order_stats *np; /* Three quartiles indexing into PTL */ struct percentile **quartiles; /* A reader sorted in ASCENDING order */ struct casereader *up_reader; /* The minimum value of all the weights */ double cmin; /* Sum of all weights, including those for missing values */ double n; /* Sum of weights of non_missing values */ double n_valid; double mean; double variance; double skewness; double kurtosis; double se_mean; struct extrema *minima; struct extrema *maxima; }; struct factor_result { struct ll ll; union value value[2]; /* An array of factor metrics, one for each variable */ struct factor_metrics *metrics; }; struct xfactor { /* We need to make a list of this structure */ struct ll ll; /* The independent variable */ const struct variable const* indep_var[2]; /* A list of results for this factor */ struct ll_list result_list ; }; static void factor_destroy (struct xfactor *fctr) { struct ll *ll = ll_head (&fctr->result_list); while (ll != ll_null (&fctr->result_list)) { int v; struct factor_result *result = ll_data (ll, struct factor_result, ll); int i; for (v = 0; v < n_dependent_vars; ++v) { int i; moments1_destroy (result->metrics[v].moments); extrema_destroy (result->metrics[v].minima); extrema_destroy (result->metrics[v].maxima); statistic_destroy (result->metrics[v].trimmed_mean); statistic_destroy (result->metrics[v].tukey_hinges); statistic_destroy (result->metrics[v].box_whisker); statistic_destroy (result->metrics[v].histogram); for (i = 0 ; i < result->metrics[v].n_ptiles; ++i) statistic_destroy ((struct statistic *) result->metrics[v].ptl[i]); free (result->metrics[v].ptl); free (result->metrics[v].quartiles); casereader_destroy (result->metrics[v].up_reader); } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (fctr->indep_var[i]) value_destroy (&result->value[i], var_get_width (fctr->indep_var[i])); free (result->metrics); ll = ll_next (ll); free (result); } } static struct xfactor level0_factor; static struct ll_list factor_list; /* Parse the clause specifying the factors */ static int examine_parse_independent_vars (struct lexer *lexer, const struct dictionary *dict, struct cmd_examine *cmd); /* Output functions */ static void show_summary (const struct variable **dependent_var, int n_dep_var, const struct dictionary *dict, const struct xfactor *f); static void show_descriptives (const struct variable **dependent_var, int n_dep_var, const struct xfactor *f); static void show_percentiles (const struct variable **dependent_var, int n_dep_var, const struct xfactor *f); static void show_extremes (const struct variable **dependent_var, int n_dep_var, const struct xfactor *f); /* Per Split function */ static void run_examine (struct cmd_examine *, struct casereader *, struct dataset *); static void output_examine (const struct dictionary *dict); void factor_calc (const struct ccase *c, int case_no, double weight, bool case_missing); /* Represent a factor as a string, so it can be printed in a human readable fashion */ static void factor_to_string (const struct xfactor *fctr, const struct factor_result *result, struct string *str); /* Represent a factor as a string, so it can be printed in a human readable fashion, but sacrificing some readablility for the sake of brevity */ static void factor_to_string_concise (const struct xfactor *fctr, const struct factor_result *result, struct string *str ); /* Categories of missing values to exclude. */ static enum mv_class exclude_values; int cmd_examine (struct lexer *lexer, struct dataset *ds) { struct casegrouper *grouper; struct casereader *group; bool ok; subc_list_double_create (&percentile_list); percentile_algorithm = PC_HAVERAGE; ll_init (&factor_list); if ( !parse_examine (lexer, ds, &cmd, NULL) ) { subc_list_double_destroy (&percentile_list); return CMD_FAILURE; } /* If /MISSING=INCLUDE is set, then user missing values are ignored */ exclude_values = cmd.incl == XMN_INCLUDE ? MV_SYSTEM : MV_ANY; if ( cmd.st_n == SYSMIS ) cmd.st_n = 5; if ( ! cmd.sbc_cinterval) cmd.n_cinterval[0] = 95.0; /* If descriptives have been requested, make sure the quartiles are calculated */ if ( cmd.a_statistics[XMN_ST_DESCRIPTIVES] ) { subc_list_double_push (&percentile_list, 25); subc_list_double_push (&percentile_list, 50); subc_list_double_push (&percentile_list, 75); } grouper = casegrouper_create_splits (proc_open (ds), dataset_dict (ds)); while (casegrouper_get_next_group (grouper, &group)) { struct casereader *reader = casereader_create_arithmetic_sequence (group, 1, 1); run_examine (&cmd, reader, ds); } ok = casegrouper_destroy (grouper); ok = proc_commit (ds) && ok; if ( dependent_vars ) free (dependent_vars); subc_list_double_destroy (&percentile_list); return ok ? CMD_SUCCESS : CMD_CASCADING_FAILURE; }; static void show_npplot (const struct variable **dependent_var, int n_dep_var, const struct xfactor *fctr) { int v; for (v = 0; v < n_dep_var; ++v) { struct ll *ll; for (ll = ll_head (&fctr->result_list); ll != ll_null (&fctr->result_list); ll = ll_next (ll)) { struct string label; const struct factor_result *result = ll_data (ll, struct factor_result, ll); struct chart *npp, *dnpp; struct casereader *reader; struct np *np; ds_init_empty (&label); ds_put_format (&label, "%s ", var_get_name (dependent_var[v])); factor_to_string (fctr, result, &label); np = (struct np *) result->metrics[v].np; reader = casewriter_make_reader (np->writer); npp = np_plot_create (np, reader, ds_cstr (&label)); dnpp = dnp_plot_create (np, reader, ds_cstr (&label)); ds_destroy (&label); if (npp == NULL || dnpp == NULL) { msg (MW, _("Not creating NP plot because data set is