3 # This program tests that the T-TEST /GROUPS command works
5 TEMPDIR=/tmp/pspp-tst-$$
6 TESTFILE=$TEMPDIR/`basename $0`.sps
10 # ensure that top_srcdir is absolute
11 cd $top_srcdir; top_srcdir=`pwd`
13 export STAT_CONFIG_PATH=$top_srcdir/config
49 activity="create program"
51 data list list /ID * INDEP * DEP1 * DEP2 *.
66 * Note that this last case should be IGNORED since it doesn't have a dependent variable of either 1 or 2
68 t-test /GROUPS=indep(1.1,2.1) /var=dep1 dep2.
70 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
73 activity="run program"
74 $SUPERVISOR $here/../src/pspp -o raw-ascii $TESTFILE
75 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then no_result ; fi
77 activity="compare output"
78 diff -B -b $TEMPDIR/pspp.list - <<EOF
79 1.1 DATA LIST. Reading free-form data from the command file.
89 2.1 T-TEST. Group Statistics
90 #==========#=#====#==============#========#
91 # INDEP|N|Mean|Std. Deviation|SE. Mean#
92 #==========#=#====#==============#========#
93 #DEP1 1.1 |5|2.00| .707| .316#
94 # 2.1 |5|4.00| .707| .316#
95 #DEP2 1.1 |5|4.00| .707| .316#
96 # 2.1 |5|2.00| .707| .316#
97 #==========#=#====#==============#========#
99 2.2 T-TEST. Independent Samples Test
100 #===============================#==========#===============================================================================#
101 # # Levene's | t-test for Equality of Means #
102 # #----+-----+------+-----+---------------+---------------+---------------------+------------#
103 # # | | | | | | | 95% #
104 # # | | | | | | +------+-----#
105 # # F | Sig.| t | df |Sig. (2-tailed)|Mean Difference|Std. Error Difference| Lower|Upper#
106 #===============================#====#=====#======#=====#===============#===============#=====================#======#=====#
107 #DEP1Equal variances assumed #.000|1.000|-4.472| 8| .002| -2.000| .447|-3.031|-.969#
108 # Equal variances not assumed# | |-4.472|8.000| .002| -2.000| .447|-3.031|-.969#
109 #DEP2Equal variances assumed #.000|1.000| 4.472| 8| .002| 2.000| .447| .969|3.031#
110 # Equal variances not assumed# | | 4.472|8.000| .002| 2.000| .447| .969|3.031#
111 #===============================#====#=====#======#=====#===============#===============#=====================#======#=====#
113 if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then fail ; fi