empty.")); chart_unref (npp); chart_unref (dnpp); } else { chart_submit (npp); chart_submit (dnpp); } statistic_destroy (&np->parent.parent); } } } static void show_histogram (const struct variable **dependent_var, int n_dep_var, const struct xfactor *fctr) { int v; for (v = 0; v < n_dep_var; ++v) { struct ll *ll; for (ll = ll_head (&fctr->result_list); ll != ll_null (&fctr->result_list); ll = ll_next (ll)) { struct string str; const struct factor_result *result = ll_data (ll, struct factor_result, ll); struct histogram *histogram; double mean, var, n; histogram = (struct histogram *) result->metrics[v].histogram; if (histogram == NULL) { /* Probably all values are SYSMIS. */ continue; } ds_init_empty (&str); ds_put_format (&str, "%s ", var_get_name (dependent_var[v])); factor_to_string (fctr, result, &str); moments1_calculate ((struct moments1 *) result->metrics[v].moments, &n, &mean, &var, NULL, NULL); chart_submit (histogram_chart_create (histogram, ds_cstr (&str), n, mean, sqrt (var), false)); ds_destroy (&str); } } } static void show_boxplot_groups (const struct variable **dependent_var, int n_dep_var, const struct xfactor *fctr) { int v; for (v = 0; v < n_dep_var; ++v) { const struct factor_result *result; struct boxplot *boxplot; double y_min = DBL_MAX; double y_max = -DBL_MAX; char *title; ll_for_each (result, struct factor_result, ll, &fctr->result_list) { struct factor_metrics *metrics = &result->metrics[v]; const struct ll_list *max_list = extrema_list (metrics->maxima); const struct ll_list *min_list = extrema_list (metrics->minima); const struct extremum *max, *min; if ( ll_is_empty (max_list)) { msg (MW, _("Not creating plot because data set is empty.")); continue; } max = ll_data (ll_head(max_list), struct extremum, ll); min = ll_data (ll_head (min_list), struct extremum, ll); y_max = MAX (y_max, max->value); y_min = MIN (y_min, min->value); } if (fctr->indep_var[0]) title = xasprintf (_("Boxplot of %s vs. %s"), var_to_string (dependent_var[v]), var_to_string (fctr->indep_var[0])); else title = xasprintf (_("Boxplot of %s"), var_to_string (dependent_var[v])); boxplot = boxplot_create (y_min, y_max, title); free (title); ll_for_each (result, struct factor_result, ll, &fctr->result_list) { struct factor_metrics *metrics = &result->metrics[v]; struct string str = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER; factor_to_string_concise (fctr, result, &str); boxplot_add_box (boxplot, (struct box_whisker *) metrics->box_whisker, ds_cstr (&str)); metrics->box_whisker = NULL; ds_destroy (&str); } chart_submit (boxplot_get_chart (boxplot)); } } static void show_boxplot_variables (const struct variable **dependent_var, int n_dep_var, const struct xfactor *fctr ) { const struct factor_result *result; int v; ll_for_each (result, struct factor_result, ll, &fctr->result_list) { struct string title; double y_min = DBL_MAX; double y_max = -DBL_MAX; struct boxplot *boxplot; for (v = 0; v < n_dep_var; ++v) { const struct factor_metrics *metrics = &result->metrics[v]; const struct ll *max_ll = ll_head (extrema_list (metrics->maxima)); const struct ll *min_ll = ll_head (extrema_list (metrics->minima)); const struct extremum *max = ll_data (max_ll, struct extremum, ll); const struct extremum *min = ll_data (min_ll, struct extremum, ll); y_max = MAX (y_max, max->value); y_min = MIN (y_min, min->value); } ds_init_empty (&title); factor_to_string (fctr, result, &title); boxplot = boxplot_create (y_min, y_max, ds_cstr (&title)); ds_destroy (&title); for (v = 0; v < n_dep_var; ++v) { struct factor_metrics *metrics = &result->metrics[v]; boxplot_add_box (boxplot, (struct box_whisker *) metrics->box_whisker, var_get_name (dependent_var[v])); metrics->box_whisker = NULL; } chart_submit (boxplot_get_chart (boxplot)); } } /* Show all the appropriate tables */ static void output_examine (const struct dictionary *dict) { struct ll *ll; show_summary (dependent_vars, n_dependent_vars, dict, &level0_factor); if ( cmd.a_statistics[XMN_ST_EXTREME] ) show_extremes (dependent_vars, n_dependent_vars, &level0_factor); if ( cmd.a_statistics[XMN_ST_DESCRIPTIVES] ) show_descriptives (dependent_vars, n_dependent_vars, &level0_factor); if ( cmd.sbc_percentiles) show_percentiles (dependent_vars, n_dependent_vars, &level0_factor); if ( cmd.sbc_plot) { if (cmd.a_plot[XMN_PLT_BOXPLOT]) show_boxplot_groups (dependent_vars, n_dependent_vars, &level0_factor); if (cmd.a_plot[XMN_PLT_HISTOGRAM]) show_histogram (dependent_vars, n_dependent_vars, &level0_factor); if (cmd.a_plot[XMN_PLT_NPPLOT]) show_npplot (dependent_vars, n_dependent_vars, &level0_factor); } for (ll = ll_head (&factor_list); ll != ll_null (&factor_list); ll = ll_next (ll)) { struct xfactor *factor = ll_data (ll, struct xfactor, ll); show_summary (dependent_vars, n_dependent_vars, dict, factor); if ( cmd.a_statistics[XMN_ST_EXTREME] ) show_extremes (dependent_vars, n_dependent_vars, factor); if ( cmd.a_statistics[XMN_ST_DESCRIPTIVES] ) show_descriptives (dependent_vars, n_dependent_vars, factor); if ( cmd.sbc_percentiles) show_percentiles (dependent_vars, n_dependent_vars, factor); if (cmd.a_plot[XMN_PLT_BOXPLOT]) { if (cmd.cmp == XMN_GROUPS) show_boxplot_groups (dependent_vars, n_dependent_vars, factor); else if (cmd.cmp == XMN_VARIABLES) show_boxplot_variables (dependent_vars, n_dependent_vars, factor); } if (cmd.a_plot[XMN_PLT_HISTOGRAM]) show_histogram (dependent_vars, n_dependent_vars, factor); if (cmd.a_plot[XMN_PLT_NPPLOT]) show_npplot (dependent_vars, n_dependent_vars, factor); } } /* Parse the PERCENTILES subcommand */ static int xmn_custom_percentiles (struct lexer *lexer, struct dataset *ds UNUSED, struct cmd_examine *p UNUSED, void *aux UNUSED) { lex_match (lexer, '='); lex_match (lexer, '('); while ( lex_is_number (lexer) ) { subc_list_double_push (&percentile_list, lex_number (lexer)); lex_get (lexer); lex_match (lexer, ',') ; } lex_match (lexer, ')'); lex_match (lexer, '='); if ( lex_match_id (lexer, "HAVERAGE")) percentile_algorithm = PC_HAVERAGE; else if ( lex_match_id (lexer, "WAVERAGE")) percentile_algorithm = PC_WAVERAGE; else if ( lex_match_id (lexer, "ROUND")) percentile_algorithm = PC_ROUND; else if ( lex_match_id (lexer, "EMPIRICAL")) percentile_algorithm = PC_EMPIRICAL; else if ( lex_match_id (lexer, "AEMPIRICAL")) percentile_algorithm = PC_AEMPIRICAL; else if ( lex_match_id (lexer, "NONE")) percentile_algorithm = PC_NONE; if ( 0 == subc_list_double_count (&percentile_list)) { subc_list_double_push (&percentile_list, 5); subc_list_double_push (&percentile_list, 10); subc_list_double_push (&percentile_list, 25); subc_list_double_push (&percentile_list, 50); subc_list_double_push (&percentile_list, 75); subc_list_double_push (&percentile_list, 90); subc_list_double_push (&percentile_list, 95); } return 1; } /* TOTAL and NOTOTAL are simple, mutually exclusive flags */ static int xmn_custom_total (struct lexer *lexer UNUSED, struct dataset *ds UNUSED, struct cmd_examine *p, void *aux UNUSED) { if ( p->sbc_nototal ) { msg (SE, _("%s and %s are mutually exclusive"),"TOTAL","NOTOTAL"); return 0; } return 1; } static int xmn_custom_nototal (struct lexer *lexer UNUSED, struct dataset *ds UNUSED, struct cmd_examine *p, void *aux UNUSED) { if ( p->sbc_total ) { msg (SE, _("%s and %s are mutually exclusive"), "TOTAL", "NOTOTAL"); return 0; } return 1; } /* Parser for the variables sub command Returns 1 on success */ static int xmn_custom_variables (struct lexer *lexer, struct dataset *ds, struct cmd_examine *cmd, void *aux UNUSED) { const struct dictionary *dict = dataset_dict (ds); lex_match (lexer, '='); if ( (lex_token (lexer) != T_ID || dict_lookup_var (dict, lex_tokid (lexer)) == NULL) && lex_token (lexer) != T_ALL) { return 2; } if (!parse_variables_const (lexer, dict, &dependent_vars, &n_dependent_vars, PV_NO_DUPLICATE | PV_NUMERIC | PV_NO_SCRATCH) ) { free (dependent_vars); return 0; } assert (n_dependent_vars); if ( lex_match (lexer, T_BY)) { int success ; success = examine_parse_independent_vars (lexer, dict, cmd); if ( success != 1 ) { free (dependent_vars); } return success; } return 1; } /* Parse the clause specifying the factors */ static int examine_parse_independent_vars (struct lexer *lexer, const struct dictionary *dict, struct cmd_examine *cmd) { int success; struct xfactor *sf = xmalloc (sizeof *sf); ll_init (&sf->result_list); if ( (lex_token (lexer) != T_ID || dict_lookup_var (dict, lex_tokid (lexer)) == NULL) && lex_token (lexer) != T_ALL) { free ( sf ) ; return 2; } sf->indep_var[0] = parse_variable (lexer, dict); sf->indep_var[1] = NULL; if ( lex_token (lexer) == T_BY ) { lex_match (lexer, T_BY); if ( (lex_token (lexer) != T_ID || dict_lookup_var (dict, lex_tokid (lexer)) == NULL) && lex_token (lexer) != T_ALL) { free (sf); return 2; } sf->indep_var[1] = parse_variable (lexer, dict); ll_push_tail (&factor_list, &sf->ll); } else ll_push_tail (&factor_list, &sf->ll); lex_match (lexer, ','); if ( lex_token (lexer) == '.' || lex_token (lexer) == '/' ) return 1; success = examine_parse_independent_vars (lexer, dict, cmd); if ( success != 1 ) free ( sf ) ; return success; } static void examine_group (struct cmd_examine *cmd, struct casereader *reader, int level, const struct dictionary *dict, struct xfactor *factor) { struct ccase *c; const struct variable *wv = dict_get_weight (dict); int v; int n_extrema = 1; struct factor_result *result = xzalloc (sizeof (*result)); int i; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (factor->indep_var[i]) value_init (&result->value[i], var_get_width (factor->indep_var[i])); result->metrics = xcalloc (n_dependent_vars, sizeof (*result->metrics)); if ( cmd->a_statistics[XMN_ST_EXTREME] ) n_extrema = cmd->st_n; c = casereader_peek (reader, 0); if (c != NULL) { if ( level > 0) for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (factor->indep_var[i]) value_copy (&result->value[i], case_data (c, factor->indep_var[i]), var_get_width (factor->indep_var[i])); case_unref (c); } for (v = 0; v < n_dependent_vars; ++v) { struct casewriter *writer; struct casereader *input = casereader_clone (reader); result->metrics[v].moments = moments1_create (MOMENT_KURTOSIS); result->metrics[v].minima = extrema_create (n_extrema, EXTREME_MINIMA); result->metrics[v].maxima = extrema_create (n_extrema, EXTREME_MAXIMA); result->metrics[v].cmin = DBL_MAX; if (cmd->a_statistics[XMN_ST_DESCRIPTIVES] || cmd->a_plot[XMN_PLT_BOXPLOT] || cmd->a_plot[XMN_PLT_NPPLOT] || cmd->sbc_percentiles) { /* In this case, we need to sort the data, so we create a sorting casewriter */ struct subcase up_ordering; subcase_init_var (&up_ordering, dependent_vars[v], SC_ASCEND); writer = sort_create_writer (&up_ordering, casereader_get_proto (reader)); subcase_destroy (&up_ordering); } else { /* but in this case, sorting is unnecessary, so an ordinary casewriter is sufficient */ writer = autopaging_writer_create (casereader_get_proto (reader)); } /* Sort or just iterate, whilst calculating moments etc */ while ((c = casereader_read (input)) != NULL) { int n_vals = caseproto_get_n_widths (casereader_get_proto (reader)); const casenumber loc = case_data_idx (c, n_vals - 1)->f; const double weight = wv ? case_data (c, wv)->f : 1.0; const union value *value = case_data (c, dependent_vars[v]); if (weight != SYSMIS) minimize (&result->metrics[v].cmin, weight); moments1_add (result->metrics[v].moments, value->f, weight); result->metrics[v].n += weight; if ( ! var_is_value_missing (dependent_vars[v], value, MV_ANY) ) result->metrics[v].n_valid += weight; extrema_add (result->metrics[v].maxima, value->f, weight, loc); extrema_add (result->metrics[v].minima, value->f, weight, loc); casewriter_write (writer, c); } casereader_destroy (input); result->metrics[v].up_reader = casewriter_make_reader (writer); } /* If percentiles or descriptives have been requested, then a second pass through the data (which has now been sorted) is necessary */ if ( cmd->a_statistics[XMN_ST_DESCRIPTIVES] || cmd->a_plot[XMN_PLT_BOXPLOT] || cmd->a_plot[XMN_PLT_NPPLOT] || cmd->sbc_percentiles) { for (v = 0; v < n_dependent_vars; ++v) { int i; int n_os; struct order_stats **os ; struct factor_metrics *metric = &result->metrics[v]; metric->n_ptiles = percentile_list.n_data; metric->ptl = xcalloc (metric->n_ptiles, sizeof (struct percentile *)); metric->quartiles = xcalloc (3, sizeof (*metric->quartiles)); for (i = 0 ; i < metric->n_ptiles; ++i) { metric->ptl[i] = (struct percentile *) percentile_create (percentile_list.data[i] / 100.0, metric->n_valid); if ( percentile_list.data[i] == 25) metric->quartiles[0] = metric->ptl[i]; else if ( percentile_list.data[i] == 50) metric->quartiles[1] = metric->ptl[i]; else if ( percentile_list.data[i] == 75) metric->quartiles[2] = metric->ptl[i]; } metric->tukey_hinges = tukey_hinges_create (metric->n_valid, metric->cmin); metric->trimmed_mean = trimmed_mean_create (metric->n_valid, 0.05); n_os = metric->n_ptiles + 2; if ( cmd->a_plot[XMN_PLT_NPPLOT] ) { metric->np = np_create (metric->moments); n_os ++; } os = xcalloc (sizeof (struct order_stats *), n_os); for (i = 0 ; i < metric->n_ptiles ; ++i ) { os[i] = (struct order_stats *) metric->ptl[i]; } os[i] = (struct order_stats *) metric->tukey_hinges; os[i+1] = (struct order_stats *) metric->trimmed_mean; if (cmd->a_plot[XMN_PLT_NPPLOT]) os[i+2] = metric->np; order_stats_accumulate (os, n_os, casereader_clone (metric->up_reader), wv, dependent_vars[v], MV_ANY); free (os); } } /* FIXME: Do this in the above loop */ if ( cmd->a_plot[XMN_PLT_HISTOGRAM] ) { struct ccase *c; struct casereader *input = casereader_clone (reader); for (v = 0; v < n_dependent_vars; ++v) { const struct extremum *max, *min; struct factor_metrics *metric = &result->metrics[v]; const struct ll_list *max_list = extrema_list (result->metrics[v].maxima); const struct ll_list *min_list = extrema_list (result->metrics[v].minima); if ( ll_is_empty (max_list)) { msg (MW, _("Not creating plot because data set is empty.")); continue; } assert (! ll_is_empty (min_list)); max = (const struct extremum *) ll_data (ll_head(max_list), struct extremum, ll); min = (const struct extremum *) ll_data (ll_head (min_list), struct extremum, ll); metric->histogram = histogram_create (10, min->value, max->value); } while ((c = casereader_read (input)) != NULL) { const double weight = wv ? case_data (c, wv)->f : 1.0; for (v = 0; v < n_dependent_vars; ++v) { struct factor_metrics *metric = &result->metrics[v]; if ( metric->histogram) histogram_add ((struct histogram *) metric->histogram, case_data (c, dependent_vars[v])->f, weight); } case_unref (c); } casereader_destroy (input); } /* In this case, a third iteration is required */ if (cmd->a_plot[XMN_PLT_BOXPLOT]) { for (v = 0; v < n_dependent_vars; ++v) { struct factor_metrics *metric = &result->metrics[v]; int n_vals = caseproto_get_n_widths (casereader_get_proto ( metric->up_reader)); metric->box_whisker = box_whisker_create ((struct tukey_hinges *) metric->tukey_hinges, cmd->v_id, n_vals - 1); order_stats_accumulate ((struct order_stats **) &metric->box_whisker, 1, casereader_clone (metric->up_reader), wv, dependent_vars[v], MV_ANY); } } ll_push_tail (&factor->result_list, &result->ll); casereader_destroy (reader); } static void run_examine (struct cmd_examine *cmd, struct casereader *input, struct dataset *ds) { struct ll *ll; const struct dictionary *dict = dataset_dict (ds); struct ccase *c; struct casereader *level0 = casereader_clone (input); c = casereader_peek (input, 0); if (c == NULL) { casereader_destroy (input); return; } output_split_file_values (ds, c); case_unref (c); ll_init (&level0_factor.result_list); examine_group (cmd, level0, 0, dict, &level0_factor); for (ll = ll_head (&factor_list); ll != ll_null (&factor_list); ll = ll_next (ll)) { struct xfactor *factor = ll_data (ll, struct xfactor, ll); struct casereader *group = NULL; struct casereader *level1; struct casegrouper *grouper1 = NULL; level1 = casereader_clone (input); level1 = sort_execute_1var (level1, factor->indep_var[0]); grouper1 = casegrouper_create_vars (level1, &factor->indep_var[0], 1); while (casegrouper_get_next_group (grouper1, &group)) { struct casereader *group_copy = casereader_clone (group); if ( !factor->indep_var[1]) examine_group (cmd, group_copy, 1, dict, factor); else { int n_groups = 0; struct casereader *group2 = NULL; struct casegrouper *grouper2 = NULL; group_copy = sort_execute_1var (group_copy, factor->indep_var[1]); grouper2 = casegrouper_create_vars (group_copy, &factor->indep_var[1], 1); while (casegrouper_get_next_group (grouper2, &group2)) { examine_group (cmd, group2, 2, dict, factor); n_groups++; } casegrouper_destroy (grouper2); } casereader_destroy (group); } casegrouper_destroy (grouper1); } casereader_destroy (input); output_examine (dict); factor_destroy (&level0_factor); { struct ll *ll; for (ll = ll_head (&factor_list); ll != ll_null (&factor_list); ll = ll_next (ll)) { struct xfactor *f = ll_data (ll, struct xfactor, ll); factor_destroy (f); } } } static void show_summary (const struct variable **dependent_var, int n_dep_var, const struct dictionary *dict, const struct xfactor *fctr) { const struct variable *wv = dict_get_weight (dict); const struct fmt_spec *wfmt = wv ? var_get_print_format (wv) : & F_8_0; static const char *subtitle[]= { N_("Valid"), N_("Missing"), N_("Total") }; int v, j; int heading_columns = 1; int n_cols; const int heading_rows = 3; struct tab_table *tbl; int n_rows ; n_rows = n_dep_var; assert (fctr); if ( fctr->indep_var[0] ) { heading_columns = 2; if ( fctr->indep_var[1] ) { heading_columns = 3; } } n_rows *= ll_count (&fctr->result_list); n_rows += heading_rows; n_cols = heading_columns + 6; tbl = tab_create (n_cols, n_rows, 0); tab_headers (tbl, heading_columns, 0, heading_rows, 0); tab_dim (tbl, tab_natural_dimensions, NULL, NULL); /* Outline the box */ tab_box (tbl, TAL_2, TAL_2, -1, -1, 0, 0, n_cols - 1, n_rows - 1); /* Vertical lines for the data only */ tab_box (tbl, -1, -1, -1, TAL_1, heading_columns, 0, n_cols - 1, n_rows - 1); tab_hline (tbl, TAL_2, 0, n_cols - 1, heading_rows ); tab_hline (tbl, TAL_1, heading_columns, n_cols - 1, 1 ); tab_hline (tbl, TAL_1, heading_columns, n_cols - 1, heading_rows -1 ); tab_vline (tbl, TAL_2, heading_columns, 0, n_rows - 1); tab_title (tbl, _("Case Processing Summary")); tab_joint_text (tbl, heading_columns, 0, n_cols -1, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Cases")); /* Remove lines ... */ tab_box (tbl, -1, -1, TAL_0, TAL_0, heading_columns, 0, n_cols - 1, 0); for (j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j) { tab_text (tbl, heading_columns + j * 2 , 2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("N")); tab_text (tbl, heading_columns + j * 2 + 1, 2, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Percent")); tab_joint_text (tbl, heading_columns + j * 2 , 1, heading_columns + j * 2 + 1, 1, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, subtitle[j]); tab_box (tbl, -1, -1, TAL_0, TAL_0, heading_columns + j * 2, 1, heading_columns + j * 2 + 1, 1); } /* Titles for the independent variables */ if ( fctr->indep_var[0] ) { tab_text (tbl, 1, heading_rows - 1, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, var_to_string (fctr->indep_var[0])); if ( fctr->indep_var[1] ) { tab_text (tbl, 2, heading_rows - 1, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, var_to_string (fctr->indep_var[1])); } } for (v = 0 ; v < n_dep_var ; ++v) { int j = 0; struct ll *ll; const union value *last_value = NULL; if ( v > 0 ) tab_hline (tbl, TAL_1, 0, n_cols -1 , v * ll_count (&fctr->result_list) + heading_rows); tab_text (tbl, 0, v * ll_count (&fctr->result_list) + heading_rows, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE, var_to_string (dependent_var[v]) ); for (ll = ll_head (&fctr->result_list); ll != ll_null (&fctr->result_list); ll = ll_next (ll)) { double n; const struct factor_result *result = ll_data (ll, struct factor_result, ll); if ( fctr->indep_var[0] ) { if ( last_value == NULL || !value_equal (last_value, &result->value[0], var_get_width (fctr->indep_var[0]))) { struct string str; last_value = &result->value[0]; ds_init_empty (&str); var_append_value_name (fctr->indep_var[0], &result->value[0], &str); tab_text (tbl, 1, heading_rows + j + v * ll_count (&fctr->result_list), TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE, ds_cstr (&str)); ds_destroy (&str); if ( fctr->indep_var[1] && j > 0) tab_hline (tbl, TAL_1, 1, n_cols - 1, heading_rows + j + v * ll_count (&fctr->result_list)); } if ( fctr->indep_var[1]) { struct string str; ds_init_empty (&str); var_append_value_name (fctr->indep_var[1], &result->value[1], &str); tab_text (tbl, 2, heading_rows + j + v * ll_count (&fctr->result_list), TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE, ds_cstr (&str)); ds_destroy (&str); } } moments1_calculate (result->metrics[v].moments, &n, &result->metrics[v].mean, &result->metrics[v].variance, &result->metrics[v].skewness, &result->metrics[v].kurtosis); result->metrics[v].se_mean = sqrt (result->metrics[v].variance / n) ; /* Total Valid */ tab_double (tbl, heading_columns, heading_rows + j + v * ll_count (&fctr->result_list), TAB_LEFT, n, wfmt); tab_text (tbl, heading_columns + 1, heading_rows + j + v * ll_count (&fctr->result_list), TAB_RIGHT | TAT_PRINTF, "%g%%", n * 100.0 / result->metrics[v].n); /* Total Missing */ tab_double (tbl, heading_columns + 2, heading_rows + j + v * ll_count (&fctr->result_list), TAB_LEFT, result->metrics[v].n - n, wfmt); tab_text (tbl, heading_columns + 3, heading_rows + j + v * ll_count (&fctr->result_list), TAB_RIGHT | TAT_PRINTF, "%g%%", (result->metrics[v].n - n) * 100.0 / result->metrics[v].n ); /* Total Valid + Missing */ tab_double (tbl, heading_columns + 4, heading_rows + j + v * ll_count (&fctr->result_list), TAB_LEFT, result->metrics[v].n, wfmt); tab_text (tbl, heading_columns + 5, heading_rows + j + v * ll_count (&fctr->result_list), TAB_RIGHT | TAT_PRINTF, "%g%%", (result->metrics[v].n) * 100.0 / result->metrics[v].n ); ++j; } } tab_submit (tbl); } #define DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS 13 static void show_descriptives (const struct variable **dependent_var, int n_dep_var, const struct xfactor *fctr) { int v; int heading_columns = 3; int n_cols; const int heading_rows = 1; struct tab_table *tbl; int n_rows ; n_rows = n_dep_var; assert (fctr); if ( fctr->indep_var[0] ) { heading_columns = 4; if ( fctr->indep_var[1] ) { heading_columns = 5; } } n_rows *= ll_count (&fctr->result_list) * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS; n_rows += heading_rows; n_cols = heading_columns + 2; tbl = tab_create (n_cols, n_rows, 0); tab_headers (tbl, heading_columns, 0, heading_rows, 0); tab_dim (tbl, tab_natural_dimensions, NULL, NULL); /* Outline the box */ tab_box (tbl, TAL_2, TAL_2, -1, -1, 0, 0, n_cols - 1, n_rows - 1); tab_hline (tbl, TAL_2, 0, n_cols - 1, heading_rows ); tab_hline (tbl, TAL_2, 1, n_cols - 1, heading_rows ); tab_vline (tbl, TAL_1, n_cols - 1, 0, n_rows - 1); if ( fctr->indep_var[0]) tab_text (tbl, 1, 0, TAT_TITLE, var_to_string (fctr->indep_var[0])); if ( fctr->indep_var[1]) tab_text (tbl, 2, 0, TAT_TITLE, var_to_string (fctr->indep_var[1])); for (v = 0 ; v < n_dep_var ; ++v ) { struct ll *ll; int i = 0; const int row_var_start = v * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS * ll_count(&fctr->result_list); tab_text (tbl, 0, heading_rows + row_var_start, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE, var_to_string (dependent_var[v]) ); for (ll = ll_head (&fctr->result_list); ll != ll_null (&fctr->result_list); i++, ll = ll_next (ll)) { const struct factor_result *result = ll_data (ll, struct factor_result, ll); const double t = gsl_cdf_tdist_Qinv ((1 - cmd.n_cinterval[0] / 100.0) / 2.0, result->metrics[v].n - 1); if ( i > 0 || v > 0 ) { const int left_col = (i == 0) ? 0 : 1; tab_hline (tbl, TAL_1, left_col, n_cols - 1, heading_rows + row_var_start + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS); } if ( fctr->indep_var[0]) { struct string vstr; ds_init_empty (&vstr); var_append_value_name (fctr->indep_var[0], &result->value[0], &vstr); tab_text (tbl, 1, heading_rows + row_var_start + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT, ds_cstr (&vstr) ); ds_destroy (&vstr); } tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 4, heading_rows + row_var_start + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT, _("Mean")); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 4, heading_rows + row_var_start + 1 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT | TAT_PRINTF, _("%g%% Confidence Interval for Mean"), cmd.n_cinterval[0]); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 3, heading_rows + row_var_start + 1 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT, _("Lower Bound")); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 3, heading_rows + row_var_start + 2 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT, _("Upper Bound")); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 4, heading_rows + row_var_start + 3 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT | TAT_PRINTF, _("5%% Trimmed Mean")); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 4, heading_rows + row_var_start + 4 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT, _("Median")); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 4, heading_rows + row_var_start + 5 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT, _("Variance")); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 4, heading_rows + row_var_start + 6 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT, _("Std. Deviation")); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 4, heading_rows + row_var_start + 7 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT, _("Minimum")); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 4, heading_rows + row_var_start + 8 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT, _("Maximum")); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 4, heading_rows + row_var_start + 9 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT, _("Range")); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 4, heading_rows + row_var_start + 10 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT, _("Interquartile Range")); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 4, heading_rows + row_var_start + 11 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT, _("Skewness")); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 4, heading_rows + row_var_start + 12 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT, _("Kurtosis")); /* Now the statistics ... */ tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 2, heading_rows + row_var_start + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, result->metrics[v].mean, NULL); tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 1, heading_rows + row_var_start + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, result->metrics[v].se_mean, NULL); tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 2, heading_rows + row_var_start + 1 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, result->metrics[v].mean - t * result->metrics[v].se_mean, NULL); tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 2, heading_rows + row_var_start + 2 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, result->metrics[v].mean + t * result->metrics[v].se_mean, NULL); tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 2, heading_rows + row_var_start + 3 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, trimmed_mean_calculate ((struct trimmed_mean *) result->metrics[v].trimmed_mean), NULL); tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 2, heading_rows + row_var_start + 4 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, percentile_calculate (result->metrics[v].quartiles[1], percentile_algorithm), NULL); tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 2, heading_rows + row_var_start + 5 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, result->metrics[v].variance, NULL); tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 2, heading_rows + row_var_start + 6 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, sqrt (result->metrics[v].variance), NULL); tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 2, heading_rows + row_var_start + 10 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, percentile_calculate (result->metrics[v].quartiles[2], percentile_algorithm) - percentile_calculate (result->metrics[v].quartiles[0], percentile_algorithm), NULL); tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 2, heading_rows + row_var_start + 11 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, result->metrics[v].skewness, NULL); tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 2, heading_rows + row_var_start + 12 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, result->metrics[v].kurtosis, NULL); tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 1, heading_rows + row_var_start + 11 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, calc_seskew (result->metrics[v].n), NULL); tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 1, heading_rows + row_var_start + 12 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, calc_sekurt (result->metrics[v].n), NULL); { struct extremum *minimum, *maximum ; struct ll *max_ll = ll_head (extrema_list (result->metrics[v].maxima)); struct ll *min_ll = ll_head (extrema_list (result->metrics[v].minima)); maximum = ll_data (max_ll, struct extremum, ll); minimum = ll_data (min_ll, struct extremum, ll); tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 2, heading_rows + row_var_start + 7 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, minimum->value, NULL); tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 2, heading_rows + row_var_start + 8 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, maximum->value, NULL); tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 2, heading_rows + row_var_start + 9 + i * DESCRIPTIVE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, maximum->value - minimum->value, NULL); } } } tab_vline (tbl, TAL_2, heading_columns, 0, n_rows - 1); tab_title (tbl, _("Descriptives")); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 2, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Statistic")); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 1, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Std. Error")); tab_submit (tbl); } static void show_extremes (const struct variable **dependent_var, int n_dep_var, const struct xfactor *fctr) { int v; int heading_columns = 3; int n_cols; const int heading_rows = 1; struct tab_table *tbl; int n_rows ; n_rows = n_dep_var; assert (fctr); if ( fctr->indep_var[0] ) { heading_columns = 4; if ( fctr->indep_var[1] ) { heading_columns = 5; } } n_rows *= ll_count (&fctr->result_list) * cmd.st_n * 2; n_rows += heading_rows; n_cols = heading_columns + 2; tbl = tab_create (n_cols, n_rows, 0); tab_headers (tbl, heading_columns, 0, heading_rows, 0); tab_dim (tbl, tab_natural_dimensions, NULL, NULL); /* Outline the box */ tab_box (tbl, TAL_2, TAL_2, -1, -1, 0, 0, n_cols - 1, n_rows - 1); tab_hline (tbl, TAL_2, 0, n_cols - 1, heading_rows ); tab_hline (tbl, TAL_2, 1, n_cols - 1, heading_rows ); tab_vline (tbl, TAL_1, n_cols - 1, 0, n_rows - 1); if ( fctr->indep_var[0]) tab_text (tbl, 1, 0, TAT_TITLE, var_to_string (fctr->indep_var[0])); if ( fctr->indep_var[1]) tab_text (tbl, 2, 0, TAT_TITLE, var_to_string (fctr->indep_var[1])); for (v = 0 ; v < n_dep_var ; ++v ) { struct ll *ll; int i = 0; const int row_var_start = v * cmd.st_n * 2 * ll_count(&fctr->result_list); tab_text (tbl, 0, heading_rows + row_var_start, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE, var_to_string (dependent_var[v]) ); for (ll = ll_head (&fctr->result_list); ll != ll_null (&fctr->result_list); i++, ll = ll_next (ll)) { int e ; struct ll *min_ll; struct ll *max_ll; const int row_result_start = i * cmd.st_n * 2; const struct factor_result *result = ll_data (ll, struct factor_result, ll); if (i > 0 || v > 0) tab_hline (tbl, TAL_1, 1, n_cols - 1, heading_rows + row_var_start + row_result_start); tab_hline (tbl, TAL_1, heading_columns - 2, n_cols - 1, heading_rows + row_var_start + row_result_start + cmd.st_n); for ( e = 1; e <= cmd.st_n; ++e ) { tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 3, heading_rows + row_var_start + row_result_start + e - 1, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_PRINTF, _("%d"), e); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 3, heading_rows + row_var_start + row_result_start + cmd.st_n + e - 1, TAB_RIGHT | TAT_PRINTF, _("%d"), e); } min_ll = ll_head (extrema_list (result->metrics[v].minima)); for (e = 0; e < cmd.st_n;) { struct extremum *minimum = ll_data (min_ll, struct extremum, ll); double weight = minimum->weight; while (weight-- > 0 && e < cmd.st_n) { tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 1, heading_rows + row_var_start + row_result_start + cmd.st_n + e, TAB_RIGHT, minimum->value, NULL); tab_fixed (tbl, n_cols - 2, heading_rows + row_var_start + row_result_start + cmd.st_n + e, TAB_RIGHT, minimum->location, 10, 0); ++e; } min_ll = ll_next (min_ll); } max_ll = ll_head (extrema_list (result->metrics[v].maxima)); for (e = 0; e < cmd.st_n;) { struct extremum *maximum = ll_data (max_ll, struct extremum, ll); double weight = maximum->weight; while (weight-- > 0 && e < cmd.st_n) { tab_double (tbl, n_cols - 1, heading_rows + row_var_start + row_result_start + e, TAB_RIGHT, maximum->value, NULL); tab_fixed (tbl, n_cols - 2, heading_rows + row_var_start + row_result_start + e, TAB_RIGHT, maximum->location, 10, 0); ++e; } max_ll = ll_next (max_ll); } if ( fctr->indep_var[0]) { struct string vstr; ds_init_empty (&vstr); var_append_value_name (fctr->indep_var[0], &result->value[0], &vstr); tab_text (tbl, 1, heading_rows + row_var_start + row_result_start, TAB_LEFT, ds_cstr (&vstr) ); ds_destroy (&vstr); } tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 4, heading_rows + row_var_start + row_result_start, TAB_RIGHT, _("Highest")); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 4, heading_rows + row_var_start + row_result_start + cmd.st_n, TAB_RIGHT, _("Lowest")); } } tab_vline (tbl, TAL_2, heading_columns, 0, n_rows - 1); tab_title (tbl, _("Extreme Values")); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 2, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Case Number")); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - 1, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Value")); tab_submit (tbl); } #define PERCENTILE_ROWS 2 static void show_percentiles (const struct variable **dependent_var, int n_dep_var, const struct xfactor *fctr) { int i; int v; int heading_columns = 2; int n_cols; const int n_percentiles = subc_list_double_count (&percentile_list); const int heading_rows = 2; struct tab_table *tbl; int n_rows ; n_rows = n_dep_var; assert (fctr); if ( fctr->indep_var[0] ) { heading_columns = 3; if ( fctr->indep_var[1] ) { heading_columns = 4; } } n_rows *= ll_count (&fctr->result_list) * PERCENTILE_ROWS; n_rows += heading_rows; n_cols = heading_columns + n_percentiles; tbl = tab_create (n_cols, n_rows, 0); tab_headers (tbl, heading_columns, 0, heading_rows, 0); tab_dim (tbl, tab_natural_dimensions, NULL, NULL); /* Outline the box */ tab_box (tbl, TAL_2, TAL_2, -1, -1, 0, 0, n_cols - 1, n_rows - 1); tab_hline (tbl, TAL_2, 0, n_cols - 1, heading_rows ); tab_hline (tbl, TAL_2, 1, n_cols - 1, heading_rows ); if ( fctr->indep_var[0]) tab_text (tbl, 1, 1, TAT_TITLE, var_to_string (fctr->indep_var[0])); if ( fctr->indep_var[1]) tab_text (tbl, 2, 1, TAT_TITLE, var_to_string (fctr->indep_var[1])); for (v = 0 ; v < n_dep_var ; ++v ) { double hinges[3]; struct ll *ll; int i = 0; const int row_var_start = v * PERCENTILE_ROWS * ll_count(&fctr->result_list); tab_text (tbl, 0, heading_rows + row_var_start, TAB_LEFT | TAT_TITLE, var_to_string (dependent_var[v]) ); for (ll = ll_head (&fctr->result_list); ll != ll_null (&fctr->result_list); i++, ll = ll_next (ll)) { int j; const struct factor_result *result = ll_data (ll, struct factor_result, ll); if ( i > 0 || v > 0 ) { const int left_col = (i == 0) ? 0 : 1; tab_hline (tbl, TAL_1, left_col, n_cols - 1, heading_rows + row_var_start + i * PERCENTILE_ROWS); } if ( fctr->indep_var[0]) { struct string vstr; ds_init_empty (&vstr); var_append_value_name (fctr->indep_var[0], &result->value[0], &vstr); tab_text (tbl, 1, heading_rows + row_var_start + i * PERCENTILE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT, ds_cstr (&vstr) ); ds_destroy (&vstr); } tab_text (tbl, n_cols - n_percentiles - 1, heading_rows + row_var_start + i * PERCENTILE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT, ptile_alg_desc [percentile_algorithm]); tab_text (tbl, n_cols - n_percentiles - 1, heading_rows + row_var_start + 1 + i * PERCENTILE_ROWS, TAB_LEFT, _("Tukey's Hinges")); tab_vline (tbl, TAL_1, n_cols - n_percentiles -1, heading_rows, n_rows - 1); tukey_hinges_calculate ((struct tukey_hinges *) result->metrics[v].tukey_hinges, hinges); for (j = 0; j < n_percentiles; ++j) { double hinge = SYSMIS; tab_double (tbl, n_cols - n_percentiles + j, heading_rows + row_var_start + i * PERCENTILE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, percentile_calculate (result->metrics[v].ptl[j], percentile_algorithm), NULL ); if ( result->metrics[v].ptl[j]->ptile == 0.5) hinge = hinges[1]; else if ( result->metrics[v].ptl[j]->ptile == 0.25) hinge = hinges[0]; else if ( result->metrics[v].ptl[j]->ptile == 0.75) hinge = hinges[2]; if ( hinge != SYSMIS) tab_double (tbl, n_cols - n_percentiles + j, heading_rows + row_var_start + 1 + i * PERCENTILE_ROWS, TAB_CENTER, hinge, NULL ); } } } tab_vline (tbl, TAL_2, heading_columns, 0, n_rows - 1); tab_title (tbl, _("Percentiles")); for (i = 0 ; i < n_percentiles; ++i ) { tab_text (tbl, n_cols - n_percentiles + i, 1, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE | TAT_PRINTF, _("%g"), subc_list_double_at (&percentile_list, i) ); } tab_joint_text (tbl, n_cols - n_percentiles, 0, n_cols - 1, 0, TAB_CENTER | TAT_TITLE, _("Percentiles")); /* Vertical lines for the data only */ tab_box (tbl, -1, -1, -1, TAL_1, n_cols - n_percentiles, 1, n_cols - 1, n_rows - 1); tab_hline (tbl, TAL_1, n_cols - n_percentiles, n_cols - 1, 1); tab_submit (tbl); } static void factor_to_string_concise (const struct xfactor *fctr, const struct factor_result *result, struct string *str ) { if (fctr->indep_var[0]) { var_append_value_name (fctr->indep_var[0], &result->value[0], str); if ( fctr->indep_var[1] ) { ds_put_cstr (str, ","); var_append_value_name (fctr->indep_var[1], &result->value[1], str); ds_put_cstr (str, ")"); } } } static void factor_to_string (const struct xfactor *fctr, const struct factor_result *result, struct string *str ) { if (fctr->indep_var[0]) { ds_put_format (str, "(%s = ", var_get_name (fctr->indep_var[0])); var_append_value_name (fctr->indep_var[0], &result->value[0], str); if ( fctr->indep_var[1] ) { ds_put_cstr (str, ","); ds_put_format (str, "%s = ", var_get_name (fctr->indep_var[1])); var_append_value_name (fctr->indep_var[1], &result->value[1], str); } ds_put_cstr (str, ")"); } } /* Local Variables: mode: c End: */